Introduction to the origin of the tea tree –

茶树的起源介绍tcu tea net

China is the first country to discover and utilize the tea tree, known as the motherland of tea, written records show that our ancestors have begun to cultivate and utilize the tea tree more than 3,000 years ago. tcu tea net

However, with the origin of any species, the origin and existence of tea, must be in the human discovery of the tea tree and the use of tea before, until a long, long time later, for people to discover and utilize. Human experience with tea, is also passed from generation to generation, from the local area slowly expanding, and a long, long time, only gradually into the written record. tcu tea net

The origin of the tea tree, traditionally more controversial, with the development of technology and new discoveries, only gradually reached a consensus that China is the origin of the tea tree, and confirmed that Southwest China, including Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan is the center of the origin of the tea tree. tcu tea net

Due to geological changes and man-made cultivation, the tea plant began to popularize the country, and gradually spread to the world. tcu tea net

Origin and place of origin

When did the tea plant originate? It must be much earlier than 3000 years ago when it was recorded in writing. Historians have no way to prove the problem, and finally solved by botanists. tcu tea net

They are in accordance with plant taxonomy to trace the roots, after a series of analysis and research, that the origin of the tea tree so far has been 60 million years to 70 million years of history. tcu tea net

Tea tree originated in China, since ancient times, has always been recognized by the world. Just after 1824, India found wild tea tree, foreign scholars in China is the origin of the tea tree objection, in the international academic community triggered a controversy. These dissenters, are based on the Indian wild tea tree, at the same time that China has no wild tea tree. tcu tea net

In fact, China in about 200 AD, “Er Ya” mentioned that there is a wild tea tree, and today’s information shows that the country has 10 provinces and 198 found in the wild tea tree, of which a plant in Yunnan, the age of the tree has reached 1700 years or so, only in Yunnan Province, the diameter of the trunk in more than one meter there are more than 10 plants. tcu tea net

In some areas, even wild tea tree communities as large as thousands of acres. So since ancient times, our country has been found in the wild tea tree, the time of the early, the tree of the large, the number of the number of the distribution of the wide, the traits of the different, can be called the world’s largest. In addition, and by the test, India found wild tea tree and tea tree introduced from China to India is a variant of the Chinese tea tree. tcu tea net

Thus, China is the origin of the tea tree is finalized. In recent decades, the combination of tea and botany research, from the species and geological changes in climate change and other different perspectives, the origin of the tea tree for a more detailed and in-depth analysis and argumentation, and further prove that China’s southwest is the origin of the tea tree. tcu tea net

The main arguments, simply put, there are three aspects: tcu tea net

1.From the natural distribution of tea tree

Currently found Camellia sinensis plants totaling 23 genera, more than 380 species, and China has 15 genera, more than 260 species, and most of them are distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan area. More than 100 species of Camellia sinensis have been discovered, and there are more than 60 species on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, of which the tea species occupies the most important position. tcu tea net

From a botanical point of view, the origin of many genera centers in a certain region, that is, indicating that the region is the origin of the flora of the center. tcu tea net

Camelliaceae, Camellia sinensis in the southwest of China’s high concentration of plants, indicating that the southwest of China is the origin center of Camellia sinensis, when the origin of tea. tcu tea net

2.From the point of view of geological changes

Southwest rolling hills, river valleys crisscrossed, topographic changes, so that the formation of many small geomorphological zones and microclimate zones, in the case of low latitude and altitude differences, resulting in large climatic differences, so that the original growth of tea trees here, slowly subdivided in the tropics, subtropics and temperate zones of the different climates, resulting in the tea tree species within the variation, the development of the tropics and subtropical type of large and medium-leaved species of tea trees, as well as temperate zones, the tea tree is the center of origin. Middle-leaf species of tea tree, as well as temperate middle-leaf species and small-leaf species of tea tree. tcu tea net

Botanists believe that the place where a species has the most variations is the center of the origin of the species. China’s three southwestern provinces, is China’s most varied tea tree, the richest resources, when the center of the origin of the tea tree. tcu tea net

3.From the evolutionary type of tea tree

Tea tree in its phylogenetic history, always tend to evolve. tcu tea net

Therefore, where the original type of tea tree is more concentrated areas, when the origin of the tea tree. China’s southwestern provinces and adjacent areas of the wild tea tree, with primitive tea tree morphology and biochemical characteristics, but also proved that China’s southwest is the center of the origin of the tea tree. tcu tea net

What is the tea culture of Tieguanyin?

