Listen to the sound of tea: a person who understands tea, must know how to live –

With a cup of tea in your hand, you can listen to the wind and rain in the fragrance of tea, read books and paintings, and write. A cup of tea, either strong or light, or a long or short period of quiet. Listening to the tea, watching the tea, and then drinking the tea. SFm Tea Net

In the tea atmosphere, tea fragrance elegant, experience happiness, taste the tea ceremony, realize life, listening to tea, is a kind of solitude, away from the hustle and bustle, away from the world, away from the dust. SFm Tea Network

聆听茶的声音:一个懂茶的人,必定懂得生活SFm Tea Network

Listening to tea is a kind of enjoyment, savor tranquility, savor happiness, savor life, listening to tea is a kind of mentality, relaxation, purification of the soul, listening to tea is a kind of realm, a kind of incomparable happiness and joy. SFm Tea Net

SFm Tea Net

Feel the tea between the faint thoughts of sadness, the leaves fall ups and downs, fragrance bursts, unloading the exhaustion of the mind, quiet some, light some, let the mind pure some. SFm Tea Net

聆听茶的声音:一个懂茶的人,必定懂得生活SFm Tea Network

A person who knows how to taste tea must be a person who knows how to live. SFm Tea Net

In the world of tea, the construction of a person’s heart is the most real and pure life sample. Learning to savor tea is actually learning to live a life. SFm Tea Net

The tea ceremony is the way to appreciate the beauty of tea. Tea ceremony is also regarded as a kind of art of cooking tea and drinking tea, a kind of tea as the medium of life etiquette, a kind of tea to cultivate the way of life. SFm Tea Net

It has become a beautiful ceremony through making tea, appreciating tea, smelling tea, drinking tea, promoting friendship, cultivating virtue, learning etiquette, and appreciating traditional virtues. SFm Tea Net

Longjing tea and the beautiful and mysterious legend of Hupeng

龙井茶与虎跑泉美丽神秘的传说s3M Tea

The extraordinary quality of Longjing tea has always been praised by tea people. Gao Lian of the Ming Dynasty said, “The spring of the West Lake is the best in Hupeng, and the tea of the two mountains is the best in Longjing.” Longjing tea and Hupeng spring are the two best things about Hangzhou. For thousands of years, there are many legends and stories about Longjing tea, which make Longjing tea more full of mysterious color. s3M Tea Net

Legend has it that when Emperor Qianlong traveled to the south of the Yangtze River, he came to Hangzhou Longjing Shifeng Mountain to watch the village women picking tea to show that he was aware of the people’s feelings. On this day, Emperor Qianlong saw a few townspeople are more than 10 green tea trees before picking tea, heart a happy, also learn to pick up. Just picked a handful, suddenly the eunuch came to report: “The Empress Dowager is sick, please hurry back to the capital.” Emperor Qianlong heard that the Empress Dowager is sick, hand will just pick a handful of tea leaves to the bag a put, day and night to rush back to the capital. In fact, the empress dowager only because of the delicacies eat too much, a moment of liver fire rise, eyes red and swollen, stomach discomfort, and no serious illness. At this time to see the emperor came, only feel a fragrance came, they asked what good things to bring. The emperor also felt strange, where the fragrance it? He touched his hand, ah, the original is a handful of tea in Hangzhou Shifeng Mountain, a few days after the tea has dried up, the rich aroma is that it emanates. Empress Dowager would like to taste the flavor of the tea, the courtesan will be a good tea, sent to the front of the Empress Dowager, really fragrant, the Empress Dowager drank a mouthful, both eyes suddenly more comfortable, drink the tea, the redness subsided, the stomach is not bloated. Empress Dowager said happily: “Hangzhou Longjing tea, really a panacea.” Emperor Qianlong saw the Empress Dowager so happy, immediately passed down the order, will Hangzhou Longjing Shifeng Mountain Hu Gong Temple in front of the 18 tea trees sealed for the Imperial Tea, picking new tea every year, special tribute to the Empress Dowager. To date, Hangzhou Longjing Village, Hu Gong Temple is still preserved in front of the 18 imperial tea, to Hangzhou, a lot of travelers also made a special trip to visit a number of people, and take pictures to remember. s3M Tea Network

