Su Shi “second rhyme Cao Fu send gully source test baked new tea” This poem praises the gully source of new tea, to good tea than good people –

苏轼《次韵曹辅寄壑源试焙新茶》此诗中赞美壑源新茶,以佳茗比佳人7rD Tea

Su Shi (1037-1101), the word Zizhan, the number of Dongpo Jushi, Meishan, Meizhou (now belongs to Sichuan) people. Northern Song Dynasty literary characters, calligraphy and painting characters. Su Shi (1037-1101), known as Dongpo Jushi, was a native of Meishan, Meizhou (now Sichuan) in the Northern Song Dynasty. 7rD Tea Net

Cao Fu Sends Gully Source Trial Roasted New Tea 】7rD茶叶网

The immortal mountain rain wet traveling clouds, wash all the fragrant muscle powder is not even. The moon came to cast Yu Chuan Zi, the wind blew through the Wulin spring. 7rD Tea Leaf Net

I’d like to know that the heart of the ice and snow is good, not the first face of the cream is new. The first thing you need to do is to make a poem about it. 7rD Te a


Gully source tea, Song Dynasty tea name, because produced in the gully source and named. Huang Ru “Tea Tasting Record”: “Gully source in Jianxi.” Jianxi was originally the name of a river whose source was in Zhejiang Province and flowed into the territory of Jianou County in Fujian Province. This area of mountains and rivers are steep and beautiful, the potential is as Ou, the soil is rich and fertile, abundant tea production. The Southern Tang Dynasty Paodama, so the tea produced by the place smells very beautiful, built the North Garden in this, baking tea into the tribute. Beiyuan tea tribute, the market can not buy Beiyuan tea. Gully source and Beiyuan as neighbors, mountain Fuhua, separated by only two miles, the private roasting of tea, “the best quality can rival the official baking”. From the Song Dynasty onwards, the tea is the same as the Beiyuan tea. Su Shi in this poem, it is this kind of tea. 7rD Tea Net

Immortal mountain, refers to the tea mountain. 7rD tea net

The tea buds are the grass. 7rD Tea Net

The tea buds were scented, and the tea buds were 7rD tea.

Jade snow, refers to the tea leaves without anointing oil. 7rD tea net

The heart, this refers to the inner texture of the tea leaves. 7rD Te a Net

Yuchuanzi, refers to Lu Tong. 7rD Tea Net

Wulin, refers to Hangzhou. 7rD Tea Net

7rD Te a Network

Su Shi is addicted to tea, love tea, good at tasting tea, there are many poems directly describing tea. In this poem, he praises the new tea from Gully Source and compares it to good tea, which is a unique metaphor with a wonderful and vivid image, and is a widely-recognized masterpiece. 7rD Te a Leaf Net

Introduction to Tea Culture –

茶文化概论介绍8GQ Tea

Tea, an ancient plant, from medicinal to edible until it becomes a favorite drink, has experienced thousands of years. In the long years of history, the Chinese people on the cultivation of tea, manufacturing, tasting, application, as well as the formation and development of tea culture has made outstanding contributions to the history of human civilization has written a brilliant page. 8GQ Tea Net

Tracing back to the origin, the tea tree planted in various countries around the world, the technology of tea processing, the way of tea tasting and drinking, as well as the tea ceremony, tea ceremony, tea customs, tea style, tea art, tea ceremony, tea ceremony, tea ceremony and so on, are directly or indirectly originated from China. 8GQ Tea Network

Introduction to the four levels of Chinese tea


The four levels of tea culture

Physical culture

People engaged in tea production activities and the sum of the products, that is, the cultivation of tea, manufacturing, processing, preservation, chemical composition and efficacy of research …… and so on, but also includes tea, water, tea utensils and tables, chairs, tea rooms and other visible and tangible objects and buildings used when tasting tea. q6f tea network

Institutional culture q6f tea net

People engaged in the process of tea production and consumption of social behavior norms. Such as with the development of tea production, successive rulers continue to strengthen its management measures, called “tea policy”, including tribute, taxation, monopoly, domestic sales, foreign trade …… and so on. According to “Huayang Guozhi. Ba Zhi” records, as early as King Wu of Zhou, when he conquered the Zhou Dynasty, the Ba Shu region, “tea, honey, turtles …… are tribute.” To the Tang after the share of the tribute tea is getting bigger and bigger, a variety of names. From the first year of the Tang Dynasty Jianzhong (780 AD), the tax on tea: “tax the world tea, lacquer, bamboo, wood, ten take one.” (Old Tang Book? Food and Goods”) Daho nine years (835 AD) began to implement the questionable tea system, that is, the implementation of tea monopoly system (“Old Tang Book. Wenzong Benji”) Song Dynasty Cai Jing established the tea citation system, merchants pay taxes when they receive the citation, and then they can go to the designated place to get tea. From the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, in order to control the supply of tea to the Northwest ethnic minorities, set up the Tea and Horse Division, the implementation of the tea and horse trade, in order to achieve the purpose of the “Tea Border”. Tea trade in the Han Chinese region is also severely restricted, exploited in many ways.

