What is the role of learning the art of tea – Tea.com

What is the role of learning the art of tea reW Tea Network

1, calm the mind: learning tea can calm people’s minds, and handle things with ease. reW Tea Network

2, attention to detail: tea brewing, pay attention to the details. Temperature, time, the amount of tea, tea utensils, etc., all need to be carefully prepared, careful operation. reW Tea Net

3, interactive etiquette: general tea always drink with friends. Interaction with each other, etiquette is essential. Over time, to develop good manners. reW Tea Network

4, mediocrity and harmony: get more tea, rarely directly evaluate a tea poor or good, and will be more objective about the characteristics of a tea. Tea has relative advantages and disadvantages, but people’s preferences are not the same. It is better to analyze more and draw fewer conclusions. reW Tea Net


5, natural and appropriate, suitable for the best: Tea is about the unity of man and nature, the law of nature. Respect the laws of nature, progress in an orderly manner, not in a hurry. Do relatively suitable things for yourself. reW tea net

6, give and take: light and in, give up some, in order to get their own. reW Tea Network

7, learning the tea ceremony, people will become careful, patient, calm, vision will become soft. reW tea net

Qianlong tea poem “sitting in the Dragon Well cooking tea even into” to appreciate-Tea.com

L5X Tea

Qianlong Tea Poems

Sitting in Dragon Well and Cooking Tea

L5XTea. com “New Tea from Longjing Spring, Cooking and Frying for a Family” (龙井新茶龙井泉).

L5XTea.com “Dragonwell Tea” is a tea poem written by Qianlong.

L5XTea.com: Why do you need to praise the imperial tea?


Tea food can’t hold down the tea flavor tea food pairing – Tea.com

茶食不能压住茶香茶食的搭配nlS Tea Network

Tea food can not suppress the tea flavor nlS Tea Network

A cup of mellow tea with exquisite tea food, both can bring relaxation of the mind, leisure can also be better to the flavor of tea. Specifically how to do it? nlS Tea Network

National Tea Quality Inspection Center professorate senior engineer Shen Hong suggested that leisure tea, with tea food can follow the “sweet with green, sour with red, melon with oolong” mnemonic. The so-called sweet with green, refers to the sweet food with green tea, such as various sweet cake, pineapple cake, etc.; sour with red refers to the taste of sour food with black tea, such as hawthorn, lemon, etc.; melon with oolong refers to the salty food with oolong tea, such as salty melon seeds, peanuts, etc. nlS Tea Network

Green tea is refreshing, slightly bitter taste, tea food can choose fresh and sweet flavored snacks with. Green tea is rich in catechins with the role of inhibiting sugar absorption, but also can promote lipid metabolism. However, it should be noted that the tea food should not be too sweet, otherwise it will cover the flavor of the tea, resulting in the tea drinker can not taste the flavor of green tea should have. For example, with durian pastry, although the taste is good, but its flavor is too heavy, easy to suppress the tea’s fragrance. Mung bean cake, yam cake, pineapple cake and other sweet and refreshing snacks are very suitable to match with green tea. nlS Tea Net

Black tea is mellow and rich in flavor, sweet and mellow in taste. If you pair it with foods that are sour in taste, it will give you a pleasant sweet and sour taste, and fruits such as lemon, kiwi, or plums are all good partners for black tea. In terms of taste, after drinking black tea, there will be a feeling of astringency in the mouth, at this time to eat some acidic food, can be very good for neutralization. nlS Tea Network

Oolong tea belongs to semi-fermented tea, taste between black tea and green tea, tea soup over the throat when Xu Xu Jin, sweet and aftertaste in the mouth, with salty food with, can retain the aroma of tea, and will not destroy its original flavor. Savory food, melon seeds, peanuts, pistacios, macadamia nuts and other nuts are the most recommended. Nuts crispy but easy to fire, oolong tea refreshing can remove fire, so from this point of view, melon seeds and oolong tea is also a very good partner. nlS Tea Network

Due to the different eating habits of people, tea and food with regional differences. Such as Fujian Minnan region and Guangdong Chaoshan region often drink kung fu tea, more south sugar, coconut cake, mung bean cake as tea food, not only delicious flavor, but also the appearance of refined elegant, not only to satiate the stomach, but also not lose the interest of tea. The old Beijing is popular book teahouse, tea is only auxiliary, listening to the book is the main, tea time tea snacks for melon seeds and other snacks, very casual. nlS Tea Network

