Bean Tea Drinking Culture of Dong Ethnic Group in

贵州侗族的豆茶饮茶文化5qI Tea Net

The Dong people living in the southeastern part of Guizhou Province like to drink bean tea. This kind of bean tea is made from soybeans, bulgur, rice flowers, fried rice, tea leaves, etc. Put into a cauldron to cook and boil, and it becomes bean tea. It is divided into three kinds: “clear bean tea”, “red bean tea” and “white bean tea”, and the requirements for drinking are also different. 5qI Tea Net

Chingdao tea is drunk during national festivals. The scale of the tea drinking is very large, and every family in the whole village puts their own prepared green bean tea on the square of the village for everyone to drink. The people who drink the green bean tea are not only from their own villages, but also the Dong families from neighboring villages can come. This is actually a kind of joint activity. When almost all the people attending have come, everyone holds hands, sings and dances, and when they take a break, they sit around the teapot and drink the green bean tea. 5qI Tea Net

Red bean tea is consumed when children are married. The so-called red bean tea is actually made by adding some pig’s blood when cooking bean tea. The purpose of drinking red bean tea is to offer thanks to the newly married couple at the same time, and it is also an initiative of the newly married couple to thank the guests who came to the wedding. After the bride and groom have had their wedding ceremony, they stand to give thanks to the guests who have come to the wedding. After the bride and groom hold a wedding ceremony, they stand in front of the door of the hall, holding a tray with red bean tea, and offer tea to each guest who enters the door, and the guests politely accept the red bean tea, say a few words of blessing, and then enter the hall. 5qI Tea Net

White bean tea is served when an elder in the family passes away. This tea is boiled with beef. When guests come to offer condolences to the deceased, the deceased’s children or other immediate family members carry trays and offer the white bean tea to the guests as a sign of appreciation for their presence. 5qI

However, eat red bean tea and white bean tea can not be eaten as white as eat clean bean tea, after eating tea to take out the gift money bet on the bottom of the tea bowl; as for the amount of tea gift money, depending on the person, the relationship between the close often pay more, the relationship between the general payment of the tea gift money to get by on it. 5qI Tea Network

Singapore’s “long tea” tea drinking culture – Tea Net

新加坡的“长茶”饮茶文化YNw Tea

Singapore is a multicultural country, Chinese accounted for 76% of the total population, but also has been colonized by the British for more than a hundred years of history, this demographic composition and historical background, making Singapore not only Chinese tea, British afternoon tea, and there is a unique Singapore “long tea”. The so-called “Long Tea” is a kind of milk tea made by adding the right amount of milk to the brewed black tea. Drinking this “long tea”, often not to drink tea, but to let the buffet-style eating snacks occupy a dominant position, so the quality of this “long tea” is not high, tea drinkers are more interested in Dr. Tea’s tea performance. ynw tea net

Dr. Tea’s tea pouring performance can be described as a pure skill. Dr. Tea holds a large tea canister in one hand and a tea cup in the other, one on top of the other, with an interval of about 1 meter between the two hands. They will milk tea from the big tea canister into the tea cup, and then from the tea cup back to the big tea canister, so that repeated 7 times, it means that the black tea and milk fused with each other into one, this kind of pouring tea show is a kind of superb skills, in the process of repeated pouring tea, milk tea half will not overflow, and even less splash to the body of the tea guest, because of the many tea drinkers rather than come to drink tea, as if to say that it is to watch the tea show. ynw Tea Network

Due to the large proportion of ethnic Chinese in Singapore, the Chinese tea ceremony is also very marketable. Some teahouses specializing in Chinese tea are very popular. It is not only the Chinese who come here to drink tea, but also many people who come here to visit or do business. They gather in the teahouse to spend time, talk business, or catch up on old times, and it has become a social place that people like to go to.

