Phoenix monocotyledon is what kind of tea –

Phoenix monocotyledon is an oolong tea, produced in the Phoenix Tea District of Phoenix Town in the northern part of Chaozhou City, at an altitude of between 600 and 1497 meters above sea level in the Phoenix Mountain Range of Chaozhou. 3BL Tea Net

The main peak of Phoenix Mountain is 1497 meters above sea level, which is the birthplace of the hometown of Chinese oolong tea. The area is filled with clouds all year round, the air is humid, the temperature difference between day and night is large, the average annual temperature is above 22 ℃, the annual precipitation is about 1800 millimeters, the soil is fertile and deep, rich in organic matter and a variety of trace elements, is conducive to the development of the tea tree and the formation of tea polyphenols and aromatic substances, so the Phoenix Tea is of excellent quality, the tea leaves are tender and green, the tea is low in bitterness and astringency, and it is known as the “beauty of the shape, the color of the green, the aroma is lush, the taste of the sweet” characteristics of the four greats. 3BL Tea Network

凤凰单丛是什么茶3BL Tea Network

Shape: straight and plump shape, yellow-brown color; color: clear soup color, leaf bottom green and red, resistant to brewing. 3BL Tea Net

Aroma: natural floral aroma, rich flavor; taste: sweet, refreshing, clear soup color, leaf green and red, very resistant to brewing, a bubble of tea can be brewed 20 times or so, can still retain the fragrance, taste mellow, drink the throat back to the sweet, intriguing. 3BL Tea Network

凤凰单丛是什么茶3BL Tea

With the experience accumulated for more than 900 years, we have been working hard and making the tea with fine craftsmanship. We have processed a variety of aromatic single bush teas with natural floral aroma, such as Huang Zhi Xiang, Yu Lan Xiang, Zhi Lan Xiang, Honey Lan Xiang, etc. 3BL Te a Net

No matter which variety has a beautiful appearance, strong rope, well-proportioned, oily, golden soup color, clear and bright, high and sharp aroma, long-lasting, strong sweetness, and resistant to brewing. 3BL Tea Net

It is the best material for Chaozhou Kung Fu Tea, and it is also the health care product that refreshes the mind and quenches the thirst. Therefore, it is favored by tea lovers. 3BL Tea Net

凤凰单丛是什么茶3BL Tea

Phoenix monocotyledon tea, oolong tea class is the best tea, it synthesizes the green tea and black tea production method, its quality between green tea and black tea, both black tea strong fresh flavor, but also green tea fragrance, after tasting the teeth and cheeks, fresh aftertaste. Oolong tea’s pharmacological effects, highlighted in the decomposition of fat, weight loss and beauty, etc. 3BL Tea Network

Life is a passer-by, why be obsessive, a thought put down, all sorts of freedom – Tea Net

Buddha said: life, both for the passer-by, why cling to! Some things, destined to be unable to control, always learn to let go, know how to follow fate. yjb tea net

Everything with fate: what you are pursuing, perhaps the last is an empty, not you are not hard enough, is that some things can not be forced.

The more time after the more precious, can not be squandered, also can not afford to squander. A turn back to youth is no longer, you are obsessed with the people and things, have changed the mold, will eventually become the history of your eyes. yjb tea network

人生即为过客,何必执着,一念放下,万般自在YJb Tea Network

Life is a journey is also a process, why do you have to be more than everything. 踏踏实实,心怀善良,待人真诚,问心无愧就好。 YJb茶叶网

People and people, get along with more to get along with, do not get along, on the unsettled. Who you want to be with, just go with the flow. It is your own will come, not your sooner or later to stay or go without intention, you come to me will be welcome, you go I do not force to stay.

Doing things, can’t carry when appropriate to put down. Don’t carry on, crush the body, not worth it, there are a lot of things waiting for you, you can’t collapse. yjb tea net

人生即为过客,何必执着,一念放下,万般自在YJb Tea

“Staying in the green mountain is not worrying about no firewood”, the body is good, there is a happy future. For the rest of your life, do what you like, go to see the scenery that you have long desired, or listen to a familiar song. You can also quiet down and listen to the voice of the soul to be true to yourself, so simple. yjb tea net

We are all guests of the world, “guests as hosts”, lost what, do not lose the mood. The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the gas. There are always people who make you grumble and make you angry.

But remember, why mediocre, angry people, is the world’s most stupid people, gas bad body, but still can not solve any problem. yjb tea net

人生即为过客,何必执着,一念放下,万般自在YJb tea net

Life is a passerby, passing by are wonderful, leaving behind are happy.

When you are old, money, fame, status …… The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money, and then you’ll have to pay for it. Look down some, the heart will not have trouble; see through, the world is simple. Life is nothing, mediocre people from disturbing. The first thing you need to do is to know what you’re getting yourself into, so you can be happy .

