Tea-loving Yang Wanli – Tea.com.cn


Yang Wanli was a prolific poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, who wrote more than 20,000 poems in his life, of which only some have been handed down to this day. At the same time, Yang Wanli was not only a rare poetic genius, but also a tea lover, and many of his famous poems are related to tea. eU4tea.net

Yang Wanli said in his own “wuling spring” words in the small preface: “the old man tea drink small over, and then get gas disease”. Said because of their own love of tea, thus causing disease, and the words said: “the old gift of dragon ball new sneak, often sip to get cold. The bones are as thin as firewood and the pain is as sore as a fork, and the children’s letter asks for peace. Because Yang Wanli drink tea without moderation, get “cold” disease and lead to their “thin bones like wood”, despite this, he only drink less, if you want to make him and tea cut off, is not at all. This is truly embodied in another of his poems: “the old man seven bowls of disease can not, a sip is still able to sit in the fall”. In addition, it is said that Yang Wanli drank tea day and night, and often drank a few brews late at night, which always led to insomnia, but he never put the blame on tea drinking. As his “do not sleep” a Tao said: “night sleeplessness is not for tea, no wind lamp shadow sun across the slope”. Speaking of which, Yang Wanli’s addiction to tea as life, can be seen. eU4tea.com

However, Yang Wanli so good tea, but not just for r to meet a moment of greed, but the pursuit of a tea outside of the flavor, that is, from drinking tea in the sense of the flavor of life. Whether it is dealing with people, or reading and learning, Yang Wanli can drink tea in the epiphany of some of the truth. He in the “Xi Zhai language preface”, by drinking tea and think of reading, reading and drinking tea compared to the flavor of tea. Therefore, for Yang Wanli, who was already as thin as a bone but still refused to give up drinking tea, we can vaguely realize the reason. In addition, what is even more valuable is that Yang Wanli realized the upright and clear attitude of dealing with the world through the clear blue tea. According to the Song Luo Dajing “Crane Forest Jade Dew” records: Yang Wanli for the government a cow two sleeves clean, when he returned to his hometown in his old age, is still “clear as water, poor only with gold”. At the same time, Yang Wanli also tea to meet friends, tea on friends, in his “thank you Susanna of the Sheriff’s Tea” poem, with the tea of the elegant, clear, to compare the high quality of the friends of the high purity, high and proud of the bones. In fact, with its tea poem celebrating its people, Yang Wanli is worthy of the name! eU4Tea.com

Peach Blossom Drinking Ring Tea Introduction – Tea.com


Peach Blossom Garden Drinking Tea oz4tea.com

Drinking tea is a unique custom in Taohuayuan. Whether it’s a hot summer day or a cold winter day, the people here usually don’t eat their midday meal, but rather set up a table for tea; when the family comes to visit, they also have to set up a table for tea. oz4tea.net

The tea is made of ginger, raw rice, raw tea leaves, so the tea is also known as “three life soup”. To make tea, the first will be the above three kinds of raw materials (rice must be swollen with water) in the bowl with a wooden stick made of paddles, called “tea foot”. The stick must be made of hawthorn wood. With hawthorn wood pounding, you can leave a light lasting flavor in the tea, but also can make the “foot” does not rot for a long time. oz4tea.net

Brewing tea, drinking tea also has a lot to say. After the seat, always put a small bowl in front of each person, the bowl put a ball of “foot”. “Foot” to half a spoon is appropriate. After the “foot” has been mixed into the bowl, a simmering kettle is used to brew down a bowl of old boiled water. The pot should be raised high, the water should be rushed quickly, so that the water in the bowl rushed into the whirlpool, so that the “feet” in the state of the water naturally rushed evenly. The pot stops the water to live, with the bowl out of the dense hot air, wafting out a unique aroma. Tea must be drunk while hot, it is best to open the water just rushed down, the heat could not disperse when you drink a mouthful of this time suddenly feel the heart open Lang, liver and spleen comfortable, the belly left a dissipation of the aroma. Then taste and swallow slowly, spicy, salty, astringent, gradually taste the flavor. Waiting for a bowl of tea to fall into the stomach, you are already comfortable muscles and bones, the spirit of relaxation. oz4tea.com

