The Zen Taste of Tea in Pu’er Tea –

普洱茶中的茶禅一味Drf Tea

In the Chinese cultural heritage of Buddhism and Taoism, the tea tasting mood is serene and indifferent. Yunnan Pu’er tea, whether in the growth, processing, drinking are very “usual natural”, not deliberately and make, not because of the fashionable and new and different, is realistic, common sense, in line with the natural behavior and laws. Do not present desires, do not force, follow nature, that is, between heaven and earth, all living things, have their life and death, operation, cause and effect of the reason. These reasons, some of them are the eternal “common way”. drf tea net

The timelessness of Puerh Tea is innate nature, while the processing of the times is also in line with the nature of the latter. Mr. Zhao Puchu, the president of the Chinese Buddhist Association, put it well: “Seven bowls receive the best taste, and one pot gets the true interest; it is better to eat tea than to hold a hundred thousand verses in empty space.” Tea Zen a flavor of the traditional Chinese Buddhism Zen tea tea ceremony, and Taoist tea ceremony, the same is the classic Chinese tea culture. Chinese tea has been highly respected in the world today, the people of China should know more about tea, learn more about the classics of tea. Although the Pu’er tea ceremony is the true way of Taoism, it is also full of Zen. To talk about Zen through tea, to talk about Zen’s selflessness through tea is a kind of metaphor, a kind of convenience, and even a kind of wisdom. The process of drinking tea is like life. drf tea net

We have been enjoying tea, from drinking tea in the enlightenment of life, no wonder the Zen master’s eyes of tea, and Buddhism in the same way as the bodhisattva, in the world to do “giving, precepts, tolerance, refinement, meditation, wisdom,” the cause. Buddhism emphasizes the “Zen tea” to tea to help Zen, tea ritual Buddha, tea, “Pu’er tea” has the most Zen, compassionate as iron does not change, compassionate as water to help the living. It’s the most Zen of all teas, with a heart as strong as iron and a wish as strong as water. Drf Tea Network

Drinking Pu-erh tea in the tea from the flavor of extreme bitterness at the same time, but also in the tea ceremony injected into the extreme sweetness of the Buddha’s philosophy of Zen, which the tea people to Zen tea ceremony to cultivate the body and mind, in order to achieve a clear mind to see the nature of the purpose of the great benefits. Zen tea, in Japan is “and respect for the quiet”, in Korea is “and JingJianZhen”, in China is “and JingYiZhen”. Among the tea types, Pu’er tea has the most Zen state of “peace and quiet”. This is the reason why Pu’er tea is generous and bright, deep and elegant, and although it has been through the years, the more it ages, the more fragrant it is, and the more historical life it has. drf

Pu-erh large-leaf tea, in the best time of life, for no apparent reason, was pinched and folded, bear drying, sunning, frying, kneading, twisting, steaming, fermentation, squeezing, pressing, scalding, bubbling, etc., like a Bodhisattva against all odds, silently enduring insults. Drinking tea can help us laymen to get rid of laziness and laziness, and wake up the mind, tea is like the Bodhisattva to help us build up the spirit of courage and refinement. drf

No matter when and where, no matter whether the drinker is good or bad, as long as he has the need, the tea has something to offer; and Jingde Yizhen, like the Bodhisattva practicing meditation. Whether the tea is brewed in hot water or in cold water, the aroma of the tea will remain, just like the Bodhisattva’s convenient method for the enlightenment of all sentient beings. Drf Tea Net

A man looking out the window thinking about the window –

Outside the window is the world, inside the window is the inner feelings. A window, between opening and closing, is in the clouds in the breeze, the window allows people inside to see out, at the same time maybe the outside people to see in. vhg tea net

So in the lively place to live in the people to use curtains, for their private life to do a guarantee. The night visitors, just look at the window with or without lights, you can roughly guess the master in not at home, do not have to open the door and then ask. vhg tea net

一个人望着窗外想着窗内vhg tea net

It’s like not waiting for a person to speak, from the eyes to see his mind. Closing the window serves the same purpose as closing the eyes. There are many sights in heaven and earth that can only be seen with closed eyes, such as dreams. vhg tea leaves net

If the window is too noisy, close the window so that the soul is free to explore the victory, quiet meditation, sometimes close the window and close the eyes also have a link, you feel the world outside the window is just a little, and can not give you any satisfaction. vhg tea net