人生即为过客,何必执着,一念放下,万般自在YJb Tea Network

In fact, the more you cling to what, the easier it is to lose what. You are overly obsessed with love, the loved ones “tied”, and finally to break free; you are overly obsessed with ideals, it is easy to make quick success, the loss of a basket; you are overly obsessed with life, always running forward, that is, a breath of air to the end of the death of the run. YJb Tea Net

Life in one life, do not seek great wealth, as long as the food and clothing; do not seek millions of people favor, as long as a person cares; do not seek a high position of power, but seek peace of mind.

The actual life, in fact, only three days: can not go back to yesterday, busy today, can not say tomorrow. yjb tea net

The first thing you need to do is to take a look at the wind and clouds, look down on the fame and fortune, and meet every day, this side is the biggest happiness. yjb tea net

Bamboo leaf green tea packaging

Bamboo Leaf Green’s packaging features, after Bamboo Leaf Green Tea invited the world-renowned design master Chen Youjian to successfully create its top brand flagship store on the road. yrp

Bamboo leaf green tea industry again invited Chen Youjian, for bamboo leaf green brand again “face” and create a new vision. New store, new product packaging, new spring tea, bamboo leaf green “three new” comprehensive attack new tea market. yrp tea net

竹叶青茶的包装特征yrp tea net

According to Chen Youjian, the bamboo leaf green brand design concept is from the brand name in the word “bamboo”. yrp tea net

In traditional Chinese culture, “bamboo” symbolizes a gentleman. The design of the word “bamboo” projects the image of a gentleman with integrity, elegance, purity, modesty and temperament, and is also full of vitality, representing the corporate culture and brand personality of Bamboo Leaf Green Tea. yrp


The corporate and brand identity design is based on the unique elongated tea leaf shape of “Bamboo Leaf Green”, which is pieced together to form the word “bamboo”, expressing the product attributes and its proprietary features. The rounded lines in the logo represent the transparent glass teacups that are used for tasting Bamboo Leaf Green.



The word “bamboo” floats in the tea cup, symbolizing the state of bamboo leaf green tea leaves floating vertically in the water, which fully expresses a casual and peaceful mood. In addition to the bamboo leaf green wisdom, introverted brand personality out, but also shows the “ordinary heart” brand concept. The whole design line is simple and smooth, and the tea leaves are elegant and slender. With lime green as the main color of the brand, a kind of leisure, comfortable and natural state of tea tasting jumps out in front of us. yrp tea net


Tea drinking etiquette gestures to know –

Chinese people good to tea guests, seemingly simple cup of tea which implies a lot of learning, in addition to making tea to pay attention to, pouring tea, tasting tea, adding tea have to pay attention to. ynd tea net

Tea etiquette gestures to know. ynd tea net

1. Tea full of deception

Tea is hot, full to take over when the cup is very hot, and sometimes also due to the scalding of the tea cup fell to the ground broken, causing embarrassment to the guests, generally seven points full is appropriate. ynd tea net

2. First honor after humble, first old after young

When pouring tea for the first time, you should first honor the old and then the young, and then you can pour it up in the order of the second time. When the other party receives the tea, there should be a response in return: YNd Tea Net

喝茶礼仪手势须知YNd Tea

↑ For elders: flick your index finger twice on the table to show your appreciation; YNd Te a Net

喝茶礼仪手势须知YNd Tea

↑ For juniors and equals: flick your index and middle finger on the table twice to show your appreciation; YNd Tea Net

3. Guests first, then hosts

When drinking tea, you should first honor the guests and then your own family, and after all the people present have drunk tea, the person who made the tea can drink it, otherwise it will be disrespectful to the guests.

4. Strong guest pressure, ringing cup sassafras plate

When guests drink tea and lift the cup, they can’t arbitrarily put the foot of the cup on the edge of the tea plate sassafras, and after drinking tea, they have to put the cup in a light hand, so they can’t let the cup make a sound. YNd Tea Net

5. Tea frowning

Guests can not frown when drinking tea, the host found guests frowning, it will be thought that people dislike their own tea is not good. YNd Tea Network

喝茶礼仪手势须知YNd Tea

6. Head rushing foot shi (sound the same), two rushing tea leaves

When the host rushes the tea, the first flush must be rushed and then poured out undrinkable. Because there are impurities inside should not drink, the local “head punch foot cherish (sound), two punch tea,” said if the guests to drink the head punch tea is to bully people, their own brewing can not matter. YNd Tea Network

7. New guests for tea

When guests and hosts drink tea, a new guest arrives in the middle, and the host should welcome them and change the tea immediately. After changing the tea leaves, the new guest should drink the tea first. YNd Tea Net

8. Secret banishment

The host is hospitable, every strong tea to treat people, but sometimes because of their own work relationship drinking tea for a long time will be wrong work or guests do not have a good conversation, guests night visits affect sleep, the host intentionally do not change the tea, the guests should be aware of the host is “secret banishment order”, draw back to leave, otherwise it will cause the host is not interesting. YNd Tea Net

喝茶礼仪手势须知YNd Tea

9. No tea color

The host to stay tea, tea from strong to light, after several rushes will have to replace the tea, such as not replacing the tea will be considered “no tea color. This performance is cold to the guests, not to fulfill the friendship of the host. ynd tea network

