Oolong tea originated in Wuyi Mountain Introduction-Tea.com

乌龙茶起源于武夷山介绍Fna Tea

Why did the production process of oolong tea originate in Wuyi Mountain? The author believes that when it is from the loose tea and Songluo tea production process evolved. We know, whether it is the earliest records of the Tang Dynasty, “please pick the thunder and worship water and” Wuyi “late Ganhou”, or the Yuan Dynasty, the Royal Royal Tea Plantation produced by the Siqu Royal tribute to Wuyi “stone milk”, are steamed green mass tea or cake tea. Steamed green tea group or cake tea. Due to the group, cake tea by steaming and pounding can not well maintain the natural flavor of tea, and making, drinking procedures redundant, not only can not meet the requirements of the world of people to drink, but also affect the development of tea. Therefore, during the Ming Hongwu years, the court issued an order to strike the dragon group, changed the system of loose tea. This is when the green tea, its production process than the group, cake tea has been greatly simplified, as long as the killing – kneading – drying. But loose tea tea green picking tender tip small, without withering, the main process in the killing, that is, the tea leaves into the red pot hot frying, to evaporate water, destroying enzyme activity, resulting in aroma, although to maintain the natural flavor of tea, but lack of ripe aroma of mellow. fna tea net

Later, Chong’an order to recruit Huangshan monks to make Songluo tea (this tea about the beginning of the Ming Longqing years, 1567-1572) it is more than the loose tea aroma and flavor, then imitated. Songluo tea and loose tea stock differences, the Ming Dynasty Wenlong “tea paper”: “frying must be a person from the side of the fan, in order to get rid of the heat, otherwise the color, aroma and taste are reduced. “Fried when the clang, placed in a large porcelain plate, still have to fan quickly, so that the heat is slightly receding. Heavy hand rubbing, and then scattered into the pan, the fire fried dry into the baking”. Song Luo method is a big step forward. But because of the lack of green, leaf inclusions are not moderately transformed, can not make the aroma, flavor development. Ming Zhang Dafu said “sex but no rhyme”. Zhou Lianggong (1612-1672) in the “Min Xiaoji” in the said: “after ten months is red and purple as usual. In order to overcome the above shortcomings, that is, groping for the green, aiming to make the tea green leaves partially fermented, after frying and roasting, which is after decades of exploration and experimentation, only to be successful, which also has its accidental discovery. fna tea net

About the formation of oolong tea making process also circulates an interesting legend. Legend has it that during the Qing Dynasty, a group of soldiers passed through Wuyi Mountain, when it was the harvesting season, the factory owner and workers were in a panic to avoid, the soldiers slept on top of the tea green. After the soldiers left, the factory owner saw the tea green has become soft, part of the edge of the red, distressed. Under no circumstances, it will be fried, kneaded, baked, the results of the unexpected tea is not only high, thick flavor, and more than the Song Luo tea without bitterness. The author believes that the soldiers sleep on the tea green pressure, rolling, this unconscious simple “do green”, but played a part of the effect of fermentation, it is “crooked”. Factory owners, tea masters are overjoyed, gradually speculate and for, finally figured out the production process of oolong tea, which is of course the primary stage of oolong tea. fna tea net

Wuyi mountain tea mountain distribution in the peaks and rocks, is very scattered, and far from the tea factory, picking tea to run around the mountain, tea in the tea basket vibration, grinding, and coupled with the picking of the green tea basket in the pressure to put a long time, will inevitably become soft, red edge, sunny day is more serious. Because of this situation produced loose tea lack of green, produced by the Song Luo although “color and aroma is also sufficient” but “after ten months, the red and purple as usual.” Monks and Taoist tea masters attempted to change the technique, but “turn over the same effect, the old state is revealed” (Zhou Lianggong “Min Xiaoji”), suffering from no new method. The Qing soldiers slept on the pressure of fermented tea green, the production of dry tea just to comply with and develop a small amount of tea green picked in the past red edge, the characteristics of fermentation, so the tea masters will change course, the use of semi-fermentation method of making Wuyi Tea, which is the process of the big improvement. fna tea net

As a result of this correct beginning, after a long period of gradual improvement for the sun (rainy day is baked), shaking, shaking, bumping, cool, around, pile and other green practices, and according to the situation “look at the green to do green”, “look at the day to do green”, and strive to moisture evaporation is just right, leaf fermentation moderate ,香气发越即炒、揉、焙之,形成了乌龙茶制作完整工艺。 Oolong tea production process, more complex than green and black tea, and do green up to more than ten hours long, requiring the tea masters force with craftsmanship. Its unique process creates Wuyi Rock Tea with “fragrance and sweetness”, mellow flavor unique rock rhyme, therefore, the formation of oolong tea production process, is a major contribution of Wuyi Mountain. Since then, Wuyi rock tea and its production process “from Wuyi to Jian’ou, Anxi all over the world, and into Taiwan.” Therefore, “the stream tea then imitated the rock tea sample”, leading to “Zheng Shibao father and son to introduce, planting and production of Wuyi Narcissus in Yongchun”, the formation of “Wuyi seedling Taiwan tea”. fna tea net

Do not argue, is a person carved in the bones of cultivation – Tea.com

Carnegie once said, “The only way to win an argument is to avoid it.” The highest state of debate is not to argue. 70p tea net

Because there is no real winner in the argument, in a waste of time, consume feelings at the same time, will only make each other more determined to their own position. 70p tea net

