What are the benefits of drinking tea – Tea.com

Some people come with a halo, easy to approach, some things but subtle, not easy to say, and tea from the beginning is not so attractive, it was discovered and then to the popularity of also after a long period of time, its attraction, only those who have drank it to understand. What are the benefits of drinking tea, from affecting you a little bit of a start. pyg tea net


01 Drinking tea makes you humble and introverted

Tea as the world’s top three non-alcoholic beverages, it is not necessary to put sugar, although it is also bitter, but it is “bitter” after the sweet. The sweetness of the attraction than the bitter taste is much bigger, bitter taste is many people do not have the means to accept at the beginning, it makes you frown, let you surprised, it even firmly occupy your taste buds, long hard to disperse. Pyg Tea Net

And its bitter is not like coffee all the way to the bitter end, it is in your thinking about letting the bitter taste dissipate when the sweetness to let you in the depression for a while after the birth of joy. This is its introspection, after the bitter sweetness, its sweetness is not so strong, just like its bitter flavor, just right. Pyg Tea Net

Drinking it, you will also become like it, know how to be modest, know how to be introverted, and do not reveal yourself easily. Compared with the person who boasts, the one who keeps moderate introversion is more eye-catching and unexpected.PygTea .com


02 Drinking tea, you’ll realize it’s a long day without it

From arranging the tea table, cleaning tea utensils to boiling water, brewing, soup, this series of processes will not let you feel the speed of time, you are just attracted to this thing, once attracted to a certain thing, you are unaware of the time. Pyg Tea Net

The day without tea, do other pastimes, all feel that time passes so slowly, especially when one person.Pyg Tea Net


03Drinking tea, you will open the door to a new world

Tea is a discipline, you can learn it, you can come to play with it, you can also talk to it.PygTea .com

It is not as difficult to understand as other knowledge, it is easier to learn and have fun. After seeing different mountains and rivers with tea trees, different tea drinkers, and tea drinking places in different countries and regions …… you will want to know more and more about its past, more and more want to try different teas, and more and more want to know the formation of its flavor ……Pyg PygTea.com

喝茶有什么好处Pyg Tea.com

04 Drinking tea, you will start to become diligent

Before drinking tea to clean up the tea table, in drinking tea and want to remember it, after drinking tea to clean the tea utensils. Pyg tea net

A person who drinks tea for a long time, want to share with others, whether it is the epiphany of drinking tea, or the change after drinking tea, you will begin to feel that do not share the same as did not drink.Pyg tea net


05Drinking tea, you will become fond of literature

Tea and literature are inseparable, and so are tea and Zen, from time immemorial. People who love tea not only have a stomach for food, but also a literary heart. PygTea.com

Once you start drinking tea, you will be curious about the stories about tea. Tea has a long history, it has too many stories, stories of people and tea, especially celebrities and tea, tea myths, etc. PygTea.com

Tea has a lot of insights, once you start to see, the more you see, the more sense, although “heard a lot of sense, still not good life”, but still love to listen to love to see.Pyg Tea Net

These are the attraction of tea, and to feel the attraction of tea, you first have to drink it, don’t start to be scared by its bitter, bitter is just its mask, it also has a soft heart, waiting for you to find to feel. Pyg tea net

Introduction to the classification of the tea ceremony performance-Tea.com

茶艺表演的分类介绍Mix tea net

Various performances, which can be broadly categorized into three types: Mix Tea Network

Folk Tea Performance

Taken from the specific folk, folklore, tea drinking habits, to reflect the folk culture and other aspects of the main, after artistic refinement and processing, tea as the main body. For example, “West Lake Tea Ceremony”, “Taiwan Oolong Tea Ceremony”, “Gannan Tea Ceremony”, “White Tea Ceremony”, “Green Bean Tea Ceremony”, “Green Bean Tea Ceremony”, and “Green Tea Ceremony”. Mix tea net