Tea Drinking Habits in

Tea Drinking Habits in Russia XkF

In everyday life, Russians can not live without tea every day. Breakfast tea, usually eat slices of bread and small pies with ham or salami. After lunch also drink tea, in addition to adding sugar to the tea, sometimes with jam, cream, lemon juice and so on. Tea is especially enjoyed on Sundays, holidays or after a hot bath. They drink tea as a supplement to the diet, tea must taste sweets, pastries, bagels, honey and a variety of jams. The Russian nation has always been proud of the “State of Manners”, many families have the habit of serving tea to their guests, when you come to their home as a guest, the host will usually ask: “What would you like to drink, tea or coffee?” If you choose to drink tea, the host will say, “I’ll put the tea on.” Drinking tea is one of their great hobbies. The Udh people also invite general guests and all travelers to drink tea. When guests drink tea, the host often served sweet snacks, cakes, pies, etc., straight drink until the guests and hosts are satisfied. XkF Tea Network

Russians like to drink black tea, especially Georgian black tea. They are very interested in China’s jasmine tea, that this tea is fragrant, refreshing. There are different customs of the tea party, by the people generally welcome. xkF Tea Network

Russian tea drinking is very sophisticated, there are very beautiful tea set: saucer is very chic, because when drinking tea is used to pour tea into the saucer and then to the mouth. Tea has people like Chinese ceramics, some people like glass. But the most accustomed to use the teapot to cook tea to drink, especially the elderly more like. XkF Tea Network

When the host will be tea cooker on the table, the aroma of the room full of glory. Especially in winter, outside the window, snow, the house fire is red, sitting on the copper tea cooker. A moment will be sprayed with steam, squeaking, the table with bread, sugar, jam and a variety of sweets. Russians drink tea is usually a good tea cooker tea, and then into the cup of strong tea juice, and then add boiling water, adjusted to the appropriate concentration, drinking tea tea utensils are generally very small, such as a small glass of wine, pouring the side of the tasting side of the chat, it is really sweet, no words. If you want to talk about business, this is a good time. XkF Tea Net

Want to compare the West Lake to Xizi, never good tea like a good woman-Tea

Want to put the West Lake than Xizi, never good tea like a good person, meaning: the beauty of the West Lake and Xizi’s beauty is comparable to the West Lake, the West Lake is like a beauty, a good tea is also like a good person, the scenery is beautiful, the people are beautiful, the tea is beautiful, and it is a joyful experience. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Song Dynasty writer Su Shi life love tea, even if the office or deputation exiled, in the smoke and dust, hunger and thirst on the long journey, but also do not forget the tea, leaving a lot of poetry about tea. 7HZ Tea Net

He went to Xuzhou as governor when he made “Raccoon brook yarn”, there is such a stanza: 7HZ tea net

“Rustling scarf falling jujube flower, the village south and north of the village ringing reel car. The old willow in the cow’s coat sells cucumbers. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The wine sleepy road is long but want to sleep, the sun is high, people are thirsty and thinking about tea, knocking on the door to ask the wild man home.” 7HZ Tea

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Scenario integration, image realistic depiction of his thirst for tea, thinking about tea, looking for tea scenarios and mentality, calling the heart with this feeling, empathy, marveled. 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi has been to many places in his life, every place, where there is a famous tea and good spring, he has left poems. 7HZ Tea Net

“White clouds under the peak of two new flags, greasy green long fresh valley rain spring.” It is written about Hangzhou Baiyun tea. 7HZ Tea Net

“Dragon roasting this year, the Valley Curtain since the ancient new spring. The snow buds of Shuangjing tea have been scattered by the immortals, and the seedlings are from Beiyuan. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The tea is white and snow-colored, and the flowers float in the tea cup. Who dares to be more colorful in the human world, but to be more colorful in the red window ?

This song “West River Moon” is about the best Dragon Roasted Tea made from the real spring in Gu Li. 7HZ Tea Leaf Website

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea

“has passed several times spring rain, the night before a thunder, flag and gun battle, Jianxi spring color accounted for the first leader. The first time I saw this song, it was a song about a bird’s tongue on a branch, with dew and smoke mashed up and knotted on a pile of purple clouds. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

This song “Song of Water” vividly describes the picking of tea leaves in Jianxi. 7HZ Tea Net

What is even more amazing and has been passed down through the ages is a song that honors Fujian Gully Source Tea:

“Immortal mountain spirit grass warm traveling clouds, wash all the fragrant muscle powder is not even. The bright moon to cast Yu Chuan son, the wind blowing through the martial arts spring. To know the ice and snow heart good, not anointing oil first face new. Playing a small poem gentleman do not laugh, never good tea like a good person.” 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi compared the good tea to a good person, so people have a different face, wonder, become the tea of the ages. 7HZ Tea Net