However, people’s innate desire to win, but let us always can not help but fall into the vortex of the argument, can not extricate themselves. 70p tea net

The last thing I know is that not arguing is a deep cultivation of a person’s bones. 70p Tea Leaf Network

不争辩,是一个人刻在骨子里的修养70p tea net

1, do not argue with different levels of people 70p tea net

One day, Confucius’s students are sweeping leaves in front of the door, suddenly came a man, asked him, “Are you a disciple of Confucius?” The student of Confucius nodded his head and said yes. 70p Tea Leaf Net

The man said, “Since you are a student of Confucius, you should also be very knowledgeable. Let me ask you a question, how many seasons are there in a year.” 70p tea.com

Confucius’ student blurted out, “Of course it is the four seasons.” 70p tea.com

But the man shook his head and said, “No, there are only three seasons in a year.” 70p tea.com

As a result, the two men argued for half a day over the question of how many seasons there are in a year. 70p tea leaves net

At this time, Confucius came over. 70p tea leaves net

The man also asked Confucius, “How many seasons are there in a year?” 70p tea.com

Confucius actually answered affirmatively, “You are right, sir, there are three seasons in a year.” 70p tea.com

Then the man was satisfied and went away. 70p tea.com

Confucius’ student was puzzled. There are obviously four seasons in a year, why did the teacher lie about the three seasons? 70p Te a Leaf Net

Confucius smiled and said: 70p tea leaves net

“Don’t you see the green color of that man’s whole body? His grasshopper changed into a man. 70p tea.com

Grasshoppers are born in the spring and die in the fall, and have never experienced the four seasons at all. Aren’t you wasting your time arguing with him about the four seasons?” 70p tea-leaf.com

In our lives, there are also many “three seasons”, their cognition is not the same level as you, if you fight to win or lose, not only can not persuade him, but also consume their own. 70p Tea Leaf Net

As Haruki Murakami said in the book “The End of the World and Cold Wonderland”: 70p Tea Net

“There exists in the world a sadness that cannot be shed, a sadness that cannot be explained to people. Even if it were explained, people would not pay any attention to it. 70p tea.com

It will always be the same, such as the windless night snowflakes quietly deposited in the heart.” 70p tea.com

You have to be clear that arguing with what kind of people is destined to be what you will become. 70p tea.com

For different levels of people, the best way to voice is no more than not arguing, not explaining, do well, with the results to explain the problem. 70p tea net

不争辩,是一个人刻在骨子里的修养70p tea net

2, do not argue with unrelated people 70p tea net

In our side, there are always some people, like to interfere in other people’s lives, to see the habit of things to taste: 70p tea net

The most important thing to remember is that you are not going to be able to find the right person for the right job.

Your child is four or five years old, you can have a second child, now do not have a second child, the future is sure to regret; 70p tea net

The more books you read, the less you can get married. 70p tea net

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on a cat that doesn’t cheat. The man occasionally derailed, tolerate it, know that home on the line. 70p Tea Net

The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the services you need. The first thing you need to know is how to get the best out of your life, and how to get the best out of your life , and how to get the best out of your life.

Since you don’t know, what makes you think you can judge others? 70p Tea Net

Some people say that the most important 8 words in life is “none of your business” and “none of my business”, these eight words, you can solve 80% of the troubles. 70p tea net

This may sound like a moment’s bravado, but if you think about it, isn’t it exactly the same thing? 70p Tea Net

If you have to explain to others again and again every day, and others argue, then your time in these arguments quietly passed, your good mood is also in these arguments gradually corrupted. 70p tea net

The other way to think about it, these “good for others” people, in fact, your life does not work at all. 70p Tea Net

A sign of maturity is the realization that no matter how hard you try, you can’t and don’t need to be liked by everyone. 70p Tea Le aves

Not everyone is worthy of your explanation. 70p tea leaves net

不争辩,是一个人刻在骨子里的修养70p tea net

3, do not argue with the closest people 70p tea net

There was a girlfriends party, we talked about their own recent developments, married friends are complaining, married husband and their own outlook on the channel is different. 70p Tea Network

Unmarried friends are also “not willing to show weakness”, said he and his parents live together, the previous generation’s “old ideas” is really pedantic. 70p tea net

The work is already very tired, come home and parents have to argue with a little trivial things, is really exhausted. 70p tea net

But they do not realize that everyone is an independent individual, each with their own way of doing things, principles, habits, where to find everywhere and you are completely consistent with the person? 70p Tea Net

If you want to argue, life can be argued everywhere. 70p tea net

To buy a house is to be heavy location or heavy price, the child is to be born one or two; 70p tea net

Small to go out for a little while to turn off the air conditioning, squeeze toothpaste is to squeeze from the front or the back of the squeeze ……70p tea net

In fact, the so-called happy family, not the three views of the same, not the same channel, but only know how to make concessions. 70p tea net

Home is not a place of reasoning, but a place of love. In the family, all the arguments have no real winner. 70p tea net

There are times when you even have the upper hand, but let the other side of the cold heart, cold feelings, so you win the reasoning, lost feelings. 70p tea net

Life is not so much right and wrong, not so much non-black that is white, in a number of insignificant issues, why fight for a red face, why fight for a you dead or alive. 70p tea net

If you argue, the results of both defeat; if you do not fight, the achievement of a happy home. 70p tea net

不争辩,是一个人刻在骨子里的修养70p tea net

4, do not argue, is a person deep into the bones of the cultivation 70p tea network

In my opinion, a person deep to the bones of cultivation, is to respect other people and you are not the same. 70p tea net