Tea Poetry and Tea Lyrics “seven poems yiyou yiyou early spring guest Badouhe Wangjia” – Tea.com


The seven ji yiyou yiyou early spring guest eight doujiang river king’s home and to the end of the world and prosperous buds two poems brother n40tea.net

The clear river beat the shore of a thousand sails dance, one night the end of the world has been prosperous buds. n40tea.com

The first time I saw this, I had to go back to the old days. n40tea.com

Lu Fangweng “share tea” play-Tea.com

陆放翁“分茶”之戏Vuw Tea Net

Lu You, the famous patriotic poet of the Southern Song Dynasty, in the Southern Song Dynasty Chunxi thirteen years (1186 years) spring had written a popular poem called “Lin’an spring rains first clearing”. The content of the poem is as follows: “The world flavor of the year is thin like a veil, quasi-order to ride a horse passenger Beijing? Small buildings listen to the spring rain one night, deep alleys sell fragrant flowers tomorrow. Short paper slanting line idle as grass, clear window fine milk play tea. I don’t want to sigh in the wind and dust, but I want to arrive home at the dawn of the Qingming Festival”. At the time of writing this poem, Lu You was already 62 years old. Vuw Tea Net

Although this poem is not usually referred to as tea poetry, but also wrote “clear window fine milk play share tea” such a wonderful tea lines, and therefore has always been for the tea lovers to enjoy. Read carefully, you can be surprised to find that not only the “small building listening to the spring rain overnight, deep alleys selling apricot blossoms in the morning” profound meaning, the famous lines of tea, also profound meaning, the poet’s life is strongly advocating the restoration of the Central Plains, the fight against the Golden Pardon, but his patriotic ideas and political enthusiasm has been repeatedly hit by the peace faction of the imperial court, and even deposed a few times. This time he was summoned to the capital, thinking that he could realize his ideals and ambitions, but Emperor Xiaozong only appreciated Lu You’s talent, but had no intention to reuse him. I have nothing to do, the poet had to “play share tea” in front of the window, which is undoubtedly the poet to express his ambition is difficult to pay off a piece of emotion. vuw tea net

“Play share tea”, that is, share tea theater, started by the Song Dynasty. Lu Shusheng of the Ming Dynasty, “Chaliao record” in the text attached to a festival “tea theater”: “Tea to Tang began to flourish. In recent times, there are seven under the soup transport, Shi wonderful know-how, so that the soup texture of the water veins into the image of things, animals, insects, fish, flowers and grasses, delicate as a picture, but in a moment that is scattered. This tea change also, when people we tea hundred theater”. The poet here in the tea game, in fact, Lu You in the tea, by the tea bowl soup on the surface of the ever-changing images deeply attracted, in the taste of delicious, fine as milky tea at the same time, with a teaspoon in the tea bowl towel gently stirring, tea soup then appeared in all kinds of changes in the scene. The tea is as thick and thin as the world’s coolness, and the gathering and dispersing is like the sadness and joy of life, floating and sinking, just like the unpredictability of the career of a bureaucrat, isn’t it? The surface of the tea as a perfect landscape painting, and sometimes break open, so that the sentimental poet suddenly associated with the Jin divided by half of the Great Song Dynasty. vuw tea net

A small “tea” play, the poet and the fate of the country associated with their own, thinking of their own life for the unification of the Song Dynasty, bow and scrape, liver and brain, but always difficult to get reuse, which can not be said to be full of enthusiasm for Lu You mercilessly poured on a splash of cold water. The indignation of the country, the contempt of the unmet talent, so that the poet felt the move to the capital of the error, and thus also on the official life to see more indifferent, the poet’s heart cover calculations to be rushed back to the Shaoxing countryside before the Qingming to the old family. All of these feelings and associations, are by “share tea” in the play produced by a variety of visions caused by. It was difficult for the poet to calm down, and he wrote this poem, which has been passed down through the ages. Vuw Tea Leaf Net

A way of life to cultivate oneself with tea: the tea ceremony – Tea.com

The tea ceremony is the way to appreciate the beauty of tea. tgJ Tea Net

Tea ceremony is also regarded as a kind of cooking tea drinking tea art of life, a kind of tea as a medium of life etiquette, a kind of tea to cultivate the way of life. tgJ Tea Net