Antique Tea Ceremony

Taken from historical data, through artistic refinement and processing, generally reflecting the original historical appearance of the main body. For example, “Gong Liu Zi Zhu Quan Tea Ceremony Performance”, “Tang Dynasty Palace Tea Ceremony”, “Korean Antique Tea Ceremony Performance”, etc. Mix Te a Network

Other Tea Ceremonies

Taken from specific cultural content, after artistic refinement and processing, to reflect the specific cultural connotations of the main body, tea as a carrier, such as “Zen Tea Show”, “Fire Pond Tea”, “Bridal Tea”, “Zen Tea Show”. ” Mix Tea

People law of the earth earth law of the sky law of the Tao law of nature natural philosophy – Tea.com

Laozi said: “Man law of the earth, the law of the earth, the law of heaven, the law of heaven, the law of nature.” This can be said to be the essence of Taoist thought, highly generalized and pithy Dao Ming do people do things, prove the law of the road, but also unbreakable way of health, a profound interpretation of the “return to nature, the unity of man and nature” of the natural avenue. kh4tea.net

The law refers to emulation. Taoist health care is the most important thing to follow nature, in line with the four seasons, back to basics. The man and nature to match and comply with, nature also has a healthy… KH4Tea.com


People should first take the earth as the law. Spring, summer growth, autumn harvest, winter, health is to comply with this law. KH4Tea.com

In spring, the earth’s Yang Qi rises, the earth’s power to restore, people have to go to the plow, to comply with the growth of flowers. In the summer, everything is vigorous, green and lush, the human body and the whole earth are in a state of “exuberance”. kh4tea.com

Autumn harvest, winter storage, autumn fruit ripening, is the harvest season, we talk about the “autumn fat”, that is to say, in this season means that the ripening season in time to cultivate the body and nourish the nature. In winter, a heavy snow cover the earth, the whole earth into the state of nourishment and rest, for the next year’s restoration to make full preparation. kh4tea.net


Why should the earth follow such a seasonal order? This is the law of the earth and the sky. KH4Tea.com

Spring flowers bloom, because it rains in the sky; summer everything is green, because the sun is the most intense; fall fruit ripening, after the spring, summer growth, to this time of the year should naturally be harvested; winter everything recuperates, because the sky snow, covering the earth. kh4tea.com

The “Tao” is based on “nature” and takes nature as its law. In short, the Tao operates according to the natural laws of the universe. “Taoism represents the philosophical thinking of Laozi, who summarized and elaborated the laws of life of heaven, earth, man and even the entire universe, revealing the characteristics of the entire universe!

Introduction to the tea drinking culture of Afghanistan-Tea.com

Afghanistan, the ancient name of the Great Lunar State, is located in southwestern Asia, is a multi-ethnic country, the vast majority of believers in Islam, faith, respect for tradition, advocating the prohibition of alcohol and tea, tea as a bridge of friendship between people, so often gatherings to drink tea, in order to communicate interpersonal relations, and cultivate unity and harmony of the wind. Q5F Tea Network

Afghanistan’s diet to beef, lamb-based, eat less vegetables, and tea helps digestion, but also to supplement the lack of vitamins, therefore, tea is a necessity for the Afghan people. Q5F Tea Network

Afghan people drink tea, black tea and green tea and drink. Usually in the summer to drink green tea, winter to drink black tea as much. In the streets of Afghanistan, there are similar to China’s teahouse, or tea drinking and selling tea both tea store. Traditional tea stores and families, usually with the local people called “Samawale” tea cooker. Tea cooker mostly made of copper, round, wide top with a lid; bottom narrow, equipped with a tea faucet; under which can also be used to burn charcoal; chimney in the center, a bit like the traditional Chinese hot pot. Tea cooker has a large and small, tea store with a general 10 kg of water; family with a general capacity of 1-2 kg of water. According to the Afghan people’s habits, where there are friends and relatives into the door, always like everyone together, around the teacooker, the side of the tea, the side of the narrative, the side of the tea, which is a rich and interesting way of drinking tea. In rural Afghanistan, there is the habit of drinking milk tea. The flavor of this tea, there is very little like the Chinese Mongolian salted milk tea. Cooking milk tea, the first tea drink tea, filter off the dregs of tea, concentration depending on the needs of each person. Another pot with a slight fire, the milk boiled into a thick shape, and then transferred to the tea soup, with the amount of milk is generally one-fourth to one-fifth of the tea soup. Finally, re-boil, plus the right amount of salt can be. This tea drinking habits, mostly found in Afghanistan pastoral areas, as for the city, rarely seen drinking this kind of milk tea. Q5F Tea Network