Longjing tea (one of China’s top ten famous tea), Hupeng Spring is known as “Hangzhou double best”. Tiger Run Spring is how to come? It is said that a long time ago there were two brothers, named Tiger and Tiger. The two were very strong, and one year they came to Hangzhou and wanted to settle down in the small temple that is now Hupeng. Monks told them that the water here is difficult, to go over a few mountains to pick water, the brothers said, as long as we can live, picking water, so the monk took in the two brothers ridge to pick water, the brothers said, as long as we can live, picking water, so the monk took in the two brothers. One summer, drought and no rain, the creek also dried up, more difficult to eat water. One day, the brothers remembered that when they were wandering, they had seen the “Children’s Spring” in Hengshan Mountain, Nanyue, and it would be good if they could move the spring to Hangzhou. The two brothers decided to go to Hengshan to move the child spring, all the way to the foot of Hengshan when they fainted, stormy attack, the wind stopped after the rain, they woke up, only to see in front of the eyes of a small child standing in hand with a willow branch, which is the management of the “child spring” of the little fairy. Little fairy listened to the two of them with a willow branch after a finger, water sprinkled on both of them, all of a sudden, the two brothers into two colorful tigers, the boy jumped on the back of the tiger, the tiger up to the sky with a long whine, with the “Children’s Spring” straight to Hangzhou. The old monk and the villagers had a dream at night, dreaming that the big tiger, the two tigers into two tigers, the “Children’s Spring” moved to Hangzhou, the daybreak will have spring water. The next day, the sky is bright, two tigers fell from the sky, the tiger fell in the bamboo garden next to the temple, the front paws planing the ground, in a short time to plan a deep pit, suddenly stormy and rainy, after the rain stops, only to see the deep pit gushed out a spring, we understand, must be the big tiger and the two tigers to bring them the spring. In order to commemorate the big tiger and the two tigers, they named the spring “tiger planing spring”. Later on, they called it “Tiger Run Spring” for the sake of catchiness. The color and flavor of Longjing tea brewed in Hupeng Spring is excellent, and nowadays you can taste this “double excellent” drink in Hupeng Tea Room. s3M Tea Net

The origin of the name of the water golden turtle –

The origin of the name of the water golden tortoise, there is such a legend. 5Ju Tea Net

It is said to be the old golden tortoise in the heavenly palace immortal tea garden, was touched by the earth’s most sincere tea top worship, incarnated as a tea branch and leafy tea tree, in the cattle pen pit head Duguzhai Lanyu half-rock set down roots. 5Ju tea net

水金龟名字的由来5Ju tea net

After being found by the old abbot of the temple, who knew the reason of heaven, and was treated with great hospitality. In return for the hospitality, the old golden tortoise turned tea tree grows more and more prosperous, its green leaves in the sunlight, the golden light, like a big golden tortoise. The tea made from this tree was named “Water Golden Turtle”. 5Ju Tea Net

Outside the legend, it is also said that because the tea tree branches intertwined, similar to the pattern on the back of the turtle, so named the water golden turtle. But that said, the water gold turtle most famous, should be due to the force of nature to move pit story, like to hit the rock tea varieties of tea friends may know. 5Ju tea net

水金龟名字的由来5Ju tea net

According to Lin Fuquan records: “This tea was originally produced by the Tianxin Temple, planted under the Duguo Zhai, one day of heavy rain, the peak of the tea plantation side banks collapsed, the tea was washed to the head of the oxbow pit of the half-rock concave, Lanyu mountain masters so that the place chiseled stone set up steps to build a stone enclosure, congested with the soil to store the ……5Ju Tea Net

Went to the Republic of eight or nine years, Leishi Temple (when the Valley belongs to the Leishi Temple) and the Tianxin Temple, both sides of the thousands of fees, but also had a serious public litigation, and then the public judgment due to the tree is not human theft, the natural forces caused by the judgment of the Valley of all.” 5Ju Tea Net

The fame of the tea was also revealed, Shi Ling had sighed and inscribed “incredible”, carved in stone on the side of the cliff to remember. 5Ju Tea Leaf Net

Qi Ji “thank you in the upper man sent tea” tea and wine poems detailed –

齐己《谢中上人寄茶》茶酒诗文详解NSI Tea

NSI Tea Network

Author:QiJiNSI .