Behavioral culture

People in the process of tea production and consumption of customary behavior patterns, through the tea ceremony, tea and tea ceremony and other forms of expression. Such as the Song Dynasty poet Du Lai “cold night guests tea as wine” of the famous lines, indicating that guests to tea is our traditional etiquette; thousands of miles to send tea to express the nostalgia of loved ones; folk old-time line recruitment to tea as a gift, known as the “tea ceremony”, send “tea ceremony “called” under the tea “, the ancient proverb said” a woman does not eat two tea “, that is, the female family by the” tea ceremony “will no longer accept the bride price of other families; there are also tea To honor the Buddha, tea rituals and so on. As for the tea drinking customs of various places and nationalities are even more colorful, tea drinking customs are even more colorful, and various tea drinking methods and tea art programs are also like a hundred flowers blossoming, beautiful. q6f tea net

Culture of mind

People in the application of tea in the process of nurturing the values, aesthetic interests, ways of thinking and other subjective factors. Such as people in the tea soup when the pursuit of aesthetic interest in the tea operation process in the pursuit of the mood and flavor, as well as the resulting rich associations; reflecting the tea production, tea area life, tea drinking interest in literature and art works; tea and life philosophy combined to philosophical heights, the formation of the so-called tea virtues, tea ceremony, and so on. This is the highest level of tea culture, but also the core part of tea culture. q6f tea net

Therefore, the broader tea culture should be composed of the above four levels. But the first level (physical culture) has long formed a complete, systematic science – tea science, referred to as tea science. The second level (institutional culture) belongs to the economic history of the discipline of research, and is also remarkable achievements, fruitful. Therefore, as an emerging discipline, tea culture should focus on the third and fourth levels, which are relatively weak in the past, that is, tea culture in the narrow sense. q6f tea net

So it seems that we have to study the narrow sense of tea culture is usually called “spiritual civilization” category, but it is not completely separate from the “material civilization” of culture, but combined together. Whether it is the tea ceremony or tea art, tea ceremony or tea customs, are reflected in the process of tea application, leaving, there is no tea culture. q6f tea net

Tea production in the Qing Dynasty to improve and develop –

清朝茶叶的生产提高和发展u8H Tea

?u8H Tea

? According to ancient historical data show that the Ming and Qing dynasties on the basis of the previous dynasty appeared a lot of new tea planting and tea production and processing technology, for the tea tree growth rules and characteristics of the mastery of great progress. Such as the late Ming Dynasty scholar Fang Yizhi’s encyclopedic work “Physical Knowledge” is recorded in the “seed to many children, a little long to move”, indicating that in the Ming Dynasty, in addition to the seed direct broadcasting, some tea gardens have adopted the method of seedling transplantation. u8H Tea Net

? To the Qing dynasty during the Kangxi period a called Li Laizhang county magistrate has written “lianyang eight rows of terroir record”, there has been for the tea tree branch propagation technology records. In addition, in the Qing Dynasty in the northern part of Fujian, tea farmers on some rare and valuable varieties of fine tea tree also began to use the method of propagation. In the management of tea plantations, the Ming and Qing dynasties in the planting of irrigation and fertilization and other more delicate requirements, in the suppression of weed growth and tea trees and other plants interplanting, there are also insights. u8H Tea Network

? In addition, the Ming and Qing dynasties in the tea picking technology than the previous dynasty also has a greater improvement and development. u8H Tea Network

What is the meaning of the tea ceremony –

Tea art in the broad sense refers to the study of tea-related learning, such as tea production, manufacturing, management, drinking methods and a series of principles and principles, so as to achieve people’s needs in the material and spiritual aspects; Tea art in the narrow sense refers to how to brew a pot of good tea skills and how to enjoy a cup of good tea art, which can also be said to be the whole process of tea tasting on the embodiment of the beautiful mood.


Tea art is a kind of culture, the whole tea tasting process of the beautiful mood, is the embodiment of the mutual unity of form and spirit.

On the form of tea art, including the selection of tea, choose water, cooking tea technology, tea art and the choice of the environment to create and so on. Tea tasting pay attention to the character, the coordination of the environment, the scholarly pursuit of quiet elegance, dignitaries pay attention to the luxury and nobility.

Tea tasting environment requirements are generally clear wind, moon, pine Yin, bamboo rhyme and other interesting and mood, is the form of tea art and spiritual resonance.