You want to go back to your hometown, you want to see your friends and relatives separated from you, you can only sleep, closed your eyes to the dream to seek, so you get up first closed the window. Because it is only spring, there is still residual cold, the window can not be Zhentian Zhen night does not close. vhg tea net

With the fence and stand, leaning against the window and stand, by and large, is one of the most enthusiastic gestures of the literati. Probably too many of the poems and songs that have been passed down through the ages, are derived from the window one stop after the flash of light. vhg tea net

Tea as a gentleman No love affair –

茶若君子 不了情缘0od tea

The love affair 0od Tea Leaf Network

In order to thank the students in the university to help me, invited a guest, time in a stormy night, in a slum-like stall. Location shabby point, dishes can not be shabby: wild boar, old turtle soup, boiled shrimp, Yangtze River bream …… is not unanimously opposed, the plum deer also on the table. The main dish is a plate of the most Jiangnan characteristics of the crab. A few days ago to buy the crab, the seller swore that he is the fisheries team, fishing absolutely authentic Yangtze River wild crab, so regardless of the cost, a bite to buy more than eight pounds. Who knows, the next morning on the death of two, the afternoon and death of four, but also large, hurry to the market to supplement two pounds, found that actually cheaper than half the price, but also do not care where to raise, first sent to the hotel processing. 0od tea net

are entrusted to an old classmate please classmates, also know that I ask this person can not upscale environment, but the environment should be absolutely quiet, in a difficult to find the location, actually to 10 students, not big players or big money, usually in the city’s key meetings are as the leadership of the four classes sit on the podium of the high-ranking officials, actually also crowded in the raggedy hut, I said, as if in my humble abode to eat it. Because of the narrow, no distance, just because we are once stormy classmates, together with the five years of Chinese Department of study. 0od tea net

A vice mayor classmates also special on the phone to apologize, said he was in the grassroots units, really can not come. I could have forgiven him, because he gave me a long face back when my second book was published. It was a corporate book club that purchased a hundred of my books and opened a book club with great fanfare. Should be ready, heard that the vice mayor to come, the factory a hand feel incredible, because much more important than this meeting did not invite big names, vice mayor actually arrived at the right time to this “not business” of the small meeting. In the standing welcome, the students but the enthusiastic hand to the old classmates sitting, bluntly on the side of the awkward hand stretching business leaders said: “I just came to see Li Youqian, there are two meetings in the morning, and immediately have to leave. So sit down on the gushing praise for my work, and then again car non-stop windlass rushed back to the city. 0od tea net

The people who came are all once or now the head of the people, what occasions have not seen? What have they not eaten? In their even bland banquets, this is about the lowest specification of a banquet, but looking around, I sigh, these students not only really treat me not thin, and are good people ah: businessman righteousness, when the official clean and honest, for the text of the chivalrous and righteous …… even in the city’s most prominent media to grasp the financial power of the classmates, but also are the discipline inspector Cadres were born, have the character of literature and character, in order to be in this full of turbid waves of pottery into real gold, I am proud of them. 0od tea net

Eat bad they speak well, said to see my book naturally than eat what are happy. They do not know, not their support, where can I have today’s achievements? Turning eyes count, our classmates thirty years of anniversary is coming, twenty years ago the party but vivid in my mind: 0od Tea Net

Ten years a reunion, I was late. Before the meeting, I went all the way back to my hometown of Chongqing, did not live on a month, because of the reunion, despite the friends and relatives again and again to discourage, resolutely embarked on the road back to Wu, at the expense of more than 100 dollars to buy expedited tickets, in order to be able to come back in time to participate in the reunion. 0od Tea Net

The evening of the second day after arriving home, I received the instructions from the organizing committee to present my speech. Early in the morning on Labor Day, I began brainstorming. After five years of gathering and ten years of separation, I had a lot to say. However, I was afraid that my friends might find it too long-winded to say a thousand words. I’ve been racking my brain until two o’clock in the afternoon, only to come up with a few written rhyming sentences, hastily wrapped up, rushed to the venue, but already half a meeting late. 0od Tea Net

“This life has a destiny” poem name a newspaper, the whole room for a clamor, one thought I ran out of the subject, is not for a newlywed classmates to do? There is no mistake! Is “love” only for love? Aren’t affection and friendship love? After reading the whole poem, I realized that I was singing the praises of five years of university friendship, so the applause, unexpectedly warm response, I only said it was the need for etiquette. 0od tea net

The party secretary of the old classmates said that he listened to the time, tears are gushing out. (All of them have studied Chinese, and exaggerated rhetoric is the best form of cudgeling.) 0od Tea

As the general manager of the old classmates even praised three times “well written, well written. Well written!” (This is a consolation for my late report of shame and shyness.) 0od tea net

What? Chinese department chairman also praised, only to make me get carried away: “Teacher high disciple strong it!” (The teacher also praised himself.)