10. YNd Te a Network Tea Three Wine Four Bald Peaches Two

Put three cups on the tea tray, is from the proverb “tea three wine four bald peach two”, always think tea must be three people drink, wine must be four people for the company, to facilitate the guessing line wine order, but go out to see the scenery and play to the two appropriate, two people to facilitate the unity of opinion, to meet the tour of Xing. YNd Tea Network

Of course, no matter what tea, the right occasion, the right time, the right person, drink the right tea, that can play the best effect. YNd Tea Network

Song Dynasty and the tea of those things –

Throughout the ancient history of China, the only one that can really afford the word elegant is probably the Song Dynasty. The dynasty, which was filled with light smoke and gray, was known for its art and literature. est Tea Network

And the Song Dynasty was also the era of tea ceremony is extremely prevalent, from the emperor, down to the scholar, all good this. Thinking about the ancients, a pot of tea, three or five friends; sitting and discussing the road, waving a brush against the ink, the elegant life embodied in the best. est Tea Net

The environment is a major factor affecting and determining the mood of drinking tea, people always strive to drink tea in a quiet and elegant environment. While sipping tea, they can appreciate the scenery and wash their mind, getting double aesthetic pleasure. est Tea Net

宋朝与茶的那些事儿est Tea

Zou Hao “with Changqing tea under the plum” cloud: “not set a cup of wine, but fried two bowls of tea. I have to know the high intention of the other, with this on the plum blossom.” Or drink tea in the pavilion, most of the pavilions are built by the mountain and the water, it is a good place to taste tea.

Wentong’s “After the Rain in the Northern Lodge”: “Calling people to sweep the wall to open the Wu painting, and leaving guests to try the Yue tea in the pavilion.” est Tea

Yang Wanli’s “Boat Parking in Wujiang”: “Since I drew the water under the bridge of Songjiang River, I tried the new tea on the Rainbow Pavilion.” Even on the stream by the spring, all can be a drink.” In the clean and beautiful natural environment “alone with the spirit of heaven and earth”, can undoubtedly achieve the purification of the mind, relaxation of the body and mind. est Tea Network

Song Dynasty literati like to drink tea in the natural environment is often associated with their “escape” mentality. In addition to the environment quiet, to be able to experience the true meaning of tea, is to taste tea people’s mind of the quiet. est Tea Net

宋朝与茶的那些事儿est Tea

Laozi once said: “quiet, heaven and earth, the mirror of all things.” Confucius also main stillness: “The wise man moves, the benevolent man still.” Zhuangzi also mentioned: “The sage’s heart is quiet and calm.” est Tea

In the eyes of ancient Chinese philosophers, quietness is an internal trait, a manifestation of one’s subjective state of mind. est Tea Net

The Song Dynasty literati pursued a quiet state of mind, on the one hand, inherited the tradition of their predecessors; on the other hand, it was because a quiet state of mind was more helpful for them to think about the value and meaning of life and life in the social environment at that time.

Ouyang Xiu “Shuangjing Tea”: “The water of the West River is clear and the river is old, and the tea on the stone is like the phoenix claw. Poor wax is not cold early spring. Shuangjing lemongrass born first hundred grasses. White hair capsule to red Biza, ten pounds of tea to raise one or two buds. Chang’an rich and noble five marquis family, a sip of dragon beard three days boast. Bao Yun day note is not unrefined, fight for the new and abandon the old world feelings. I do not know that the gentleman has constant virtue, to the room does not change at any time. Don’t you see the Jianxi Dragon and Phoenix Dumpling, not changing the color of the old fragrance.” est Tea

This poem is Ouyang Xiu resigned from the government when he lived in seclusion, through the tea and Wing people, expressing feelings, on the human warmth and cold, the world’s mood is easy to do a subtle irony. est tea net

宋朝与茶的那些事儿est Tea

Ouyang Xiu life love tea, he was involved in the tea law reform, drafting the “commercial tea law edict”, but also specializing in writing articles on the water used to cook tea “Daming water records”. est tea net

But because of the support of Fan Zhongyan political innovation, for the old school sidelined, and Wang Anshi political disagreement, so he resigned and retired. est tea net

After many years of eunuchs, he gradually realized that the world, many times in the poem to express the love of tea, “my years to the old world taste thin, the good has not weakened only drinking tea”, “pro cooking repeatedly drink do not know boredom, since this is really no end of happiness”. est tea net

It can be said that the rich experience of life for Ouyang Xiu’s ability to identify the tea laid the foundation, and in the tea meditation, with the help of the spirit of tea, he can be more profound and thorough thinking about life, and harvest the truth of life.

宋朝与茶的那些事儿est tea net

Song Dynasty literati than the previous generation, pay more attention to the inner qualities, especially compared with the Tang Dynasty scholars, their thoughts are mature, deep, emotionally implicit, complex, Song Dynasty culture as a whole is presented as a kind of introverted and deep characteristics. est Tea Net

Therefore, the tea culture of the Song Dynasty also presents the overall characteristics of deep and introverted, and seeks quietness in the movement. est Tea Net

Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith correspond to the five organs and five elements –

Benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith correspond to the five elements of the five viscera, and there are three reasons for people to fall ill: external, internal and non-internal and non-external. The external causes are wind, cold, heat, dampness, dryness, and fire; the internal causes are the seven emotions, that is, joy, anger, sorrow, thoughts, grief, fear, and panic; and the non-internal and non-external ones are diet and living and living.

