The white ringing thunder tea a bitter, two sweet, three reminiscent of three tea drinking tea culture – Tea Net

白族响雷茶一苦二甜三回味三道茶饮茶文化5et Tea

Bai Ronglei Tea, Three Way

Rattlesnake tea is an interesting way of drinking tea for the Bai people in Yunnan. Whenever there are guests at home, the hospitable host will just pick the fresh tea into the sand pot baking, because the sand pot temperature is high, in a few moments, the fresh tea leaves in the sand pot will be baked to charcoal. At this time, immediately the boiling water into the sand pot, the pot immediately issued a sound like thunder. Boiling water into the sand canister, a moment to cook, and then poured into the tea cup, with both hands to guests to drink. This tea tastes bitter, but it is very interesting to drink. 5et tea net

Three ways of tea is our country white people hospitality relatives and friends of the etiquette. When the family to relatives and friends, to honor the three ways of tea. The first tea is made of green tea baked in clay pots and tastes bitter; the second tea is made of brown sugar and milk milk fan rushing water, tastes sweet; the third tea is made of honey soaking water, tastes mellow and sweet. Because the beginning of the drink is bitter tea, after drinking the second and third course of tea, the mouth has a mixture of sweet and bitter aroma of comfort, so there are three courses of tea a bitter, two sweet and three aftertaste of the saying. 5et tea net