The white-haired old professor answered with words and this is simply an award for me, I am flattered, floating – of course, the poem speaks to the will, the feeling of it. 0od tea net

In my dictionary, “classmates” is the most warm words: is to add an apostrophe of love, is not utilitarian friendship, is not political coloring of the love …… years in a hurry, life geometry, can have a few 10 years? The sea of people is vast, the same five years, how many people can coexist in the same space? 0od tea network

The half-envelope structure of the word “same” vividly depicts a space in which to spend more than 2,000 hours together, and I have enjoyed the most favorable treatment. 0od tea net

We participated in the first recruitment examination after the Cultural Revolution, delayed to go to college more than ten graduates are competing in the same starting line, I do not have a sound body, nor the identity of the universal workers, do not meet their minimum enrollment running line competition, I do not have a sound body, nor the identity of the universal workers, do not meet their minimum enrollment conditions, dead grinding to enrollment, the successful candidate to know that the way to the road is far away. Luckily, I had the good fortune to meet good classmates, a pair of warm hands to support me to walk through so many potholes and bumpy road. 0od tea net

“Hey, give me your bag, I’ll help you walk.” That shallow smile, once into the school and my shadow, wherever I go there is that warm hand. 0od tea net

“In the evening to continue the class, I will bring you dinner.” Waiting for him to pull the lunch box out of his arms is still hot, green vegetables and red meat on the two bright yellow poached eggs are specially for me to add meals. 0od tea net

“Come on, sit down, I’ll take you to catch the last bus.” A weighted permanent bookcase frame, it became my ride from school, sometimes can’t catch the car, surprisingly, thirty miles back and forth to send me home, that broad back, for me to bear how much labor ……0od tea net

And she, he, she, he …… individual classmates, piles of past events, paragraph love affair, only under the brow, and on the heart. The memory of the passbook glittering, cozy shockwave, bring me lifelong sweetness. 0od tea net

This is the classmate love affair – selfless and fearless, no complaints, help each other to help each other into peace. It is not love being dominated by desire, it is not kinship and blood connected, so more selfless, more noble, more pure. Now, when we chew that heavy bitter, spicy, sweet and sour, what to dedicate to you – my friends? Words for the heart, only my poor but sincere lines of poetry: 0od Tea Network

I can’t get rid of the affinity, hanging high on the colorful sails, 0od tea net.

Affinity does not age, cohesion eternal hanging ……

Li Youqian prose collection0od tea net

Liu Changqing “send Lu Yu’s Maoshan send Li Yanling” tea poetry appreciation –

刘长卿《送陆羽之茅山寄李延陵》茶诗欣赏tPh Tea

Liu Changqing tPh Tea

(Liu Changqing (刘長卿) was a native of Hetian (now Hebei). -about 786), the word Wen Fang, Hetian (now Hebei). He was a scholar of Tianbao, but was imprisoned and banished twice, and ended up as an assassin of Suizhou. He was known as “The Great Wall of Five Words”. tPh Tea Net

Sending Lu Yu to Maoshan and Li Yanling 】tPh茶叶网

Yanling’s grass is all over the place, and there is a way to ask about Maoshan. tPh Tea Leaf Net

鸡犬驱将去,烟霞拟不还。 tPh茶叶网

New Home Pengze County, Old Country Muling Pass. tPh Tea Net

The name of the place to escape, no name is also idle. tPh Tea Net

tPh Tea Network

Liu Changqing is also one of Lu Yu’s few friends. The poem send Lu Yu to Maoshan, reflecting Lu Yu in order to study the cultivation and growth of tea, tea picking and production, in order to write the “Tea Scripture”, trekking, traveling all over the mountains and ancient temples, visiting monks and tea farmers historical facts, is an important historical information for the study of Lu Yu. From the poem “everywhere to escape the name, no name is also idle”, you can see Lu Yu’s noble qualities of the name. tPh Tea Net