A person in the normal state of time, he is wise; in turn, do not know how the laws of nature, arbitrary behavior, the result is disaster. e8O tea net

One of the manifestations of the evil plague is disease, and even some terminal illnesses, in fact, many of the terminal illnesses are our inner self-made. e8O Tea Net


1, Ren – liver, wood

The first of the five constants is Ren. Ren corresponds to the five elements is wood, corresponding to the four seasons is spring. Spring is the time when the grass grows and the birds fly, that is, the time when everything is full of vigor, it corresponds to our psychological state is to love people.

The meaning of Ren is to love people, to be compassionate and kind, to be able to sympathize with others. Heaven has the virtue of good life, this life also refers to the meaning of love, also refers to the meaning of benevolence. e8O Tea Net

Nutrition, nourishment, nourish half a day, what is the nourishment? The first thing that you should do is to take a look at the body of the person you’re talking to, and you’ll be able to see what you’re talking about, and you’ll be able to see what you’re talking about.

The liver here is not the liver of Western medicine, but refers to a state and function of the body, including the organs. e8O tea net

The internal organs, meridians and seven orifices are all connected. If our liver is out of order, it outwardly manifests itself, the liver opens the orifices in the eyes, the eyes will be out of order. e8O tea net

仁义礼智信对应五脏五行e8O tea net

To get well, you must modify the character. From where to modify? From filial piety parents to modify. Why? “Hundred good filial piety first”, people once filial piety parents, the fire back down, fire back down, the meridians are very easy to smooth, smooth meridians, the disease automatically good. e8O tea net

Stanford University physiologist Professor Alma, once did a very famous experiment – gas and water experiment. He will be angry, sad, worried about the exhaled gas collection, the gas and then through a pipeline, into a bottle with medicinal water inside, the bottle of water color will change. e8O tea net

He found that the gas exhaled when a person is angry eventually makes the water turn into a purple color; when sad, the water will turn grayish-white. He then pumped the purple-colored water out and hit the mice, which would convulse and die within a few minutes. This experiment clearly tells us that anger is actually secreting toxins. e8O tea net

仁义礼智信对应五脏五行e8O Tea

After a person is angry, followed by fatigue, fatigue after the hands and feet may be easy to numb. Why? Fatigue is the consumption of energy, numbness of the hands and feet is the peripheral circulation is not good. Why can I make this matter so clear? Because I have been angry. e8O tea net

And I also know that their own problems often sometimes with other people’s problems are connected, other people’s problems in turn, you can also find the answer in their own body. In this regard, the understanding of Chinese and Western medicine is the same, which has also been confirmed in modern science. e8O tea net

Benevolence will nourish the liver, and a benevolent person’s liver and blood will be smooth, and the chi will be good, and of course, he will live a long life. Therefore, the health care, the health care is the birth of the liver qi. e8O tea net

Lao Zi said: “people’s life is also soft, its death is also strong.”

Another manifestation after we become angry is the stiffness of the limbs. By observing babies, we will find: the healthier and younger people are, the tendons and bones are very soft. The more you get older, the sinews become hard, that is, tense, so in Chinese medicine there is a famous saying, called “sinews long an inch, life ten years”. e8O Tea Leaf Net

Sinews can stretch particularly soft, particularly elongated elasticity, called long an inch, the person’s life can live more than ten years; on the contrary, if the tendon is short an inch to live less than ten years. A person is often angry, his meridians will be stagnant, contraction, over time will lose life. e8O tea net

How to lose the law? It can lead to all kinds of terminal illnesses. So there are many ways to get a terminal illness, in Chinese medicine is the most afraid of the five elements of the birth of a gram. e8O tea net


2, righteousness – lungs, genus gold

A person’s lungs are not enough, and by inversion, there will be problems in the area of righteousness. I am a good example myself, I used to be in high school, because I did not pay attention to the filial piety aspect of the promotion, so my rhinitis has been particularly serious, so much so that every night blowing my nose with a lot of paper. e8O tea net

Lungs open the orifices of the nose, nose problems, indicating that there are problems with our lungs, lungs have problems, corresponding to the righteousness aspects of the poor. e8O tea net

What is the opposite of righteousness? The opposite of righteousness is what? I would like to share with you that the opposite of righteousness is essence, which in ancient Chinese traditional culture represents astringency and the season of fall. Autumn is the time when the falling leaves fill the sky and the autumn winds are sluggish, and this is the time when heaven and earth are full of killing, so it is said that those who are particularly strong in Jin Qi are particularly heavy in killing. e8O Tea Leaf Net

Ancient people talk about killing gas translated into modern language is that this person especially like to pick on other people’s faults, in modern language called “eyes can not rub sand”. This character of people, especially easy to get gold side of the disease, get lung side of the disease. e8O tea net