I once read a very hot topic on Zhihu, “What kind of experience is it to have been to more than 100 countries.” 70p tea net

One of the highly praised responses said, “Knowing that there is no such thing as natural correctness or absolute political correctness in this world, and being able to accept that others have different views and ways of thinking that are derived from them.” 70p Tea

Learning to transpose and tolerate, can know how to reconcile with others. When you know how to be tolerant and reconciled, you will naturally stop arguing with others. 70p tea.com

When you argue with others, the center of your world is elsewhere. When you don’t argue with others, you are the center of your world. 70p Tea Leaf Net

It’s not cowardice to not argue and not say much. 70p tea.com

A person’s best way of life is not better than, look at their own scenery, walk their own way, stick to their own direction, understand the difference between others. 70p tea net

This is also a person deep in the bones of the cultivation. 70p tea net

Iranians drink tea without seeing tea – Tea.com

伊朗人饮茶不见茶l9E Tea Network

Iranians like to drink tea, regardless of men and women, young and old, every day is inseparable from the tea, many Iranians drink 15 or 16 cups of tea a day is the most common thing. This is because of the Iranian ban on alcohol, they will be tea instead of alcohol, and drinking tea can also be refreshing, fitness, wake up the stomach, intestinal cleansing, why not do it! In Iran’s large and small towns and cities are selling tea tea rooms or tea stalls, tea consumption has become an essential part of the daily consumption of the Iranian people. l9E Tea Net

Their favorite drink black tea, black tea production in the country is far from enough for the national tea consumption, about one-third of the annual consumption, to be imported from abroad. l9E Tea Network

Iranians drink tea has three characteristics: the first is to drink tea to see the soup do not see tea. Poured into the cup of tea is a cup of pure reddish-orange tea broth, tea leaves are not the end of the millimeter. The tea leaves in the teapot are filtered, and the tea broth poured into the teacup is pure tea broth that is well brewed. The kettle they use to make tea is divided into two sizes, the teapot is placed on top of a giant kettle, and the boiling hot vapor from the large kettle steams the teapot, making the tea broth in the teapot always hot. l9E Tea Net

The second is to sip the tea with sugar. Newly brewed black tea with a slightly bitter flavor, so the Iranians drink tea, often without sugar. They are not sugar into the cup of tea to soak, but the sugar directly into the mouth, on the sugar sip tea. Iranian tea drinking sugar, some are thin crystals, drinking tea bite a small piece, and then sip the tea into the mouth, so that it slowly with the sweetness of the mouth and neutralization. Some are sugar cubes, their practice is to use the thumb and forefinger to hold the sugar, dipped in tea, put into the mouth, and so it is in the mouth to dissolve not dissolved at the time, it will be slurping tea into the mouth, and sugar and neutralization. In the sip of tea, the mouth of the sugar dissolved quickly or slowly, determining the degree of sweetness of the tea. This kind of tea drinker’s own control over the degree of sweetness of tea drinking method, is the Iranian people feel the most comfortable thing. l9E Tea Network

Thirdly, tea is often served with water and tobacco. Tea rooms in Iran are equipped with colorful, like handicrafts of the long neck of the water pipe. There is a person a water pipe, there are several people sitting around the corner of a large water pipe. This water pipe is different from cigarettes, is green smoke. In the water pipe smoke flavor is not big, but added orange, banana, strawberry, pineapple and other fruit flavors. While drinking tea, smoking this water pipe, unique flavor, sweet and delicious, rich and fresh, is a very good enjoyment. l9E Tea Net

Qianlong “and then visit Longjing made” tea poetry appreciation – Tea.com

乾隆《再游龙井作》茶诗欣赏1Ey Tea

Emperor Qianlong that is, Qing Emperor Aisin Gioro Hongli (1711-1799), Yongzheng thirteen years (1735 that is, the emperor, renamed Qianlong.) Qianlong made several southern tours, four of which took him to the West Lake tea area. Left his poems: 1Ey Tea Net

“Revisiting Longjing” by Qianlong1EyTea.com

After clearing the streets and listening to the Longjing Spring again, I will return to Huachan in the morning; 1Ey Tea Net

After asking the mountain to get the way, it is better to get the sunshine, and before the rain, it is better to draw the water to make tea. 1EyTea.com

The scenery is really fast, and the flowers and trees seem to be still there; 1Ey tea net

The first time I saw the movie was when I was in the middle of the night, and I had no idea what I was going to do.

Xinyang Mao Jian tea culture history and development – Tea Net

信阳毛尖茶文化历史及发展介绍KxO Tea Net

Xinyang’s famous tea, in the Tang Dynasty, there are records, the Tang Dynasty Lu Yu, “Tea Scripture” and the Tang Dynasty Li Zhao, “State History Supplement” in the Yiyang tea as a famous tea at that time. In the Song Dynasty, in “Ning Shi? Food and Drugs Zhi” and Song Huizong Zhao Ji “Daguan tea theory” in the Xinyang tea as a famous tea. Yuan Dynasty, according to Yuan Dynasty Ma Duanlin’s “Documentation”, “Guangzhou produces famous tea such as Dongshou, Shanshan, and Thin Side”. Ming Dynasty, there are few records of famous tea. Qing Dynasty, tea production was rapidly restored. The middle of the Qing dynasty is another period of rapid development of tea production in Henan province, tea production technology gradually exquisite, tea quality is more and more exquisite, in the Qing dynasty appeared in the fine tea Xinyang Maojian. kxo tea net