It is a very useful and beautiful ceremony through making tea, enjoying tea, smelling tea, drinking tea, promoting friendship, cultivating virtue, learning etiquette, and appreciating traditional virtues. Drinking tea can calm the mind and spirit, which helps to cultivate sentiment and remove distractions. tgJtea.com


Tea ceremony is a behavioral art that expresses certain manners, character, mood, aesthetic point of view and spiritual thoughts through tea tasting activities. It is a combination of tea art and spirit, and expresses the spirit through tea art. It emerged in China during the Tang Dynasty, flourished during the Song and Ming Dynasties, and declined during the Qing Dynasty. tgJTea.com

The main content of the Chinese tea ceremony is to pay attention to the beauty of the five realms, namely, tea, tea, fire, tea utensils, the environment, and at the same time with the mood and other conditions, in order to “taste” and “heart” of the highest enjoyment. Known as the religion of aesthetics, the Japanese Tea Ceremony, with harmony, respect, clarity and silence as its basic spirit, is inherited from the Tang and Song Dynasty. tgJTea.com


Dig deeper into the connotation of Chinese culture, in-depth research and exploration of the revival of Chinese culture. Tea culture belongs to the category of Chinese culture, that is, for the ritual norms in the details of tea tasting, tea, tea, tea, fire, tea utensils, the environment, and the drinker’s cultivation, emotions, etc. jointly formed a mood of beauty. tgJ Tea Net

The connotation of tea culture is actually a specific expression of the connotation of Chinese culture, talk about tea culture must be combined with Chinese culture and the discussion. The spiritual connotation of tea culture is through the tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea and other habits and Chinese cultural connotations of rituals combined with the formation of a distinctive Chinese cultural characteristics of a cultural phenomenon, which can also be said to be a phenomenon of etiquette. tgJTea.net


Chinese tea ceremony absorbed the essence of Confucianism and Taoism. The doctrine of Taoism, on the other hand, has injected the philosophical idea of “heaven, man and one” into the tea ceremony of the tea people, establishing the soul of the tea ceremony. At the same time, it also provides the aesthetic concepts of revering nature, revering simplicity, revering truth, and the ideas of rebirth, precious life, and nourishing life. tgJ Tea Net

Because the Taoist “unity of man and heaven” philosophy into the spirit of the tea ceremony, in the heart of the Chinese tea people are filled with an incomparable love of nature, the Chinese tea people have a strong desire to return to nature, close to nature, so the Chinese tea people are best able to appreciate the “love to bright full of heaven and earth The Chinese tea people have a strong desire to return to nature and get close to it, so they can best appreciate the passion of “the love is bright and full of heaven and earth” as well as the “more feeling of the crane heart of the darkness” and nature to achieve the wonderful feeling of “the thing I metaphysical meeting”. tgJTea.net


Chinese tea ceremony, the idea of respect for people in the form of expression is common in the naming of the tea utensils and the understanding of tea. Tea people are accustomed to the tray of the cup called “Sancai Cup”. Cup tray for the “ground”, the lid for the “sky”, the cup for the “people”. The meaning is that the sky is big, the earth is big, and people are even bigger. If even the cup, tray, lid together with the end up to taste tea, this cup holding technique is called “three talents in one”. tgJ Tea Net

The ideal of the Chinese tea ceremony is to nourish the body, to enjoy the emotions, to cultivate the nature, and to prove the way. Proof of Tao is the result of cultivation, is the ideal of the tea ceremony, is the ultimate pursuit of tea people, is the highest state of life. The purpose of the tea ceremony is to cultivate, the environment is also good, the etiquette is also good, the tea ceremony is also good, are for a purpose – cultivation and set up to serve the cultivation. Cultivation is for each participant to improve their own quality and realm, shaping a perfect personality. tgJtea.com


Tea Ceremony is the art of drinking tea with the purpose of practicing the Way, which contains four major elements: tea ceremony, etiquette, environment, and cultivation. Tea ceremony is the foundation of the tea ceremony, is a necessary condition of the tea ceremony, tea ceremony can exist independently of the tea ceremony. Tea ceremony is the carrier of the tea ceremony, dependent on the tea ceremony. tgJ Tea Net