NSI Tea Net

NSI Tea Leaf Net

NSI Tea Net

NSI Tea Net

In the history of Chinese tea and wine culture, it is a good tradition to gift friends and relatives with tea and wine. In the process of giving and receiving, many literati often accompanied by poetry, thus leaving many beautiful chapters in this regard, this poem is an example. Tea and wine gifts to friends and relatives this custom inherited to this day, but accompanied by poetry is rare. nsi tea net

Tea interesting custom “tea and wedding” –

茶叶趣事习俗“茶与婚礼”VIz Tea

Tea interesting custom VIz tea net

Tea custom is one of China’s folk customs, it is the accumulation of the traditional culture of the Chinese nation, but also the refraction of people’s mentality, it is centered on tea activities throughout people’s lives, and on the basis of the tradition of continuous evolution, to become a part of people’s cultural life, it is rich in content, each presented style: VIz Tea Network

Tea and wedding VIz tea network

The relationship between tea and weddings is simply the application of tea as part of the etiquette of a wedding.

When did it start? From the Tang Taizong ZhenGuan fifteen years (641 years), Princess Wencheng into Tibet, according to the national rituals to bring tea began, so far there have been more than 1,300 years. VIz Tea Network

Tang Dynasty, the wind of drinking tea is very prevalent, the social custom of expensive tea, tea has become an indispensable gift for marriage. VIz Tea Network

Song Dynasty, from the original dowry gift for women’s marriage evolved into a man to the woman’s bride price. To the Yuan and Ming, “tea ceremony” is almost synonymous with marriage. The woman hired tea ceremony called “eat tea”. VIz Tea Network

The girl by others tea ceremony is a moral marriage. The Qing Dynasty still retains the concept of tea ceremony. The concept of tea ceremony was still retained in the Qing Dynasty, and it was said that “a good woman does not eat tea from two families”. VIz Tea Net

As the nature of the tea does not move, the seed is still in the blossom, known as the mother and child to meet, indicating fidelity and unshakeable. Such as the “Dream of the Red Chamber” book, Wang Xifeng gave Lin Daiyu tea, said wittily: “You have eaten my family’s tea, how not to do my family’s daughter-in-law.” Today, many rural villages in China are still engaged to be married, marriage is called “tea”, “eat tea”, the engagement deposit called “tea gold”, the bride price called ” VIz Tea Net

In the wedding with tea for the gift of the custom, also generally popular in all ethnic groups. Mongolian engagement, said the relatives are to bring tea to show that love is precious. Hui, full of Kazakh engagement, the man to the woman’s gifts are tea. Hui people said that the betrothal for the “fixed tea”, “eat happy tea”, the Manchu said “under the big tea”. VIz tea net

As for welcoming the bride or marriage ceremony with tea, there are gifts, mainly for the groom, the bride’s “cup tea”, “and the tea”, or to the parents honored “thank you tea”, ” VIz tea network

In short, from ancient times to the present, many places in our country, in every process of marriage, often inseparable from the tea to make rituals. VIz tea net

Jiuqu Red Plum tea legend story –


Jiuqu Red Plum Tea Legend Legend has it that Ling Shan Dawu Basin, there is a pair of nearly 60 years before the happy son of the old couple, they named their son “A Long”. One day, A-long saw two stream shrimp fighting for a small bead, feel curious, the bead fish up in the mouth, accidentally, the bead swallowed and slipped into the stomach. After arriving home, he felt prickly heat all over his body, clamoring for a bath, once in the bathtub into a dragon flew out of the house, jumped into the stream, and swam to the distance.

