How to Develop a Good Lifestyle –

The Internet circulates such a paragraph: “hospitals only three words to make you lose money – you this disease is very serious; but still can be cured; but need a lot of money.” Health is in your own hands, so don’t wait for the time when it’s “precious” to cherish it.

Adopt these good lifestyles, so that you can work and live in a healthy state!



When you sing with all your heart and soul, you can forget your worries and relax your body and mind. en6tea .com

Nowadays, young people like to release their negative emotions and pressure by going to sing with their friends; middle-aged and old-aged friends also like to show their voices and take singing as a form of exercise.

Singing requires a lot of breath, the fresh air into the body, lung function are exercised. If you want to sing well, you must also straighten your waist, so that unintentionally straighten your waist, a multi-benefit.



Brisk walking can enhance the resistance of tendons, ligaments and joints to injury and reduce the chances of sports injuries. At the same time, the skin, muscle tissue can also become more solid.

Long-term adherence to exercise, the quality of will will be greatly improved, and fatigue recovery is also very fast, can quickly return to the level of calm.


3.Drink Tea

Tea is one of the top ten health foods announced by the World Health Organization, and it is well known that drinking tea can effectively promote gastrointestinal motility and enhance immunity. Women often drink tea can also play a beauty effect.

Daily to develop a good habit of drinking a moderate amount of tea, not only drink out of the healthy body and good skin color, can make the mind calm, refreshing and beneficial to the mind.


4.Sitting soon

Sitting for a long time, especially sitting posture is still incorrect, is one of the most common causes of back pain. Because the wrong posture overly pull and squeeze the lumbar spine and related muscles.

Sitting for a long time is also likely to lead to swollen legs and feet, thrombosis of the lower extremities, and accelerate the aging of the spine.

The American Diabetes Association’s 2016 guidelines clearly state that all people should reduce sedentary time, especially to avoid sitting for more than 90 minutes.


5.Eat more ginger, drink ginger candy

Ginger is sweet, pungent and warm, with the effect of dispersing cold and sweating, warming the stomach and stopping vomiting. If you often feel cold stomach, loss of appetite, you can often take fresh ginger tablets to promote digestion.

With ginger and brown sugar boiled into ginger sugar bubble water to drink, sweet with spicy, the most suitable for winter tonic warm body drink a cup.


6.Eat leafy greens

Green leafy vegetables can provide a large number of carotene and lutein, both nutrients are conducive to eye health, to protect vision.

At the same time, leafy greens dietary fiber content is high, in a meal to eat half a pound of less oil cooking leafy greens can effectively increase the feeling of satiety, delay the food in the stomach emptying speed, is conducive to control the amount of food.


7.Eat blueberries

Blueberries are rich in protein, dietary fiber, fat, vitamins and other nutrients, but also contains a wealth of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and other trace minerals.

Anthocyanin is a very important plant water-soluble pigment, belongs to the natural anti-aging nutritional supplements, is currently human discovery of one of the effective antioxidant bioactive agents.

The anthocyanin content in blueberries is very high.


8.Eat Nuts

Nuts are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, and are an excellent source of plant-based proteins and micronutrients that the body needs.

It’s also a good choice to supplement the lack of vegetable and fruit intake.

However, there is no “which nut is necessarily better” statement, for example: pine nuts and Batan wood dietary fiber is the most abundant; pistachios, Pistachios and macadamia nuts vitamin B1 content is excellent;

Batan wood in vitamin B2 content advantage is obvious, is several times other nuts; pistachios, pine nuts and batan wood vitamin E content is rich.

Therefore, the best practice is: a variety of nuts with or change to eat.


9.Ensure the quality of sleep

If you don’t sleep well for a long time, your brain won’t get enough rest, which may reduce your brain’s ability to think creatively and process things, and reduce your memory.

To solve sleep problems, it is important to create a comfortable sleeping environment.

The bedroom should be darker, remember to turn off all the lights in the room before you go to bed, draw the curtains and wear an eye mask is also a good idea. The temperature of the bedroom is generally comfortable at 20-23 degrees Celsius, and ventilation should be good.



We Chinese are not used to hugging. We come into contact with a lot of people every day, but there is a lack of real “contact” because we keep our bodies at a distance from each other.

In fact, physical contact will allow both parties to obtain the feeling of acceptance; hugging will allow people to regain the sense of security and warmth of childhood.

Hugs can convey a sense of support, can make each other a deeper level of understanding; acquaintances between the body of the physical contact can play a role in psychological appeasement;

People with poor interpersonal skills can break the barrier and distance with strangers by hugging.

After reading the article you will realize that in fact health is not far away from us.

Normal work and rest time, one or two hobbies, harmonious interpersonal relationships and timely supplementation of nutritional eating habits, can bring different effects to our lives.

Tell your friends around you, the above ten good habits, did, to continue to maintain; did not do, now start training is not too late oh.