Yunnan Xishuangbanna tea ceremony customs tea culture tea ceremony –

云南西双版纳的茶祭风俗茶文化茶礼s9n tea net

Zhuge Liang is Yunnan tea area multi-ethnic common worship “tea ancestor”. In the past, every year on the 23rd day of the seventh lunar month Zhuge Liang’s birthday, Xishuangbanna ancient six tea mountain around the tea merchants are going to organize the local people of all nationalities to hold a “tea ancestor”, with pigs, goats, wine, tea and other offerings to worship the tea ancestor Zhuge Liang, worship belongs to the “wuhou legacy seeds “of the ancient tea tree, praying for a good harvest of tea, tea mountain prosperity, tea farmers peace. Qing Dynasty Tanzui “Dianhai Yu Heng Zhi” (1799 AD), “Tea Mountain has a tea king tree, larger than the five tea mountain alone, the Wuhou relics, and so far the Yi people worship.” s9n tea network

Hani beliefs in primitive religion, mainly ancestor worship and the spirit of all things as the core of the worship of many gods. The Hani people worship ancestors, each household for the ancestral god “Apei Polo”, the annual harvest and festivals will be held many times ancestral activities, to express respect for the ancestors, and pray for the blessing of the ancestors. When offering ancestors, rice, chicken, tea, wine, salt and other offerings should be placed on the table. s9n tea net

The Hani people worship many gods, and believe that there are gods of heaven, earth, mountains, trees, water and evil spirits, souls and so on. Engaged in an activity, must first sacrifice to the gods, praying for protection, thus giving rise to a multitude of sacrificial activities, sacrifices to the gods must be chicken, rice, wine, tea and other offerings. If the annual spring tea mining, must first worship the mountain god and the ancient tea tree god, praying for tea production, increase income. s9n tea net

Jinuo tea sacrifice drum drum is the Jinuo ancestors to avoid the flood of artifacts, is the worship of the Jinuo artifacts. Every year, the New Year’s Day (Te Mauk Festival) will be held to sacrifice the drum ceremony, praying for the blessing of the ancestors of human and animal prosperity, a bumper crop. Sacrifice drum ceremony hosted by the sorcerer, offerings of pigs, chickens, rice, tea, wine, etc. s9n tea net

Dai, Brown tea “fine Buddha” s9n tea net

Dai, Brown believe in Hinayana Buddhism, every year to the Maine Temple for a number of “fine Buddha” and other religious activities, and at the same time to listen to the scriptures to pray for blessings, and to seek favorable weather conditions, food and tea harvest. “Fine Buddha”, tea is an important “fine goods” one. s9n tea network