Iron Luo Han historical legends –


Iron Luohan is famous Wuyi famous iron Luohan, deeply appreciated, according to legend, a year, the Queen Mother Mother in the autumn night set up a banquet to entertain the five hundred Luohan, fairy feast is very grand, dishes are very rich, drink is the heavenly palace agar wine, when the banquet, five hundred Luohan most of the drunken immortals, walking up and down, stumbling, such as the world’s annual festivals in the rice-planting dance. 3S4 Tea Net

Five hundred luohan walking side scattered, some still back to his quarters, some but traveled to Wuyi Mountain, passing through the mountain’s north over the sky, the tube iron luohan luohan, delirious in the hands of the iron luohan branch broken, to be clear-headed when, remorseful, want to pick up and can not be picked up, and want to throw a violation of the rules of the heavens, a moment of no idea. 3S4 Tea Net

A few curious Lohan, close to interrogate the tube iron Lohan Lohan, “What is this demeanor?” Tube iron Lohan Lohan will break the iron Lohan branch for all to see, said: “Banquet in the cup, drunk will be this iron Lohan branch broken, in the future I also how to manage the iron Lohan?” After hearing this, the Lohan said, “Don’t be annoyed! Don’t be annoyed! Quickly beg the Queen Mother to say a word, the Buddha which will not sell?”

Finished pulling up the tube iron Lohan Lohan on the go, because go too fast, and the broken branch touch down to the mortal world, straight off Wuyi Mountain Huiyuan pit, the results were an old farmer picked up, and later planted in the pit. The next year, this broken branch sprouting long leaves, tube iron Luo Han Luo Han will hurry to dream to the old farmer, will break the branch into iron Luo Han before and after and dish out, and instructed the future how to manage, picking and production, but also one side told him to “do not destroy this iron Luo Han, future descendants will be benefited” and so on. 3S4TeaNet.

The old farmer dreamed of informing the mountain people, the mountain people so that the old farmer planted the iron Luohan is “Iron Luohan”, from then on, a pass ten, ten pass a hundred, “Luohan folding iron Luohan planted live” legend will spread.

Japanese tea ceremony “point before props”

Japanese Tea Ceremony props before the point Utn Tea Network

1, Incense Hopper: a box for spices. Utn Tea Net

2, Charcoal bucket: a container for charcoal.

3, feather broom: bird feathers used to clean the stove, stove edge, lid, etc. Utn tea net

4, ring: in order to move the soup kettle used metal ring. Utn tea net

5, fire chopsticks: the chopsticks to hold the charcoal fire. Utn tea net

6, Ash container: a container to put ash in .

7, ash spoon: dial ash, for ash type of utensils. Utn tea net

8, kettle: a mat for placing the kettle taken off from the stove or wind stove. utn tea net

Dong ethnic tea song festival

The traditional festival of the Dong ethnic group, seashore in Hunan, Guangxi and Guizhou adjacent areas, the first year on July 17 or August 15 held, the festival, the young man to the girl’s home to sing for fun, the girl to use their own tea to entertain the guests, but also with the same cottage of the girl to jointly open up the Catskills planting can be made of oil tea crops, dedicated to the later festivals to eat. qoY Tea Net

Fan Zhongyan “Hatake pit tea” tea poetry works appreciation – Tea Net

范仲淹《鸠坑茶》茶诗作品赏析tgi tea

[Hat Keng Tea

Author: Fan Zhongyan tgi tea net

Dash Tonglu County, spring mountain half is tea. tgi tea net

The new thunder is still good, startled up before the rain bud. tgi tea net

[Interpretation] tgi tea net

The buds before the rain, the spring tea picked before the rain. tgi tea net

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular tea in the world.

Hat pit tea, the ancient name of “Mushu Hat pit tea”, also known as Hat pit Mao Jian, produced in Mushu (now Chun’an County, Zhejiang Province) Hat pit source Hat Ling area. Due to the superior natural ecological environment, tree species, buds and leaves, fat and strong, heavy tea, color and lustre green, smell fragrant and ripe chestnut aroma, taste thick and mellow. The tea has a long history, in the Tang Dynasty has been renowned, for the Tang Dynasty, one of the fourteen kinds of tribute tea, “Tang State History Supplement” as the thirteenth product. tgi tea net

The case of “Zhaozhou tea”

“赵州茶”公案5gl tea net

Hangzhou’s famous nine streams and eighteen streams nearby, in the “Lin Hai Pavilion” stone columns carved with a couplet, the first couplet says: “small residence is good, and eat the Zhaozhou tea to go”. The next couplet: “day return can be slow, try to sing with the stranger flowers, to”. This is Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area of the many couplets, write the most relaxed, dashing, bright a pair, which “and eat the Zhaozhou tea to go”, there is an interesting story it. 5gl tea net