Qing Guangxu not years (1903-1905), the original is the Qing government to live in Xinyang anti-smuggling to take the commander, the old tea industry, members of the Cai Zuxian, put forward the initiative to open up the mountain to plant tea. At that time was the director of Xinyang persuasion, have a strong source of funds Gan Zhouyuan positive response, he, together with Prince Muo, landlord Peng Qingge equal in 1903 in Xinyang Zhenlei mountain northern foothills resumed planting tea, set up the “Yuanzhen” tea society, from Anhui, invited a Yu family name of the tea master, to help guide the cultivation of tea plants and production. kxo tea net

1905-1909 Gan Zhouyuan invited Chen Yuxuan, Wang Chuanqing and other people in Xinyang camel store to discuss tea, the organization set up Hongji Tea Society, sent Wu Shaoqiu to Anhui Lu’an, Ma Bu area to buy tea seeds, but also invited the Lu’an tea masters Wu Jishun, Wu Shao Tang to help guide the planting of tea tea production. Tea method is basically along the lines of “Gua Pian” tea frying method, with a small pan into two pots for frying raw and cooked pots. Stir-fry tea tools using broomstick, raw pot with a handle length of 0.5 meters, the handle thickness of 0.1 meters of broomstick 2, each hand holding a handle, picking fried. Cooked pot with a large broom instead of kneading. This is Xinyang Mao Jian’s initial production technology. kxo tea net

In 1911, Gan Zhouyuan in Ganjiachong, small Sun family established Yushen Tea Society, driven by this, adjacent to the development of tea plantations in the hills have a certain scale. Tea merchant Tang Huiqing went to Hangzhou West Lake to buy tea seeds and learn Longjing frying technology. After returning, in the “melon slice” on the basis of the frying method, and the “Longjing” of the scratching strip, the strip maneuver into the Xinyang Mao Jian frying, change the raw pot with a small frying for raw and cooked pots are frying with a large broom handle. The tea manufactured by this frying method is the prototype of the national famous tea Xinyang Mao Jian. KxO Tea Net

Republic of China period, tea production following the Qing Dynasty, and has been vigorously developed, tea production technology is becoming more and more perfect. Xinyang tea area has set up five major tea companies, plus the three major tea companies in the Qing Dynasty collectively known as the “eight tea companies”. As the “eight tea societies” focus on the introduction of production technology, digestion and absorption, Xinyang Mao Jian processing technology has been perfected, in 1913 the output of a very good quality of the mountain Mao Jian tea, named “Xinyang Mao Jian”. kxo tea net

In order to meet the Panama Canal in 1915 and the Universal Exposition, 1914, Xinyang County Tea District actively prepare for the competition tea samples, there are Gongzhi tea, Baihao tea, smoked Longjing tea, not smoked Longjing tea, Maojian tea, pearl three tea, bird tongue tea. 1915, February, in the exposition, after the judging, Xinyang Maojian tea with a beautiful appearance, high aroma, taste mellow unique qualities, was awarded the World Tea Gold Medal and Medallion. Gold Medal and Medal. Since then, Xinyang Mao Jian tea has become the representative of Henan Province’s high-quality green tea. 1958, Xinyang Mao Jian tea in the national tea ceremony was named one of the country’s top ten famous tea. kxo tea net

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Xinyang tea production has been greater development, Xinyang Mao Jian tea production technology has been promoted, the production area continues to expand. By 1993, xinyang division river district (former xinyang city), Pingqiao district (former xinyang county), Luoshan county, dorchuan county, gushi county, guangshan county, shangcheng county, new county, xixian seven counties and two districts have xinyang Maojian tea production. kxo tea net

Tea and the Rituals of Life – Tea.com

National Day holiday, how many people choose to pick up the bag, travel in all directions; how many people choose to continue to work, to realize the ideal. A seven-day trip, for many people is a luxury, not enough money, no wanderlust, refused to crowded, refused to skyrocket ticket prices. In fact, the significance of traveling may not be far away. Buz Tea Network

I signed up for a tour group, followed by a group of strangers who got together, slept on the bus, got off the bus to pee, and took pictures of the attractions… You think this is tourism, in fact, not; you think spend money to buy tickets, squeeze a few hours of the queue is tourism, in fact, not; you think to buy a ticket, fly to a foreign country is tourism, in fact, not. Buz tea net

茶与生活的仪式感Buz tea net

When you are looking at the scenery, in fact, they themselves are a landscape.

When you really learn to recognize the world, the world is full of curiosity and freshness; when you begin to relax yourself, began to face their own hearts, no matter where, are traveling. Buz tea net

A cup of tea, from boiling water to opening the brew, and then savoring it, settles the tea leaves and your own heart. When you raise the cup of tea, the person reflected in the tea soup is you, and what you drink into your mouth is yourself. Buz tea net

The meaning of traveling is to go to a place where no one knows you, to know yourself. Buz tea net

茶与生活的仪式感Buz Tea

The nine-to-five schedule, familiar surroundings, people face repetitive things every day, it is easy to lose the freshness and curiosity. buztea.net

When you start to get tired of this kind of life, “traveling” appears. An unfamiliar environment, different streets, different cultures hit you, began to blend into the atmosphere. Buz Tea Net

When you find these strangeness slowly adapting, adjusting yourself to a relaxed state, to meet a new way of life, you have found the meaning of traveling. Buz Tea Net