The old couple cried and desperately chased. The black dragon is in love with his parents, and even swims nine times nine back. So there is a nine bends and eighteen bends of the stream, has been leading to the Qiantang River. The legend of the “Nine Curves of the Oolong” was thus spread.

Taquan Yunwu Tea Culture

塔泉云雾茶文化历史GKT Tea

History of Tachuan Yunwu Tea

According to Xuancheng County Records, “Tachuan Yunwu” is also known as “Summit Yunwu”. It was very popular in Ming and Qing Dynasty. According to the legend, “the natural beauty is hard to give up, three feet from the nose of the strange fragrance” is that year, Emperor Qianlong tasted the “Tower Spring Yunwu” after the Tower Spring Yunwu’s praise of the poem. Tower Spring Yunwu in the Eastern Jin Dynasty Sima Rui (317-322 AD) Wenshan Jieguan and Xuancheng, into the tribute to tea a thousand pounds, is the earliest record of Xuancheng production of tribute tea. GKT Tea Network

The great poet Li Bai had a poem: “Tower Spring exhaust source water, peak cloud tea”. After the liberation of the state council office tea, won the honorary title of famous tea of the ministry of economy and trade and exported to the British royal family. In the sixties, it was honored as the tea used by the central government, and in the eighties, it was honored as the famous tea of the former Ministry of Commerce, and it was honored as one of the top ten famous teas in Anhui. Nowadays, the country is in peace and the tea affairs are flourishing, Gufeng people inherit the traditional craft, integrate advanced technology, and honor the world with the authentic Tachuan Yunwu Tea of the original place of origin.

Tang, Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties tea and tea utensils introduced –

Tea and tea utensils are very delicate, in order to appreciate the best wet tea, leaf bottom and soup color, tea utensils need to be selected according to the characteristics of tea. In the Tang, Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties, with the different types and forms of tea in each dynasty, the tea utensils also changed accordingly. 7EE Tea Network

Tang Dynasty, people drink cake tea, tea shall be roasted and crushed, and then by decoction, this tea tea soup was “light red” color. Once the tea poured into the porcelain tea set, the color of the soup will be due to the different color of the porcelain and change. Lu Yu from the perspective of tea appreciation, put forward the “green is good tea”, that the green Yue porcelain tea set for the best. Yue porcelain is green, pouring into the “light red” color of the tea soup, green. 7EE Tea Net

Song Dynasty, tea drinking habits gradually changed from boiling to “point of note”, tea research and crushing by “point of note”, the color of tea soup has been close to the “white”. Cai Xiang in the Song Dynasty especially respected “blue black” Jian’an rabbit hair marigold. 7EE Tea Net

Ming Dynasty, people have changed from the Song Dynasty tea group to drink loose tea. In the early Ming Dynasty, drinking bud tea, tea soup has changed from the Song Dynasty’s “white” to “yellow-white”, so that the requirements of the tealight is no longer black, but fashion “white”. Ming dynasty Zhang Yuan’s “tea record” also wrote: “tea ou to white magnetism for the top, blue second.” After the middle of the Ming dynasty, porcelain teapot and the rise of purple sand tea set, so that the tea soup and tea color and lustre no longer have a direct contrast and set off the relationship. People drinking tea attention shifted to the flavor of tea, mainly focusing on the “aroma” and “taste”, the pursuit of pots of “elegance”. Emphasize that the tea utensils are properly matched, in order to taste the straight tea flavor. 7EE Tea Network

After the Qing Dynasty, more varieties of tea sets, changing shapes, colorful, with poetry, calligraphy, painting, carving and other arts, thus pushing the production of tea sets to a new height. Generally speaking, heavy aroma of tea to choose the hardness of the pot, such as porcelain pots, glass pots. Green tea category, light fermentation of the packet type of tea is more heavy aroma; drinking Biluochun, Junshan silver needle, Huangshan Maofeng, Longjing and other delicate tea, it is ideal to use a glass cup to brew directly. Heavy flavor tea to choose a lower hardness of the pot, such as ceramic pots, purple sand pot. Oolong tea is more heavy flavor tea, such as Iron Goddess of Mercy, rock tea, single fir, etc. 7EE Tea Net