What exactly is the tea ceremony:

1, the tea ceremony is “tea” and “art” of the organic combination of tea people to people’s daily tea habits, according to the rules of the tea ceremony, through artistic processing, to tea drinkers and guests to show the tea rushing, brewing, drinking skills, but also to the daily tea to the art of tea, enhance the realm of drinking, giving tea to a stronger spirituality and a sense of beauty. ws3tea. net

2, tea art is a kind of life art, colorful, full of life interest. It is a positive way to enrich life and improve the taste of life.

3, the tea ceremony is a kind of stage art, show the charm of the tea ceremony, with the help of characters, props, stage, lighting and other close cooperation and reasonable arrangement, to give tea drinkers a noble, beautiful enjoyment.

4, the tea ceremony is a kind of life art, life as tea, in the spare time, make a pot of tea, savor, into the inner cultivation process, the perception of bitter, spicy, sweet and sour life, purify the soul.

5, tea is a culture, tea in the fusion of the Chinese culture on the basis of the excellent, widely absorbed and borrowed from other art forms, and even extended to the field of literature, art, etc., the formation of a strong national characteristics of the Chinese tea culture.

6, tea is a beautiful art of life. Only through in-depth research, continuous development, relying on innovation, the tea ceremony can enter thousands of households, and become a healthy, poetic, fashionable way of life of the people with the times.

The historical origin of the gaiwan –

The historical origins of gaiwan, tracing the roots of the party know that gaiwan tea originated in Sichuan, is an important element of the ancient culture of Sichuan. MQB Tea Net

Shu people drink tea in a more unique way by the tea cover, tea bowl and tea boat son of three parts, also known as the “three talents bowl”. The “three talents” refer to heaven, earth and people, with the cover for heaven, the tray for earth and the bowl for people, implying the meaning of heaven and earth and people. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

The history of Gai Bowl Tea is very long, rumored to have originated in the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty, “Zifu Record” Volume II, “Tea Tuozi” article: “Jianzhong Shu Cui Ning’s daughter to tea cups without lining, sick of ironing fingers, take the saucer to bear the caucasian and cups pouring, is the center of the saucer with a wax ring, and the cups are set …… for all people for the convenience, used in the world. It is after the passer more ring its bottom, the more new its system, to a hundred shapes.” MQB Tea

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing dynasty guangxu pastel lotus pattern cover bowl (above)

Jianzhong was the reign name of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, and Cui Ning was the then Minister of the Xichuan Province and Prefect of Chengdu. More than 1,200 years ago, the daughter of Chengdu’s highest administrator sipped tea, but her delicate fingers were burned by the cup, so she planned to think of a way to solve the problem once and for all. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Rouge Glazed Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

She took out a saucer, put the teacups on it, and drank tea with the saucer on her end, so that she couldn’t burn her hands. However, the teacups were still easy to tip over. It was a good thing that Ms. Cui had been trapped in her boudoir for a long time, and had a lot of time on her hands. After a few trials, she finally discovered that wax could hold the teacups in place. mqb

In order to make the shape more beautiful, Ms. Cui asked the craftsman to make a lacquer ring instead of a wax ring to hold the teacup. When she was finished, she took her invention to her father and offered it to him. Through the mouth of Mr. Cui, Miss Cui’s invention was spread to the world and finally became popular in the world. MQB Te a Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

Today, Chengdu people use gaiwan tea, also added a tea cover. And in the guest to guest, crowded teahouse, porcelain saucer tea boat because of the heavier and fragile, it is often for the lightweight and strong copper and aluminum tea boat instead. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing dynasty qianlong gold and famille-rose floral gaiwan a pair (above)

The tea bowl tea does not talk about red tape, whether in the noisy tea store, or in the exquisite decoration of the elegant room, hold a tea bowl tea, tea cover gently dial tea, there is always a rich flavor of life comes. mqb tea net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

“Bao Ding tea idle smoke is still green, the window chess strike finger is still cool.” Sichuan this place, both the Baoding, also have a window, tea idle chess strike is abound, not rare! A cup of tea in a covered bowl, drink the appearance of the world’s peace and quiet of the years. mqb tea net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Mr. Lu Xun in the article “drinking tea” wrote: “Drinking good tea, is to use the cover bowl. So I used a covered bowl. Sure enough, after brewing, the color is clear and sweet, slightly fragrant and little bitter, it is indeed good tea.” Among the many bowls, calendars, pots and cups, why did Mr. Lu Xun appreciate the gaiwan alone? Among them, there are reasons. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing Guangxu Qinghua yellow color cloud dragon pattern cover bowl (above)

