What is Boston Pour Tea – Tea.com

What kind of tea is Boston Dumped Tea, although many tea lovers say, “It may be Sri Lankan Indian tea”, but in fact, the Boston Dumped Tea incident happened on: December 16, 1773. 6vc tea.com

On this day, the demonstrators disguised as Indians look sneak into the merchant ships, the East India Company shipped a full boat of tea dumped into Boston Bay, as a rebellion against the British Parliament in 1773 enacted the “Tea Tax Act”. 6vc tea net

波士顿倾茶是什么茶6vc tea.com

East India Company as a transit point, food and industrial raw materials, a steady stream of shipments back to Britain, and the “tea thief” Robert. Fauchon first tea out of China, planted in India in 1851. After that, India and Sri Lanka began to plant and produce tea on a large scale, which indicates that there was really no tea in India at that time. 6vc tea net

There is only one possibility that this batch of tea is from the oldest black tea in China, Wuyi black tea. 6vc tea.com


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