仁义礼智信对应五脏五行e8O tea net

The gold is grams of wood, if the person control, picking on others in this area of the habit is particularly heavy, often will hurt the liver, but also hurt very much. e8O Tea Net

Jin Qi overgrowth of people further down the development, that is a sadness. That’s why the seven emotions in Chinese medicine, called sadness lungs, a person is very sad, will be the lungs to injury. e8O tea net

People who have too much Jin Qi need to practice forgiveness and smiling. Practice one thing from now on, is to smile every day. Because as long as people smile, the whole body tension of the gas will relax, the organs will be stretched, the organs get stretched, the disease will be well. e8O tea net

Grief is hurt lungs, what can cure sadness? A person tends to be trapped in the small I inside, is the size of the small, self I, trapped in the small I inside, it is easy to grief, especially easy to sadness, and can not come out.


When a person once walks into the big self, he is not sad, but compassionate. What does compassion mean? It means caring for all people unconditionally.

All of our sadness comes down to the ego, that is, I can’t walk out. Once you step out, you will realize that this body follows. By expanding your love and realizing that you have other responsibilities, you will not fall into an ego.

Once the chest is open, the qi will follow the change, the qi changes, the shape, the body’s disease will be relieved. e8O tea net


3.Rite – heart, belongs to the fire

The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine says, “The heart is the official of the monarch; the main bright is under the peace, the main is not clear, the twelve officials are in danger.” e8O

That is to say that the heart in the body is the dominant role, is the master of the gods. The heart was originally an upward, a very open state, which is the natural state.

If it is an unnatural state, the pathological state is hatred, hatred will hurt the heart. Because the general hate heart is from the heart to the outside, and this gas is to the inside of the gathering, especially easy to lead to panic, heartbeat and coronary heart disease and a series of diseases. e8O tea net

仁义礼智信对应五脏五行e8O tea net

If a person’s heart is in a state of joy, his qi chakra will be especially easy to flow. We observe the child, he is very happy all day long. e8O Tea Net

Once a medical doctor did a statistic, before the age of three children, an average of 170 times a day to laugh, the heart chakra completely smooth, no disease, the ancients called the pure Yang Qi. And adults laugh an average of 7 times a day. e8O Tea Net

Chinese people in the world, the number of times to laugh is the least, all day long face, smile rarely seen. Why? We seem to be particularly strict. In fact, your heart is happy, the body is fluent, in turn, when the body is good, the heart is also good, so the heart to adjust the heart, the heart of the disease can be relieved. e8O Tea Net


4.Wisdom-Kidney, water

For a person to be wise, the first thing is to be humble and to be able to accept the opinions of others. To be able to accept the opinions of others is to “listen to both, then understand”. It is to listen, so the kidneys open the orifices in the ear, which is reasonable. e8O Tea Leaf Network

A person’s kidney qi enough, his ears are easy to listen to others’ advice, kidney qi enough people also have wisdom. Can listen to other people’s advice, ear orifice through, kidney gas is enough, kidney gas is enough natural wisdom. The ancient Chinese summarized these truths, completely linked to our life and living. e8O Tea Net

Injury to the kidneys. How to hurt? It is the excessive housework to the kidney qi to injury. “Kidney main bone marrow, brain for the sea of marrow”, the kidney main bone, strong bones is a manifestation of the kidney qi enough. The kidney is also the main bone marrow, kidney gas enough people, the whole bone marrow is full of, the spine of this marrow and the brain is connected together, this person is smart with wisdom. e8O tea net


On the contrary, if the person often leaks the kidney qi, his bone marrow will wither, the essence of the brain will be poured into the bone marrow, the brain is not bright, resulting in the body to appear in a state of decay. Therefore, the lack of kidney qi, this is the most fundamental problem, the excess essence of the five organs and six viscera to the kidney side of the reserve, the kidney is like the body’s total energy bank, all the energy into the storage in order to prepare for emergencies. After a disease, and then mobilize this energy to use. e8O Tea Network

Essence is actually the bone marrow, the human bone marrow is insufficient, brain power, intelligence, physical strength, resistance will decline. With a simplest analogy, the marrow, the human body’s kidney essence and bone marrow is like the body defense system, the defense army logistical sustenance. e8O Tea Net

What is the relationship between mindfulness and kidney energy? A person’s kidney qi is really enough, his outward appearance is very humble, but also very easy to put other people’s opinions to listen to. On the contrary, the lack of kidney qi, the person will be irritable, self-perception of pressure is particularly large. e8O tea net

仁义礼智信对应五脏五行e8O Tea

Fear will hurt kidney qi, fear translated into modern terms is insecurity. There are many kinds of pressure, the first is the workload is particularly large to do not finish, the second is the other people’s expectations of you are particularly high, you are deeply afraid of not completing the task. e8O Tea Net

For example, now the students of the college entrance examination, before the college entrance examination are under pressure. The third kind of pressure is to do something wrong after their own, afraid of being found by others, publicized. e8O tea net