Anyone who understands the tea ceremony knows that tea is particularly concerned about “color, smell, taste, look at the shape”. Cups and pots are not conducive to detecting the color and shape of the tea, nor is it conducive to the regulation of the strength of the tea soup. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing dynasty with yellow glaze famille-rose bamboo pattern cover bowl (above)

And gaiwan tea set, there are bowls, there are cover, there are boats, unique shape, exquisite production. Tea bowl on the big down small, cover can be into the bowl, the tea boat to do the bottom of the support. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Bowl

When you drink tea, the cover is not easy to slip off, and the tea boat as a support and free from the pain of hot hands. And only need to end the tea boat can stabilize the center of gravity, tea and do not have to uncover the cover, only half-open half-close, the tea leaves are not imported, the tea broth can be slowly percolate out, very pleasant, to avoid the trouble of the pot blocking the cup spit. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu pink color alum red gold eight treasures dragon and phoenix pattern cover bowl (above)

Covered bowl tea, the benefits are all in a cover. Covered bowl tea tea cover in the bowl, if you want to tea thicker, available tea cover in the water gently scrape a scrape, so that the whole bowl of tea up and down, light scrape is light, heavy scrape is thick, is its wonderful. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

“Cabbage, green salt, and rice, and chrysanthemum tea in a pot of heavenly water”. The most prestigious gaiwan tea is in Beijing. In the eyes of Beijingers, gaiwan is the treasures of tea utensils, and flower tea, especially jasmine tea is a fine product of tea, the combination of the two, soaked out of the Beijing people a steaming heart. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu yellow background pastel color longevity pattern gaiwan (above)

Gai Bowl Tea, in the hands of Beijingers, reveals the essence of its mesmerizing. Gently lift the lid of the bowl, blow, and then use the lid of the bowl to brush away some of the tea leaves, take a sip, teeth and cheeks. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing Dynasty Rouge Ground Rolling Road Small Covered Bowl (above)

That Cao Xueqin is also a cover bowl tea fan: “Miao Yu personally held a begonias style carved lacquer filled with gold cloud dragon to offer life to a small tea plate, which put a into the kiln five color small cover bell, held with Jia mother …… crowd is a color of official kiln stripped and filled with white cover bowl.” MQB Tea

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Sitting in the garden, the sky is blue, the water is green, the flowers are red, the bridge is nine curved, the eaves are flying, the floor tiles are hexagonal, the windows are skeletonized, the tea is Biluochun, the water well water, the only thing that’s the same is a bowl with a lid. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing Qianlong Assorted Glaze Covered Bowls (Five) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Copper Painted and Enameled Lohan Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Jade Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qianlong Coral-red and gold-painted open landscape figures square lidded bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Black ground cloisonné Bogu Gai Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Carmine Red Chrysanthemum Breaking Lidded Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Early Qing Dynasty Jasper Lotus Patterned Covered Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang Pastel-colored Covered Bowls with Wushuang Spectrum (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang famille-rose enameled floral bowl on yellow ground (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang gold-colored bowl with orchids (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang famille-rose enameled bowls with auspicious birthday wishes (2 pieces) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang coral-red and gold-painted bowls (2 pcs.)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang blue flower pattern covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing Daoguang turquoise and green ground famille rose enameled covered bowl with longevity design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowls (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowl (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Blue Glaze Carved Longevity Character Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Famille rose enameled bird and flower covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Carmine Red Glaze Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Jiaqing famille-rose enameled gilt bowl with eight treasures (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Jiaqing blue and red dragon and phoenix design covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong porcelain bowl with overgrown bamboo and stone design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong bean green glaze tea cover bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong alum red and gold dragon design high footed bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong imitation carving lacquer brocade ground longevity lotus petal pattern cover bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty red glaze covered bowls (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong bright pink glass gold covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong green and white jade carving taotie pattern cover bowl (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong blue and white enameled bowls with “a group of harmony” pattern (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty famille-rose enameled blue and white covered bowls with “one hundred sons haunting the Lantern Festival” design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong famille-rose enameled bowl with carmine and purple ground (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Jade Carved Auspicious Ruyi Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty tongzhi famille-rose enameled gaiwan (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Tongzhi Green Glaze Covered Bowls with Gold Stroke (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty tongzhi blue and red alum red cloud and dragon design large covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Lidded Bowl with Flowers in Doucai Color (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng large bowl with bird and flower design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng doucai Jiuqiu landscape covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Mid Qing Dynasty White Jade Lidded Bowl with Four Seasons and Three Dolors (Above)

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Eighteenth Century Udon-glazed Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

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Yuan Green and White Jade Covered Bowls (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Mid Qing Dynasty Black Lacquer and Gold Peony Shou Zi Patterned Covered Bowls (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng yellow copper enameled bowl with entwined flowers (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Yongzheng famille-rose enameled bowls with figures (2 pieces) (above)

Celadon gaiwan, white porcelain gaiwan, black porcelain gaiwan, colored porcelain gaiwan, and even linglong porcelain gaiwan, heaven and earth gaiwan tea, drink out of the years, taste a hundred flavors of life !