Hangzhou Lotus root Xiangju Tea Room will be in this poem “never good tea like a good person” sentence, and Su Shi’s another masterpiece “drinking lake after the first sunny day” in the “want to put the West Lake than the West,” composed of a pair of tea couplets: “want to put the West Lake than the West. The tea is like a beautiful woman.” It’s marvelous and neat, and it’s amazing. 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi on the tea ceremony is very conscientious, for cooking tea drinking tea each program has a unique view, and poetry to chant. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

In the “test courtyard decoction of tea”, “crab eyes have been fish eyes raw, the wind for the pine wind singing. Meng velvet out of the grinding of fine beads fall, dizzy turn round ou flying snow light”, is to the boiling water bubble form and sound to judge the boiling degree of water observation, meticulous, vivid. 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi on the efficacy of tea is also a deep study, a day sick, he drank several bowls of tea, so that the sick body healed, was in the temple on the wall of the powder inscription seven absolute a: “show the disease Vimo Yuan is not sick, at home, Lingyun has forgotten home. Why need Wei Di a pill medicine, and all Lu Tong seven bowls of tea.” 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi is very talented, every scene, some feelings, poems will come out, and interesting. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Xining four years, Su Shi served as Hangzhou pass judge, one day, he went to a temple to play, the abbot did not know who he was, thought it was an ordinary tourists only, only lightly said: “sit”, called the little monk “tea”. 7HZ Tea Net

So the little monk served a very general bowl of tea. 7HZ Tea Net

When the abbot and Su Shi a little bit of pleasantries that this person is extraordinary, not idle generation, they changed their mouths: “Please sit”, and re-called the little monk “tea”. 7HZ Te a Net

The little monk again bubble on a bowl of tea. 7HZ Tea Net

Even the last, the abbot finally knew that the person is the state’s official, the famous poet Su Shi, then scrambled to get up and respectfully invited: “Please take a seat”, turned around and shouted to the little monk “bubble good tea”. 7HZ Te a Leaf Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Leaf Network

Su Shi put all this in the eyes. 7HZ Tea Net

Farewell, the abbot held out the four treasures, to Su Shi begging for ink, Su Shi a little thought, hand-written a pair of couplets, the first line is: “sit please sit please sit”, the second line is: “tea bubble tea bubble good tea. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The abbot saw the words on the joint, can not help but show the color of shame and embarrassment, no place to hide. 7HZ Tea Network

Also a thing more see su shi tea and poetry of kung fu. 7HZ tea net

Ancient and even modern, teapots often have “can clear the mind also” a few words. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi that the order to look at although into the literature, but the loss of the shallow, not a good article, so he wrote two poems in the form of back to the text, the interesting thing is that these two poems are written in a dream, after waking up from a dream, the two eight-sentence poems, only to remember a sentence: “messy point of the remaining flowers spit blue shirt,” the rest of the seven lines had to be made up. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The poem is like this, the first one is “flushed face jade bowl hold slender, messy point of the remaining flowers spit blue shirt. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The first one is: “I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but I’m sure it’s a good idea.” The second poem is: “The empty flowers fall out of the wine pouring tank, the sun on the mountain melting snow rising river. The red baking shallow ou new fire live, dragon ball small rolling bucket clear window.” 7HZ Tea

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ tea net

Surprisingly, these two poems not only can sing along, but also can be recited upside down, it became another two seven. The first one became: “Rock and snow fall pine dream, courtyard quiet condensation cloud water pharyngeal song. Shirt blue spit flowers remaining points messy, delicate bowl of jade flushed.” 7HZ tea net

The second is: “Window clear bucket grinding small group dragon, live fire new ou shallow roast red. The river rises to the snow red mountain day, the cylinder pouring wine to the end of the fallen flowers empty. ” 7HZ Tea Net

Pu’er tea six tea mountain four production area

普洱茶六大茶山四产区介绍mAC Tea

Xishuangbanna six ancient tea mountain records, can be found in the Qing Dynasty Ruan Fu written by the “Pu’er tea record” as follows:

“The so-called Pu’er tea, non-Pu’er Province within the boundaries of the production, cover the production in the province of Simao Hall boundaries, the Office of the six tea mountain, said Yibang, said shelf cloth, said Kong, said the brute brick, said Gedeng, said Yiwu, and the Tongzhi contained in the name.” mAC tea network

The six tea mountain, are located in xishuangbanna territory: is located outside of jinghong city is yule mountain, is located in menghla county territory is the other five tea mountain. These six tea mountains have a total area of more than 2,260 square kilometers, and now the tea plantations on the mountain have developed to 100,000 acres. They are in the southern subtropical climate, the average annual temperature of 19 ℃ -20 ℃, the annual effective cumulative temperature of 6000 ℃ -7000 ℃, annual rainfall of 1700-2100 mm, four seasons as mild as spring, coupled with the location of the high mountain area, the clouds, the production of Pu’er Tea is famous. In the 10th year of Yongzheng of the Qing Dynasty (1732), the tea here became one of the tribute teas designated by the Qing court, and it has been tribute until the 30th year of Guangxu to end. Since the court loved it and gave it as a state gift to foreign emissaries, Pu’er tea became famous all over the world. mAC Tea Network

In the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, the Six Tea Mountains experienced some decline in planting, production and marketing, mainly due to the neglect of government departments. After the founding of New China, the production and marketing of Pu’er tea in the six tea mountains was revitalized. mAC Tea Network

The ancient tea mountain of Youle is located in the jurisdiction of Jinghong City, and is also named as Keeno Mountain. It is 75 kilometers long from east to west and 50 kilometers wide from north to south. Its northeastern zone is the Gedeng Tea Mountain. mAC Tea Net

Throughout history, the tea planting and processing in the Youle Tea Mountain has always ranked among the best. The highest annual output of Yunnan big-leaf tea grown here exceeded 2,000 quintals. In the seventh year of Yongzheng of Qing Dynasty (1729), the imperial court set up the Tongzhi Prefecture here as the general judge of Pu’er. In 1942, there was a constant war here, and the tea farmers could not make a living, so they had to flee and scatter, and the tea mountains became desolate with fewer people to manage them. mAC Tea Net

After the establishment of New China, the government attached great importance to the tea production here, and gave strong support, so the production and production quality of Pu’er tea has been greatly improved. mAC Tea Net

The area included in Gedeng Ancient Tea Mountain was also a very famous tea-producing area in ancient times, and the annual tea production was also more than 500 quintals. The teas grown here are all big leaf tea types. There was once a historical record, there is a tea tree king, to the Qing Jiaqing period is still growing in the vicinity of Bajiaoshuzhai, just spring tea picking, this ancient tea tree can produce a quintal of dry tea. There are many ancient tea trees like this one in the area, but most of them have already died. mAC Tea Net

In the Dai language, the Yibang ancient tea mountain is also called “Molar Yibang”, which means “tea well”. The total area of the tea mountain is 360 square kilometers, which is located in the high mountain area, and there are many ethnic groups living together. In ancient times, it was famous for producing round tea, which is what people refer to as the “Seven Cakes”, and is said to produce and sell more than 10,000 quintals of tea annually. mAC Tea Net

Yibang Ancient Tea Mountain tea industry development is the most prosperous in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, tea estates and tea stores abound, merchants gathered, trading is booming. During the Ming Dynasty, some tea traders from Sichuan and other places brought small-leaf tea seeds here. During the Qing Dynasty, many famous tea merchants emerged here, such as Songyun and Yuanchang, which were founded in the Guangxu period and specialized in selling tea to the Sichuan area. mAC Tea Net

At that time, Yibang ancient tea mountain tea is also exported to Tibet and Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia, the Qing court will be the tea here as tribute. Tribute to the court of the tribute tea are Yibang tea as raw material production, the Qing court of the tea mountain also carried out a more systematic and perfect management, to the Daoguang 25 years (1845), here has been built an ancient road, Kunming – Simao – Yibang, Yiwu Tea Mountain tea road is also open, greatly promoting the tea mountain tea business and sales. mAC Tea Network