Tea art focuses on the “art”, focusing on the art of tea, in order to obtain aesthetic enjoyment; tea ceremony focuses on the road, aims to cultivate the mind through the tea ceremony, enlightenment Avenue. The connotation of the tea ceremony is smaller than the tea ceremony, and the connotation of the tea ceremony embraces the tea ceremony. The extension of the tea ceremony is larger than the tea ceremony, and its extension is between the tea ceremony and tea culture. tgJ Tea Net


The connotation of the tea ceremony is greater than the tea ceremony, the extension of the tea ceremony is greater than the tea ceremony. What we say here ‘art’, refers to the tea production, cooking, tasting tea and other art of tea; what we say here ‘way’, refers to the spirit of the implementation of the art of tea process. There is a road without art, it is an empty theory; art without road, art is no essence, no God. tgJ Tea Network

Tea art, famous, tangible, is the external expression of tea culture; tea ceremony, is the spirit, reason, law, origin and essence, it is often invisible, can not touch, but you can completely through the mind to experience. The combination of tea ceremony and tea ceremony, art in the Tao, Tao in the art, is the result of a high degree of unity of matter and spirit. Tea art, tea ceremony connotation, extension are not the same, should be strictly differentiated between the two, do not make it confusing. tgJ Tea Network


Drinking tea, tasting tea, tea ceremony of the highest realm – tea ceremony tgJ tea net

Drinking tea: tea as a drink to quench your thirst. tgJtea.com

Tea tasting: focus on the color and flavor of the tea, pay attention to the water quality of the tea utensils, and drink the time to savor. tgJTea.com

Tea art: pay attention to the environment, atmosphere, music, brewing skills and interpersonal relationships. tgJtea.com

The highest level – tea ceremony: in the tea activities into the philosophical, ethical, moral, through the tea to cultivate the body, taste of life, to achieve spiritual enjoyment. tgJtea.com

Minbei daffodil history traceability introduction-tea.com.cn

闽北水仙历史溯源介绍9Kv Tea Net

As early as in the Qing Daoguang (1821), small lake town (then belongs to ou Ning County, now Jian’ou City) Dahu village will be found in artificial cultivation of daffodil tea. Qing Daoguang “ou Ning County Zhi” recorded: “daffodil tea out of Wo Yi Li (now small lake town), the big lake of the big mountain ping. Its land has rocky fork mountain, the mountain has Zhu peach fairy hole. West Qian plant a certain A, industry tea, woodcutting in the mountains, occasionally to the hole in front of a wood that looks like tea and incense, and then transplanted in the garden. And long under the pick, with the law of making tea, the fruit of the strange aroma for the tea crown. But the flowering does not bear seeds. Initially, the method of wood insertion, the transmission is very difficult. Later, because of the wall leaning, the tea will be overwhelmed by the roots, and then realized the method of pressure tea, was greatly developed. Circulation of counties, and the mother of the West Qian tea still exists, but also a strange.” Another small lake town Dahu villagers legend Qing Daoguang years, Su to the neighboring village Zhu Dun village rocky fork mountain firewood, at the top of the wish peach hole found a tea tree, and folded branches planted into the living, and to make oolong tea process of picking. 9Kv Tea Network

Also according to the “Yongchun Gazetteer” records; “…… Huyang Commune is famous ‘Minnan Shui Xian’ tea production. Narcissus tea area, is one of the county’s earliest areas of tea planting. Qing Dynasty. Daoguang twenty-second year (1842), Xianxi farmer Zheng Shibao for the livelihood, to Dingxian rock burning incense to Buddha, got Guanyin dream: “people traveling north, see the wood cedar, live in the grass pavilion. If you are successful in your craft, you will be able to make a good living if you bring your son back to your hometown.” Zheng Shibao then went out with his son to travel to Wuyi Mountain in northern Fujian Province, see the forests and trees in the sky, build grass huts to live in the local employed tea planting tea production. Wuyi mountain area in the qianlong period on the cultivation of a kind of oolong tea called “wuyi daffodil”, Zheng Shibao careful study, learn to cultivate, production techniques. Xianfeng years, Zheng Shibao father and son from Wuyi Mountain brought back 100 tea seedlings, planted in Dingxian Rock, get the soil and water spirit, carefully cultivated success. And modeled after the Wuyi Mountain tea production process, combined with their own experience, the production of Narcissus tea color yellow flavor and aroma, into the mouth, tongue and throat sweet, comparable to the Wuyi Narcissus. 9Kv Tea Net