History of Chinese Tea – Tea.com

In 1938, the anti-Japanese war broke out, the southeast provinces fell one after another, tea production and marketing came to a standstill. In order to exchange foreign exchange to support the war, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the National Government decided to open up a new tea area in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. DHM Tea Net

On December 16th of that year, Fudian New Bank and China Tea Company each contributed 100,000 yuan, the organization founded Yunnan China Tea Trading Co.

中茶的发展历史DHM Tea

▲Yunnan China Tea Trading Company Limited Appointment DHM Tea Network

In 1939, the company set up Shunning Experimental Tea Factory (predecessor of Fengqing Tea Factory), Fohai Experimental Tea Factory (predecessor of state-owned Menghai Tea Factory), Fuxing Tea Factory (predecessor of Kunming Tea Factory), and Kangzang Tea Factory (predecessor of Xiaguan Tea Factory) in 1941. DHM Tea Net

中茶的发展历史DHM Tea

▲Shuning Experimental Tea Factory staff photo DHM Tea Net

Under the environment of national disaster, Yunnan China Tea Trading Company Limited and the founding of various factories, so that Yunnan tea from the traditional small workshop production, gradually transformed into mechanized production, and for the birth of Dian Hong and Pu’er tea to the domestic and international markets to lay the foundation. DHM Tea Net

After the birth of new China on October 1, 1949, the tea industry in China was unified by the state. 1950 September, Yunnan China Tea Trading Company Limited, renamed “China Tea Company Yunnan Province”, belonging to the State Ministry of Trade system. DHM Tea Net

中茶的发展历史DHM Tea

▲China Tea Company Yunnan Province Company periodical advertisement DHM Tea Network

In order to facilitate the unified management, China Tea Company decided to register a new trademark. 25-27 March 1951, China Tea Company published three consecutive days of advertisements on the front page of the People’s Daily to collect trademark patterns, and eventually the trademark “eight tea” stood out as the first trademark of tea in the new China. DHM tea.com

In 1953, China Tea Company notified its five tea factories to unify the trademark of “China Tea”. From then on, Menghai Tea Factory, Kunming Tea Factory, Xianguan Tea Factory and other tea factories directly under the Chinese Tea Company started to use the trademark of “China Tea Brand”. DHM Te a Website