茶与生活的仪式感Buz tea net

Not necessarily far away, sitting at home with a pot of good tea, the first cup to let yourself slow down, slowly to digest the daily pressure and worries; the second cup to let yourself relax, not to judge the past, but also do not set tomorrow, only to enjoy the aroma of this one minute this second; the third cup, you begin to look forward to, feel that you have adjusted their mindset, the repetition of yesterday to live into the unknown tomorrow !BuzTea.com


In this day of celebration, and long unseen friends and family party all night, catching up on family life is inevitable, especially when it comes to which partner’s wedding banquet happy event, a variety of fish and meat, drinking and hangover are rare program. Buz tea net

But excessive overeating has a lot of harm to the body. Many partners will take the opportunity of vacation capricious once, so every day to eat and drink, in fact, this is not small damage to our stomach. Buz Tea Net

Therefore, we should not be too capricious gluttony oh. After eating greasy food we can promptly line a cup of ripe Pu, a small green citrus. Buz Tea Net

茶与生活的仪式感Buz tea net

Different tea, there are different stories, they come from different growth environment, in fact, we have walked the road, drank tea, are an unknown travel. Buz tea net

Through drinking tea, we are also in the taste of life, experience life, may wish to be quiet, let the “tea” to take you to a different faraway place. buz tea net

Introduction to the development and change of the origin of Huangshan Maofeng-Tea.com


Huangshan area in the Qing Dynasty before the Guangxu originally produced green tea for export. Since the first year of Guangxu CaoXi XieZhengAn creation of HuangShanMaoFeng, its bud tea raw materials selected from the source of tea garden. The source of Huangshan Maofeng is the source of the small source of Huangshan Mountain. Because it is the Huangshan Mountains dry vein southbound and turn east of the first south to the deep mountains and narrow valleys of the village, with a unique ecological environment, it is a “high mountain production of good tea”. [12] As for the spread of the development of Huangshan Mao Feng, from the source of the ancient road to the source and the mountain people to see, roughly divided into three steps to expand: x7jtea.com

The first step: the charging head source as a starting point: (1) south along the stream and down through the Danyuan, temple ping, Huangbai mountain, double pit mouth to Caoxi; (2) east over the sack head to Xintian 10 miles and Wayotan, Hengluxia; (3) the west over the stone ridge repeatedly across the 8-way river to Tangkou 7.5 kilometers. x7j tea net

Step 2: (1) Caoxi northeast into Jieshi, Fuzhou, Xiaowei; south through Changwei, Xikeng, Yangjiazhen, Zhengcun to Dongkengkou. (2) Xintian along the river to Xinyaxia; Hengluxia outside to Sheya Hou, Li into the field. (3) Tangkou north of Mount Huangshan Peach Blossom Peak, Ziyunfeng, Ciguangge, Yungu Temple and Mount Huangshan to the north of the Songgu castration, belonging to the alpine famous garden, then into the “famous mountain production of famous tea”. West out to Fangcun, Gangcun, and south to Yangcun, Qiashe. East down to the mountain fork. At this time, Huangshan small source throughout the village, Tangkou and Huangshan famous garden, Huangshan large source of popularity of major villages, the production of Huangshan Maofeng. x7jtea.net

The third step: fangcun passed gold bamboo pit, duck pit. Reckless village passed Dalingxia, Ruanxi Mountain, Ruo art pit. Yang village passed Hu village Tupang, Meicun, Shizuiwan, Shankou, Jiang village, Taoyuan, Huangcun, Jincun, Shantou. Qiaoshe passed Shanlingxia, Jinxia, Wujialin (Changtan), Niutoukeng (Zhangcun). This step is mainly Huangshan Dayuan four major villages to popularize the production of Huangshan Mao Feng in each village. x7j Tea Network

From September 1911 “Xie Yu Da Tea Company” Caochuan Hutchison tea number “big total” acquisition of spring gross tea, according to the average price per kilogram of Ying Yang arranged from high to low: Tianli village under the crossroads 0.69 yuan; Okamura Ruikui line 0.684 yuan; Benmen Songzhuang 0.664 yuan; Xintian village of the new house under the 0.6586 yuan; small Rongju issue (the high mountains above 500 meters above sea level). (high mountain above 500 meters above sea level) 0.6294 won; Tangkou Fuhang row 0.6284 won; Bangchon Yisheng row 0.6136 won; Menjang Yudai row 0.5954 won; and also Jingyi Yitianzhuang with the lowest 0.5504 won. A total of 39,781.5 kilograms of spring gross tea, paid 24,830.83 yuan Ying Yang. Among them, the first eight are high-quality origin. Visible high mountains and deep valleys produce good tea. x7j tea net

1937 “Shexian County” cloud: “Mao Feng, bud tea, South is the new source, East is jumping ridge, North is Huangshan, are real estate, Huangshan is the most prominent, color and flavor is not other mountains.” Visible at that time, Shexian tea production Huangshan Mao Feng. After the war, people do not live, Huangshan small source of tea people living in “catty tea to catty salt”, “catty tea for liters of rice” of the poor life, Huangshan source each year only a small amount of Huangshan Maofeng production. x7jtea.net