There is a person who coveted a lot of money, after the whole day anxiety. Insomnia, with what medicine can not be cured, the results of the truth after the disclosure of the slight punishment, the day after the sleep is particularly good. Because people as long as the mentality of a good, the body is automatically restored, do not have to adjust. e8O Tea Net

仁义礼智信对应五脏五行e8O Tea

5.Letter – spleen, belongs to the earth

Xin is earth in the five elements, which corresponds to long summer in the four seasons, that is, summer and autumn, the state of this time is the time when everything is conceived and transformed. The development of all things, the rise and fall of all things is dependent on a person’s integrity. e8O Tea Net

Whether we do business or do people, “people without faith does not stand”. If a person does not have faith, he can not stand up. The state of the body is also the same, a person if the special integrity and honesty, the action force is extremely strong, the heart never calculate, his stomach is particularly good. On the other hand, the person who is very easy to calculate, the stomach is not good. e8O Tea Net

仁义礼智信对应五脏五行e8O Tea

A person as long as a complaint, there is no action, do not want to do things. People as long as the circulation of qi and blood, limbs a activity, the spleen master limbs, limbs a activity, spleen and stomach is strong, appetite is good, eating is good, sleep is good, is able to eat and sleep, this person is not sick, this person will be fully restored. e8O tea net

Now there is a saying in the West, called lifestyle diseases, that is, diseases caused by the wrong lifestyle. On the contrary, we use the ancient sages of “benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom and faith” these teachings, to discipline our lifestyle, we will avoid many diseases, and even cured a lot of diseases already have. This kind of cure does not need to spend money and do not need to take medicine, can achieve very good results. e8O Tea Net

仁义礼智信对应五脏五行e8O tea net

The ancients have a saying, called: “Good words of heaven, will be tested in people.” What does it mean? Talking about heaven, that is, the reasoning of the natural laws of heaven and earth, the reasoning is should be in our people.

The first is to let us restore these five normal psychological state, after the restoration, the physiological state is also restored to normal, health will be obtained. e8O tea net

Meaning of White Tea Clearly Nothing Else –

The meaning of “White Tea and Happiness” is “White Tea and Happiness”, I’m waiting for you like waiting for the wind, but I don’t know when you will come and when you will go. At the beginning of the mountain alliance and sea oath miserable days also no complaints, wind and moon can be no but can not be without you. The original tea and wine, three meals a day, but since you have, there is a hang-up, all the time not waiting for you, so life is no longer waves, can be said to have no wind and no moon also no you.

白茶清欢无别事的含义RQi tea net

White Tea and Happiness No Other Thing source: Red Cliff Moo Shu battle, Sun Quan repeatedly called the line, Cao Cao’s troops steadily guarded the water fortress, long entrenched out, Zhuge Liang sent a letter to Cao Cao: RQi Tea Net

“White tea and clear and happy nothing else, I’m waiting for the wind also waiting for you.”

(Meaning: Drinking the bland tea nothing to do, boredom, I’m waiting for the wind to rise, you blue-faced confidant fluttering) RQi Tea Net

白茶清欢无别事的含义RQi tea net

Cao Cao love talent, I do not know that it is fraudulent, so I wrote back to flirt with said: RQi tea net

“Who knows that the yellow scrolls are tasteless, Jun is reading you not poetry.” RQi tea net

(Holding the yellowed scrolls that kind of tedium, who can understand, that person is actually thinking about you rather than reading poetry ah) RQi tea net

The night, Kong Ming ordered Lu Su bunch of grass more than a thousand people, standing on the side of the boat, to be five, the river foggy sky, the wind is steeply deflected, is to make Sun Quan personally rate of the boat, close to the Cao army water fortress, beat the drums and shouts, play the alarm, suspect the enemy forces, is ordered to the archery rounds of continuous shooting, and up to the day, the feathered arrows have been all over the grass boat, the Wu army then take the wind to go, full of return, the campaign, the Shu-Wu allied forces to get arrows more than 100,000, also. RQi Tea Leaves Network

白茶清欢无别事的含义RQi tea net

Derived from the meaning of RQi tea net

White tea, slightly bitter taste with sweetness, the longer the year the better, the stronger the flavor, which is exactly a rendering of feelings. RQi tea net

Imagine a period of seven years of feelings made of old white tea and a period of just started a new white tea, whether from the fragrance, broth, sweetness are different, the old white tea broth is thicker, on behalf of the two love is strong, the fragrance is slightly lighter, which is exactly the meaning of the fresh is not in the but the sweetness of the sweetness of the meaning of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness of the sweetness. rqi tea net

Therefore, I feel that the first line of the poem so that the interpretation is more reasonable: a cup of white tea is not happy, I am waiting for you as if waiting for the wind, but I do not know when you when to go. The first mountain alliance sea oath miserable days also no complaints, the wind and moon can be no but can not do without you. RQi Tea Net

Let yourself go, just do your best in everything, and leave the rest to providence –

Let yourself go, do your best in everything, and leave the rest to the will of God. B0R Tea Net

1, try your best

You are just a mortal, no three heads, six arms, will not be seventy-two changes, you can not what all can, all do the best. B0R Tea Net

