What is the meaning of the rocky flavor of rock tea?-Tea.com

Rock rhyme is the unique flavor of rock tea, rock rhyme is rock bone, commonly known as rock flavor, taste has a special sense of mellowness. This is what people mean when they say “rock bone and flower flavor”. xJ7Tea.com

After drinking, the sweetness is fast, the aftertaste is long; the throat rhyme is obvious; the aroma, no matter how high or low, is long-lasting and thick, cold smell is also obvious, and can also retain the feeling of long-lasting and deep flavor in the mouth. xJ7Tea.com

What is rocky flavor?

The ancients used to describe “rocky flavor” with four words: live, sweet, clear and fragrant. xJ7Tea.com

Four words to describe the “rocky flavor ” xJ7Tea.com

“Live” is lubrication, crispness

It has the feeling of pleasure without any stagnation xJ7Tea.com

The throat flavor is clear and crisp xJ7Tea.com

“Sweet” is a short and fast sweetening time.

Refreshing and sweet xJ7Tea.com

“Qing” is the tea soup is pure and unmixed

It’s fast and cozy xJ7Tea.com

The bottom of the leaf is clear and brightxJ7Tea.com

“Fragrance” is that the tea broth in the mouth

Aroma” is the fragrance of the tea in the mouth xJ7Tea.com

After drinking the tea, there is a feeling of lingering fragrance on the teeth and cheeks xJ7Tea.com


Which teas have rocky flavor:

Rocky flavor is a unique flavor of rock tea in Wuyi core production area xJ7Tea.com

The main varieties are Wuyi Narcissus, Wuyi Qi Seed, Dahongpao, etc. Rock tea is famous for Dahongpao, White Cockles, Iron Luo Han, Water Golden Turtle, etc., and other varieties such as Melon Gold, Golden Key, Half-Day Waist and other varieties. xJ7Tea. com


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