The early days of the founding of new China, Ruzhuang tea merchants into Huangshan source to buy a small amount of Huangshan Mao Feng, and a large number of acquisition of baked green tea. The Chinese famous tea “since” 1952-1979 Huizhou area Mao Feng and baked green acquisition of statistical tables “states:” Huangshan Mao Feng production area under the jurisdiction of Shexian, special grade Huangshan Mao Feng for the Shexian acquisition. The vast majority of Huangshan Mao Feng produced in Shexian Huangshan source, Taiping, right Taiwan has a small amount of acquisition. Baked green in addition to a small amount of Taiping, are produced in Shexian”. As the origin of Huangshan Mao Feng Fuxi Township long-term interference by the planned economy, only from the 1982 resumed production of three Huangshan Mao Feng 445.5kg; 1983 production of two, three Huangshan Mao Feng 2863.3kg; 1984 production of special, one, two, three Huangshan Mao Feng 7382.3kg; 1985 production of 11405kg Huangshan Mao Huang, Huangshan Yunwu Tea 13652kg. Shexian Tea Company purchased Huangshan Maofeng (including Huangshan Yunwu Tea) 17,850kg, accounting for 47.5% of the province’s 37,600kg. 1990 Huangshan source (Huizhou District) six townships produced a total of 11,500kg of Huangshan Maofeng, of which 51,100kg in Fu Xi Township, Qiaoshe Township 34,200kg, Yangcun Township 23,100kg. from the spring of 1991 Huangshan Municipal People’s Government Office issued “1991 Famous Tea Development Opinions”, the city’s three districts and four counties in successive years to expand the production of Huangshan Maofeng. x7j Tea Net

Ancient how to recognize the end of the tea that send guests – Tea.com

Ancient how to identify the end of the tea to send guests, according to the end of the Qing Dynasty Zhu De Shang “thirty years to see and hear” records: a newly appointed magistrate in the hot summer when he went to pay a visit to the governor of the Lord, according to the etiquette can not bring a fan. F4E Tea Net

古代如何辨别端茶即送客F4E Tea Net

The magistrate, however, handheld a folding fan into the governor’s office and waved the fan. When the governor saw that he was so rude, he took the opportunity of asking him to take off his hat and broaden his clothes to put up his tea cup. When he saw this, he immediately shouted “see off the guest”. F4E Tea Network

When the magistrate heard this, he hurriedly took his hat in one hand, grasped his clothes in the other, and retreated in a sorry state. This story reflects the prevailing custom of the Qing Dynasty officialdom – “sending off guests with tea”. At that time, the subordinate to meet the boss, the boss let the waiter to make tea, but most do not drink. F4E Tea Network

When the boss lifted the tea cup to do want to drink, it is under the “expulsion order” of the indication, the waiter will immediately shout “send the guest”. Of course, the Qing Dynasty official on the guest on the tea, sit for a long time can also drink, but the supervisor must raise his hand and said “please tea” and the supervisor first drink, subordinates can end the tea to drink. F4E Tea Network

古代如何辨别端茶即送客F4E Tea Network

The author of “Words on Earth” Wang Guowei in the “Tea Soup Customs” had this description: “the world of officialdom, the guest to set up tea and not rice, to the master of the extended guest tea, then the servant called to send the guest carry on, this wind has been since Song, but with the soup does not use the tea ear.” F4E tea network

Visible, this custom since the Song Dynasty has been, specifically, should be from the Song Dynasty, “point soup evicted from the guest” evolved. F4E Tea Network

Point soup and how is it? It turns out that in the past, the ancients had a common hospitality ritual, that is, the guests came to drink tea first, after drinking tea and then drink soup, and then evolved step by step, the guests came to drink tea first, and then drink soup when they left, the soup is usually made with sweet and fragrant herbs. F4E Tea Network

From the above can be seen, “point soup” was originally “guest speech respect soup” of a ritual, to later be quoted as “civilized expulsion” means. Wei Tai’s “Ai Xuan Pen Lu” mentioned such a story: the Song Dynasty, there is an official called Hu Mei’s Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of Justice, was transferred to the Shaanxi Xingyuan to do the governor, because of the family’s poverty and the road is far away, the inability to go to the office, to put it bluntly is that he did not want to go, so how to do it? F4E Tea Network

古代如何辨别端茶即送客F4E Tea

So they went to see the Privy Council Secretary Chen Shengzhi, want to accommodate a little, but who knows Chen Shengzhi neither give accommodation, but also do not want to listen to his complaint, immediately point soup, said earlier, soup is the guests to drink only when they go, then Chen Shengzhi the meaning of this is clear, soup are up, you should go. F4E Tea Net

So, “Mei got soup, three in the ground and resigned”, meaning that Hu Mei received soup did not drink, but splashed it on the ground wrath away, it seems that this Hu Mei or a little bit of backbone. F4E Tea Net

Tea sent to the guest, and the guest to honor the virtues of tea is contrary, nowadays has been extinct. But from a side reflection, in China, drinking tea has long exceeded the simple diet, not only become a way of interpersonal communication in the hospitality, and contains a unique etiquette rules in which. F4E Tea Net

The historical significance and origin of the seven son cake tea introduction – Tea.com

Seven in China is a very auspicious number, seven children as a symbol of many children, seven children cake tea shaped like a full moon, for the traditional export of Yunnan, Hong Kong, Macao and Southeast Asia, for the overseas Chinese loved as a gift or gift to friends and relatives, so there are overseas sales of round tea, overseas sales of seven children cake tea said. xox tea net

Round has the connotation of reunion, seven children for the meaning of many blessings and many children. A tube of seven cakes, each cake net weight of 357 grams, diameter of about 7 inches (21 centimeters), tube body about 7 inches (21 centimeters). The planned economy era to the end of the 1990s, the state-owned Menghai Tea Factory Production cake tea has been the market mainstream tea, raw materials to three to six levels of the main, raw tea, Wojiu ripe tea tea products are produced. xox tea net

