Mengding Ganlu Tea Mengding Mountain Origin

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Ya’an is the beginning of the ancient tea road of China’s southern border tea, Mengding Mountain tea imported into Tibet through the ancient tea road, is the central government of successive generations and Tibet, Qiang and other ethnic minorities of the tea trade in the special commodities, and become the Han people and Tibet, Qiang and other ethnic groups to enhance the political, economic and cultural exchanges of an important link. det tea net

Ya’an Border Tea has been introduced into Tibet since the Tang Dynasty, with a history of more than 1300 years, and has always been a favorite beverage of the Tibetan people. Ya’an and Tibetan border, communication and exchange between the two places can easily occur, from the initial simple barter, and then gradually developed into a large-scale “tea to horses” and “tea soil exchange”, so that from Ya’an, Sichuan to Lhasa, Tibet, between the gradual formation of a very important ancient trade routes, because the ancient tea trade is very important. Very important ancient trade routes, because the year in this ancient road on the transportation of materials is mainly Ya’an south side of the tea, so also known as the Sichuan-Tibet Tea Horse Road. det tea net

Mengding Mountain is the birthplace of the world’s tea civilization, the birthplace of the world’s tea culture, is the earliest place in China’s history where there are written records of artificial planting of tea. From the world’s earliest surviving records on tea Wang Bao “Children’s Testament” and Wu Lizhen planted tea trees in the Mengshan Mountain legend, it can be proved that Sichuan Mengding Mountain is the origin of tea planting and tea manufacturing. Because the altitude, soil and climate of Mengding Mountain are most suitable for the growth of tea, as early as two thousand years ago, during the Western Han Dynasty, Wu Lizhen, the ancestor of Mengding Mountain tea, began to domesticate and plant wild tea trees in Mengding Mountain, starting the history of artificial tea planting.

The period of Tang and Song Dynasty was the flourishing period of Mengshan tea. From the Tang Xuanzong Tianbao first year (724 years) was listed as tribute, as the son of heaven and earth ancestor worship special products, has been inherited to the Qing Dynasty, after more than 1,200 years without interruption. det tea net

Thousand years of tribute tea, the intention of the Meng Ding . Tang Dynasty “Yuan and County Records” contained: “Mengshan in the county south of ten miles, now every year tribute tea, for the most of Shu.” Song Dynasty “Xuanhe Beiyuan Tribute Tea Record”, the year the two famous tea tribute to Mengding Mountain “Wanchun Silver Leaf” and “Jade Leaf Changchun” on the list. Qing Dynasty “Long Shu Yu Wen” records: “Every tea, leaf birth, Zhi moment temple monks always reported to the Secretary to see, the number of records of its leaves, picking only to get a few dollars. Ming time tribute to the capital only a money odd.” Mengding tribute tea from Tang to Qing, more than a thousand years in the years into the palace, year after year tribute, for the royal family “Qingming will” sacrifice to heaven and ancestor of the use. This special tea from the tea ancestor Wu Lizhen planted seven immortal tea. To the Qing Dynasty, Meng Ding five peaks were set up as a forbidden land, the seven plants of immortal tea is surrounded by stone fences, set up for the “Imperial Tea Garden”, which remains to this day. det tea net

In folklore, Mengshan tea has always been regarded as a god to get rid of diseases and illnesses. Therefore, the long history of Mengding tea is known as “immortal tea”, Mengding Mountain is known as “immortal tea hometown”.

The fame of Mengding Ganlu Tea has made it an object of praise by writers and ink writers throughout the ages. det tea net

In our country, the famous tea couplets of good lines to praise the first to folk proverbs widely circulated “Yangzi River water, Mengshan top tea”. This is China’s most famous pair of tea couplets, representing the best quality of Chinese tea and the highest realm, is the treasures of tea.

Tang dynasty poet Bai Juyi “qin tea” poem has “qin know wen but clear water, tea in the old is mengshan” chanting. The Tang and Song dynasties, Meng Jiao, Wei Chu Hou, Ouyang Xiu, Lu You, Mei Yaochen, etc., have left many poems and writings titled “Mengshan Tea”. The poems and inscriptions of the Ming and Qing Dynasties are even richer, and contemporary poets and literary artists have also left a lot of beautiful lines reciting Mengshan tea. The long history of tea has formed a unique Mengshan tea culture. det tea net