In the Qing Dynasty during the Qianlong period, Yibang tea mountain has gathered 90,000 people, the market is prosperous, business is booming. Every family planted tea for business, planting tea, making tea, selling tea, has formed a series of one-stop service, the four major tea market towns have taken shape. In the Xiangming, appeared very characteristic Yibang Street, Man Gong Street, brick street, cattle rolling pond street. Tea carriers and horse gangs traveled to and fro, and the situation was unprecedented. Until now, people can still find some of the old streets left back then, savoring the ancient and simple legacy of the year. mAC Tea Net

Yibang ancient tea mountain began to decline in the late Qing Dynasty, followed by the fierce rise of Yiwu tea mountain. However, in history, the round tea made in Yibang Tea Mountain was the best-selling product, with an annual production and sales volume of about 1,000 quintals of round tea alone. It is said that the best quality is the round tea produced in Manson, which has very good tea flavor characteristics, and it is listed as a tribute to the imperial court. Thick flavor, color clear yellowish is its character different from other tea, after brewing with boiling water, the tea is upright and not sinking, a sweet aroma into the throat and nose, refreshing and relieving the effect is particularly good. mAC Tea Net

Mangzhi ancient tea mountain tea, mainly concentrated in the cattle rolling pond street, cattle rolling pond street is like Ming “four streets” in the most prosperous one of the town, to do tea business here mostly from abroad. Mangzhi Tea Mountain tea planting place in Dazhai, according to historical records, every March, from the picking of spring tea, tea farmers go to the temple to worship the tea ancestor Tea God, praying for a year’s harvest. Mangzhi ancient tea mountain produces cheap tea, but due to the impact of war, resulting in the decline of the city, the people do not live. Now this place has long been the scenery is no longer, just see some residual ancient monuments and tombs, and some fragmentary wall carvings. mAC Tea Network

Barbarian brick ancient tea mountain, including the territory in the Barbarian forest and Barbarian brick, as one of the six ancient tea mountain, people can see from the local ruins of Guandi Temple some inscriptions, which is only a few written records. The Guandi Temple was built in the sixth year of the Qianlong reign (1741), when the annual output of the Brick Tea Mountain was over 10,000 quintals, and the tea leaves here were picked and transported to Yiwu for processing and sale. mAC Tea Net

Barbarian brick tea mountain is located in high mountains and dense forests, until now it still maintains a simple natural state, and now also has an annual output of more than 10,000 quintals. mAC Tea Net

Slowly spread ancient tea mountain is located in the northeast of Mengla Yiwu Township, bordering with Laos. Tea production here was at its peak during the Qianlong period of the Qing Dynasty, with an annual output of more than 10,000 quintals. During the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty, many Han Chinese from the mainland were concentrated here, and they worked together with the locals in the planting, harvesting and development of tea. The most famous “Yuanbao tea” was formed at that time, this Yuanbao tea is also a kind of round tea, which sells well at home and abroad. mAC Tea Net

The results of the relevant experts show that the slow spread of the ancient tea mountains, including the Yiwu tea mountain, the Tang Dynasty here has become the distribution center of Pu’er tea, Yiwu is therefore crowned with the “profit city” reputation, as one of the Yunnan-Tibet Ancient Tea Horse Route starting location, has a very important historical position. mAC Tea Net

Qing Daoguang years (1821-1850), Yiwu tea mountain quietly rose, Yiwu produced tea, with excellent quality marketing everywhere, the annual output reached 4,000 quintals, the sale is basically a group of tea, tea farmers here to make the “seven cake tea”, most of the use of good tea as a material for the high requirements of the color of the tea, this tea has eight kinds of tea color. Tea has eight kinds of tea color. The imperial court designated Yiwu, Manla and other regional production of group tea (Tuocha) as tribute tea, so the status of Pu’er tea has been extremely fast, and now there is still a plaque inscribed by the Daoguang Emperor “RuiGongTianZhao”. Pu’er tea became a fashionable drink popular in the Qing court, became a noble gift for the royal relatives and the aristocracy, and also became a valuable gift for diplomatic envoys. mAC Tea Net

Qing Dynasty scholar Ruan Fu recorded that: Pu’er tea is famous all over the world, the capital is especially important. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, the price of Pu’er tea was the highest. Scholar Chai Calyx “Fan Tian Lu Cong Lu” recorded that: Pu’er tea …… sex warm flavor thick, produced Yiwu, Yibang is particularly good, the price of equal and gold. That is to say, at that time, the price of Pu’er tea good tea is twice the price of silver. mAC Tea Net