铁观音的茶文化有有哪些?BDh tea net

What is the tea culture of Tieguanyin BDh tea net

Chinese tea culture has a long history and a long history, Iron Goddess of Mercy as a tea boutique, but also has a rich culture. So what is the tea culture of Tieguanyin? Tieguanyin is the most famous is produced in Anxi Tieguanyin, tea color golden, mellow flavor, is the boutique of tea. Tieguanyin is generally born in the mountains above 600 meters, the tea plant is generally two or three years for the best. Anxi Tieguanyin has a unique character, with a natural fragrance, mellow and sweet taste, spiral curls and tight knots, dark brown color, oily, clear and bright tea broth, and a sweet aftertaste. After many times of brewing, unfolding the tea leaves can be seen in the green leaves and red edges, tea stems bright green, the aftertaste is still good, so there is a “green leaves and red edges, seven bubbles have the aftertaste” of the beauty of the name. bdh tea network

The beauty of Tieguanyin, the beauty of creating a harmonious and happy life atmosphere: tea calmly, the process is coherent, showing an elegant melodic beauty. Tieguanyin’s clean, clean in taste: if the tea utensils are not the right way, naturally affecting the quality of tea; if the bubble with the water is not pure, is bound to damage the taste; if the bubble drinking space is not good, will certainly reduce the flavor. Tieguanyin’s wonderful, wonderful enough to nourish the sex: when we taste tea, both cultivate the interest, but also cultivate the inspiration, no loss of cultivation of the best products. Tieguanyin’s love, love in the promotion of interpersonal harmony: drinkers wild and unrestrained, tea drinkers courteous; tea can make friends talk more deeply, so that loved ones with each other emotionally stronger exchanges. bdh tea net

What is the tea culture of Tieguanyin? In addition, Anxi has been successfully declared the hometown of Chinese tea culture and art, Anxi Tieguanyin traditional production techniques have been listed as a national intangible cultural heritage. BDh Tea Net

Bai Juyi “camp leisure” tea poem wonderful lines beautiful article –

白居易《营闲事》茶诗妙句美文5Jx Tea

Idle Matters


I have laughed at the idle work I do, from the morning to the sunset.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to do this, but I’m going to be able to do it, and I ‘m going to be able to do it, and I’m going to do it.

The warmth changes the color of the clothes on the wall, and the sunny weather urges the wooden brush to flower.

The peach root knows the thirst of wine, and sends a ou tea in the evening.

The most important thing to remember is that it’s not just about the way you look at it, it’s also about the way you look at it.

Bai Juyi also has “not out” a poem: “the eaves before the new leaves covered with residual flowers, the seat of the remaining cup on the morning tea. Good is the old body pin day place, who can ride a horse beside the family?” There is a poem titled “Taking Mica San in the Morning”, which reads: “Taking mica san in the morning and rinsing the wells, I feel as if I were in a haze of smoke. The medicines are sold in the daytime with three spoons of rice, and the wine is thirsty for a bowl of tea in the springtime. Every night I sit in meditation and watch the water and the moon, sometimes I get drunk and play with the wind and flowers. Pure name of the matter is difficult to understand, the body is not a monk heart.” These two poems, “the seat on the remaining cup on the morning tea”, “wine thirst spring deep a bowl of tea”, with this poem “peach root know wine thirst, evening send a ou tea”, all reflect the tea has sobering effect of removing fatigue.

The Korean-Li Dynasty Period and the Current Contemporary Period –

朝韩李朝时期和现当代时期bDS Tea

bDS Tea

? The third stage of the development of the tea ceremony on the Korean Peninsula was the period of the Lee Dynasty in Korea. Lee Dynasty in the first 15 or 16 centuries, the tea drinking style is very prevalent, by the influence of China’s Ming Dynasty, loose teapot brewing method and handful of brewing method began to popularize, and the Korean nation’s tea rituals since the beginning of the unification of the period of the Silla, by the Goryeo period flourished, to the end of this with the development of the tea ritual equipment and technology tends to be complete and fixed. bDS Tea Leaves Network

bDS Tea Network

bDS Tea Network After the middle of the Li Dynasty, due to the prevalence of alcohol, as well as the Qing invasion, tea culture declined. In the late Lee Dynasty, tea culture began to recover under the efforts of masters Ding Ruoyong, Cui Yi, Kim Jung-hee, and Master Kusakari. bDS Te a Net

