Drinking tea to please people idle nine kinds of behavior, drinking tea can not do things – Tea.com

Drinking tea to please people idle nine kinds of behavior, drinking tea is built on the premise of drinking tea three consistent, if you meet some obnoxious behavior when drinking tea, and then good-tempered tea friends will scoff. oBb tea net

The following is a lot of tea friends have spit nine rude behavior, see if you can find resonance? oBb tea net

喝茶讨人闲的九种行为,喝茶时不能做的事oBb tea net

1 late trolling index: ★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

As the saying goes: “eating can not catch up with the hot”, drinking tea is also. Originally drinking tea is about the slow experience, but you run in hot and bothered, gasping for breath on the body, the heart is more difficult to calm down. At this time, drinking tea or water is to quench the thirst, want to savor the flavor of tea is afraid it is impossible. oBb tea net

Late, but also embarrassed to let others are waiting for you, right? We are chatting and drinking tea, the excitement will always be interrupted by your sudden intrusion. oBb tea net

2 tea utensils vulgar troll index: ★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

A lot of tea drinkers have their own exclusive tea set, some of the elegant blue and white embellishments as if the cups of the eye-catching, but some of the patterns do make people spicy eyes. oBb tea net

In addition to the pattern of vulgarity, I do not know when to start, tea favor also “changed flavor”. Some maliciously ugly ancient Chinese gods and animals in the shape of a grandiose set to the people’s tea table. oBb tea net

Tea drinkers, the most taboo these “bad taste” spoil the real tea culture. oBb Tea Network

喝茶讨人闲的九种行为,喝茶时不能做的事oBb tea net

3 each step to take pictures to spit index: ★★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Some people not only like to use the phone to food “light”, tea out of the water, the brewing process also want to take a few photos. oBb tea net

You tea is ready to out of the soup, he suddenly interrupted you: “Wait a minute! I shoot a small video to send a circle of friends!” Then quickly pulled out his cell phone to you. oBb tea net

Drinking tea needs the sense of ceremony, is the respect for tea, rather than each picture to be framed to remember. oBb tea net

4 use disposable cups spit index: ★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆

Tea drinkers all pay attention to the return to nature, like to use wooden tea tray, clay pots, ceramic cups, very consistent with the modern “environmentalism” of the preoccupation. oBb Tea Network

So if you serve a disposable paper cup to drink tea, you may really frown at you. If possible, they will also wash a white porcelain cup for you to change. oBb tea net

You think disposable tea set will be more hygienic, but in fact develop the habit of bringing your own tea cup to drink tea both hygienic, but also environmentally friendly. oBb tea net


5 tea leaves and tea utensils do not match trolling index: ★★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆

You have seen the purple sand bubble green tea? You can directly smother you with the flavor of yellow tea; think of the glass pot bubble puerh, glass material permeability how to compare with the purple sand, thick water flavor directly smothered into the tea, puerh and then mellow can not carry ah. oBb tea net

Not to mention those who use insulation cup tea, insulation cup function is to maintain the temperature of the water, water and tea too long high temperature soak together, bitter and astringent flavor are out. So bubble tea utensils, or to be a little talk about it. oBb tea network

6 what things are paired together to drink spit index: ★★★★★★ ☆☆☆☆

Black tea spelling point milk tea, honey, the taste is not too strange; there are many people drink tea like to add some flower tea, lemon tune a flavor, as long as the proportion of good to keep, the taste of nature is also very comfortable. oBb tea network

But there is another kind of people, tea like messy add herbs, see some good efficacy of the Chinese medicine, a brain all added into the tea. See a pot of black stuff, thought it was in the soup. Suggest that tea like to add herbs friends, must understand the efficacy and dosage, follow the doctor’s instructions. Tea flavor string flavor is a small matter, drink bad body can not be good. oBb tea net

喝茶讨人闲的九种行为,喝茶时不能做的事oBb tea net

7 play does not match the atmosphere of the music spit index: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

In fact, usually pay attention to you will find that many fast-food restaurants like to play fast-paced music, which can promote people’s eating speed; some small Western-style restaurants, will choose a soothing music, and hope that you then point a red wine to enjoy the dinner. oBb tea net

If someone with a cell phone turned on to the loudest, playing noisy pop songs, the entire pace of drinking tea was accelerated, not easy to enter a peaceful state of mind, and even feel noisy. oBb tea net