The historical origins of gaiwan, tracing the roots of the party know that gaiwan tea originated in Sichuan, is an important element of the ancient culture of Sichuan. MQB Tea Net

Shu people drink tea in a more unique way by the tea cover, tea bowl and tea boat son of three parts, also known as the “three talents bowl”. The “three talents” refer to heaven, earth and people, with the cover for heaven, the tray for earth and the bowl for people, implying the meaning of heaven and earth and people. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

The history of Gai Bowl Tea is very long, rumored to have originated in the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty, “Zifu Record” Volume II, “Tea Tuozi” article: “Jianzhong Shu Cui Ning’s daughter to tea cups without lining, sick of ironing fingers, take the saucer to bear the caucasian and cups pouring, is the center of the saucer with a wax ring, and the cups are set …… for all people for the convenience, used in the world. It is after the passer more ring its bottom, the more new its system, to a hundred shapes.” MQB Tea

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing dynasty guangxu pastel lotus pattern cover bowl (above)

Jianzhong was the reign name of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, and Cui Ning was the then Minister of the Xichuan Province and Prefect of Chengdu. More than 1,200 years ago, the daughter of Chengdu’s highest administrator sipped tea, but her delicate fingers were burned by the cup, so she planned to think of a way to solve the problem once and for all. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Rouge Glazed Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

She took out a saucer, put the teacups on it, and drank tea with the saucer on her end, so that she couldn’t burn her hands. However, the teacups were still easy to tip over. It was a good thing that Ms. Cui had been trapped in her boudoir for a long time, and had a lot of time on her hands. After a few trials, she finally discovered that wax could hold the teacups in place. mqb

In order to make the shape more beautiful, Ms. Cui asked the craftsman to make a lacquer ring instead of a wax ring to hold the teacup. When she was finished, she took her invention to her father and offered it to him. Through the mouth of Mr. Cui, Miss Cui’s invention was spread to the world and finally became popular in the world. MQB Te a Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

Today, Chengdu people use gaiwan tea, also added a tea cover. And in the guest to guest, crowded teahouse, porcelain saucer tea boat because of the heavier and fragile, it is often for the lightweight and strong copper and aluminum tea boat instead. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing dynasty qianlong gold and famille-rose floral gaiwan a pair (above)

The tea bowl tea does not talk about red tape, whether in the noisy tea store, or in the exquisite decoration of the elegant room, hold a tea bowl tea, tea cover gently dial tea, there is always a rich flavor of life comes. mqb tea net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

“Bao Ding tea idle smoke is still green, the window chess strike finger is still cool.” Sichuan this place, both the Baoding, also have a window, tea idle chess strike is abound, not rare! A cup of tea in a covered bowl, drink the appearance of the world’s peace and quiet of the years. mqb tea net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Mr. Lu Xun in the article “drinking tea” wrote: “Drinking good tea, is to use the cover bowl. So I used a covered bowl. Sure enough, after brewing, the color is clear and sweet, slightly fragrant and little bitter, it is indeed good tea.” Among the many bowls, calendars, pots and cups, why did Mr. Lu Xun appreciate the gaiwan alone? Among them, there are reasons. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing Guangxu Qinghua yellow color cloud dragon pattern cover bowl (above)

Anyone who understands the tea ceremony knows that tea is particularly concerned about “color, smell, taste, look at the shape”. Cups and pots are not conducive to detecting the color and shape of the tea, nor is it conducive to the regulation of the strength of the tea soup. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing dynasty with yellow glaze famille-rose bamboo pattern cover bowl (above)

And gaiwan tea set, there are bowls, there are cover, there are boats, unique shape, exquisite production. Tea bowl on the big down small, cover can be into the bowl, the tea boat to do the bottom of the support. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Bowl

When you drink tea, the cover is not easy to slip off, and the tea boat as a support and free from the pain of hot hands. And only need to end the tea boat can stabilize the center of gravity, tea and do not have to uncover the cover, only half-open half-close, the tea leaves are not imported, the tea broth can be slowly percolate out, very pleasant, to avoid the trouble of the pot blocking the cup spit. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu pink color alum red gold eight treasures dragon and phoenix pattern cover bowl (above)