? bDS Tea

? Ding Ruoyong (1762-1836), No. Chashan, a famous scholar. His book Dong Cha Ji (anonymous) was the first tea book on the Korean Peninsula. Kim Jung-hee (1786-1856), a famous scholar, left a number of tea poems, such as “stay in the grass-clothed duster” poem: “with the front of the white food Zhaozhou dishes, hand firmly flicked burning Zhihua. After drinking the tea, his ears are soft and gradual, and the spring breeze is everywhere. Zen Master Kusakari (1786-1866), the tea saint of the Korean Peninsula, authored Ode to the Eastern Tea and Biography of the God of Tea. bDS Tea Net

? bDS Tea Network

? According to the Sejongsillok (1454) and Donggukyeojisangseon (1530), the main production areas of tea were Gyeongsang-do and Jeolla-do. In the second year of King Gojong’s reign (1885), due to the second large-scale introduction of Chinese tea, tea was produced in the southern part of the Korean Peninsula. bDS Tea Net

bDS Te a

? The fourth stage of the development of the tea ceremony on the Korean Peninsula is the present contemporary period. The present contemporary period of the Korean Peninsula refers to the period since the 20th century. During this period, the Korean Peninsula was under Japanese rule, most of the country’s higher women’s schools have opened the tea ceremony class, but the development is very slow. 1945 after the restoration of the Korean Peninsula, the tea ceremony began to resume, the work on the tea continues to be published, and tea culture exchanges with China are also deepening. bDS Tea Net

Forgetting and forgetfulness are also a blessing –

Zhuangzi said, “Forgetting the foot, the fitness of the track; forgetting the waist, the fitness of the belt; knowing forgetting right and wrong, the fitness of the heart.” ehV Tea

Meaning, forget the existence of the foot, wear what kind of shoes are appropriate; forget the existence of the waist, tie what kind of belt are appropriate; forget the right and wrong of the fight, no matter what, will be in a good mood. ehV Tea Net

The sun has its ups and downs, life has its bitterness and sweetness. ehV Tea Net

The good forgetfulness, can also be a blessing. ehV Tea Net

忘记、健忘也是一种幸福louis vuitton handbags

1, forget the year ehV tea net

The person’s life, there is no best age, only the best mentality. ehV Tea Net

With the passage of years, the growth of not only wrinkles, and broad-minded. ehV Tea Net

On the way to getting old, some people live in old age, some people are old and wonderful, old and comfortable. ehV Tea Net

This is because the real elegance, is the inner ease. ehV tea net

Mr. Ji Xianlin once said, “Although I am old, internal parts are not all very sound, but I am at ease.” ehV Tea

Tao Yuanming has two lines of poetry: “Even if the waves of great changes, not happy and not afraid.” ehV Tea

This is Ji Lao’s attitude towards aging. ehV Tea Net

Kant said: “Be as happy as a youth in old age! Young people are like larks, with their morning songs; old people are like nightingales, with their nocturnes.” ehV Tea

Don’t care too much about your age in order to always keep an ageless heart. ehV

Aging is a natural law, and the youthfulness of the mind can drive the body to always maintain a healthy state. ehV

On the way to getting older, treat yourself well. ehV Tea Net

忘记、健忘也是一种幸福I’m not sure if you’re going to be able to do this, but I’m sure you’ll be able to.

2, forget the words ehV tea net

Learning to be silent is the beginning of a person’s maturity. ehV Tea Net

The more impetuous people, the more they love to show themselves through words. ehV tea net

As the saying goes: people who can talk make people laugh, people who can’t talk annoy people. ehV Tea Net

When Zeng Guofan was young, he was particularly uncritical in his speech, which offended many people. ehV Tea Net

Once, Zeng Guofan’s father’s birthday, he was drunk and forgetful, to come to celebrate the birthday of his friend Zheng Xiaoshan boast, the result is that the other side whisked away. ehV Tea Leaves Network

Afterwards, Zeng Guofan reflected deeply and set himself the goal of “Quit Talking Too Much”. ehV Tea Net

He wrote a diary to record his daily verbal faults. ehV Tea Leaf Net

Zeng Guofan believed that there are two bad habits, one is pride and the other is talkative. ehV Tea Leaf Net

He also warned his children, “Acting should not be left to the heart, speaking should not be left to the mouth.” ehV

If you haven’t experienced the suffering of others, don’t persuade them to be generous; if you don’t understand what’s going on, don’t jump to conclusions. ehV Te a Net

The words that should be said, think twice before saying; should not say words, forget and do not say. ehV tea net

