Why live why catty, put it down will have another world – Tea.com

Why live catty, put down another heaven and earth, life is short, always a mixture of joy and happiness, gains and losses coexist, gathering and dispersal of uncertainty. AdK Tea Net

A lot of things, like the sand in the hand, the more tightly grasped, the more quickly lost. All things look down some, think a little open, everything with fate, with the heart. adktea.net

People this life, destined to come and go are empty, no one can permanently have anything. I have to go to the end to understand, all the gains and losses are temporary, the most important thing is to look down. adktea.net


Let go of worries AdKTea.com

The most important thing is to let go of all the worries. Buddhists say, “There are 84,000 kinds of troubles in life.” AdK Tea

Big people have big people’s troubles, small people have small people’s affairs of the heart, these are common sense. The heart of the trouble, do not have to say to everyone, as well as learn to look down and let go. adktea.net

Trouble because you have too much to let go, honor, money, status, interests, feelings and so on. If you want to get rid of the trouble, you have to learn to put down. adktea.net

Once upon a time there was a rich man, doing business made a lot of money. He was afraid of others stealing his money, and afraid of others to borrow, all day long worried. So he carried his money on his back and searched for happiness all day long. AdKTea.com

However, he never found happiness and became more depressed. Once he was resting by the roadside, he passed a woodcutter carrying firewood, humming a song as he walked. AdK Tea Leaf Net

Feeling curious, he asked, “May I ask if you know where happiness is? Why can’t I find it?” AdKTea.com

The woodcutter smiled, pointed to the burden on his body, and said, “Put it down and you’ll be happy.” AdKTea.com

When the rich man heard this, he was instantly enlightened. It turned out that he was not happy because he had such a heavy burden on his back. How can you find happiness when you are scared all day long for this money? AdKTea.com


From then on, he took all the money he earned and did things that benefited the people. The people praised him and he was never troubled again. AdKTea.com

The woodcutter was happy because he let go of his burden, and the rich man was happy because he let go of his money. The human heart is like a cup, if it is filled with more worries, it will be less happy. AdKTea.com

Mr. Lin Qingxuan said: All beings use bodhi as worries, and bodhi uses worries as bodhi. All the worries are nothing but nothingness in the end. AdK Tea Net

Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, had a rough life, even though he experienced the “Wutai Poetry Case” and was uprooted for most of his life, but he was still open-minded and optimistic. adktea.net

“Don’t listen to the sound of leaves beating through the forest, why not chant and walk slowly?” This is how free. “A Demoiselle Demoiselle is a life of peace!” This is how frank. adktea.com

All the trials and tribulations, can not make him stop. A life of song and dance, deeply happy, worries come, a smile. AdK Tea Leaf Net

Learn to let go of your worries, say to yourself let nature take its course, learn to face bad luck openly, and look at life positively. In this way, the sunshine will flow into the heart and drive away the darkness. You will find that happiness is so simple. adktea.com


Let go of complaints AdKTea.com

Many people have the habit of complaining without realizing that complaining will bring many disasters to themselves. A person, who always complains, is more likely to attract unfortunate things. AdK tea net

Xunzi said: Those who know themselves do not complain, and those who know their fate do not complain to heaven. The one who complains about heaven has no will, and the one who complains about others has a poor heart. adktea.com

The person who has self-knowledge does not complain about others, the person who controls his own destiny does not complain about the sky; the person who complains about others is poor and unambitious, the person who complains about the sky will not aspire to forge ahead. adktea.net

In ancient times, there was a master who had a disciple who was particularly fond of complaining about life. AdKTea.com

Once, he sent his disciple to fetch a handful of salt, put it into a cup of water, and asked him to drink it. adktea.com

The master asked, “How does it taste?” AdKTea.com

The disciple replied, “It’s so salty, and the cup of water is so awful!” AdKTea.com

The master laughed and shook his head, took him to a lake and poured in the same amount of salt. This time, he asked his disciple to take a cup of lake water and drink it, “How about this time? How does it taste?” AdK Tea

The disciple said, “There’s no flavor!” AdKTea.com

The master said in a serious tone: “The pain in life is like this salt, there is a certain amount, when you feel the pain, expand your mind, complaining does not serve any purpose. AdKTea.com

Complaining about the environment is not good, often their own mentality is not good; complaining that others are too narrow-minded, often their own lack of open-mindedness. AdK tea net


There are two people walk into the beautiful park at the same time.