Don’t give yourself too high a goal, and don’t overestimate your ability, pressure is a kind of power, but when the pressure is beyond the range of tolerance, you will be crushed. Often, you can’t control the outcome and you can’t make everyone happy. Trying and doing your best is enough. B0R Tea Net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea

2. Just do your best

You are not a savior, it is impossible to help all the people. Relatives, friends, girlfriends, buddies and sisters, you can help a person, but can not help all of them, to help a moment, but can not help a lifetime. B0R Tea Net

In times of crisis, emergency, can make much effort to make much effort, it is incumbent, do not help themselves shall not be at peace. Other than that, don’t make it difficult. No need to feel too guilty, you have your life, you have to live their own days, not to mention, you and they are just friendship, no obligation. B0R Tea Net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea

3, just adapt

A lot of things you can not change, everything has its trajectory, each running, each peaceful, to do is to comply with it, in awe of it. B0R Tea Net

Do not try to change the impossible things, people will win the day that is to say the very people, things in people is also to look at the opportunity. Forefathers have said, planning things in people, things in the sky, three points of effort, seven points of providence, how ambitious how ambitious, for the masses, in the end had to admit that, in addition to changing their own, the world, in fact, you can not change anything. B0R Tea Net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea Network

4, as fate would be good

All things are not forced, is my final is mine, not my no matter how hard it is not mine; love me will not bear to see me cry, do not love me even if I instantly for him to die he is indifferent. B0R Tea Net

The most important thing to remember is that the people in the world have a lot to learn about the world, and the people in the world have a lot to learn about the world. I’m not sure if you’re going to be able to get the best out of me, but I’m sure you’re going to be able to get the best out of me. Life is but a hundred years, ultimately the word fate, right or wrong does not matter, life is rich and quiet because of experience. B0R Tea Net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea Network

5, look down on the good

Material things, enough can be used; fame and fortune gained or lost, look down on it. Then big house, can not be loaded with insatiable heart; again senior bed, but also can not let an anxious insomniac sleep peacefully. If you eat too much food, your body can’t take it; B0R Tea Net

If you have to worry for a long time, your spirit will collapse. Successful career, but also can not make a person who can not find the meaning of life happy; more money, but also can not buy back the health. It is not easy to live, no one can make you happy if you are not happy. B0R Tea Net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea Network

6, relaxation is good

The world is not perfect, there is never stop pursuing. The pursuit of perfection is a realm, in the pursuit of the heart at the same time to understand that there is no perfect, the pursuit of value. B0R Tea Network

There is no absolute standard for perfection, in your eyes perfect, in the eyes of others may be useless; others think that the perfect, you may feel that it is just so. B0R Tea Net

Before asking others to be perfect, first look at yourself in the mirror, since no one is perfect, flaws are inherent. Perfection can be an ideal, but not a guideline. B0R Tea Net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea Network

7, face is good

Who is not a saint who can not be fault? Everyone makes mistakes, and mistakes are an important factor in growth. We can usually easily forgive the mistakes of others, but it is difficult to forgive their own mistakes, as if to forgive their own mistakes is to recognize the failure of the B0R Tea Network.

You are just you, an ordinary mortal, don’t think of yourself as so great, sad and aggrieved, you can also shed tears can cry. Facing your heart, admitting mistakes and failures is also a necessary lesson in life. B0R Tea Net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea Network

8, optimism is good

Never complain, do not complain about anyone anything. Work bitter that is what you have to bear, life annoying that is what you have to face, which person betrayed you that is your own choice. The most important thing is that complaining is not only a bad thing, but also a bad thing to do.

The most important thing is, complaining is not only unhelpful, but also let yourself not see the light. People are receptive to psychological suggestion, how you suggest, what kind of result. Don’t be so pessimistic and despairing, think and look at it from a different angle, it may not be that way. B0R Tea Net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea Network

9, put down on the good

Don’t put too many things on your back, and it will be very hard to carry the weight forward. The last thing you need to do is to take a look at the people who have been there and done that, and then you’ll be able to see what’s going on. The love is again heavy, do not love to let go; B0R Tea Net

Hate again deep, in time to melt; people again pro, it is difficult to accompany to old age; children again pain, ultimately have their own world. The time to enjoy go to enjoy, don’t wait until you can’t walk before remembering the distant scenery. B0R Tea Net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea

10, let go on the good

Don’t be upset with yourself, so many years over, you have been very difficult. College, work, family, and classmates, colleagues, new friends and old friends, there are many people you know or do not know. B0R Tea Net

Since childhood, you are expected, many times, have to live in accordance with the expectations of others. No matter how dedicated you are, there is always a distance from their expectations. You are also tired, but also enough to stand up to them, from now on should think about how to stand up to themselves. B0R Tea Net

It is difficult to make everyone happy, then let yourself happy. In fact, if you are happy with yourself, everyone will be happy with you. B0R tea net

放过自己,凡事尽心尽力就好,剩下的交给天意B0R Tea Net

11, simple is good

Because life is too complex, so to live in the complexity of the simple; because life is suffering, so to live in the suffering of the happy; B0R Tea Net