Later by the overseas Chinese widely known, famous in Southeast Asia. Ding Xianyan near the tea garden expanding year after year, Xianxi almost every household planted tea tea. early 20th century, Ding Xianyan daffodil tea was widely introduced to Yongchun Wutai Mountain and other places, then called “Yongchun daffodil”. After the liberation, more than 10 counties and cities in southern Fujian have introduced the seed, so it is called “southern Fujian daffodil”. 9Kv Tea Net

Record of the “Tea Classic”: “Tea for drinking, developed by Shennong’s” – Tea.com

《茶经》的记载:“茶之为饮,发乎神农氏”s2C Tea

China’s extant literature on the origin of tea drinking, the first involved Lu Yu “Tea Scripture? Six of the drink” in which it is pointed out that: “tea for drinking, from Shennong’s.” Subsequently, in the “seven things” and further pointed out that the so-called “Shennong’s”, that is, “Yandi”, indicating that the drinking of tea in China, is the origin of the “Three Emperors” era. Three Emperors” era. The specific basis? Lu Yu cited the “Shennong Food Classic” “tea tea served for a long time, people have the power to please the will” as evidence. Here is very clear, Lu Yu in the “Tea Classic” unambiguous affirmation: that China tea drinking, was started in the long prehistoric era. s2C Tea Net

Lu Yu’s “tea for drinking, from Shennong” point of view, has always been in favor, doubt and deny three different attitudes. Such as now doubtful and negatives of the text proposed: “Shennong is our country’s ancient legends, is due to some social needs to mold out of a kind of idol, is not the real person”; Second, “Shennong eclipse”, “Shennong Ben Cao” and so on, a kind of “Shennong book, is the Han dynasty after the Confucian pseudo-trust, is not really written by the Shennong”. really written by Shennong” “Shennong Ben Cao” and so on a class of “Shennong book, is a Confucian pseudo-trust after Han, not really written by Shennong”. s2C Tea Network

Yes, the above said two points, are the truth. Such as some of China’s ancient books, said Shennong or Emperor Yan “74” or “seventeen world”, some say “pass eight, and five hundred and twenty years old”, here put the “Shennong’s” is clearly regarded as an era, not as a single person. As for this era, such as the “Shawen” in the preface said: “Shennong’s rope for the rule, and unify its affairs”, there was no text, naturally, there will be no book written by Shennong. Therefore, all of these, there is no academic disagreement. s2C Tea Net

Here, we Shennong the authenticity of the human face dragon face of the gods, may wish to make some additions. What kind of an image is Shennong in the end? Such as “Yi? Series of Rhetoric” in: “Shennong’s work, hacking wood for ññê, rubbing wood for Lei, Lei and ñê’s benefit, to teach the world”; then the “Book of the Zhou” “Shennong plowed and made pottery”; the “Records of the Grand Historian”, said that “the three emperors to supplement the original chronicle”. Supplement to the three kings of the book” said: “Shennong’s ochre whip whip grass, began to taste a hundred herbs, began to medicine,” and so on. s2C Tea Network

What do these quotes above? It shows that the legendary “Shennong’s” is not only a “and plow and king” of the clan or tribal leaders, but also an agriculture, pottery, medicine and many other things inventor. Shennong had and culture of the inventor “man”, these in ancient times, in modern times before the establishment of archaeology and ethnology, generation after generation, but also generation after generation has not been proved. Since the establishment and development of archaeology and ethnology, these legends left behind in the era of legends, one after another, most of the archaeological excavations have been confirmed. Such as the above mentioned Shennong invented agriculture, pottery, medicine and other legends, now in addition to tea, are proved to be prehistoric that is the content. s2C Tea Network