As the saying goes, trouble comes out of the mouth. ehV Tea Net

Not to speak delusionally, is the root of life. ehV Tea Leaf Net

This is the “Book of Rites”: “Evil words do not come out of the mouth, wrathful words do not reflect on the body” reasoning. ehV Tea Leaf Net

忘记、健忘也是一种幸福ehV Tea

3, forget the trouble ehV tea net

The ancient saying: worry every day, do not pick up the natural nothing. ehV Tea Net

In life, most of the troubles are self-seeking. ehV Tea Net

Once upon a time there was an old lady, gave birth to two daughters. ehV Tea Net

The older daughter married the owner of the umbrella store, the younger daughter married to the laundry. ehV Tea Net

So the old lady was worried all day long about her two daughters. ehV Tea Leaf Net

On rainy days, she was worried that the laundry could not dry; on sunny days, she was afraid that the umbrellas in the umbrella store could not be sold out. ehV Tea Leaf Net

Later, a wise man enlightened her: ehV Tea Net

“Old lady, you are really lucky! On a rainy day, your eldest daughter’s house has a thriving business; on an eyewitness day, your youngest daughter’s house is full of customers. No matter what color the heavens look like, your family has good news!” ehV Tea Net

The old lady thought, really so, from then on to be happy, every day is very comfortable. ehV tea net

Sometimes, change the angle of thinking about the problem, the trouble will also be inadvertently slipped away. ehV Tea Net

There is a folkloric rumor of a “broad minded ballad”: ehV tea net

忘记、健忘也是一种幸福ehV Tea Net

The sun rises from the East China Sea and falls to the West China Mountain, worrying about one day, happy one day; ehV Tea Net

If you don’t take the bull by the horns, you’ll be comfortable, and your heart will be comfortable. ehV tea net

The monthly pension money, more also like, less also like; ehV tea net

If you have three meals a day, you’ll find that they’re sweet and coarse. ehVTea .com

New and old clothes are not selected, good also protects from cold, and lai also protects from cold; ehV Tea Leaf Net

I always chat with my friends, I talk about the past and the present; ehV tea net

The grandchildren and the grandchildren are all the same, the children are also happy, the women are also happy; ehV Tea Leaf

The whole family will be happy and encourage each other, the poor will be happy and the rich will be happy. ehV Te a

The morning dawn work hard exercise, busy also optimistic, idle also optimistic: ehV Tea Leaf Network

If you have a broad mind and a healthy body, you will be able to enjoy a good life. ehV Tea Leaves

If you can do to forget the worries, the mind is less burdened. ehV tea net

忘记、健忘也是一种幸福ehV Tea Net

The simple language hides a great wisdom that is beyond penetration. ehV tea net

To be a good forgetful person, throw away the baggage, travel light. ehV Tea Net

The Origin and Evolution of the Tea Tree –

茶树的起源与演化jVB Tea

In the plant classification system, tea tree belongs to the angiosperm phylum, dicotyledonous plants, primitive perianth subclass, Camelliaceae, Camelliaceae, Camellia sinensis. According to research, the tea tree belongs to the angiosperms originated in the early Mesozoic, dicotyledonous plants flourished in the middle of the Mesozoic, Camellia sinensis fossils appeared in the Cretaceous strata at the end of the Mesozoic. jVB Tea Net

In the Camelliaceae, Camellia sinensis is a relatively primitive species group, which originated at the end of the Mesozoic era to the early Cenozoic era, and the tea tree in the Camellia sinensis genus is a relatively primitive species. Accordingly, botanists analyze and deduce that the origin of the tea tree should have 60 million to 70 million years of history. jVB Tea Network

China is the origin of the tea tree, the center of Dian, Qian, Sichuan and other provinces and regions adjacent to the area. As a result of the geological evolution in the middle of the Tertiary period, there was an upward movement of the Himalayas and the rise of the Hengduan Mountains in the southwest. As a result of the uplift as well as the glaciation and flooding that occurred at that time, folded and fractured intermountain valleys were formed. In this way, due to the influence of vertical climate, making the original tropical within the same region, both tropical and subtropical, and temperate and frigid, so that the tea tree appeared homologous isolation separation phenomenon. jVB Tea Network

In this way, due to the differences in geographic and climatic conditions in which the tea tree is located, and after a long history of reproduction process, caused by the slow physiological changes in the tea tree itself and material metabolism of the gradual changes in the tea tree, so that the tea tree to adapt to the climate, soil, and to change the morphology of their own structure and metabolism of the type of development, the formation of the tea tree of the different ecological types. jVB Tea Network