Covered bowl tea, the benefits are all in a cover. Covered bowl tea tea cover in the bowl, if you want to tea thicker, available tea cover in the water gently scrape a scrape, so that the whole bowl of tea up and down, light scrape is light, heavy scrape is thick, is its wonderful. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

“Cabbage, green salt, and rice, and chrysanthemum tea in a pot of heavenly water”. The most prestigious gaiwan tea is in Beijing. In the eyes of Beijingers, gaiwan is the treasures of tea utensils, and flower tea, especially jasmine tea is a fine product of tea, the combination of the two, soaked out of the Beijing people a steaming heart. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu yellow background pastel color longevity pattern gaiwan (above)

Gai Bowl Tea, in the hands of Beijingers, reveals the essence of its mesmerizing. Gently lift the lid of the bowl, blow, and then use the lid of the bowl to brush away some of the tea leaves, take a sip, teeth and cheeks. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing Dynasty Rouge Ground Rolling Road Small Covered Bowl (above)

That Cao Xueqin is also a cover bowl tea fan: “Miao Yu personally held a begonias style carved lacquer filled with gold cloud dragon to offer life to a small tea plate, which put a into the kiln five color small cover bell, held with Jia mother …… crowd is a color of official kiln stripped and filled with white cover bowl.” MQB Tea

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Sitting in the garden, the sky is blue, the water is green, the flowers are red, the bridge is nine curved, the eaves are flying, the floor tiles are hexagonal, the windows are skeletonized, the tea is Biluochun, the water well water, the only thing that’s the same is a bowl with a lid. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing Qianlong Assorted Glaze Covered Bowls (Five) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Copper Painted and Enameled Lohan Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Jade Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qianlong Coral-red and gold-painted open landscape figures square lidded bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Black ground cloisonné Bogu Gai Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Carmine Red Chrysanthemum Breaking Lidded Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Early Qing Dynasty Jasper Lotus Patterned Covered Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang Pastel-colored Covered Bowls with Wushuang Spectrum (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang famille-rose enameled floral bowl on yellow ground (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang gold-colored bowl with orchids (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang famille-rose enameled bowls with auspicious birthday wishes (2 pieces) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang coral-red and gold-painted bowls (2 pcs.)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang blue flower pattern covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing Daoguang turquoise and green ground famille rose enameled covered bowl with longevity design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowls (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowl (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Blue Glaze Carved Longevity Character Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Famille rose enameled bird and flower covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Carmine Red Glaze Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Jiaqing famille-rose enameled gilt bowl with eight treasures (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Jiaqing blue and red dragon and phoenix design covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong porcelain bowl with overgrown bamboo and stone design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong bean green glaze tea cover bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong alum red and gold dragon design high footed bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong imitation carving lacquer brocade ground longevity lotus petal pattern cover bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty red glaze covered bowls (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong bright pink glass gold covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong green and white jade carving taotie pattern cover bowl (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong blue and white enameled bowls with “a group of harmony” pattern (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty famille-rose enameled blue and white covered bowls with “one hundred sons haunting the Lantern Festival” design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong famille-rose enameled bowl with carmine and purple ground (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Jade Carved Auspicious Ruyi Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty tongzhi famille-rose enameled gaiwan (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Tongzhi Green Glaze Covered Bowls with Gold Stroke (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty tongzhi blue and red alum red cloud and dragon design large covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Lidded Bowl with Flowers in Doucai Color (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng large bowl with bird and flower design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng doucai Jiuqiu landscape covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Mid Qing Dynasty White Jade Lidded Bowl with Four Seasons and Three Dolors (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Eighteenth Century Udon-glazed Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Yuan Green and White Jade Covered Bowls (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Mid Qing Dynasty Black Lacquer and Gold Peony Shou Zi Patterned Covered Bowls (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng yellow copper enameled bowl with entwined flowers (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Yongzheng famille-rose enameled bowls with figures (2 pieces) (above)

Celadon gaiwan, white porcelain gaiwan, black porcelain gaiwan, colored porcelain gaiwan, and even linglong porcelain gaiwan, heaven and earth gaiwan tea, drink out of the years, taste a hundred flavors of life !

Guan Xiu “gift Lingwu Mountain Road Run Zen master courtyard” cooking tea tasting tea poem –


[Gift to Lingwu Mountain Tao Run Zen Master’s Center]

Author: Guan Xiu

I always hate the smoke and waves separated, known for twenty years.

The knot for the clear air lead, came to the front of the Dharma Hall.