Dongxi Tea Tasting “Gully Source”-TeaNetwork.com

东溪试茶录“壑源”VOA Tea Net

Gully source (leaf source attached) VOA tea net

Jian’an County, looking east at the southern mountains of Beiyuan, a series of however, show, standing hundreds of feet high, such as the cache Yanguo. (Folk so-called defense of the volcano also) the top of the southwest down to see the Jianzhi Yi (folk said Wangzhou Mountain) mountain from the mouth of the gully and the west, the week embracing the Beiyuan group of mountains, meandering south of the end of the end of the mountain, the high mountain mound for the head of the gully, the word gully source ridge mountain from the head of this also. Dashan north and south to limit the sandy stream, the east of the water out of the gully. Water out of the south of the mountain, the northeast together for the Jianxi, gully source of the mouth, in the northeast of Beiyuan, a few miles south diameter. There are monks living said Chengtian, there are parks Longbei, tax official mountain, its tea Ganxiang special victory. Nearly baked by the water, it is muddy color heavy, porridge surface without ze. Road to the south of the mountain, and west to chapter calendar, chapter calendar west said after the pit, west day even baked, south mouth baked mountain, and south day new house, and west day ridge root, said the root of the north mountain also. Tea more planted in the mountains of the sun, its soil red clay, its tea fragrance less and yellow and white; Ridge Roots has flowing springs, shallow can be involved, wade through the springs and the south, the mountains back to the curve, east to go as hooks, so its place is called the Jianling pit, the head of the tea for the win. The place was called “Jianling Pit” and the head tea was the best. The place was also called “Dajuo Pit Head” and “Dajuo Gully Ridge”, and the solid was called “Nanshan”. Soil are black clay, tea born in the shade of the mountain, the taste of sweet incense, the color of green and white, and water is pure gloss (folk said cold porridge face) to see its face lax as corn, although to the community of thatch leaves over the old, the color of more green and bright, the gas is more lush, and its stops are bitter to go to the Gan to (the folk said that the grass and trees and the taste of the big is also) he baked buds and leaves meet the old. The color is green and cloudy, the gas is more vigorous, Gan to the taste to go and bitter to stay for the difference. Dare the east, the mountain flat end said gully ridge tail, tea born between them, color yellow and taste more soil gas, the vast majority of areole south mountain. Its sun said Lin pit, and southwest of the mouth of the gully ridge root, its west said the gully ridge head, road south of the mountain and east said through the fence baking, and east of the day yellow intersection. Its north said Li pit, mountain gradually flat down, tea color yellow and taste short. Since the end of the southeast of the gully ridge, streams and rivers, Gonfuk not connected to the attached, the extreme south of the dock is said to be long pit, over the ridge for the source of the leaf, and east of the Liangkeng, and the end of the lower lake. Ye source, the soil red more stone, tea born therein, color more yellow green, no porridge surface corn lines and quite bright and refreshing, complexity heavy like sinking for the second also. VOA Tea Net

Drinking green tea of green tea brewing method – Tea.com


Green tea brewing method

1.Selection of tea set: good transparency of the glass cup is the first choice for brewing green tea, especially Xihu Longjing, Biluochun and other delicate precious green tea. In addition to glass, white porcelain teacups are also a good choice. Porcelain tea set is more elegant, in the hands of the hand feel delicate, easier to keep warm than glass cups. sh4tea.com

2.Control of water temperature: the most suitable water temperature for brewing green tea at about 85 ℃, according to the brewing method and tea varieties, seasons, freshness and tenderness of different degrees, the water temperature can be adjusted appropriately. The water temperature is too high for timely heat dissipation, the tea soup will be smothered yellow, bitter taste, with cooked soup gas. The water temperature can be raised appropriately after two brews. sh4tea.com

3.Brewing method: There are two commonly used methods for brewing green tea, namely the upper cast method and the middle cast method. The upper cast method is a one-time to the tea cup to add enough hot water, when the water temperature is moderate into the tea. This method of water temperature should be mastered very accurately, the more tender tea, the lower the water temperature requirements, some tea can be put in the water temperature of 70 ℃. In the casting method is in the tea leaves, the first injection of 1/3 of the hot water, a little shaking so that the tea leaves to absorb enough water to stretch out, and then injected into the seven minutes full of hot water. The upper casting method, the middle casting method is suitable for delicate tea leaves, there is a method less used, that is, the lower casting method. The lower casting method is different from the first two, it is the first put tea leaves, and then a one-time to the tea cup into the full amount of hot water. This method is suitable for the general green tea with poor tenderness. sh4tea.net

4.Brewing times: Brewing drinking green tea before three times for the best, to the third bubble after the flavor has begun to fade. sh4tea.net