七子饼茶的历史意义与由来介绍Xox Tea

The regulation of the seven children is from the Qing Dynasty, the “Qing dynasty canon examples” in: “Yongzheng thirteen years” (1735) to allow, Yunnan business tea, the Department of each seven rounds of a tube, weighing forty-nine two (3.6 city catty. 1.8 kilograms). Xox Tea Net

Tax silver a point, every hundred pounds to a quote, should be tea thirty-two tubes for a quote, each quote tax silver three money and two cents. In thirteen years for the beginning, awarded to the tea cited three thousand. Here, the qing government stipulated the yunnan Tibetan sales tea for seven tea, but at that time there was no such reference. The early and mid Qing dynasty, seven round a tube was originally the Qing government in order to standardize the measurement, standardize the production and transportation of a standard. xox tea net

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, due to the form of tea system becomes more, such as Bao Sen Tea House appeared small five round tea, in order to distinguish, people will be every seven for a cylinder of round tea packaging form known as “seven round tea”, but it is not a commodity or trade name. xox tea net

七子饼茶的历史意义与由来介绍Xox Tea

In the early Republic of China, in the face of the chaos of the weight of the tea cake, the pressure of competition, some regions set up a tea chamber of commerce, trying to unify, if the Simao Tea Chamber of Commerce in the Republic of China in about ten years agreed. Each round of tea base material shall not exceed 6 two, but the wealth and the New Territories background of the “Lei Yongfeng” number but the production of each round of 6 two and a half money per barrel of eight round tea “eight round tea”, unfair competition, the market share of a moment of great increase. xox tea net

After the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, tea state-run, Yunnan Tea Company’s tea factories with the company’s trademark production in the “tea brand” round tea. In the early 1970s, Yunnan Tea Import and Export Corporation wanted to know more appealing, more conducive to publicity and promotion of the name, they changed the “round” to “cake”, forming this auspicious name “seven cake tea “. This time, the Chinese tea brand faded out, and the round tea appellation also exited the stage. xox tea net

Zhejiang Province, the famous tea farms and the historical development of the introduction-Tea Network


Zhejiang Province tea farm UF6Tea.com

Ten li ping farm state-owned farm. Located in zhejiang longyou county lake town. Built in 1952. Has 2000 hectares of land, including tea garden about 200 hectares, annual output of 250 tons of dried vegetables. Under the agricultural brigade and factory. Produces tea type has black tea, fried green, roasted green and flower tea. uf6tea.net

Shili Feng farm state-owned farm. Located in Zhejiang Quzhou ten li feng. Built in 1955. Has tea garden more than 330 hectares, annual output of dry tea 500 tons. Under the tea production team, tea processing plant, brick factory, cement factory and other subsidiary enterprises. The products are fried green tea, jasmine tea, red tea and “Tashan Yinhao”, “Zhejiang Longjing”, “Maofeng” and other famous teas, of which “Tashan Yinhao” and Grade III tea are the most popular. Tashan Yinhao” and three levels of jasmine tea for the Ministry of Excellence products. Nine peaks mountain tea field collective tea field. Located in Zhejiang Jinhua Tangxi town nine peaks. Built in 1980. Has tea garden more than 150 hectares, annual output of 420 tons of dry tea. Sets down subfield and tea factory, to produce baking green, pearl tea mainly. uf6tea.com

Shangyu city tea farm state-owned tea farm. Located in zhejiang shangyu chapter town. Built in 1958. Has tea garden 80 hectares, annual output of 200 tons of dry tea. Main tea for pearl tea. uf6tea.com

Changxing County tea field state-owned tea farm. Located in zhejiang changxing peace town. Built in 1978. Has tea garden more than 130 hectares, annual output of dry tea 250 tons. Set up under the initial tea factory and refined tea factory, to produce fried green, baked green mainly. uf6tea.net

Longjing tea field state-owned tea field. Located in Zhejiang Hangzhou two lakes Longjing village. Built in 1950. Has tea garden about 70 hectares. Distributed in longjing, shifeng, meijiawu, wuyunshan, tiger run 5 production system area, annual output of 50 tons of tea. Produces Longjing mainly. 1958 and into the Chinese academy of agricultural sciences tea research institute. uf6tea.net

Shimen agricultural reclamation field state-owned farm. Located in Zhejiang Jinhua wucheng district fixed industry new village. Built in 1955. Formerly is Zhejiang Province Jinhua specialized department Shimen agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry experimental farm, in 1986 changed to present name. There are about 280 hectares of tea plantations, with an annual output of 800 tons of dry tea. Under the company and refined tea factory. Produces jasmine tea and black tea mainly. UF6Tea.com

Longyou phoenix mountain tea farm state-owned tea farm. Located in zhejiang longyou ten li ping. Built in 1955. Has tea garden more than 30 hectares, annual output of tea 100 tons. Constructed initial, refined tea factory, to produce fried green and Longjing mainly. UF6Tea.com

Pingshan tea farm state-owned tea farm. Located in zhejiang yuhang changle town. Built in 1960. Formerly known as the Hangzhou city downtown people’s commune farm, changed to its current name in 1994. Has tea garden more than 130 hectares, annual output of 275 tons of tea, to produce eyebrow tea and jasmine tea mainly. uf6tea.net