Tea Sutra Seven Things –

Introduction to the Seven Things of the Tea Sutra

King Emperor Yan Di. Shennong. Zhou Lu Zhou Gong Dan. Yan Ying, the Prime Minister of Qi. Han Immortal Dan Qiu Zi. Huangshan Jun Sima Wen. The Garden Order of Xiangru. Yang Zhiqi Xiong. Hou Guiming of Wu. Wei Taifu Hongshi. Emperor Hui of Jin. Liu Sikong Kun. Kun’s elder brother, Yanzhou Assassin Wen. Zhang Huangmen Mengyang. Fu Shi Li Xian. Mr. Chun, the Jiang washerman. Sun Senjun Chu. Mr. Sun, Mr. Chu, Mr. Tai Chong, Mr. Zuo Ji Lu. Lu Wu Xing Na. Brother Na’s son, Huiji Neshi Chuan. Mr. Xie Anshi, the champion. Guo Hongnong Pu. Huan Yangzhou Wen. Du Shiren Yuk. Wukang Xiaoshan Temple Shi Fayao. Peiguo Xiahou Kai. Yu Hong, Yu Yao. Beidi Fu Xun. Danyang Hongjunju. An Renyu. Xuancheng Qin Jing. The first time I’ve ever seen a movie, I’ve never seen a movie before. The first time I’ve ever seen a woman in the world, I’ve seen a woman in the United States. The first time I’ve ever seen a woman in the world, I’ve seen a woman in the world. The Henei Shan Qianzhi. Wang Su, Luangya, Wei Dynasty. Prince Luan of Song Xin’an. Luan’s brother, Prince Shang of Yuzhang. Bao Zhao’s sister, Ling Hui. Bao Zhao’s sister, Ling Hui. Bakongshan Shamen, Tan Ji. Emperor Wu of Qi. Liang? Liu Tingwei. Mr. Tao Hongjing. Emperor Xu Ying Gongji.

Shennong? Food Classic”: “tea tea long service, people powerful, pleasing to the will”.

Zhou Gong “Er Ya”: “Thea sinensis, bitter tea.” Guangya” cloud: “Jingba between the picking leaves for cake, leaf old man cake into, to rice paste out of the, want to cook tea drink, first moxibustion, make red color, pounding the powder placed in a porcelain vessel, to soup pouring over the, with onions, ginger, orange, and its drink to wake up wine, people do not sleep.” Fn2 tea net

Yanzi Chunqiu: “Infant phase Qi Jinggong, food off the corn of the rice, moxibustion three go five dao Ming Lai only.”

Sima Xiangru, “Where will be the chapter”: “Wu pecked tangerine pedicel coriander, Fen Dung Bei Mu Cork Piper, Scutellaria herbaceous peony Gui funnel Lu, Gailian heron fungus Thea sinensis amazed, white convergence of Angelica dahurica iris, Manshao Guanjiao cornelian.” Fn2 Tea

Dialect: “The people of southwestern Sichuan say tea is called jia.”

Wu Zhi? Wei Yao biography “:” Sun Hao every banquet sitting, no rate to seven wins for the limit. Although not all the entrance, are poured to take all, Yao drink wine but two liters, Hao first gift is different, the Secret Tea and Thea sinensis to replace the wine.”

Jin Zhongxing Book: “Lu Na for the Wu Xing governor, when the General Xie An often want to visit the Na, the Na brother Zi Chuan blame Na, nothing to prepare, do not dare to ask, but private savings of dozens of people food. When Xie An arrived, the only thing he set up was tea and fruits. Bun then Chen feasts and treasures must have, and An went, Na cane Bun forty, Yun: ‘You can not light benefit uncle, how can I dirty my career?'”

The Book of Jin: “Huan Wen for Yangzhou pastor, thrifty, every Yan drink, only under the seven propitiatory, mixed with tea and fruit only.”

Sojourner’s Tale: “Xiahou Kai died of disease, Zongren word Gou Nu, see the ghosts and gods, see Kai to collect the horse, and sick of his wife, with a flat conical cap on a single coat into the sitting when the birth of the west wall of the big bed, on the people to look for tea to drink.”

Liu Kun “and brother Zi Nan Yanzhou assassin evolution book” cloud: “before the Anzhou dry ginger a catty, Gui a catty, Scutellaria a catty, are required also, my body in the ulcer, often admire the real tea, you can set it.” Fn2Tea

Fu Xian “Sili teach” said: “I heard that the South has a sleepy Shu crone made tea porridge for sale, for curtains thing to break their utensils. And sell cakes in the city, and prohibit tea porridge to Shu basil what!”

