Tea Drinking Methods Around the World-Tea.com

世界各国饮茶方法介绍TUN Tea.

Kalmyk tea.

The Kalmyk drinking method. This method actually cooks milk tea as well, but with not as many additives. Instead of brick tea, this tea is usually loose. The first to boil the water, and then cast the tea, about one or two tea per liter of water (50 grams), and then poured a lot of animal milk to boil together, stirred evenly over two times, boiled and filtered off the slag, you can drink. In fact, this method of cooking tea and today’s Mongolian milk tea is very similar. The difference is that the Mongolian milk tea is with tea bricks, while the Kalmyk people are with loose tea. tun tea net

Indian Masala Tea

Masala tea is the favorite of Indian people. It is simple to make, just add ginger and cardamom to black tea. Although the production is simple, but the way to drink tea is peculiar: after the tea soup is made, not pouring tea bowl or cup, but poured in the plate, and not with the mouth to drink, not with a straw to drink, is to stick out the tongue to lick and drink, known as “lick the tea”. tun-tea.net

Sri Lanka Tea

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka residents especially like to drink strong tea. Bitter and astringent tea, but in their mouths feel delicious. The country’s black tea sells well all over the world, in the capital city of Colombo, there are tea distribution of large commercial firms, with a test tea department, by the experts with the tongue taste test, and then check the grade and price. TUN Tea Network

Thai Tea

Thai people love to drink iced tea, that is, in the brewed tea with ice, so that the tea cooled, or even frozen, called iced tea. In Thailand, local tea drinkers don’t drink hot tea, and those who want to drink hot tea are usually foreign guests. TUN tea net

People in the mountains of northern Thailand have the custom of eating pickled tea. This area has a warm climate, abundant rainfall and many wild tea trees. Due to the inconvenient transportation and backward tea making technology, they can only make and sell their own pickled tea. TUN Tea Net