Author: Yu Guanting sh4tea.com

About Ning Hong tea history and culture-Tea.com


Black tea originated in the Wuyi Mountain area, and then spread to Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province, and then spread to the Fuyang County and Anhui Province, Dongzhi County, and finally to Qimen. In terms of black tea, is the first “Zhengshan small species”, “river red”, the second “Ning Hong”, then “floating red” After the “Qi Hong”. Ninghong tea” began in the early Qing Dynasty, is “Ninghong work black tea” short for “Ninghong work black tea”, because Xiushui County is known as the ancient name of “Ningzhou” and the name. The modern tea saint Wu Juanong pointed out after examination: “Ninghong, Qihong and called the world’s first, Ninghong earlier than the Qihong 90 years”, “Ninghong tea” once introduced, became a tribute to the tea and the export of tea of the classic tea. a9jtea.net

Tea cover China Price A world

In 1891 (Qing Guangxu 17 years), XiuShui tea merchant LuoKunHua opened HouShengLong tea produced by the white size of NingHong tea 100 boxes, in hankou to 100 two silver per box sold to the Russian businessmen, travel to China of the Russian Prince Nikolai? Alexandrovich presented to the “tea cover China, the price of the world” plaque, “Ninghong Prince Tea” is also named. 1892 to 1894 (Qing Guangxu 18-20 years) Xiu Shui annual export of Ninghong tea 300,000 boxes to the Russian businessmen, accounting for 80% of the export of tea in Jiangxi Province. A9j Tea Network

Ninghong less than Zhuang tea does not open the box

Ning Hong tea sales is mainly to export-oriented, the earliest Ning Hong tea to Hankou, sold to foreign businessmen, followed by Jiujiang, after the outbreak of a world war, Hankou tea market decline, Ning Hong tea more exported to Shanghai. Anti-Japanese War period, Shanghai, Han lost one after another, in 1938 Ning Hong tea shipped to Hong Kong sales, in 1939 shipped to Hunan Liuyang, Hengyang transit Guangzhou or Haiphong export. Xiushui is located in mountainous areas, the transportation is not convenient, coupled with the war turmoil, transportation time-consuming, in Jiujiang, Hankou, Shanghai, Hong Kong tea market and ports often appear to wait for Ninghong tea only to open the box of the phenomenon of the quality of the Ninghong Tea, so Ninghong Tea has “Ninghong not to the bank, the tea does not open the box” of the status of the noble rules of the trade. a9jtea.net

Universal Exposition Grade A Award

In 1915 the United States in San Francisco Panama Pacific Universal Exposition on Ning Hong tea won the Grade A Grand Prize Medal, that year, six levels of awards namely, Grade A Grand Prize, Grade B Honorable Mention, Grade C Gold Medal, Grade D Silver Medal, Grade E Bronze Medal, and the level of the award word, so Ning Hong tea is the highest award. a9jtea. net

Milan fair gold medal

On August 9, 2015, in Italy, Milan World Expo “hundred years of World Expo, Chinese famous tea” international appraisal, “Ning Hong Tea” won the public brand gold medal and corporate brand Golden Camel Award double harvest, from 1915 San Francisco Panama Pacific Expo to 2015 Italy Milan World Expo. From the 1915 Panama-Pacific Expo in San Francisco, USA to the 2015 Milan World Expo in Italy, witnessed the centennial splendor of Ninghong tea. A9jTea.com

The effect of sweeping power on people, the fascinating aspects of cleaning – Tea.com

The effect of sweeping power on people, sweeping power is how to change people step by step. Our wise and industrious ancestors once said, “If you don’t sweep a house, you can’t sweep the whole world”, which is the hope and expectation of the whole world, and we can see the importance of cleaning. 7I6Tea.com


1.The room is a true reflection of the attitude towards life

Harvard Business School, after years of research, found a phenomenon: “happy and successful people, often home environment is very clean and tidy. And unfortunate people, usually live in messy and dirty.” From the small home to the large, a successful business tends to have clean windows. On the contrary, an enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy, there must be dirty corners. 7I6Tea.com