The Divine Anomaly: “Yuyao Yu Hong into the mountains to pick tea, met a Taoist holding three green oxen, leading Hong to the waterfall mountain said: ‘I Danqiu Zi also. I have heard that Zi is good at drinking, and I always want to see you. There is a big tea in the mountain can be given, I pray that he will have ou Îþi Yu, begging for the same legacy.’ Because of this, he set up a sacrificial offering. Afterwards, he often made his family members enter the mountain and get big tea.”

Zuo Si’s “Poem of a Jiao Daughter”: “There is a Jiao Daughter in my family, bright and quite fair. Small words for the dandy, the mouth since the clear record. There is a sister word Huifang, eyes as charming as a picture. She is a very good girl, and her eyes are as bright as a painting. She runs around the garden and picks all the fruits. In the midst of the wind and rain, she was greedy for the splendor of China, and was suddenly in a state of hundreds of suits. The Thea sinensis is the drama of the heart, bragging about the Hydra.”

Zhang Mengyang’s “Poem of Ascending Chengdu Building” said, “I want to see Changqing’s hut by asking Yang Zishe. I want to see Changqing’s hut. Cheng Zhuo has accumulated thousands of gold, and his arrogance is comparable to that of five marquis. The door has even riding guests, cui belt waist Wu hooks. The food comes in at any time, and the harmony is marvelous and different. Picking oranges in the forest in autumn, fishing fish in the river in spring. The black seed was minced meat of the dragon, and the fruit and food were more than crab tags. The fragrant tea crowned the six feelings, and the overflowing flavor spread to the nine districts. Life is a happy place, and this land is a good place to enjoy.”

The Seven Teachings of Sundance: “Peach, crabapple, persimmon, chestnut, pear, yellow pear, orange, tea, honey.”

Hongjun lifting food diatribe: cold and warm both, should be under the tea of Frost China, three Jennings and end, should be under the sugar cane, papaya, Yuan Li, Yangmei, five flavors of olives, hanging leopard, Kwai soup a cup each. Sun Chu Ge: ‘Cornus is out of Fangshuban, carp is out of Luoshui Spring, white salt is out of Hedong, and beautiful black beans are out of Luyuan. The Thea sinensis with ginger and cinnamon comes out of Ba Shu, pepper and orange and magnolia come out of the high mountains, polygonatum comes out of the ditches, and refined tares come out of the middle fields.'”

Hua Tuo “food theory”: “Bitter tea for a long time to benefit meaning.”

Pot Jushi “food taboos”: “Bitter tea for a long time to eat FeiHua. Eat with leeks, people weight.” Guo Pu “er ya note” cloud: “tree small like gardenia, winter leaves, can be boiled soup drink, today call early to take for tea, evening to take for the tea, or a said Thea sinensis, shu man’s name of bitter tea.”

The Story of the World: “Ren Zhan word Yuchang, when he was young, he had the name of the order. Since the loss of ambition, both under the drink, ask people cloud: ‘This is tea for tea?’ JUE people have a strange color, is the self-partitioning cloud: ‘to ask the drink for hot or cold?'”

The book of the Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty: “The Tea of the Emperor Wu of the Jin Dynasty”. Emperor Wu of Jin: “Xuancheng people Qin Jing, often into the Wuchang mountain tea, met a hairy man more than ten feet long, leading the Jing to the bottom of the mountain, show to the tea and go. And then return, is to explore the arms of the orange to leave the essence, the essence of terror, negative tea and return.” “The four kings of the Jin Dynasty revolted, Emperor Hui was dusted and returned to Luoyang, and the yellow door took tea in a pot to honor him”.

The “different court”: “Hepai County, Chen Wu’s wife is less, and two sons live in widowhood, good tea tea. In order to have an ancient mound in the house, every drink, always the first sacrifice. The two sons suffer from said: ‘Ancient mound how to know? In vain. They wanted to dig it up, but their mother forbade them to do so. The night dreamed a man cloud: I stop this mound more than three hundred years, the two sons always want to see the destruction, rely on the protection of the phase, and enjoy my good tea, although the submerged soil rotten bones, will not forget the cataract sang of the report. And dawn, in the court was money 100,000, like long buried, but the new ear. Mother told, the two sons ashamed, from the prayer feed more and more.”