Tea has a long history, rumored to have started in the Eastern Han Dynasty. At that time, the court had a famous general named General Ma Yuan, late in life, was ordered to attack the Wuling Pot Head Mountain, passing through the village of Wutou (i.e., the Peach Blossom Garden area). It was the height of summer, but the plague was so prevalent that hundreds of generals and soldiers fell sick, and Ma Yuan himself was also infected with the plague. He had to order his soldiers to stay in a cave on the mountain side and sent them to look for a doctor. An old woman here was very touched by Ma Yuan’s strict military discipline and the fact that he did not commit any crime wherever he went, so she voluntarily offered her ancestral secret recipe: using ginger, oz4tea.com

Raw rice, raw tea leaves ring made paddles, and then washed on the boiling water, so that the soldiers daily as tea to drink. After taking this soup, the condition of those who were infected with diseases was greatly reduced and slowly got better; after taking this soup, the healthy ones also avoided the contagion of the plague. oz4tea.com

Some of this legend involves Liu Bei, some involved Zhuge Liang, Zhang Fei, but more is mentioned Ma Yan. Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang to have not been to the village of Wu Tou, no audit; Zhang Fei to take the Wuling although to the village of Wu Tou, but did not leave the plague epidemic records, the only Ma Yan said visible in the historical records. Here also have Ma Shi (room), Fubo hole, Ma Wang Temple, Ma Wang Creek and other historical sites and monumental landscape name can be corroborated. But no matter who it is, anyway, the origin of beaten tea has been a long time. oz4tea.com

The tea is actually a kind of beverage, because the “foot” is made by beating, so the name of the tea is beaten. Later, people put sesame and salt in the tea to increase its color, aroma and taste, gradually, the tea will be known far and wide. oz4tea.net

Tea is divided into clear water tea and paste tea, clear water tea is the kind mentioned above. As for the paste to beat tea, that is, the rice flour into the cold water melted, with an iron pot in the rice on the simmering into a paste, and then add “feet”, mix well after a little cooking will be. oz4tea.com

Whether it is clear water tea or paste tea, its function is the same, it can ease the liver and intestines, get rid of the plague and epidemic. Nowadays, when you drink tea, you have to add some food on the table, such as fried soybeans, peanuts, shells, poi, canned vegetables, pastries, etc., which are collectively known as “press table”. oz4tea.com

Song Dynasty Beiyuan Tribute Tea origin tea history introduction – Tea.com

宋代北苑贡茶的产地茶历史介绍Zup Tea

In zhejiang and along the river is developing very quickly, the literature mentioned the famous tea only double wells, guzhu and so on several kinds, but the Ming dynasty mentioned the famous tea but there are 97 kinds of more, and all over the vast area from yunnan to shandong, basically all over the formation of their own main tea production area and representative of the famous tea, and thus also laid down the general pattern of tea culture in modern china and the style of the Zup tea net.

Afghans drinking tea around a samovar – Tea.com

阿富汗人围着茶炊喝茶v3V Tea

The vast majority of Afghans believe in Islam, honor the teachings, they do not drink alcohol but like to drink tea. Of course, like to drink tea there is another reason, that is, he, the door of the diet to beef and mutton, eat very few vegetables, which need to drink tea to supplement a variety of vitamins, in order to strengthen the body. v3V Tea Net

Afghans drink tea in different ways, depending on the region and have their own preferences. Generally speaking, in Afghanistan’s rural and pastoral areas, people like to drink milk tea. The production process of milk tea and China’s Xinjiang Uyghur, Mongolian, Kazakhs drink milk tea, the same practice, cooking decoction of tea, filter out the dregs of the tea, and then according to personal taste, will be boiled milk poured into the tea broth, plus an appropriate amount of salt, and then boiled, it became an authentic milk tea. v3V Tea Net

Afghans in towns and cities like to drink clean, they usually love green tea in summer and black tea in winter. Their way of drinking tea is to sit on the ground around the samovar. This tea cooker Afghan language called “Samawale”, is made of brass or copper, generally round. There is a lid on top, a base below, and a flue in the center, similar to our traditional copper hot pot. Only at the bottom of the samovar there is a spout, which can be unscrewed to catch boiling water. v3V Tea.com

