Su Shi “second rhyme Cao Fu send gully source test baked new tea” This poem praises the gully source of new tea, to good tea than good people –

苏轼《次韵曹辅寄壑源试焙新茶》此诗中赞美壑源新茶,以佳茗比佳人7rD Tea

Su Shi (1037-1101), the word Zizhan, the number of Dongpo Jushi, Meishan, Meizhou (now belongs to Sichuan) people. Northern Song Dynasty literary characters, calligraphy and painting characters. Su Shi (1037-1101), known as Dongpo Jushi, was a native of Meishan, Meizhou (now Sichuan) in the Northern Song Dynasty. 7rD Tea Net

Cao Fu Sends Gully Source Trial Roasted New Tea 】7rD茶叶网

The immortal mountain rain wet traveling clouds, wash all the fragrant muscle powder is not even. The moon came to cast Yu Chuan Zi, the wind blew through the Wulin spring. 7rD Tea Leaf Net

I’d like to know that the heart of the ice and snow is good, not the first face of the cream is new. The first thing you need to do is to make a poem about it. 7rD Te a


Gully source tea, Song Dynasty tea name, because produced in the gully source and named. Huang Ru “Tea Tasting Record”: “Gully source in Jianxi.” Jianxi was originally the name of a river whose source was in Zhejiang Province and flowed into the territory of Jianou County in Fujian Province. This area of mountains and rivers are steep and beautiful, the potential is as Ou, the soil is rich and fertile, abundant tea production. The Southern Tang Dynasty Paodama, so the tea produced by the place smells very beautiful, built the North Garden in this, baking tea into the tribute. Beiyuan tea tribute, the market can not buy Beiyuan tea. Gully source and Beiyuan as neighbors, mountain Fuhua, separated by only two miles, the private roasting of tea, “the best quality can rival the official baking”. From the Song Dynasty onwards, the tea is the same as the Beiyuan tea. Su Shi in this poem, it is this kind of tea. 7rD Tea Net

Immortal mountain, refers to the tea mountain. 7rD tea net

The tea buds are the grass. 7rD Tea Net

The tea buds were scented, and the tea buds were 7rD tea.

Jade snow, refers to the tea leaves without anointing oil. 7rD tea net

The heart, this refers to the inner texture of the tea leaves. 7rD Te a Net

Yuchuanzi, refers to Lu Tong. 7rD Tea Net

Wulin, refers to Hangzhou. 7rD Tea Net

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Su Shi is addicted to tea, love tea, good at tasting tea, there are many poems directly describing tea. In this poem, he praises the new tea from Gully Source and compares it to good tea, which is a unique metaphor with a wonderful and vivid image, and is a widely-recognized masterpiece. 7rD Te a Leaf Net