About the six tea mountain prosperity, can be found in the Qing people Tan Zui “Dianhai Yu Heng Zhi” in “Pu Tea is famous all over the world …… Tea Mountain week 800 miles, into the mountains of tea hundreds of thousands of people, tea buyers, transported to various places,” said. mAC Tea Net

The six tea mountain soil quality is different, tea is also very different. The Pu’er tea produced here has a preoccupation, that is, Pu’er tea leaves and other weeds grow together, the tea product appears inferior, Pu’er tea and other things mixed together, the smell is not pure. mAC Tea Net

The earliest founder of Dian Hong –

The earliest founder of Dian Hong was Feng Shaoqiu (1900-1987), Feng Shaoqiu (1900-1987), the word yiqun, Hengyang City, Hunan Province, the founder of Dian Hong, Dian Hong Group, the first director of the factory, the former director of Shunning Experimental Tea Factory, in January 1939, began to scale production of black tea, named “Dian Hong”, the first batch of “Dian Hong” was sold to London, England, the price of 800 pence per pound hit the highest price in the international market. The first batch of “Dian Hong” was sold to London, England, and set the highest price of international black tea at 800 pence per pound.

滇红的最早创始人rhL Tea Network

In 1933, Mr. Feng Shaoqiu for the first time as Xiushui Experimental Tea Farm technician, responsible for the Ning Hong tea initial, refined test work, and then by Mr. Hu Haochuan (Qimen Tea Improvement Field Director) hired to Qimen trial production of black tea, and designed a set of black tea in the field of the initial production of machinery and equipment, creating a mechanism of our country’s precedent for black tea.

The outbreak of the war of resistance against Japan in 1938, Qimen tea began to evacuate, Mr. Feng Shaoqiu was invited to work in the Tea Company, in mid-September, in order to open up new tea export production areas, the Tea Company sent Feng Shaoqiu, Fan and Jun to Yunnan to investigate the situation of tea production and marketing, Feng Shaoqiu was subdivided into Shunning (now Fengqing County), that is, the Fung Shan Tea Plantation, the trial harvesting of 5kg of tea buds and leaves, were made into black tea, green tea, each of which is 500 grams, kind of sent to the Hong Kong Tea Market, which is known as China’s black and green tea, and is also known as China’s black tea, green tea. Known as China’s top red and green tea, Dian Hong was born. rhL Tea Network

In March 1939 began to prepare for the establishment of Shun Ning Experimental Tea Factory, the year the trial production of more than sixteen tons of Dian Hong, Hong Kong resale of London, the excellent quality of the product caused the vibration of the international tea market. rhL Tea Network

滇红的最早创始人rhL Tea Network

Feng Shaoqiu life dedicated to tea research and production, he is good at making tea, known as “tea scholar”, “black tea experts”, “the father of Dian Hong”; he is a connoisseur of identification and evaluation of tea, known as “Feng Shaoqiu”, known as “Feng Shaoqiu”. He is a connoisseur of tea identification, tasting and evaluation, known as “Feng Nose”; he is an outstanding contribution to the history of Chinese tea, able to write and industry, good leadership, innovation, forgetting to open up the leading cadres of the model. rhL Tea Net

Think of the source of water, do not forget the virtues of our forefathers. rhL Tea Network

Rice brick tea culture calendar and development – Tea Net


Rice Brick is produced in the hometown of Chinese Green Rice Brick Tea – Yangloudong, Chibi, Hubei Province. Rice brick production history is longer, second only to the green brick. Hubei brick tea, originally operated by Shanxi Gang, first set up in E’nan Zhuang acquisition of gross tea processing brick tea, the middle of the 19th century, Xianning County, Yangloudong production of more than 800,000 pounds. Into the 19th century, due to the development of foreign trade, the Qing Daoguang years Yihong came out, to 1861 after the opening of the port of Hankou, Britain went to Hankou to set up a foreign bank, a large number of purchases of black tea, transshipment of the United Kingdom and transfer to the countries of Western Europe.