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get a good deal on this, but I ‘m sure I’m going to be able to get a good deal on this.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money. i8hTea. com

i8htea. com

Sweeping leaves in the forest, take the spring water to cook tea to savor, but also “attract” people into the victory of a “clear air”. Qin Taoyu, character Zhongming, was a native of Jingzhao (present-day Xi’an, Shaanxi). In the second year of Zhonghe’s reign, he was awarded a bachelor’s degree. He had traveled from Xi Zong to Shu, and served as a minister in the Ministry of Public Works. i8h Tea Net

Tea culture of 4 levels of general

茶文化的4个层次概括介绍neH Tea

4 Levels of Tea Culture

1.Physical Culture

Physical culture is the sum of the activities and products of people engaged in tea production, i.e. the cultivation, manufacture, processing, preservation, chemical composition and therapeutic research of tea, etc. It also includes tea leaves, water, tea utensils, tables, chairs, tea rooms, and other visible and tangible objects and buildings used in tea tasting. neH Tea Network

2.Institutional culture

Institutional culture that people engaged in the process of tea production and consumption of social norms of behavior. For example, with the development of tea production, successive rulers have continuously strengthened its management measures, called tea policy, including tribute, taxation, monopoly, domestic sales, foreign trade and so on. Starting from the first year of the Tang Dynasty Jianzhong (780 A.D.), a tax was levied on tea, “taxing the world’s tea, lacquer, bamboo, and wood, and taking one out of ten.” (“Old Tang Book – Food and Goods Zhi”) Daho nine years (AD 835) began to implement the questionable tea system, that is, the implementation of tea monopoly. (“Old Tang Book – Wenzong Benji”) Song Dynasty Cai Jing set up a tea citation system, merchants pay taxes when they receive the citation, and then only to the designated location to take tea. From the Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, in order to control the supply of tea to the Northwest ethnic minorities, set up the Tea and Horse Division, the implementation of the tea and horse trade, in order to achieve the purpose of the “Tea Border”. Tea trade in Han areas was also severely restricted and exploited in many ways. neH Tea Net

3.Behavioral culture

Behavioral culture is an agreed-upon pattern of behavior in the process of tea production and consumption, usually expressed in the form of tea rituals, tea customs and tea arts. For example, Du Lei, a poet of the Song Dynasty, wrote the famous line “Tea as wine for a guest on a cold night”, which shows that it is a traditional Chinese etiquette to honor a guest with a cup of tea. Tea sent from thousands of miles away expresses nostalgia for loved ones. Ancient proverb says, “A woman does not eat tea from two families,” which means that a woman’s family can no longer accept a bride price from another family after she has received a tea gift. neH Tea Net

4.Culture of mind

Mentality culture is people in the application of tea in the process of nurturing the values, aesthetic interests, ways of thinking and other subjective factors. For example, the aesthetic interest pursued by people when drinking tea, the mood and flavor pursued during the operation of tea art, as well as the richness of the associations arising from it; reflecting the tea production, life in the tea area, the tea drinking interest of literature and art works; combining the tea drinking with the philosophical philosophy of life and worldly life, rising to the height of the philosophy, the formation of the so-called tea virtues, the tea ceremony, etc. This is the highest level of the tea culture. This is the highest level of tea culture, but also the core part of tea culture. neH Tea Net

Therefore, the broad tea culture should be composed of the above four levels. However, the first level (physical culture) has long formed a complete and systematic science – tea science, referred to as tea science; the second level (institutional culture) belongs to the economic history of the disciplines of research, but also remarkable achievements, fruitful. Therefore, as an emerging discipline, tea culture should focus on the research on the past relatively weak third and fourth two levels, that is, the narrower meaning of tea culture. neH Tea Network

So it seems that people want to study the narrow sense of tea culture belongs to the so-called “spiritual civilization” category, but it is not completely separate from the “material civilization” of culture, but a combination. Whether it is the tea ceremony, tea art, tea rituals or tea customs, they are all embodied in the process of tea application. Leave the tea, there is no tea culture. neH tea net

Su Shi “Cao Fu sent gully source test roast new tea” tea poetry appreciation –

苏轼《曹辅寄壑源试焙新茶》茶诗欣赏ewO Tea

Su Shi (1037-1101), with the character Zizhan and the name Dongpo Jushi, was a native of Meishan, Meizhou. He was a native of Meishan, Meizhou. During the reign of Emperor Shenzong, he was sentenced to Hangzhou, and then to Xuzhou and Huzhou, where he served as the deputy envoy of the Huangzhou regiment. When Emperor Zhezong was established, he became the governor of Dengzhou, and was called to be the minister of etiquette. Yuanyou early, relocated to Zhongshu Sherman, seeking to remove the Hanlin scholar, out of Hangzhou, Yingzhou, official to the Ministry of Rites Shangshu; Zhezong Shao Sheng depreciation after Huizhou (Guangdong), Danzhou (Hainan). He died posthumously. He was well versed in the classics and history, and worked in poetry, calligraphy and painting. Its prose and Ouyang Xiu and known as “Ou Su”, for the Northern Song Dynasty, poetry and Huang Tingjian and known as “Su Huang”, a new style of poetry in the Song Dynasty; words and Xin Qiji and known as “Su Xin”, sweeping away the soft and extravagant style, for the bold and bold. He was the founder of the school of bold and loose words. He was the founder of the “bold and free” style of poetry.