Buddhist canon “five lamps will be the source” volume four contains such a story: from chenji asked a new monk said: “you have been to this place before?” The monk replied, “Yes, I have”. The monk replied, “Yes.” The Zen master said, “Go and have some tea. The informant then asked another monk, “Have you ever been here before?” The monk replied, “No, I have never been here before. The reporter said, “Go and have some tea”. The master of the house, who had been nearby, could not help but ask Zen Master Congming, “Why do you say, “Eat tea,” even if you have been here, and “Eat tea,” even if you have never been here?” On hearing this, Congming called out, “Master!” The master of the house answered, and he went on to say, “Eat tea.” Zen Master Congming’s family name is Hao, Caozhou (now Shandong Cao) Hao Township people, he was a monk since childhood, the Nanquan Puwang Zen Master and attained the Way. He has been living in Guanyin Temple in Zhaozhou since then. The Zen teachings of Zen Master Congming spread all over the world, which was called “Zhaozhou style”, and he also established his own Zen gate, which was called “Zhaozhou gate”. The most popular Zen case is the case of “eating tea” or “Zhaozhou tea”. 5gl tea net

In fact, those who are well versed in Buddhist Zen can understand that the Zen master said “this place”, not referring to his own physical body where the temple, but a realm of Zen enlightenment. Zen Master Congming gave the same answer to the monks who answered “I have been there” and “I have not been there”, and to those who have attained enlightenment and those who have not attained enlightenment: “Go and eat tea”. This shows that Zen Master Congming has reached a higher level of Zen learning, that is, “to be enlightened is like being unenlightened”, and that he has already left behind all his attachments and has reached the state of treating all things equally as if they were at the same level. Therefore, the three sounds of Zen Master Congming’s “go eat tea” are very memorable. This classic story was later taught in the Zen school as “Zhaozhou Zen Pass” and became a great classic story in the Zen forest, which was popular among the monks. According to the record of “The Five Lamps”, monks in tea-producing areas such as Jiangxi, Fujian, and Zhejiang usually replied with the phrase “go eat tea”.

In Shanmen, many Zen masters refer to monks who fail to achieve “enlightenment” as “sleepy people”. Those who have not yet “awakened” are “sleepy”, and those who can make “sleepy” “awaken” are “sleepy”, and those who can make “sleepy” “awaken” are “sleepy”. “Eat tea”. “Sleepy man” and “eat tea to go” in fact is to treat the same kind of personnel of two different sayings, but in contrast, “eat tea to go” is more seemingly Zen, and elegant but not lose The first is the “Tea”, the second is the “Tea”, the third is the ” Tea “, the third is the “Tea”.

What the eyes see is not always true –

What the eyes see is not necessarily true, this world, there are many misunderstandings from the eyes to see is not true, a lot of contradictions from I thought you understand, a lot of miss from the mistrust. 6tp Tea Net

Lv’s Spring and Autumn Annals recorded such a story. Confucius traveled around the country, because of the war, everyone has not eaten rice for a long time. 6tp tea leaves net


One day, Yan Hui managed to ask for some rice and cooked them. When the rice was almost cooked, Confucius happened to pass by and saw Yan Hui lifting the lid of the pot and grabbing some white rice to eat, so he pretended not to see it and didn’t bother to question him. 6tp Tea Leaf Net

After the rice was cooked, Yan Hui invited Confucius to eat. Confucius said, “I dreamed that my ancestors came to me, so I want to bring the clean rice first to offer to my ancestors.” Yan Hui said, “No way. Some ash fell on the rice while I was cooking it, and it’s too bad to throw away the ash-stained white rice, so I grabbed it and ate it.” 6tp

When Confucius heard this, he realized that he had misunderstood Yan Hui, whom he had originally trusted the most. 6tp tea leaves net


In fact, in the process of getting along with others, if there is a lack of timely and effective communication, are prone to follow their own ideas to speculate on others. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of any misunderstandings, and if you keep things in your mind, you will only pile up your grievances. 6tp

But timely communication is able to lift the doubt in their hearts, reduce the misunderstanding between each other, lift the veil of suspicion that “the eyes do not see the truth”. 6tp tea net

Tea such as life, you will also encounter a flat appearance, thin bones of the tea, but after the brewing of the stunning will make you impressed. 6tp tea net