Oolong tea originated in Wuyi Mountain Introduction-Tea.com

乌龙茶起源于武夷山介绍Fna Tea

Why did the production process of oolong tea originate in Wuyi Mountain? The author believes that when it is from the loose tea and Songluo tea production process evolved. We know, whether it is the earliest records of the Tang Dynasty, “please pick the thunder and worship water and” Wuyi “late Ganhou”, or the Yuan Dynasty, the Royal Royal Tea Plantation produced by the Siqu Royal tribute to Wuyi “stone milk”, are steamed green mass tea or cake tea. Steamed green tea group or cake tea. Due to the group, cake tea by steaming and pounding can not well maintain the natural flavor of tea, and making, drinking procedures redundant, not only can not meet the requirements of the world of people to drink, but also affect the development of tea. Therefore, during the Ming Hongwu years, the court issued an order to strike the dragon group, changed the system of loose tea. This is when the green tea, its production process than the group, cake tea has been greatly simplified, as long as the killing – kneading – drying. But loose tea tea green picking tender tip small, without withering, the main process in the killing, that is, the tea leaves into the red pot hot frying, to evaporate water, destroying enzyme activity, resulting in aroma, although to maintain the natural flavor of tea, but lack of ripe aroma of mellow. fna tea net

Later, Chong’an order to recruit Huangshan monks to make Songluo tea (this tea about the beginning of the Ming Longqing years, 1567-1572) it is more than the loose tea aroma and flavor, then imitated. Songluo tea and loose tea stock differences, the Ming Dynasty Wenlong “tea paper”: “frying must be a person from the side of the fan, in order to get rid of the heat, otherwise the color, aroma and taste are reduced. “Fried when the clang, placed in a large porcelain plate, still have to fan quickly, so that the heat is slightly receding. Heavy hand rubbing, and then scattered into the pan, the fire fried dry into the baking”. Song Luo method is a big step forward. But because of the lack of green, leaf inclusions are not moderately transformed, can not make the aroma, flavor development. Ming Zhang Dafu said “sex but no rhyme”. Zhou Lianggong (1612-1672) in the “Min Xiaoji” in the said: “after ten months is red and purple as usual. In order to overcome the above shortcomings, that is, groping for the green, aiming to make the tea green leaves partially fermented, after frying and roasting, which is after decades of exploration and experimentation, only to be successful, which also has its accidental discovery. fna tea net

About the formation of oolong tea making process also circulates an interesting legend. Legend has it that during the Qing Dynasty, a group of soldiers passed through Wuyi Mountain, when it was the harvesting season, the factory owner and workers were in a panic to avoid, the soldiers slept on top of the tea green. After the soldiers left, the factory owner saw the tea green has become soft, part of the edge of the red, distressed. Under no circumstances, it will be fried, kneaded, baked, the results of the unexpected tea is not only high, thick flavor, and more than the Song Luo tea without bitterness. The author believes that the soldiers sleep on the tea green pressure, rolling, this unconscious simple “do green”, but played a part of the effect of fermentation, it is “crooked”. Factory owners, tea masters are overjoyed, gradually speculate and for, finally figured out the production process of oolong tea, which is of course the primary stage of oolong tea. fna tea net

Wuyi mountain tea mountain distribution in the peaks and rocks, is very scattered, and far from the tea factory, picking tea to run around the mountain, tea in the tea basket vibration, grinding, and coupled with the picking of the green tea basket in the pressure to put a long time, will inevitably become soft, red edge, sunny day is more serious. Because of this situation produced loose tea lack of green, produced by the Song Luo although “color and aroma is also sufficient” but “after ten months, the red and purple as usual.” Monks and Taoist tea masters attempted to change the technique, but “turn over the same effect, the old state is revealed” (Zhou Lianggong “Min Xiaoji”), suffering from no new method. The Qing soldiers slept on the pressure of fermented tea green, the production of dry tea just to comply with and develop a small amount of tea green picked in the past red edge, the characteristics of fermentation, so the tea masters will change course, the use of semi-fermentation method of making Wuyi Tea, which is the process of the big improvement. fna tea net

As a result of this correct beginning, after a long period of gradual improvement for the sun (rainy day is baked), shaking, shaking, bumping, cool, around, pile and other green practices, and according to the situation “look at the green to do green”, “look at the day to do green”, and strive to moisture evaporation is just right, leaf fermentation moderate ,香气发越即炒、揉、焙之,形成了乌龙茶制作完整工艺。 Oolong tea production process, more complex than green and black tea, and do green up to more than ten hours long, requiring the tea masters force with craftsmanship. Its unique process creates Wuyi Rock Tea with “fragrance and sweetness”, mellow flavor unique rock rhyme, therefore, the formation of oolong tea production process, is a major contribution of Wuyi Mountain. Since then, Wuyi rock tea and its production process “from Wuyi to Jian’ou, Anxi all over the world, and into Taiwan.” Therefore, “the stream tea then imitated the rock tea sample”, leading to “Zheng Shibao father and son to introduce, planting and production of Wuyi Narcissus in Yongchun”, the formation of “Wuyi seedling Taiwan tea”. fna tea net


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