The Meaning of Zen Tea –

“Zen tea a flavor”, I’m afraid that the most widely posted calligraphy about tea, almost every teahouse, teahouse can see its figure. BjD Tea Net

What is tea?

Poetry: Tea is to cleanse the annoyance of the son, wine is to forget the worry of the gentleman. Drinking tea is just two actions: picking up and putting down. BjD Tea Net

People encounter unhappy, like to use wine to dispel sorrow, do not know that “use wine to dispel sorrow more sorrow.” And in a tea between the take up and put down, but can see more than a few people in the world of proportion. BjD Tea Net

It allows people to meditate and set their minds in a pure state of mind, which is tea. bjd tea net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

What is Zen?

Zen is a kind of behavior based on “stillness”, which is a kind of Buddhist practice, through meditation, eliminating all distractions and delusions, and obtaining a kind of wisdom. BjD Te a Net

When the mind becomes large, it can be calm and quiet, as if the empty tea cups, ethereal nothing. bjd tea net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

Drinking tea and “Zen” combination, will always make people feel a little mysterious, mysterious, seems to be in front of their own cup of tea seems to be more “high-end”. Zen tea flavor, in fact, is through the tea appreciation of life, the pursuit of a higher spiritual level of cultivation. bjd tea net

A said “bitter”

Buddhism seeks “the sea of bitterness, turn back to the shore”. Zen is to see through life and death, to achieve great enlightenment, to seek relief from the “bitter”. BjD Tea Net

Tea is also bitter. Li Shizhen in the “Compendium of Materia Medica” in: “Tea bitter and cold, yin in the yin, the most able to lower the fire, the fire for the disease, the fire is on the clear carry forward.” BjD Tea Network

From the tea after the bitter sweet, bitter in the sweet characteristics, the Buddhist can produce a variety of associations to help people practicing Buddhism in the tea, taste of life, to break the “meaning of bitterness, which is also the philosophy of life. BjD Tea Net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

Second, “quiet”

Tea ceremony pay attention to “and static Yizhen”, the “static” as a modern cultivation in the main cultivation, only “static” under the impetuous, restless heart, in order to really taste the flavor of tea, life! BjD Tea Net

Buddhism is also the main quiet, Buddhism Zen is from the “quiet” in the creation of the meditation meditation is the successive generations of Zen masters to understand the important courses of Buddhist doctrine. BjD Tea Net

In the meditation meditation, people inevitably fatigue sleepy, at this time, can refresh the mind to overcome the sleepiness of only tea, tea has become the best “friend” of the Zen people. BjD Tea Net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

The third said “where”

Japanese tea ceremony master Chiriku once said: “must know the tea of this, but is boiling water point tea”, the essence of the tea ceremony is from the tiny trivial daily life to realize the philosophy of life. bjd tea net

Zen also requires people to meditate, from the ordinary small things to realize the great Tao. BjD Tea Net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

Fourth, “put down”

Buddhist practice emphasizes the “put down”, that is, the so-called “practice must put down everything to be able to enter the road, otherwise futile.”. BjD Tea Net

Tea tasting also emphasizes “put”, put down the work at hand, steal half a day of leisure, relax their taut nerves, relax their own imprisoned true nature. BjD Tea Net