At this time the Russian businessmen to buy brick tea, around 1863, Russian businessmen to go to the Yangloudong area to finance the recruitment of people chartered to supervise the production of brick tea. 1873 in Hankou to establish the Shunfeng, Xintai, Fuchang three new factories, the use of machinery to press the rice bricks, transshipment of Russia to change hands for export. The main raw materials from the Xiang, E, Gan, Anhui four provinces black tea tea pieces of tea, but also from India, Ceylon when the mouth part of the tea. Russia in the red mouth production and acquisition of brick tea, generally from Hankou through Shanghai shipping to Tianjin, and then generally transported to Tongzhou, and then use the camel team through Zhangjiakou across the desert road, transported to Chakotu, and finally transported by Chakotu to Siberia and other markets in Russia.

Later also used the fleet to participate in transportation, transshipment through Vladivostok to Europe. According to the “Customs General Book of Commerce and Trade” statistics, from 1876 to 1879, rice brick exports in Hankou total exports of 13.4-26%, in 1879 exported 7,232.8 tons of rice bricks, accounting for 7.28% of the total national exports of tea at the time, in 1888 rose to account for the country’s exports of 12.91% of the total for the heyday of the production and export of rice brick.

Currently produces more than a thousand tons, the main sales of the east mouth (refers to Zhangjiakou), west mouth (refers to Baotou) and all over Xinjiang. A small amount of sales in Europe, America and the Soviet Union. Because of the beautiful appearance of rice bricks, some western families to the rice bricks with refined frame into the living room, as a display of works of art to appreciate.

Yunnan Menghu Tea District and Cultivated Ancient Tree Tea


Location of Mengku Tea Region: Shuangjiang County, Lincang City, Yunnan Province. Mengku cultivated ancient tea tree community in Lincang is currently the highest altitude and the highest density of tea species community found in the world. Located in the middle and upper part of Daxue Mountain in Shuangjiang County, the distribution area is about 12,000 mu, with an altitude of 2,200 meters to 2,750 meters. Mengku wild ancient tea trees belong to wild type wild tea, in evolutionary form, more primitive than Pu’er tea species. This tea tree species has all the morphological characteristics and functional components of tea tree (tea polyphenols, amino acids, caffeine, etc.), which can be used to make tea for drinking; due to the primitive genes, produced in high-altitude cold areas, this tea species has strong resistance to adversity, cold resistance, etc., which is a valuable resource for resistance breeding and molecular biology research. Mengku unique species, is more than 300 years ago from Xishuangbanna introduced to the Mengku varieties, so there is now Mengku big leaf species. Therefore, the Mengku cultivated old tree tea taste and aroma similar to the Yiwu tea area, due to climatic and geographic differences, the soup quality is more rigid,

Cultivated old tree tea characteristics:

Leaf quality fat and wide, special aroma, strong Yang, not like the six tea areas soup quality smooth and soft; tongue sweet rhyme and palate in the back section of the aroma full, taste is more aggregated, stimulation is slightly higher.


有关广州天河新茶嫩茶工作室  这些作品不仅丰富了文学艺术的宝库,也让我们在品读时感受到茶文化的深厚底蕴。

茶,这一自古以来的饮品,蕴含了丰富的文化内涵和健康元素,冬天喝茶,更是有其独特的道理。冬天寒冷干燥,人们往往喜欢吃油腻、辛辣的食物来驱寒,但这样容易导致体内湿气过重,火气上升。满意面付,可外卖。 喝茶是一种常见的饮品消遣方式,也是中国传统文化的一部分。茶叶含有多种营养成分,如咖啡因、茶多酚、氨基酸和维生素等,具有提神醒脑、清热解毒、消除疲劳、降低血脂等作用。
1. 提神醒脑:茶叶中的咖啡因能够刺激中枢神经系统,使人保持清醒状态,提高注意力和思维敏捷度。
2. 抗氧化:茶叶中的茶多酚具有较强的抗氧化作用,可以清除自由基,延缓衰老过程,预防慢性疾病的发生。
3. 降血脂:茶叶中的茶多酚和咖啡碱能够促进脂肪代谢,降低血脂含量,预防心血管疾病。
4. 利尿消肿:茶叶中的咖啡碱和茶多酚具有利尿作用,能够帮助身体排出多余的水分,减轻浮肿症状。


5. 缓解压力:喝茶时的慢慢品味和深呼吸,有助于放松心情,缓解压力和焦虑感。