So mapping out this conclusion: 7I6Tea.com

“The room you live in is exactly the refraction of yourself, your life is actually like your room.” This statement, the world outcry, there is no doubt that there are falling feet epiphany. 7I6Tea.com

But more and more people, from company presidents to housewives, have become fans of “sweeping power”. 7I6Tea.com


A daily tearful girl with a broken heart, while reading the “sweeping power”, while the closet stuff out of 14 bags of garbage to organize a breath to throw away. To her surprise, with the airtight closet back to clean, her depressed mood seems to be much brighter. 7I6Tea.com

Kyocera was once poorly run, employees have left. Mr. Inamori, the president of the company, was very confused and bored, so he did cleaning, brushing toilets and cutting weeds alone in the factory every day. 7I6Tea.com

After a period of time, he suddenly realized the significance of the existence of the enterprise, and changed the business philosophy, so that Kyocera flourished. 7I6Tea.com


2.Cluttered room, it is difficult to stimulate the child’s spirituality

Everything has a law, everything has rules and regulations, if our home environment is messy, dusty flotsam, children have a strong imitation power, they will unintentionally imitate their parents, if you often clean up the home very clean, then in this good environment, he will also quickly develop a good habit. 7I6Tea.com

Sweeping power is really so great magic? 7I6Tea.com

Sweeping looks like a simple physical labor, but actually contains deep wisdom of life. Through cleaning, we can let go of our pride, learn humility, and discover ourselves through selfless work. 7I6Tea.com

In China, the wisdom of cleaning has a long history. For example, the traditional Chinese character for “woman” means a woman holding a broom. 7I6Tea.com

Until today, in many places, the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is still for children to sew purses, tie colorful threads, and put a small camphor broom, to cultivate children’s love of labor and the heart of the organized from childhood. 7I6Tea.com

The process of cleaning is the process of handling, choosing, and discarding, your interaction with the environment. A tidy environment clearly shows that you are logical and organized. 7I6Tea.com


3.The God of Wealth also likes to live in a clean and bright home

You go on a trip and 2 friends warmly invite you to stay at her home. One friend’s home is clean, bright and tidy. One friend’s house is dirty, messy and smelly. Whose house do you choose to stay? Definitely choose the clean, bright and tidy one. 7I6Tea.com

And God and you the same wisdom, God also like to live in such a clean and bright home, want the God of Fortune often patronize your home, take action to clean it! 7I6Tea.com

Whether it is a small home or business, a successful business, often clean and tidy, a few net, do things in order; on the contrary, an enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy, there must be a dirty corner. 7I6tea.net


4.Clean home is to grow wisdom

Whenever there are annoying things and emotions, you can use to organize the home to reconcile. 7I6Tea.com

Our external environment is a projection of our internal environment! Those dirty and smelly represent the inner negative energy and emotional buildup. Do it: clean up a little bit a week, clean up a lot a month. Let the environment become refreshing, people live in natural comfort, happiness naturally increased, increased happiness will bring success. 7I6Tea.com

Those who are unfortunate usually live in a messy and dirty environment. 7I6Tea.com

The home is dirty and messy, but also to bring the chaos of thought, clean up the home is the same as cleaning up the garbage in the brain, wisdom will naturally grow. 7I6Tea.com

扫除力对人的影响,打扫的魅力之处The first thing you need to do is to get rid of all the stuff you’ve got on your computer.