Whether it is in the teahouse, or at home to drink tea, or home guests, the habit of Afghans is to sit on the ground around the teapot. We cook tea, drink tea at the same time, greet each other, contact feelings, exchange of ideas, talk and laugh, very lively. v3V Tea Net

Wang Wei tea poetry appreciation “Jun but pouring tea bowl, no harm in riding a horse back” – Tea.com


Wang Wei a66tea.com

(Wang Wei (? -761) word Mochizuki, originally from Qi (now belongs to Shanxi), his father moved to live in Puzhou (rule now Shanxi Yongji West), so for the Hedong people. He was a scholar in the Kaiyuan School of Poetry, and his official position was the right minister of the Shangshu School of Poetry, so he was known as the right minister of the Wang. His poems were famous with Meng Haoran, and he was called “Wang Meng”. a66tea.net

Gift to Wu Guan 】a66茶叶网

Chang’an guest house is as hot as a boil, no tea is hard to escape the heat. a66tea.com

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a pair of shoes or boots. a66tea.com

The first thing I want to do is to get the best out of my life. a66Tea. com

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products in the world. a66Tea. com

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products in the world, and you’ll be able to do that.

The first one is a kind of fan. a66tea.com

The bag is made of light blue silk and silk, which is used to hold official documents or books. a66tea.com

Zhēngzhǎ (鲭鲊), a kind of drowned mackerel. a66tea.com

Zhēngzhǎ (汤饼), noodles cooked in soup. a66 茶叶网

Zhaoda (挑达), to and from freely. a66 茶叶网

a66tea.com.cn, a66tea . com.cn

Fuchunzhu (zhǔ), by the Fuchun River. a66tea.com


This poem is a strong rendering of the summer heat in Chang’an guest house. “No a Ming Mee difficult to summer”, Ming Mee, also known as Ming porridge, tea porridge, that is, add tea, ginger, salt, jujube, sesame and rice corn, sorghum, wheat, beans and other boiled soup. According to historical records, as early as in the Western Jin Dynasty (292-299), “a woman in Shu made tea porridge to sell. And Wang Wei contemporaneous poet Chu Guangxi have “eat Ming porridge for” poem, visible at that time Ming porridge has been more popular, and drink Ming porridge does have the effect of thirst quenching, heat relief. Now the south of our country and some parts of Japan still have this way of eating. a66tea.net

The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of a movie, and it was the first time I’d seen it.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get a good deal on this, but I’m sure I’m going to be able to get a good deal on this. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money from the company. a66tea. com

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products in the world, and you’ll be able to do that. The smell is known to all, and can not be hand in hand. a66 tea leaves net

[Detailed explanation] a66tea.com

Wang Wei revered Buddhism, in the capital as the right minister of Shangshu, day meal dozens of monks, in order to talk about joy, fasting in no all, only the tea bell wine mortar, scripture case rope bed only. Therefore, there are a lot of Buddhist meditation in Wang Wei’s poems. Later people called Li Bai as “Poetry Immortal”, Du Fu as “Poetry Sage”, and Wang Wei as “Poetry Buddha”. There are two meanings of “Jushi”, one is “Shi Shi”, which is an ancient term for a person who has talent and virtue but lives in seclusion; the other is used in Buddhism to refer to a Buddhist monk who practiced Buddhism at home. From this poem, “Where there is lotus, there is no will to become willow. From the verse “The pine niche hides the medicine, the stone lip rests on the tea mortar,” it is clear that Mr. Li was a Buddhist who practiced at home. The mortar is an instrument for pounding rice, usually hewn out of stone. The poem “tea mortar”, refers to the apparatus used to pound tightly pressed tea cakes. a66tea.net

Reward for Yan Shao Yin and Xu She Ren for not meeting them 】a66茶叶网

The tea is not a good choice, but it is a good choice. a66tea . com

The first time I saw you, I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night, and I was in the middle of the night.

The first time I saw you, I didn’t know how to cook corn. a66tea. com

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products in the world. a66tea. com

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty.

