A Cup of Tea, Ten Years of Dreams-Tea.com

一杯清茗,十年尘梦WAR Tea

Lu Yu said: “Tea, the south of the Jia Mu also.” Tea is mostly grown in the south, the place where it grows is also quite delicate. “The upper born rotten stone, the middle born gravel and soil, the lower born yellow soil”, the top of the tea grows in the rock, the middle of the tea grows in the gravel, sandy soil, the lower tea grows in the soil. “The wild one on, the garden is second”, the wild one is the best, the garden planting is second best. “Shady mountain slopes and valleys, can not be picked up, sex stagnation, mass obstruction disease”, under the shade of the mountain under the growth of the tea is best not to drink, because it always do not see the sun, excessively cold, stagnation, drinking is not good for the body. WAR Tea Network

Drinking tea, drinking is the sun and moon bath, mountain springs nourishment, the flow of natural gas throughout the year. Drinking tea is to let us follow the nature of the grass and trees, and truly restore ourselves to nature.

Lu Yu has told us how important this connection between man and nature is in “The Book of Tea”. The so-called “tea for use, flavor to cold. For drinking, the most appropriate fine line thrifty virtue of the person”, that is to say, people should pay attention to their own moral conduct, people thrifty, virtue and purity, so that people drink tea, clear tea to moisturize the heart, there will be a natural tacit understanding. WAR Tea Network

We all know that “Shennong’s taste of all kinds of grass”, in the process of tasting all kinds of grass, some grass will make people poisoned. Legend has it that Shennong first discovered tea and used it to cure the poison of the herbs. Ancient people knew very early that tea is refreshing and cold, tea can be used to remove dryness, used to defeat the fire. WAR Tea Net

Mr. Zhou Zuoren wrote a “tea” essay, “I called tea, but in the drinking tea …… tea when in the tile house under the paper window, green tea, with elegant ceramic utensils, with two or three people to drink, get half a day’s leisure, can be worth ten years of dust dream.” A good “ten years of dust and dreams”, the world’s hustle and bustle, life is chaotic, only when drinking tea can be quiet. wartea.net

Tea is very elegant, not something rich. The true flavor of tea is clear and leisure. I remember when I was in my twenties, I was not accustomed to drinking tea, and I preferred strong coffee. Coffee has the bitterness of the flavor, the sweetness of sugar, and the aroma of milk. After drinking a cup of coffee, feel the kind of hundred flavors mixed with the thick and mellow, suddenly feel the body steaming, intoxicated. WAR Tea Net

Drinking tea is indeed too light for teenagers. The strong feeling of coffee, the heart of tasting light tea. People only gradually grow up, in the years experienced all kinds of fickle things, troublesome things, busy and noisy things, and then back to a cup of tea, only to feel the light in a kind of timeless long. WAR Tea Network

Tea, today there are green tea, black tea, oolong tea, pu-erh tea, etc., a wide variety of categories. In the old days, people drank mostly green tea. WAR Tea Net

一杯清茗,十年尘梦WAR Tea

Bubble green tea, the ancients pay attention to “into the seat half ou light pan green, open muted several pieces of shallow yellow”, light several leaves in the water, slowly releasing the aroma of tea, light green as if steeped into a piece of sunshine. In such a light green, you can hear the mountain wind, can feel the mountain spring, a bubble of green tea in the past life are awakened in the spring. The beauty of this kind of writing is exactly where the Chinese are most enamored with tea. wartea.com

Drinking such a light drink obviously requires quietness. “Drink alone get tea God, two or three people get tea interest, seven or eight people is Shi tea ear”, a person with a tea quietly communicate, can get its charm; two or three people drink, quite interesting, can drink tea interest, can drink the love between friends; if seven or eight people crowd get together to drink, as with the Shi Shi tea, but to quench their thirst only. WAR Tea Net

Unfortunately, today people drink tea, often call friends, people noise, although lively, but less quiet, more and more away from the tea God, tea interesting. WAR Tea Net

Chinese culture is inherited, is a whole, can not be cut open. Maybe you just need a cup of tea, a pot of wine, you can feel all of it. Outside the country, we will find that the whole Asian culture is also deeply influenced by it, for example, the Japanese tea ceremony is concerned about four words – and respect and silence, and the Chinese tea ceremony in the same vein and the same lineage. WAR Tea Network

“WAR” is a kind of neutral beauty. When you drink tea, you can feel the inner harmony, the harmony between man and nature, and between friends.

To” originates from the Zen concept of “equality of mind and Buddha”, meaning that tea drinkers are all equal, there is no difference between high and low, and each other should have a respectful heart. We treat guests with tea, called “tea”, commonly used words are “please use the tea”, no one will put the cup of tea to the guests in front of a pier and said “drink tea”! This is the heart of respect. Confucius said that the first point of “benevolence” is called “respect is not insulted”, you are respectful to others, you will not attract insults. Toast tea, in fact, is to honor people, but also to honor their own hearts.

“Qing” refers to the elegance of tea. “Tea by the heaven and earth to the clear gas”, good tea tea soup must be bright, you can see the grass and trees heavy atmosphere, can see the soul of tea in the water to release. Tea growth is never overnight, it has experienced the wind and rain of the seasons, through the frost and hail dew, so we drink the tea, is the essence of nature’s breeding. WAR Tea Network

一杯清茗,十年尘梦WAR Tea

I like the saying in Tao Te Ching, which is called “light but not shining”. A person’s personality should have an inner luster, but not too dazzling. If your light is so blinding that you cannot be seen, then your life is too noisy. Today’s people, most of the external sharp, lack of inner clarity, and tea absorbs the heaven and earth to the clear air, since it can wash our inner dust dirt. Ancient people said: “I have nothing to take from things in my life, but I have a cup of water in the mountains.” What can you get in this life? A lot of things can not be taken away, but a cup of tea in the mountains is everyone can be consumed. A bowl of tea into the stomach, the grass and trees fresh air into their own lives, so that the body’s turbid gas in the tea gradually dissolved, catharsis, those who nourish out of the freshness of the light, will naturally allow us to become a “light but not shine.” WAR Tea Network

The last word is lonely “silent”. Nowadays, people are often afraid of loneliness, loneliness is equated with loneliness and inner emptiness. In fact, the real “silence” is a kind of endless emptiness. A person’s heart is not quiet, can not understand the changes of all things, can not see the true nature of the world; a person’s heart is not empty, can not accept all kinds of realm. WAR Tea Net

Chinese people are very concerned about the word “silence”, that loneliness often contains a great way. “Laozi” chapter 25 of what is the “Road” when there are such sentences: “There are things mixed, the first heaven and earth was born, silent and lonesome, independent and unchanged, circumference and not perilous, can be the world’s mother.” Inside the “Tao” itself contains “silent and lonesome”, only its loneliness, and “independent and unchanged”, adhere to their own integrity and character, “circumference and not dangerous”, that is to say, the world can be the mother. and not perilous”, that is, endless, in the cycle of movement, which is the root of all things. This kind of “silence” is not dead silence, but a little bit of vitality in the spirit of silence. WAR Tea Network