▲ garbage classification to do a good job, love small home more love everyone 7I6Tea.com

5.Cleaning up your home means throwing away germs

When we pass by a garbage dump, we are used to covering our noses and walking quickly. If you stay in a dirty home for a long time, such as a garbage dump, you will not be able to smell the fragrance of the orchid room, and you will not be able to feel the mess if you stay in a dirty house for a long time. 7I6Tea.com

In the garbage dump like home to live for a long time, the external dirty easily triggered by physical disease, clean up home is equivalent to clean up disease germs, the body naturally healthier. 7I6Tea.com


6.Cleaning is to enhance the positive energy

In the TV series ghost house is full of cobwebs, gray, while the heaven is bright, rich and beautiful, so the gray home to attract bad energy, energy is not good, bad luck naturally. 7I6tea.net

A bright home attracts good energy, positive energy, good energy, good fortune. A person walks very easily, but if you let you carry a lot of things, you will not be able to walk. 7I6tea.com

Home stuffed too full of things, it will lead to home outside of their own very bulky, can not function properly, much less likely to bring a good feeling. 7I6Tea.com

And what comes from clearing out that excess is a very relaxed and light positive energy. 7I6Tea.com


7.Cleaning up your home is cleaning up your mind

Our homes are usually full of unused items and clothes, which have a very negative energy. When you keep cleaning your home, your inner clogged place will become more and more clear, smooth and easy, and love and gratitude will flow in. 7I6TeaNetwork.com

Life is like a journey, there are mountains and rivers of hardship, there are also dark flowers of surprise. 7I6Tea.com

From the point of view of often life, the process of negative emotions is just a waste of life, the Chinese said “pleased to be calm, disappointed when frank”, which is not mediocre, but is a solid attitude to life. 7I6Tea.com

So, know how to empty the mind of negative emotions in time, in order to enjoy every part of the scenery of life. 7I6Tea.com

Rushing to get the job done is not good enough – Tea.com

Rushing to get the job done is not enough. PhR Tea

The Analects of Confucius says: Zi Xia was a father of Ju Zai, asked about politics. Zi said: “No desire for speed, no see small profits. If you want to be fast, you can’t get there, and if you see a small advantage, you won’t be able to achieve great things. ” PhR Tea.com

The meaning is that Zi Xia was an official in a place called Ju Fu, and he came to Confucius to ask him about politics. phr-tea.net

Confucius told him to have a far-sighted vision for politics, a hundred-year plan, do not be in a hurry, do not want to take the results soon to show, and do not spend too much effort for some small interests, to take into account the overall situation. PhR Tea Leaf Net

急于求成,欲速则不达PhR Tea

After listening to Confucius, Zixia stopped trying to be fast and slowed down to get things done.PhR Tea Net

In life, there are a lot of fast people, most of them do not do things carefully, lack of craftsmanship, a lot of things “a beat of the head” on the decision, and then the fire dry, and finally found that the wrong thing, but it is too late. phr tea net

Seek fast heart, everyone has, but to slow things down to do, but very few people do, may as well start today, give yourself plenty of time to think, do when slowed down, as the saying goes, “be careful to get ten thousand years boat. PhR Tea Net

急于求成,欲速则不达PhR Tea

To be priced to sell” from the “Analects of Confucius”, is the Confucius to Zigong said a sentence. It is a metaphor for waiting for a good deal or condition before agreeing to take up a post or do something. PhR Tea Leaf Net

Ancient people also said: “A gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for the time to move”. The gentleman has excellent talent, not to show off everywhere, but in the necessary moment, only to show their talents. phr tea net

The real wisdom of the people, not in a hurry to chase fame and fortune, but quietly hibernate, waiting for the time to come. phr tea net

Zhuge Liang has the talent of the world, even Guan Zhong, Le Yi can not compare. He lived in Nanyang Wolonggang, plowing the Longtian, but suffering from the difficulty of meeting Bole, they traveled around every day, making friends. PhR Tea Net

急于求成,欲速则不达PhR Tea

Liu Bei three visits to see Zhuge Liang, the two talked very well and became close friends, bright from then on out of the mountain, in order to feel the kindness of its acquaintance, a lifetime of “bowing to exhaustion and death”, assisted Liu Bei to establish the Shu Han dynasty. PhR Tea Net

As the saying goes, “you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry”, we have to be good at waiting for the right time, waiting for the right time to move, looking for the direction of their own hopes. phr tea net