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. a66tea. com

White Clothes, Buddhists wear black clothes and call laymen white clothes. a66tea. net

The Buddhist is a person who has a black dress, and calls the layman a white dress. a66tea.com

[Detailed explanation] a66tea.com

During the Tang and Song dynasties, tea has not been the exclusive enjoyment of the court aristocrats and scholars, but has become a necessity for the ordinary people. Lu Yu in the “Tea Classic” mentioned that the wind of drinking tea, “Pang time immersion custom, full of state dynasty, two and Jing Yu, thought than the house of drink”. Therefore, as reflected in this poem, “the poor alleys of the old people rare” poverty, can still “you but pour tea bowl, no harm in riding a horse back”. a66 tea net

History of the East India Company’s monopoly on tea – Tea.com

Tea was introduced into Britain as a luxury item, and the government naturally imposed heavy taxes, up to 20% of the value of the goods. Despite this high tax, the East India Company made a fortune from the tea trade. ij7tea.com

East India Company was just established, mainly for the trade of spices and pepper and other things, with the British tea consumer market is getting bigger and bigger, its main trade commodities then became tea. The East India Company monopolized the tea business, it provides the Chinese tea is not only the price is very high, in the quantity is far from meeting the needs of the British market. To the middle of the 18th century, nearly half of the tea consumed by the British public came from smuggling, from the Netherlands dumping tea, the price was very cheap at that time. ij7tea.com

So, with the gradual popularization of the tea drinking custom, in addition to the American tobacco and French brandy, the entire British coastline is busy smuggling Chinese tea. ij7tea.com

What is the meaning of the rocky flavor of rock tea?-Tea.com

Rock rhyme is the unique flavor of rock tea, rock rhyme is rock bone, commonly known as rock flavor, taste has a special sense of mellowness. This is what people mean when they say “rock bone and flower flavor”. xJ7Tea.com

After drinking, the sweetness is fast, the aftertaste is long; the throat rhyme is obvious; the aroma, no matter how high or low, is long-lasting and thick, cold smell is also obvious, and can also retain the feeling of long-lasting and deep flavor in the mouth. xJ7Tea.com

What is rocky flavor?

The ancients used to describe “rocky flavor” with four words: live, sweet, clear and fragrant. xJ7Tea.com

Four words to describe the “rocky flavor ” xJ7Tea.com

“Live” is lubrication, crispness

It has the feeling of pleasure without any stagnation xJ7Tea.com

The throat flavor is clear and crisp xJ7Tea.com

“Sweet” is a short and fast sweetening time.

Refreshing and sweet xJ7Tea.com

“Qing” is the tea soup is pure and unmixed

It’s fast and cozy xJ7Tea.com

The bottom of the leaf is clear and brightxJ7Tea.com

“Fragrance” is that the tea broth in the mouth

Aroma” is the fragrance of the tea in the mouth xJ7Tea.com

After drinking the tea, there is a feeling of lingering fragrance on the teeth and cheeks xJ7Tea.com


Which teas have rocky flavor:

Rocky flavor is a unique flavor of rock tea in Wuyi core production area xJ7Tea.com

The main varieties are Wuyi Narcissus, Wuyi Qi Seed, Dahongpao, etc. Rock tea is famous for Dahongpao, White Cockles, Iron Luo Han, Water Golden Turtle, etc., and other varieties such as Melon Gold, Golden Key, Half-Day Waist and other varieties. xJ7Tea. com

Yunnan Xishuangbanna tea ceremony customs tea culture tea ceremony – Tea.com

云南西双版纳的茶祭风俗茶文化茶礼s9n tea net

Zhuge Liang is Yunnan tea area multi-ethnic common worship “tea ancestor”. In the past, every year on the 23rd day of the seventh lunar month Zhuge Liang’s birthday, Xishuangbanna ancient six tea mountain around the tea merchants are going to organize the local people of all nationalities to hold a “tea ancestor”, with pigs, goats, wine, tea and other offerings to worship the tea ancestor Zhuge Liang, worship belongs to the “wuhou legacy seeds “of the ancient tea tree, praying for a good harvest of tea, tea mountain prosperity, tea farmers peace. Qing Dynasty Tanzui “Dianhai Yu Heng Zhi” (1799 AD), “Tea Mountain has a tea king tree, larger than the five tea mountain alone, the Wuhou relics, and so far the Yi people worship.” s9n tea network