Guangling Elder Biography: “Jin Yuan Di when there is an old basilica, every day alone to mention a container of tea, to the city sold, the city people compete to buy, since the day to the evening, the container is not reduced, the money received scattered along the roadside poor and lonely beggars. People or different, the state law tie up the prison, to the night, the old lady to hold the tea, from the prison lattice fly out.”

Art Biography: “Dunhuang people single DaoKai do not fear the cold and heat, often serving small stones. The medicine taken has the air of pine, cinnamon and honey, and all the rest of the tea Su only.” Shi Dao that said “renewed famous monks biography”: “Song Shi Fayao surnamed Yang, Hedong people, Yongjia in the middle of the river met Shen Tai Zhen, please Zhenjun Wukang Xiaoshan Temple, the year hanging hanging car, the meals drink tea, yongming in the Royal Decree of the Wuxing Rite of passage to the capital, the year seventy-nine.”

Song Jiang’s Family Biography: “Jiang Tong word Ying Qian, Prince愍怀子洗马, often advised: ‘Now the West Garden sells acetylacetonitrile, blue vegetables and tea, and it defeats the national system.'”

Song Record: “Xin’an Prince Luan, Yuzhang Prince Shang, at the Tuanji Taoist in the eight Gongshan, Taoist set tea tea, son Shang taste said: this manna, why say tea tea.”

Wang Wei’s “Miscellaneous Poems”: “Silence covers the high pavilion, and only a few empty mansions. “The Tea is a great gift to the people of China.

Bao Zhao’s sister, Ling Hui, wrote “Fragrant Tea Fugue”.

South Qi Emperor Wu’s legacy edict: “I spirit seat, careful not to sacrifice animals, but set up cakes and fruits, tea, dry rice, wine and preserved only.”

Liang Liu Xiaochuo, Xie Jinan Wang pay rice, etc., Kai Chuanzhao: Li Meng Sun Xuan teach purpose, pendant rice, wine, melon, bamboo shoots, minced meat, preserved, edelweiss, tea eight, gas befouled the new city, taste Fang Yunsong. Jiangtan pumping section, Mai Chang Nympho of the precious; frontier Mew Chiao, more than the beauty of the fine repair. It is not a pure bundle of wild quail, a book bag like the snow of the donkey; preserved fish is different from the pottery bottle of the river carp, such as the charm of Qiong. The tea is eaten with a charmed edelweiss, the face looks at the oar to avoid, thousands of miles to pound, save the March seed gathering. The small man is a great favor, and the big one is unforgettable. Tao Hongjing “Miscellaneous Records”: “Bitter tea light for cream, the former Danqiu Zi Qingshan Jun service.” Fn2 tea net

After Wei Records: “Langya Wang Su Shi South Korea, good tea drink Brunswick soup. And also in the north, and good mutton buttermilk, people or ask: Ming how like cheese? Su said: tea is not good with cheese for slaves.”

Tong Jun Record: “Xiyang Wuchang Lujiang Xiling good tea, are East for the clear tea. Tea has meat and potatoes, drink the pleasant. All drinkable things, are more to take its leaves, asparagus, plucked from the root, are beneficial to people. And Baton Rouge has a real Ming tea, frying and drinking people do not sleep. Commonly cooked sandalwood leaves, and large soap plums for tea, and cold. And the south has a melon reed wood, also like tea, to the bitter, take for the crumb tea, drink can also be sleepless through the night. Cooking salt people but funding this drink, and Jiaoguang most important, guests first set up, is to be added to the Bank of England. Kunyuan Records: “Chenzhou Xupu County, northwest of 350 miles without shooting mountains, clouds of barbarians when the auspicious time to celebrate, family gatherings, songs and dances on the mountain, the mountain more tea trees.”

Bracket Map: “Lin Sui County, one hundred and forty miles east of Tea Creek.”

Shan Qianzhi’s “Wuxing Records”: “Twenty miles west of Wucheng County there is Wenshan Mountain, which produces Thea sinensis. Yiling Tujing: “Huangniu, Jingmen, female Guanwangzhou and other mountains, tea out of the tea.”

Yongjia Tujing: “Three hundred miles east of Yongjia County, there are white tea mountains.”

Huaiyin Tujing: “Twenty miles south of Shanyang County, there are tea slopes.”

Chaling Tujing: “Chaling, the so-called Lings Valley, the birth of tea and tea.” The Materia Medica? Wood”: “Ming, bitter tea, sweet and bitter taste, slightly cold, non-toxic, the main fistula, facilitate urination, remove phlegm and thirst heat, people less sleep. Caught in the fall of the bitter, the main gas elimination. Note: spring picking.”

