Want to compare the West Lake to Xizi, never good tea like a good woman-Tea Union-Tea.com

Want to put the West Lake than Xizi, never good tea like a good person, meaning: the beauty of the West Lake and Xizi’s beauty is comparable to the West Lake, the West Lake is like a beauty, a good tea is also like a good person, the scenery is beautiful, the people are beautiful, the tea is beautiful, and it is a joyful experience. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Song Dynasty writer Su Shi life love tea, even if the office or deputation exiled, in the smoke and dust, hunger and thirst on the long journey, but also do not forget the tea, leaving a lot of poetry about tea. 7HZ Tea Net

He went to Xuzhou as governor when he made “Raccoon brook yarn”, there is such a stanza: 7HZ tea net

“Rustling scarf falling jujube flower, the village south and north of the village ringing reel car. The old willow in the cow’s coat sells cucumbers. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The wine sleepy road is long but want to sleep, the sun is high, people are thirsty and thinking about tea, knocking on the door to ask the wild man home.” 7HZ Tea

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Scenario integration, image realistic depiction of his thirst for tea, thinking about tea, looking for tea scenarios and mentality, calling the heart with this feeling, empathy, marveled. 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi has been to many places in his life, every place, where there is a famous tea and good spring, he has left poems. 7HZ Tea Net

“White clouds under the peak of two new flags, greasy green long fresh valley rain spring.” It is written about Hangzhou Baiyun tea. 7HZ Tea Net

“Dragon roasting this year, the Valley Curtain since the ancient new spring. The snow buds of Shuangjing tea have been scattered by the immortals, and the seedlings are from Beiyuan. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The tea is white and snow-colored, and the flowers float in the tea cup. Who dares to be more colorful in the human world, but to be more colorful in the red window ?

This song “West River Moon” is about the best Dragon Roasted Tea made from the real spring in Gu Li. 7HZ Tea Leaf Website

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea

“has passed several times spring rain, the night before a thunder, flag and gun battle, Jianxi spring color accounted for the first leader. The first time I saw this song, it was a song about a bird’s tongue on a branch, with dew and smoke mashed up and knotted on a pile of purple clouds. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

This song “Song of Water” vividly describes the picking of tea leaves in Jianxi. 7HZ Tea Net

What is even more amazing and has been passed down through the ages is a song that honors Fujian Gully Source Tea: 7HZTea.com

“Immortal mountain spirit grass warm traveling clouds, wash all the fragrant muscle powder is not even. The bright moon to cast Yu Chuan son, the wind blowing through the martial arts spring. To know the ice and snow heart good, not anointing oil first face new. Playing a small poem gentleman do not laugh, never good tea like a good person.” 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi compared the good tea to a good person, so people have a different face, wonder, become the tea of the ages. 7HZ Tea Net

Hangzhou Lotus root Xiangju Tea Room will be in this poem “never good tea like a good person” sentence, and Su Shi’s another masterpiece “drinking lake after the first sunny day” in the “want to put the West Lake than the West,” composed of a pair of tea couplets: “want to put the West Lake than the West. The tea is like a beautiful woman.” It’s marvelous and neat, and it’s amazing. 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi on the tea ceremony is very conscientious, for cooking tea drinking tea each program has a unique view, and poetry to chant. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

In the “test courtyard decoction of tea”, “crab eyes have been fish eyes raw, the wind for the pine wind singing. Meng velvet out of the grinding of fine beads fall, dizzy turn round ou flying snow light”, is to the boiling water bubble form and sound to judge the boiling degree of water observation, meticulous, vivid. 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi on the efficacy of tea is also a deep study, a day sick, he drank several bowls of tea, so that the sick body healed, was in the temple on the wall of the powder inscription seven absolute a: “show the disease Vimo Yuan is not sick, at home, Lingyun has forgotten home. Why need Wei Di a pill medicine, and all Lu Tong seven bowls of tea.” 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi is very talented, every scene, some feelings, poems will come out, and interesting. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Xining four years, Su Shi served as Hangzhou pass judge, one day, he went to a temple to play, the abbot did not know who he was, thought it was an ordinary tourists only, only lightly said: “sit”, called the little monk “tea”. 7HZ Tea Net

So the little monk served a very general bowl of tea. 7HZ Tea Net

When the abbot and Su Shi a little bit of pleasantries that this person is extraordinary, not idle generation, they changed their mouths: “Please sit”, and re-called the little monk “tea”. 7HZ Te a Net

The little monk again bubble on a bowl of tea. 7HZ Tea Net

Even the last, the abbot finally knew that the person is the state’s official, the famous poet Su Shi, then scrambled to get up and respectfully invited: “Please take a seat”, turned around and shouted to the little monk “bubble good tea”. 7HZ Te a Leaf Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Leaf Network

Su Shi put all this in the eyes. 7HZ Tea Net

Farewell, the abbot held out the four treasures, to Su Shi begging for ink, Su Shi a little thought, hand-written a pair of couplets, the first line is: “sit please sit please sit”, the second line is: “tea bubble tea bubble good tea. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The abbot saw the words on the joint, can not help but show the color of shame and embarrassment, no place to hide. 7HZ Tea Network

Also a thing more see su shi tea and poetry of kung fu. 7HZ tea net

Ancient and even modern, teapots often have “can clear the mind also” a few words. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi that the order to look at although into the literature, but the loss of the shallow, not a good article, so he wrote two poems in the form of back to the text, the interesting thing is that these two poems are written in a dream, after waking up from a dream, the two eight-sentence poems, only to remember a sentence: “messy point of the remaining flowers spit blue shirt,” the rest of the seven lines had to be made up. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The poem is like this, the first one is “flushed face jade bowl hold slender, messy point of the remaining flowers spit blue shirt. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The first one is: “I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but I’m sure it’s a good idea.” The second poem is: “The empty flowers fall out of the wine pouring tank, the sun on the mountain melting snow rising river. The red baking shallow ou new fire live, dragon ball small rolling bucket clear window.” 7HZ Tea

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ tea net

Surprisingly, these two poems not only can sing along, but also can be recited upside down, it became another two seven. The first one became: “Rock and snow fall pine dream, courtyard quiet condensation cloud water pharyngeal song. Shirt blue spit flowers remaining points messy, delicate bowl of jade flushed.” 7HZ tea net

The second is: “Window clear bucket grinding small group dragon, live fire new ou shallow roast red. The river rises to the snow red mountain day, the cylinder pouring wine to the end of the fallen flowers empty. ” 7HZ Tea Net