Because life is too impermanent, so to live in the impermanence of optimism; because life is too much confinement, so to live in the confinement of free. Apart from life and death, what else is so important? If the heart is simple, the world is simple, happiness is simple. B0R Tea Net

Different state of mind, the feeling of drinking tea is also different –

Different state of mind, the feeling of drinking tea is also different, drinking tea is a kind of enjoyment, and tea has nothing to do with the noble and cheap. myu Tea Net

Drinking tea makes you feel comfortable, communication more fluent; drinking tea is very simple, and sometimes can make people think, in reverie back to self, also remember the past, innocence is the essence of man, in the tea that is both bitter and sweet taste, learn to read the life of the sinking and floating. myu tea net

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

1.Tea mood will not go to complain

Life, a lot of complaints, some people complain that life is not as good as expected, some people complain that the cause is not good. But the good and bad of life only know themselves, the true meaning of tea flavor only know themselves. myu tea net

Tea is not just a bowl of tea, but also full of humanism, full of all things in heaven and earth in harmony with each other, mutual fulfillment, communion, and the spirit of difference, dissolve hostility, promote the positive, the achievement of harmony. myu tea net

When you sit down to drink tea, with the elimination of distractions, empty self mood, it can make you feel relaxed, feel calm inside, forget the worries, that kind of ceremony actually make your life more complete, and no longer go to complain. myu tea net

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

2.Have the mood to drink tea will not go to disappointment

Tea as a carrier of culture, in fact, is more of a life attitude and persistence. myu tea network

Drinking tea not only brings people physical health, but also brings is the spiritual enjoyment and temperament enhancement. Tea is like an old friend full of positive energy, even if it does not speak, you can also feel its temperament. myu tea net

Smell the tea aroma, taste the tea flavor, as if the old friend in the side to tell those positive energy stories about him. Drinking tea with positive energy, you will not feel disappointed or angry when you encounter something so bad. myu tea net

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

3.If you are in a tea-drinking mood, you won’t be able to care.

You will find that tea drinkers are rarely angry, will not be for the small things, they use a calm mind to treat every cup of tea, but also use this mind to treat the people and things in life, will be calm and generous into a habit. myu tea net

A cup of tea, not as strong as wine, not as tasteless as water, it is full of sweet and fresh, fragrant lingering, indifferent and elegant, from the busy steal half a day of life, with a leisurely heart, a pot of tea, naturally, will not be suffering from loss, catty. myu tea net

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

4.Drinking tea in the mood will not go to anxiety

Drinking tea, give people the feeling of quiet, is a kind of interest, every time you drink tea, can be said to be a spiritual journey, can remove the inner anxiety, so that people are calm and relaxed, no longer in a hurry. myu tea net

Tea in the sinking and floating gradually returned to the plain, people in the rolling day by day serenity, bubble a pot of tea, choose a favorite music, taste the warmth that already have, feel the life of the spontaneity and happiness. myu tea net

Sniffing the sweetness of tea, looking at the cup of suspended tea leaves, sitting quietly, plain and simple, cultivate the body and also cultivate the heart!

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

5.The mood to drink tea will not go blind chase

There is a mood to drink tea people need a kind of light, simple. In the materialistic flow of the red dust, more need to a calm state of mind, thank the prosperity, return to the simple. myu tea net

Drinking tea can help people calm and peaceful, with such a mood to drink tea, natural open-minded, indifferent. The lightness is not no desire, but more clearly defined their own goals, not to blindly chase deliberately want to get. myu tea net

Insist on drinking tea, you can get the quality and sophistication of the content of life, but also make life, the pursuit of life goals clearer. myu tea net

Tea can be drank every day, but the mood to drink tea is not every day, hurried feet, restless heart, need a cup of tea to wash away the haze, remodeling feelings. myu tea net

The beautiful encounter between cheongsam and tea –

Love tea, love cheongsam woman, cheongsam and tea beautiful encounter


Gazing at the delicate tea leaves tumbling and blooming in the

Taste the tea gradually turning from bitter to sweet

Like watching yourself perform on the stage of

Feeling life as calm and timeless as the fragrance of



BZ7Tea. com has its own unique personality.

Tea and cheongsam are their best friends in

Dialogue with

Energetic life and leisurely dance with the fragrance of

Like wearing a


Life has taught them to think


Make a cup of

Wearing a

Cheongsam and

Enriching their inner

Carve their

Or pick up a

BZ7Tea . com to express their inner world as they like

BZ7Tea. com enjoying a moment of peace and joy in the red world.





When they meet tea

The most beautiful music will be interpreted every day when they have time to put on a

In a small tea bed, exquisite tea

旗袍与茶的美丽邂逅BZ7 Tea Leaves

For women

Drinking tea is one of the best ways to maintain a youthful

Wearing a cheongsam is one of the best ways to enhance the elegance of the temperament of the drink of tea so that the woman has a healthy body, ageless

Wearing a cheongsam gives a woman an elegant and unassuming