Materia Medica? Vegetable “:” Bitter tea, a Tuan, a selection, a tour of the winter. Born in Yizhou Chuan valley mountains and hills road side, Ling winter immortality. March 3 pick dry. Note: It is suspected that this is today’s tea, a Tiao, people do not sleep. Materia Medica Note.” According to the “Poetry” cloud “who said that the bitter tea”, and the cloud “cordial tea such as syrup”, are also bitter vegetables. Tao said the bitter tea, wood, non-vegetable flow. Tea, spring picking is called bitter tea. Fn2 tea net

Pillow in the formula: “treatment of fistula, bitter tea, centipede and moxibustion, so that incense cooked, and other points pounded sieve, boiled licorice soup wash, to the end of the Fu.” Fn2 Tea

Ruzi Fang: “Treatment of children’s unexplained prostration, to onion whiskers boiled to serve.”

Tea master tea brewing sitting posture is how –

Tea artisan tea sitting posture should be upright, buttocks sitting on one-third of the stool, waist straight, the spirit to remain focused. 2Ei tea net

茶艺师泡茶的坐姿是怎么样的2Ei tea net

Specific practice is, legs perpendicular to the ground, the heels of the feet, knees until the thighs need to be together, should maintain the double “L” shape, that is, the thighs and calves into a right angle, the buttocks and the back into a right angle, and can not lean back. This sitting posture can give a person a sincere, serious and careful attitude towards making tea. 2Ei Tea Net

Don’t tilt your body to one side because of pouring or holding the pot. Don’t be too formal during the tea making process because of nervousness. This will affect the tea drinker’s mood, only when your mood and body are relaxed, the action of making tea will look beautiful. 2Ei tea net

Tea “tea” the origin of the word and the historical evolution of the introduction – Tea Net

The origin and historical evolution of the word “tea” i0E Tea Net

The origin of the word “tea” i0E tea net

The pronunciation of the word “tea” is based on a short story. It is said that Shennong was born with a transparent stomach like crystal, anything eaten into the stomach can be seen clearly. Shennong in the chewing hand-picked leaves, see the juice of the leaves in his stomach like a patrol up and down, check to check to clean the stomach and intestines, so Shennong image will be called “check”, and then slowly evolved into the word “tea”. i0E Tea

The historical evolution of the word “tea” i0E Tea Net

Oracle bone script→Big Seal Script→Small Seal Script→Indian Seal Script→Clerical Script→Regular

Anhui green tea, the historical origin of Liu’an Gua Pian – Tea Net

Liu’an melon slice of the history of the source, over the years, many tea workers to trace the roots, slightly gained. More credible legends have two. j1i tea net

安徽绿茶,六安瓜片的历史来源J1i tea net

J1i tea net

Around 1905, Liu’an tea company a tea master, from the acquisition of green tea in the selection of young leaves, remove the stalks Park, as a new product should be marketed, was successful. The information went viral, Jinzhai hemp port of the tea company, heard the wind, employing tea workers, such as the method of harvesting, and named “Feng Feng” (meaning peak wing). j1i tea net

This move inspired a local tea company, in the back of Qitou Mountain, the picking back of the fresh leaves to remove the stalks and buds, and will be young leaves, old leaves separate frying, the results of the tea color, aroma, taste, shape are dwarfed by the “peak wings”. So the nearby tea farmers compete to learn, have imitated. This slice of tea is shaped like sunflower seeds, known as “melon seed piece”, later called “melon piece”. J1i Tea Net

安徽绿茶,六安瓜片的历史来源J1i tea net

J1i tea net

The Zhu family building near the hemp port, and Yuan Shikai is a relative, Zhu family often to local products filial piety. Yuan tea drinking fetish, tea is an indispensable gift. But at that time the local production of tea, chrysanthemum tea, Mao Jian, etc., can not make Yuan satisfied. j1i tea net

Around 1905, Zhu family to please Yuan, spared no expense, in the back of the punch to hire local experienced tea workers, specializing in the selection of spring tea of the first 1-2 pieces of young leaves, with a small broom carefully frying, charcoal baking, the shape of the new tea quality are beautiful, Yuan’s appreciation. At this time, the melon piece stands out, color, aroma, taste, shape unique, so more and more won the drinker’s liking, and gradually developed into a national famous tea. j1i tea net