Su Shi: “Cao Fu Sends New Tea to Gully Source for Test Roasting

The grass from the immortal mountain is wet with traveling clouds, and the powder is evenly washed all over the fragrant skin. ewO Tea Net

The moon comes to cast Yu Chuan Zi, and the breeze blows through the spring of Wulin. ewO Tea Net

I want to know the ice and snow heart good, not the first face of the cream new. ewO tea net

I’m not sure if you’re going to be able to make it, but I’m sure you’re going to be able to make it. ewO Te a


Cao Fu: word Zifang, Taizhou people. Song Zhezong Yuanyou three years (1088) to Taisu Temple Chancellor right to send Fujian Road transit magistrate. He was good at poetry, and some of his posthumous works were collected in “Six Guests’ Words after Dongpo”. Gully source, in Fujian Jianxi, produced tribute tea. ewO tea net

② yuchuanzi: yuchuan, well name. In Henan Jiyuan County, north of Takishui, a jade spring. Lu Tong in the Tang Dynasty had to draw well spring tea, because of the self-titled Yuchuanzi. Later generations of poetry and literature often “Yuchuan” refers to tea. ewO tea net

The historical development of Xihu

West Lake Longjing has a long history of development, according to evidence, has a history of more than 1,500 years, the earliest can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty.Ltd Tea Net

西湖龙井的历史发展Ltd Tea Net

In the Tea Sage Lu Yu’s “Tea Classic”, it is recorded that “Qiantang Tianzhu Lingyin Temple produces tea”, of which Qiantang is the old name of Hangzhou, Tianzhu Temple and Lingyin Temple are located in the West Lake, which shows that Hangzhou’s West Lake has been a place of tea production since ancient times. ltd

During his tenure in Hangzhou, Su Shi, a famous writer of the Song Dynasty, praised the local tea in Hangzhou. According to him, the tea trees planted in Tianzhu Temple were brought to Hangzhou from Tiantai Mountain by Xie Lingyun, a poet of the Southern Dynasty, when he was translating the Buddhist scriptures.Ltd Tea Net

西湖龙井的历史发展Ltd Tea

By the Yuan Dynasty, the tea produced by Xihu Longjing was loved by more people. Yu Ji, a poet of Yuan Dynasty, wrote a poem “Touring Longjing”, in which there is a verse “Cooking and frying golden buds, not to take after the rainy season, with two or three sons, three swallowed and could not bear to gargle”, to express his love for Xihu Longjing Tea.Ltd Tea Network

In the Ming Dynasty, Xihu Longjing began to come out of the temple, more people have the opportunity to understand and drink, and became a precious tea. ltd tea net

Ming Jiajing years of “Zhejiang plaque” records: “Hangzhou County tea, always less than the production of Longjing, and the rain before the fine buds, take one of its flag a gun, especially the treasures, the production is not much, it is appropriate to its precious.” Ltd Tea

西湖龙井的历史发展Ltd Tea Net

Ming Wanli year “Hangzhou Prefecture” records: “old Longjing, its real estate tea, for the two mountains of the best” said. ltd tea net

Ming Wanli year “Qiantang County Records” records: “tea out of Longjing, for the bean flower fragrance, color and taste sweet, and other mountain different.” Ltd Tea Net

In the nineteenth year of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty, the compilation of “things cyanosis pearl” listed more than 90 kinds of famous tea around China at that time, of which Longjing ranked 21st. ltd tea net

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Peng Sunyi’s “Tea Picking Song” reads, “Longjing new tea is highly priced, and the cups are standing on all sides, so if you don’t meet the customers, don’t try it lightly, and work hard to get it down to the spring and the tiger’s run.” Ltd Tea

西湖龙井的历史发展Ltd Tea Net

To the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong six times to Jiangnan, four of which came to the production area of West Lake Longjing, personally watch the picking of tea to do tea, and tea poetry, in the village of Longjing titled “Longjing eight scenes”, but also will be Hu Gong Temple in front of the eighteen tea trees sealed for the “Imperial Tea”. ltd Tea Net

Therefore, the West Lake Longjing also became the royal tribute of the Qing Dynasty, since then, the ancient and modern Chinese and foreigners come to Longjing to ask about the tea of the people in an endless stream, to this day. ltd tea net