Perhaps some people will say, about the legend of Shennong not far from the time into the written age, may be reliable, earlier content, not necessarily reliable. The fact is not the case, such as “Zhuangzi? Pirates of the metatarsal chapter” records that: “the ancient times, the beasts are many and the people are few, the people are all nesting in order to avoid it. ……” “Rites containing Wenjia” reads, “Suiren began to drill wood for fire, roasted raw for cooked, so that people do not have abdominal diseases, which is different from the birds and animals.” “Corpse Zi” reads, “Butcher Îþi’s world, the world is full of beasts, so teach the people to hunt.” These legends, earlier than the age of Shennong legend, but archaeological and ethnographic information provided by the unanimous proof, these are also precisely the ancient mankind’s experience of the different stages of a life portrait. s2C Tea Net

Some of the lack of research on the legend of the people, as soon as they heard the name “legend”, will be associated with the false and absurd, all dismissed as unbelievable, this is not true. Facts tell us that many legends in ancient China, although after thousands of generations, thousands of mouths, content mixed with a large number of superstitions, inaccuracies; however, as long as we through, remove the impurities attached to these, it is not difficult for us to find out more or less from the history of some of the solid or reasonable kernel. s2C Tea Net

Therefore, based on the above, we believe that we have reason to put forward such a view: that is, where there is no record in the Chinese literature and only the legend of the era of the legend involving the beginning of things, basically is basically happened in prehistory. So, although Shennong many inventions have been obtained only tea did not get archaeological proof, but we can and should be sure that tea drinking is also originated in prehistory. Because from a logical point of view, about Shennong discovery, the use of tea legend and Shennong created agriculture, pottery, medicine and other legends, in the nature and circulation, there is no big difference. s2C Tea Network

On the prehistoric origin of tea drinking, we can also get some evidence from the Chinese ethnographic material. Such as living in China’s Xing’anling Oroqen people, they in the early 20th century, the social form is still stuck in the stage of clan society, where the cold weather, not produce tea, but they all know to pick “yellow celery, Yagoda’s leaves” to brew as a drink. s2C Tea Net

Above we archaeological and ethnographic evidence, China’s ancient legends about Shennong’s many inventions, basically prehistoric content, so I believe that tea drinking also began in prehistory. But there is a contrary view in the tea industry, that since Shennong’s other inventions have been confirmed for the archaeological, then “in the archaeology of tea, tea before there is no new discovery,” it can not be determined that the beginning of the age of tea drinking. s2C Tea Net

Chinese legend about Shennong, not only for us to show the prehistoric clues to the origin of tea, but also for the discovery of tea, the use of tea and even the development of the process of drinking, provides an outline: the discovery of tea and the use of tea, initially not as a beverage but as a herbal medicine in the world. s2C Tea Net

On the view that tea from medicinal use and then developed into drinking, which in the academic world, there is no difference of opinion. So, when exactly did tea develop from medicinal to mainly for drinking? This is a diversity of opinions. Some modern tea experts proposed: “tea from the medicinal period of development for drinking period, is in the Warring States or after the Qin Dynasty.” However, he is also very modest, after talking about this view, and specially with brackets attached to say this sentence: “about the medicinal period of tea and drinking period, are only the author of an inference, I hope that the majority of tea workers in the future to continue to study.” Research.” s2C Tea

Tea hometown of various colors of tea was given an elegant name – Tea.com


China as the hometown of tea, tea, tea history, tea production is extremely rich. Because of the vastness of the territory, the environment and climate are not the same everywhere, the variety of tea, thousands of different. Tea tree growth habits of various kinds, picked fresh tea after different processing methods and produce different characteristics. At present, there are many standards for the classification of tea, not yet unified, according to different standards have different classification methods. Different types of tea from the appearance, color, aroma, taste, efficacy and compare and have their own characteristics. Vj0tea.com

According to the unique cultural background of the growing place, the characteristics of the tea itself, many famous Chinese tea has been given a variety of elegant names, people only look at the name of the tea has produced a good feeling, and urgently need to enjoy the pleasure of tasting. The rich cultural connotations behind the tea names have also become a distinctive part of the Chinese tea culture. vj0tea.net

The Meaning of Eight Medium Tea – Tea.com

China Tea Company in 1950, public selection, trademark design for the “outside eight in the red, green tea within the word”, people say “eight in the tea”. vjr tea net

With “Chinese tea sold to the four corners of the world” of the meaning; and on September 14, 1951 registered “China Tea” trademark, registered trade name: 8071, the same year notified the national directly under the Tea Company unified use. VjR tea net