Hani beliefs in primitive religion, mainly ancestor worship and the spirit of all things as the core of the worship of many gods. The Hani people worship ancestors, each household for the ancestral god “Apei Polo”, the annual harvest and festivals will be held many times ancestral activities, to express respect for the ancestors, and pray for the blessing of the ancestors. When offering ancestors, rice, chicken, tea, wine, salt and other offerings should be placed on the table. s9n tea net

The Hani people worship many gods, and believe that there are gods of heaven, earth, mountains, trees, water and evil spirits, souls and so on. Engaged in an activity, must first sacrifice to the gods, praying for protection, thus giving rise to a multitude of sacrificial activities, sacrifices to the gods must be chicken, rice, wine, tea and other offerings. If the annual spring tea mining, must first worship the mountain god and the ancient tea tree god, praying for tea production, increase income. s9n tea net

Jinuo tea sacrifice drum drum is the Jinuo ancestors to avoid the flood of artifacts, is the worship of the Jinuo artifacts. Every year, the New Year’s Day (Te Mauk Festival) will be held to sacrifice the drum ceremony, praying for the blessing of the ancestors of human and animal prosperity, a bumper crop. Sacrifice drum ceremony hosted by the sorcerer, offerings of pigs, chickens, rice, tea, wine, etc. s9n tea net

Dai, Brown tea “fine Buddha” s9n tea net

Dai, Brown believe in Hinayana Buddhism, every year to the Maine Temple for a number of “fine Buddha” and other religious activities, and at the same time to listen to the scriptures to pray for blessings, and to seek favorable weather conditions, food and tea harvest. “Fine Buddha”, tea is an important “fine goods” one. s9n tea network

Japanese Tea Ceremony “Silence” originally nothing – Tea.com

Japanese Tea Ceremony “Silence” mlC Tea Net

“Silence” is the highest state of the Japanese tea ceremony, without which there would be no meaning of the tea ceremony. Silence” in Sanskrit means “stillness”, “peace”, “quietness”, and in the Buddhist text it means “death”, “death”, “death”, “death”, “death”, and “death”. In Buddhist texts, it means “death”, “nirvana”, “nothingness”. When a tea drinker or a Zen practitioner completes the negation of all things, he or she enters a world of nothingness without any sound or color. mlC Tea.com

Death is more primitive and belonging to life, and occupies a longer period of time. Death is absolute and life is relative. Death is also known as the world of “nothing”, “nothing” is the root of “something”, the Buddhist idea of reincarnation gives people the hope of regeneration. mlC Tea Net

When the tea people denied all the inherent aesthetic value, abandoned all the ideological constraints, a new work of art, a new form of art came into being. mlC Tea Net

How to Develop a Good Lifestyle – Tea.com

The Internet circulates such a paragraph: “hospitals only three words to make you lose money – you this disease is very serious; but still can be cured; but need a lot of money.” Health is in your own hands, so don’t wait for the time when it’s “precious” to cherish it. en6tea.net

Adopt these good lifestyles, so that you can work and live in a healthy state!



When you sing with all your heart and soul, you can forget your worries and relax your body and mind. en6tea .com

Nowadays, young people like to release their negative emotions and pressure by going to sing with their friends; middle-aged and old-aged friends also like to show their voices and take singing as a form of exercise. en6tea.com

Singing requires a lot of breath, the fresh air into the body, lung function are exercised. If you want to sing well, you must also straighten your waist, so that unintentionally straighten your waist, a multi-benefit. en6tea.com



Brisk walking can enhance the resistance of tendons, ligaments and joints to injury and reduce the chances of sports injuries. At the same time, the skin, muscle tissue can also become more solid. en6tea.com

Long-term adherence to exercise, the quality of will will be greatly improved, and fatigue recovery is also very fast, can quickly return to the level of calm. en6tea.net


