A way of life to cultivate oneself with tea: the tea ceremony – Tea.com

The tea ceremony is the way to appreciate the beauty of tea. tgJ Tea Net

Tea ceremony is also regarded as a kind of cooking tea drinking tea art of life, a kind of tea as a medium of life etiquette, a kind of tea to cultivate the way of life. tgJ Tea Net

It is a very useful and beautiful ceremony through making tea, enjoying tea, smelling tea, drinking tea, promoting friendship, cultivating virtue, learning etiquette, and appreciating traditional virtues. Drinking tea can calm the mind and spirit, which helps to cultivate sentiment and remove distractions. tgJtea.com


Tea ceremony is a behavioral art that expresses certain manners, character, mood, aesthetic point of view and spiritual thoughts through tea tasting activities. It is a combination of tea art and spirit, and expresses the spirit through tea art. It emerged in China during the Tang Dynasty, flourished during the Song and Ming Dynasties, and declined during the Qing Dynasty. tgJTea.com

The main content of the Chinese tea ceremony is to pay attention to the beauty of the five realms, namely, tea, tea, fire, tea utensils, the environment, and at the same time with the mood and other conditions, in order to “taste” and “heart” of the highest enjoyment. Known as the religion of aesthetics, the Japanese Tea Ceremony, with harmony, respect, clarity and silence as its basic spirit, is inherited from the Tang and Song Dynasty. tgJTea.com


Dig deeper into the connotation of Chinese culture, in-depth research and exploration of the revival of Chinese culture. Tea culture belongs to the category of Chinese culture, that is, for the ritual norms in the details of tea tasting, tea, tea, tea, fire, tea utensils, the environment, and the drinker’s cultivation, emotions, etc. jointly formed a mood of beauty. tgJ Tea Net

The connotation of tea culture is actually a specific expression of the connotation of Chinese culture, talk about tea culture must be combined with Chinese culture and the discussion. The spiritual connotation of tea culture is through the tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea and other habits and Chinese cultural connotations of rituals combined with the formation of a distinctive Chinese cultural characteristics of a cultural phenomenon, which can also be said to be a phenomenon of etiquette. tgJTea.net


Chinese tea ceremony absorbed the essence of Confucianism and Taoism. The doctrine of Taoism, on the other hand, has injected the philosophical idea of “heaven, man and one” into the tea ceremony of the tea people, establishing the soul of the tea ceremony. At the same time, it also provides the aesthetic concepts of revering nature, revering simplicity, revering truth, and the ideas of rebirth, precious life, and nourishing life. tgJ Tea Net

Because the Taoist “unity of man and heaven” philosophy into the spirit of the tea ceremony, in the heart of the Chinese tea people are filled with an incomparable love of nature, the Chinese tea people have a strong desire to return to nature, close to nature, so the Chinese tea people are best able to appreciate the “love to bright full of heaven and earth The Chinese tea people have a strong desire to return to nature and get close to it, so they can best appreciate the passion of “the love is bright and full of heaven and earth” as well as the “more feeling of the crane heart of the darkness” and nature to achieve the wonderful feeling of “the thing I metaphysical meeting”. tgJTea.net


Chinese tea ceremony, the idea of respect for people in the form of expression is common in the naming of the tea utensils and the understanding of tea. Tea people are accustomed to the tray of the cup called “Sancai Cup”. Cup tray for the “ground”, the lid for the “sky”, the cup for the “people”. The meaning is that the sky is big, the earth is big, and people are even bigger. If even the cup, tray, lid together with the end up to taste tea, this cup holding technique is called “three talents in one”. tgJ Tea Net

The ideal of the Chinese tea ceremony is to nourish the body, to enjoy the emotions, to cultivate the nature, and to prove the way. Proof of Tao is the result of cultivation, is the ideal of the tea ceremony, is the ultimate pursuit of tea people, is the highest state of life. The purpose of the tea ceremony is to cultivate, the environment is also good, the etiquette is also good, the tea ceremony is also good, are for a purpose – cultivation and set up to serve the cultivation. Cultivation is for each participant to improve their own quality and realm, shaping a perfect personality. tgJtea.com


Tea Ceremony is the art of drinking tea with the purpose of practicing the Way, which contains four major elements: tea ceremony, etiquette, environment, and cultivation. Tea ceremony is the foundation of the tea ceremony, is a necessary condition of the tea ceremony, tea ceremony can exist independently of the tea ceremony. Tea ceremony is the carrier of the tea ceremony, dependent on the tea ceremony. tgJ Tea Net

Tea art focuses on the “art”, focusing on the art of tea, in order to obtain aesthetic enjoyment; tea ceremony focuses on the road, aims to cultivate the mind through the tea ceremony, enlightenment Avenue. The connotation of the tea ceremony is smaller than the tea ceremony, and the connotation of the tea ceremony embraces the tea ceremony. The extension of the tea ceremony is larger than the tea ceremony, and its extension is between the tea ceremony and tea culture. tgJ Tea Net


The connotation of the tea ceremony is greater than the tea ceremony, the extension of the tea ceremony is greater than the tea ceremony. What we say here ‘art’, refers to the tea production, cooking, tasting tea and other art of tea; what we say here ‘way’, refers to the spirit of the implementation of the art of tea process. There is a road without art, it is an empty theory; art without road, art is no essence, no God. tgJ Tea Network

Tea art, famous, tangible, is the external expression of tea culture; tea ceremony, is the spirit, reason, law, origin and essence, it is often invisible, can not touch, but you can completely through the mind to experience. The combination of tea ceremony and tea ceremony, art in the Tao, Tao in the art, is the result of a high degree of unity of matter and spirit. Tea art, tea ceremony connotation, extension are not the same, should be strictly differentiated between the two, do not make it confusing. tgJ Tea Network


Drinking tea, tasting tea, tea ceremony of the highest realm – tea ceremony tgJ tea net

Drinking tea: tea as a drink to quench your thirst. tgJtea.com

Tea tasting: focus on the color and flavor of the tea, pay attention to the water quality of the tea utensils, and drink the time to savor. tgJTea.com

Tea art: pay attention to the environment, atmosphere, music, brewing skills and interpersonal relationships. tgJtea.com

The highest level – tea ceremony: in the tea activities into the philosophical, ethical, moral, through the tea to cultivate the body, taste of life, to achieve spiritual enjoyment. tgJtea.com