One person came out and said angrily, “This park is dirty and smelly, I will never come again!” AdKTea.com

While the other person walks out and says pleasantly, “This place is so beautiful, I’m going to come here often from now on!” AdKTea.com

Why do people react differently to the same park? AdKTea.com

The reason is that one person only sees the dog shit in the park and thinks that the park is dirty; while another person only focuses on the fragrance of the flowers in the park, so he thinks that the park is beautiful. AdKTea.com

This park, is our life. These two people, respectively, represent our different states of mind. The one who is grateful, everywhere is beautiful; the one who complains in his heart, everywhere is not good. AdK tea net

Life, is a journey that can be chosen, we can not change the environment, but can change the mentality. Complaining about destiny is not as good as changing it, and complaining about life is not as good as improving it. AdK Tea Net

This world, not as good as nine out of ten things. The more you care, the more you suffer. The more open-minded you are, the happier you will be. The more you think about it, the more you’ll suffer.

If you can’t let go of your complaints, you will naturally become a burden. Complaining is a kind of poison. AdK Tea Net

As the old saying goes, “It is better to envy fish at the abyss than to retreat and knot the net.” All the good things, are not complaining, envy, but by their own efforts to get. adktea.net

AdKTea.com is a good way for a person to behave.


Let go of the past AdKTea.com

Su Dongpo once said: “People like the fall of the letter, things like a spring dream without traces.” AdK Tea Net

This life is like a dream bubble, all the past will become empty. The only way to embrace the future is to let go of the past. adktea.net

The disciple asked the Master, “How can I attain the afterlife?” AdKTea.com

The Master replied, “The afterlife is this life, and this life is the present moment.” AdKTea.com

“I am in the present moment, am I not?” AdKTea.com

“Nonetheless, nonetheless.” AdKTea.com

The disciple was puzzled, “Why?” AdKTea.com

“You have not let go of the past!” AdKTea.com

“The past is not all bad, so why let go of it!” AdKTea.com

“Let go not because it was bad, but because it is gone!” AdKTea.com

The disciple came to a realization. AdKTea.com

Whether the past is good or bad, we must learn to let go. Most of life’s suffering is due to an unwillingness to let go. A wise man does nothing; a fool binds himself. The first thing you need to do is to let go of the past, which is to remove the shackles of the mind .

Life has no ifs and buts, and it is impossible to start all over again. What we have to do is to embrace the sun today. AdKTea.net


There is such a story. AdKTea.com

A carter pulled a load of china in his cart, and because of the bumpy road, he accidentally broke one. AdKTea.com

He just looked at it and walked away, continuing to rush. Others asked him, why the porcelain fell broken, just look at it, and did not hurt. AdKTea.com

He replied: “Porcelain has been broken, even if you stop to look at it does not help. Why bother? It’s better to hurry up earlier.” AdKTea.com

Life is like this, no matter how valuable things, lost, and then regret is useless, not as good as to cherish what we have now. adktea.net

If you can’t let go of the past, you’ll be sad to see yourself, and the future will be bleak. The past has become the past, whether it is good or bad, we have to put an end to it. AdK Tea Net

The most important thing is to know how to let go, life will be better. adktea.com

The rest of your life is very expensive, do not make it difficult for yourself, put down the past, put down once, let go of yourself. The rest of life is not easy, may you and I can learn to heart wide, learn to put down ….. AdKTea.com