Xinyang Mao Jian tea culture history and development – Tea Net

信阳毛尖茶文化历史及发展介绍KxO Tea Net

Xinyang’s famous tea, in the Tang Dynasty, there are records, the Tang Dynasty Lu Yu, “Tea Scripture” and the Tang Dynasty Li Zhao, “State History Supplement” in the Yiyang tea as a famous tea at that time. In the Song Dynasty, in “Ning Shi? Food and Drugs Zhi” and Song Huizong Zhao Ji “Daguan tea theory” in the Xinyang tea as a famous tea. Yuan Dynasty, according to Yuan Dynasty Ma Duanlin’s “Documentation”, “Guangzhou produces famous tea such as Dongshou, Shanshan, and Thin Side”. Ming Dynasty, there are few records of famous tea. Qing Dynasty, tea production was rapidly restored. The middle of the Qing dynasty is another period of rapid development of tea production in Henan province, tea production technology gradually exquisite, tea quality is more and more exquisite, in the Qing dynasty appeared in the fine tea Xinyang Maojian. kxo tea net

Qing Guangxu not years (1903-1905), the original is the Qing government to live in Xinyang anti-smuggling to take the commander, the old tea industry, members of the Cai Zuxian, put forward the initiative to open up the mountain to plant tea. At that time was the director of Xinyang persuasion, have a strong source of funds Gan Zhouyuan positive response, he, together with Prince Muo, landlord Peng Qingge equal in 1903 in Xinyang Zhenlei mountain northern foothills resumed planting tea, set up the “Yuanzhen” tea society, from Anhui, invited a Yu family name of the tea master, to help guide the cultivation of tea plants and production. kxo tea net

1905-1909 Gan Zhouyuan invited Chen Yuxuan, Wang Chuanqing and other people in Xinyang camel store to discuss tea, the organization set up Hongji Tea Society, sent Wu Shaoqiu to Anhui Lu’an, Ma Bu area to buy tea seeds, but also invited the Lu’an tea masters Wu Jishun, Wu Shao Tang to help guide the planting of tea tea production. Tea method is basically along the lines of “Gua Pian” tea frying method, with a small pan into two pots for frying raw and cooked pots. Stir-fry tea tools using broomstick, raw pot with a handle length of 0.5 meters, the handle thickness of 0.1 meters of broomstick 2, each hand holding a handle, picking fried. Cooked pot with a large broom instead of kneading. This is Xinyang Mao Jian’s initial production technology. kxo tea net

In 1911, Gan Zhouyuan in Ganjiachong, small Sun family established Yushen Tea Society, driven by this, adjacent to the development of tea plantations in the hills have a certain scale. Tea merchant Tang Huiqing went to Hangzhou West Lake to buy tea seeds and learn Longjing frying technology. After returning, in the “melon slice” on the basis of the frying method, and the “Longjing” of the scratching strip, the strip maneuver into the Xinyang Mao Jian frying, change the raw pot with a small frying for raw and cooked pots are frying with a large broom handle. The tea manufactured by this frying method is the prototype of the national famous tea Xinyang Mao Jian. KxO Tea Net

Republic of China period, tea production following the Qing Dynasty, and has been vigorously developed, tea production technology is becoming more and more perfect. Xinyang tea area has set up five major tea companies, plus the three major tea companies in the Qing Dynasty collectively known as the “eight tea companies”. As the “eight tea societies” focus on the introduction of production technology, digestion and absorption, Xinyang Mao Jian processing technology has been perfected, in 1913 the output of a very good quality of the mountain Mao Jian tea, named “Xinyang Mao Jian”. kxo tea net

In order to meet the Panama Canal in 1915 and the Universal Exposition, 1914, Xinyang County Tea District actively prepare for the competition tea samples, there are Gongzhi tea, Baihao tea, smoked Longjing tea, not smoked Longjing tea, Maojian tea, pearl three tea, bird tongue tea. 1915, February, in the exposition, after the judging, Xinyang Maojian tea with a beautiful appearance, high aroma, taste mellow unique qualities, was awarded the World Tea Gold Medal and Medallion. Gold Medal and Medal. Since then, Xinyang Mao Jian tea has become the representative of Henan Province’s high-quality green tea. 1958, Xinyang Mao Jian tea in the national tea ceremony was named one of the country’s top ten famous tea. kxo tea net

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Xinyang tea production has been greater development, Xinyang Mao Jian tea production technology has been promoted, the production area continues to expand. By 1993, xinyang division river district (former xinyang city), Pingqiao district (former xinyang county), Luoshan county, dorchuan county, gushi county, guangshan county, shangcheng county, new county, xixian seven counties and two districts have xinyang Maojian tea production. kxo tea net

What is the meaning of the tea ceremony –

Tea art in the broad sense refers to the study of tea-related learning, such as tea production, manufacturing, management, drinking methods and a series of principles and principles, so as to achieve people’s needs in the material and spiritual aspects; Tea art in the narrow sense refers to how to brew a pot of good tea skills and how to enjoy a cup of good tea art, which can also be said to be the whole process of tea tasting on the embodiment of the beautiful mood.


Tea art is a kind of culture, the whole tea tasting process of the beautiful mood, is the embodiment of the mutual unity of form and spirit.

On the form of tea art, including the selection of tea, choose water, cooking tea technology, tea art and the choice of the environment to create and so on. Tea tasting pay attention to the character, the coordination of the environment, the scholarly pursuit of quiet elegance, dignitaries pay attention to the luxury and nobility.

Tea tasting environment requirements are generally clear wind, moon, pine Yin, bamboo rhyme and other interesting and mood, is the form of tea art and spiritual resonance.


What exactly is the tea ceremony:

1, the tea ceremony is “tea” and “art” of the organic combination of tea people to people’s daily tea habits, according to the rules of the tea ceremony, through artistic processing, to tea drinkers and guests to show the tea rushing, brewing, drinking skills, but also to the daily tea to the art of tea, enhance the realm of drinking, giving tea to a stronger spirituality and a sense of beauty. ws3tea. net

2, tea art is a kind of life art, colorful, full of life interest. It is a positive way to enrich life and improve the taste of life.

3, the tea ceremony is a kind of stage art, show the charm of the tea ceremony, with the help of characters, props, stage, lighting and other close cooperation and reasonable arrangement, to give tea drinkers a noble, beautiful enjoyment.

4, the tea ceremony is a kind of life art, life as tea, in the spare time, make a pot of tea, savor, into the inner cultivation process, the perception of bitter, spicy, sweet and sour life, purify the soul.

5, tea is a culture, tea in the fusion of the Chinese culture on the basis of the excellent, widely absorbed and borrowed from other art forms, and even extended to the field of literature, art, etc., the formation of a strong national characteristics of the Chinese tea culture.

6, tea is a beautiful art of life. Only through in-depth research, continuous development, relying on innovation, the tea ceremony can enter thousands of households, and become a healthy, poetic, fashionable way of life of the people with the times.