3.Drink Tea

Tea is one of the top ten health foods announced by the World Health Organization, and it is well known that drinking tea can effectively promote gastrointestinal motility and enhance immunity. Women often drink tea can also play a beauty effect. en6tea.com

Daily to develop a good habit of drinking a moderate amount of tea, not only drink out of the healthy body and good skin color, can make the mind calm, refreshing and beneficial to the mind. en6tea.net


4.Sitting soon

Sitting for a long time, especially sitting posture is still incorrect, is one of the most common causes of back pain. Because the wrong posture overly pull and squeeze the lumbar spine and related muscles. en6tea.com

Sitting for a long time is also likely to lead to swollen legs and feet, thrombosis of the lower extremities, and accelerate the aging of the spine. en6tea.com

The American Diabetes Association’s 2016 guidelines clearly state that all people should reduce sedentary time, especially to avoid sitting for more than 90 minutes. en6tea.com


5.Eat more ginger, drink ginger candy

Ginger is sweet, pungent and warm, with the effect of dispersing cold and sweating, warming the stomach and stopping vomiting. If you often feel cold stomach, loss of appetite, you can often take fresh ginger tablets to promote digestion. en6tea.com

With ginger and brown sugar boiled into ginger sugar bubble water to drink, sweet with spicy, the most suitable for winter tonic warm body drink a cup. en6tea.com


6.Eat leafy greens

Green leafy vegetables can provide a large number of carotene and lutein, both nutrients are conducive to eye health, to protect vision. en6tea.net

At the same time, leafy greens dietary fiber content is high, in a meal to eat half a pound of less oil cooking leafy greens can effectively increase the feeling of satiety, delay the food in the stomach emptying speed, is conducive to control the amount of food. en6tea.net


7.Eat blueberries

Blueberries are rich in protein, dietary fiber, fat, vitamins and other nutrients, but also contains a wealth of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and other trace minerals. en6tea.com

Anthocyanin is a very important plant water-soluble pigment, belongs to the natural anti-aging nutritional supplements, is currently human discovery of one of the effective antioxidant bioactive agents. en6tea.com

The anthocyanin content in blueberries is very high. en6tea.com


8.Eat Nuts

Nuts are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, and are an excellent source of plant-based proteins and micronutrients that the body needs. en6tea.com

It’s also a good choice to supplement the lack of vegetable and fruit intake. en6tea.com

However, there is no “which nut is necessarily better” statement, for example: pine nuts and Batan wood dietary fiber is the most abundant; pistachios, Pistachios and macadamia nuts vitamin B1 content is excellent; en6tea.net

Batan wood in vitamin B2 content advantage is obvious, is several times other nuts; pistachios, pine nuts and batan wood vitamin E content is rich. en6tea.com

Therefore, the best practice is: a variety of nuts with or change to eat. en6tea.com


9.Ensure the quality of sleep

If you don’t sleep well for a long time, your brain won’t get enough rest, which may reduce your brain’s ability to think creatively and process things, and reduce your memory. en6tea.com

To solve sleep problems, it is important to create a comfortable sleeping environment. en6tea.com

The bedroom should be darker, remember to turn off all the lights in the room before you go to bed, draw the curtains and wear an eye mask is also a good idea. The temperature of the bedroom is generally comfortable at 20-23 degrees Celsius, and ventilation should be good. en6tea.com



We Chinese are not used to hugging. We come into contact with a lot of people every day, but there is a lack of real “contact” because we keep our bodies at a distance from each other. en6tea.com

In fact, physical contact will allow both parties to obtain the feeling of acceptance; hugging will allow people to regain the sense of security and warmth of childhood. en6tea.net

Hugs can convey a sense of support, can make each other a deeper level of understanding; acquaintances between the body of the physical contact can play a role in psychological appeasement; en6Tea.com

People with poor interpersonal skills can break the barrier and distance with strangers by hugging. en6tea.com

After reading the article you will realize that in fact health is not far away from us. en6tea.com

Normal work and rest time, one or two hobbies, harmonious interpersonal relationships and timely supplementation of nutritional eating habits, can bring different effects to our lives. en6tea.com

Tell your friends around you, the above ten good habits, did, to continue to maintain; did not do, now start training is not too late oh. en6tea.com