As the saying goes, “old teapot bubble, young tea cup punch”. This is because the coarse old old leaves, with the pot brewing, one can keep the heat, conducive to the tea in the water leachate dissolved in the tea broth, to improve the tea broth in the available part of the tea broth; the coarse old tea lack of ornamental value, used to honor the guests, not very elegant. In this way, can also avoid the suspicion of rudeness. The tender tea leaves, with a cup brewing, at a glance, at the same time can receive material enjoyment and spiritual appreciation of the beauty of the 7EE tea network.

Shaoxing’s tea people and tea

The game of chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and flowers were all part of the game at the time. Nowadays, all things have changed, and the tea has been changed.

This tea is one of the seven things to open the door, which is important .

Before and after the Qingming Festival, it’s time for the annual tea picking season, which is also the time when new teas hit the market. At this time, to count the rural women are the most busy, not only to pick tea but also fried tea. In many places in rural Shaoxing County, tea is like a daily essential food, guests to make tea, their leisure time will make tea, the family has a few points of the tea mountain, at this time will pick their own new tea. Explore the history of tea culture in Shaoxing, will be deeply shocked to the original history of tea in Shaoxing from a long time ago in the Song Dynasty has taken root, it should be said that Shaoxing people and the fate of the tea is quite deep. S7I Tea Net

In the tea plucking season to interview those tea tea, but also let us see a different long time ago, “Shaoxing tea people” feelings. s7i tea net

Source: Shaoxing Evening News S7I Tea Net

Dongxi test tea record this tea name “tea name class is different, so recorded” – Tea Net

东溪试茶录这茶名“茶之名类殊别,故录之”6OJ Tea Network

The name of the tea has seven: one about the white leaf tea, folk great weight, out of recent years, the garden baking time; land not to mountains and rivers near and far, hair not to the community of the successive, buds and leaves such as paper, the folk thought that the tea Rui, take the first for the fight tea, and the smell is very thin, non-edible tea than the six out of the big hole in the ravine of the source of the six (Ye Zhongyuan, Ye Shiwan, Ye Shirong, Ye Yong, Ye Shijiazhi, Ye Xiang) ravine source rock under a (Ye Mushu.) Gully source two, (Ye Tuan, Ye Brah.) Houkeng, Gully Valley (Yejiu) Lingen, Gully Valley III, (Ye Gong, Ye Pin, Ye Ju.) Limkeng Huangji River 1, (You Yung), Qukeng 1, (You Yuzhang.) Biwon 1 (Wang Dazhao.) Biyuan 1 (Wang Dazhao), Folingwei 1 (You Daosheng.) Shaxi’s Dali Shamshang, (Xie Ting) Gao Shi Yan, (Yun Yun Yuan) Dali, (Lv Yan) Bangxi Lingen, (Ren Daoshi) Next, there is citrus leaf tea, the tree is more than ten feet tall, the diameter of the head is seven or eight inches, the leaves are thick and rounded, similar to those of mandarin oranges, and the buds are fat and milky, two inches long. It is the top quality of tea. The third morning tea, also like citrus leaves, hair often first spring, folk picking, for the test baker. The fourth day of fine leaf tea, leaf thin than citrus leaves, tree height of five or six feet, buds short and not milk, now born in the Shaxi Mountains, cover the soil thin and not mao, the fifth day of the audit citrus leaves thin, tree height of five or six feet, buds short and not milk, now born in the Shaxi Mountains, cover the soil thin and not mao, the fifth day of the audit tea, leaf thin and thick. Buds late and green yellow, six days late tea, cover chicken tea and so on, hair later than the tea, born after the community, seven days of series of tea, also known as yeast tea, clumps of high not several feet, between a year, the hair of the number of four, the poor people to take as a benefit. 6OJ tea net