Dongbaishan tea farm state-owned tea farm. Located in zhejiang dongyang east white mountain. Built in 1955. Initially called Dongbaishan tea test field, in 1977 changed to the current name. There are about 130 hectares of tea plantations, with an annual output of 120 tons of dry tea. Under the initial, refined tea factory, mainly produces flat fried green, long fried green, jasmine tea and “Dongbai spring buds”. uf6tea.net

Lanxi city tea farm state-owned tea farm. Located in Zhejiang Lanxi motor town. Built in 1980. Formerly known as lanxi county on the Chinese agricultural reclamation field. Has tea garden more than 130 hectares, annual output of 300 tons of dry tea. Produces roasted green and jasmine tea mainly. uf6tea.com

Yuyao tea field state-owned tea field. Located in Zhejiang Yuyao Yuyao town. Built in 1952. Has tea garden more than 50 hectares, annual output of 210 tons of tea, average yield per hectare 250 kg, is currently one of the highest national tea production units. Tea factory under the initial tea factory, refined tea factory and tea machinery factory, to the production of bead tea and sencha (are exported) mainly. uf6tea.net

Fenghua tea farm state-owned tea farm. Located in zhejiang fenghua west dock town. Built in 1965. Formerly state-run new farm, 1968 changed to the current name. Has tea garden about 200 hectares, annual output of 400 tons of tea. Under the three factories, the production of export pearl tea and steamed green sencha mainly. uf6tea.net

Hangzhou tea test field state-owned tea farm. Located in zhejiang yuhang penggong township shise village. Formerly known as zhejiang province agriculture department specialties bureau tea experimental field. Built in 1952. 1972 changed to its current name. There are about 400 hectares of tea plantations, with an annual output of 1,000 tons of tea. Under the sub-farms and tea factories, to produce export eyebrow tea and steamed green sencha mainly. uf6tea.net

Shaoxing tea plant state-owned tea plant. Located in zhejiang shaoxing gao port town save palace. Built in 1964. Formerly known as shaoxing county save the palace tea field, changed to the current name in 1984. Has tea garden about 140 hectares, annual output of dry tea 300 tons. Under the jurisdiction of the company and factory, to the production of bead tea and sencha mainly. uf6tea.net

Tea mountain forest state-owned forest. Located in zhejiang ninghai liyang town. Built in 1958. There are about 2000 hectares of land, including more than 70 hectares of tea plantations. Annual production of 150 tons of tea. Set up under the tea and forestry district, initial tea factory and refined tea factory, to produce export pearl tea mainly, also produces part of the famous tea. uf6tea.net

Nanchong tea plant collective tea plant. Located in zhejiang xiangshan maoyang township. Built in 1967. Has tea garden about 70 hectares, annual production of tea 100 tons. Has tea factory, to produce baked green and flower tea mainly. uf6tea.com

South lake forest state-owned forest farm. Located in zhejiang anji high yu township. Built in 1952. Formerly known as Anji Farm, changed to its current name in 1963. There are more than 3300 hectares of land, including about 670 hectares of tea plantations, with an annual output of 1000 tons of tea. There are sub-farms and tea factories, and the main types of tea are wonderful green, sencha, black tea and roasted green, etc. UF6Tea.com

Jiangtang agricultural reclamation field state-owned farm. Located in jiangtang, jinhua, zhejiang province. Built in 1954. Has more than 1300 hectares of land, including 227 hectares of tea plantations, with an annual output of more than 230 tons of dry tea. Under the tea base and tea factory, to produce export pan-fried tea and flower tea, long fried green mainly. uf6tea.net

Huzhou agricultural reclamation tea farm state-owned tea farm. Located in zhejiang huzhou south port longquanwu. Built in 1975. Formerly known as wuxing farm sub-farm, in 1977 began planting tea, changed its name to the present, in 1989, zhejiang provincial department of agriculture and huzhou city agriculture bureau to determine the field to bear the north of zhejiang region tea seed breeding tasks. There are about 50 hectares of tea plantations, with an annual output of 50 tons of tea. There are sub-farms, famous tea processing factories and preliminary tea factories, mainly producing Hangzhou fried green and “Wenshan Imperial Tea”. uf6tea.net

Shengzhou city tea field state-owned tea field. Located in Sanjie Town, Shengzhou, Zhejiang. Built in 1937. Formerly known as Zhejiang Tea Improvement Farm, it was renamed Sheng County Tea Ranch in 1960 and changed to its present name in 1996. There are about 140 hectares of tea plantations with an annual production of 275 tons of tea. It has a branch farm, a primary tea factory and a refined tea factory, and mainly produces bead tea. UF6Tea.com

Xinchang County tea plantation collective tea plant. Located in zhejiang xinchang big city gathering town west mountain village. Built in 1979. Formerly Xinchang County red flag tea seed farm, 1991 changed to the present name. Has a tea garden about 20 hectares, annual output of 20 tons of tea. Under the sub-farm and tea processing plant, to produce “Zhejiang Longjing” and pearl tea mainly. uf6tea.net

Fuquanshan tea field state-owned tea farm. Located in zhejiang ningbo yinxian east qianhu town. Built in 1958. Formerly known as animal husbandry, in 1975 changed to its current name. 1979 by the Ministry of Agriculture designated as the northern China tea seed breeding demonstration farm. There are about 240 hectares of tea plantations, with an annual output of 500 tons of tea. Under the tea factory, the production of export pearl tea is the main, and the production of “Donghai Longtongue”, “Yunwu Spring” and other famous tea. There are more than 20 hectares of tea plantation, more than 30 asexual tea plantations, and hundreds of thousands of tea seedlings are produced every year. uf6tea.net