Afghans drinking tea around a samovar –

阿富汗人围着茶炊喝茶v3V Tea

The vast majority of Afghans believe in Islam, honor the teachings, they do not drink alcohol but like to drink tea. Of course, like to drink tea there is another reason, that is, he, the door of the diet to beef and mutton, eat very few vegetables, which need to drink tea to supplement a variety of vitamins, in order to strengthen the body. v3V Tea Net

Afghans drink tea in different ways, depending on the region and have their own preferences. Generally speaking, in Afghanistan’s rural and pastoral areas, people like to drink milk tea. The production process of milk tea and China’s Xinjiang Uyghur, Mongolian, Kazakhs drink milk tea, the same practice, cooking decoction of tea, filter out the dregs of the tea, and then according to personal taste, will be boiled milk poured into the tea broth, plus an appropriate amount of salt, and then boiled, it became an authentic milk tea. v3V Tea Net

Afghans in towns and cities like to drink clean, they usually love green tea in summer and black tea in winter. Their way of drinking tea is to sit on the ground around the samovar. This tea cooker Afghan language called “Samawale”, is made of brass or copper, generally round. There is a lid on top, a base below, and a flue in the center, similar to our traditional copper hot pot. Only at the bottom of the samovar there is a spout, which can be unscrewed to catch boiling water. v3V

Whether it is in the teahouse, or at home to drink tea, or home guests, the habit of Afghans is to sit on the ground around the teapot. We cook tea, drink tea at the same time, greet each other, contact feelings, exchange of ideas, talk and laugh, very lively. v3V Tea Net