8 Comparison Price Spitting Index: ★★★★★★★★☆☆☆

Upon hearing this, surely many tea lovers nodded their heads in agreement. Sometimes you buy a very heart of a tea, bring everyone together to share the joy, when a person came forward, said you this tea was cheated, which which only a few dollars a packet. Drinking tea are in the mood to be destroyed, let alone talk about the joy. oBb Tea Network

In fact, the same tea, the price difference is very normal. Different craftsmanship, origin, grade, will affect the quality of tea; different packaging, year, and affect the price of tea. Don’t listen to the name are the same, you buy 10 yuan a bag and 100 yuan a box, the flavor and the degree of resistance to brewing is really a lot of difference. oBb Tea Net


9 “my best” troll index: ★★★★★★★★★☆

Must be a high and low: your cup is porcelain? The best thing about this is that it’s not as good as my purple sand one; your oolong is produced by the manufacturer? Then my master supervised production must be better; your tea tray is made of bamboo? Then my nanmu tea tray is definitely the best… … . oBb tea net

Isn’t this a very annoying behavior for everyone? Drinking tea is never about comparison, it’s about your own feelings. It’s really low to get the pleasure of drinking tea from someone else. oBb tea.com

As the saying goes: “Eat to see the cultivation, the table to see the character”, this sentence is used in the drinking of tea there is no problem. oBb Tea Network

This is a kind of mutual respect “sense of ceremony”, not only to respect the tea, but also to respect every tea lover here. oBb tea net

Drinking tea is the happiest thing, no better than the preparation of a rare good tea, about the three views of the same people, quietly sipping, talk to each other. oBb Tea Network

Why live why catty, put it down will have another world – Tea.com

Why live catty, put down another heaven and earth, life is short, always a mixture of joy and happiness, gains and losses coexist, gathering and dispersal of uncertainty. AdK Tea Net

A lot of things, like the sand in the hand, the more tightly grasped, the more quickly lost. All things look down some, think a little open, everything with fate, with the heart. adktea.net

People this life, destined to come and go are empty, no one can permanently have anything. I have to go to the end to understand, all the gains and losses are temporary, the most important thing is to look down. adktea.net


Let go of worries AdKTea.com

The most important thing is to let go of all the worries. Buddhists say, “There are 84,000 kinds of troubles in life.” AdK Tea

Big people have big people’s troubles, small people have small people’s affairs of the heart, these are common sense. The heart of the trouble, do not have to say to everyone, as well as learn to look down and let go. adktea.net

Trouble because you have too much to let go, honor, money, status, interests, feelings and so on. If you want to get rid of the trouble, you have to learn to put down. adktea.net

Once upon a time there was a rich man, doing business made a lot of money. He was afraid of others stealing his money, and afraid of others to borrow, all day long worried. So he carried his money on his back and searched for happiness all day long. AdKTea.com

However, he never found happiness and became more depressed. Once he was resting by the roadside, he passed a woodcutter carrying firewood, humming a song as he walked. AdK Tea Leaf Net

Feeling curious, he asked, “May I ask if you know where happiness is? Why can’t I find it?” AdKTea.com

The woodcutter smiled, pointed to the burden on his body, and said, “Put it down and you’ll be happy.” AdKTea.com

When the rich man heard this, he was instantly enlightened. It turned out that he was not happy because he had such a heavy burden on his back. How can you find happiness when you are scared all day long for this money? AdKTea.com


From then on, he took all the money he earned and did things that benefited the people. The people praised him and he was never troubled again. AdKTea.com

The woodcutter was happy because he let go of his burden, and the rich man was happy because he let go of his money. The human heart is like a cup, if it is filled with more worries, it will be less happy. AdKTea.com

Mr. Lin Qingxuan said: All beings use bodhi as worries, and bodhi uses worries as bodhi. All the worries are nothing but nothingness in the end. AdK Tea Net

Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, had a rough life, even though he experienced the “Wutai Poetry Case” and was uprooted for most of his life, but he was still open-minded and optimistic. adktea.net

“Don’t listen to the sound of leaves beating through the forest, why not chant and walk slowly?” This is how free. “A Demoiselle Demoiselle is a life of peace!” This is how frank. adktea.com

All the trials and tribulations, can not make him stop. A life of song and dance, deeply happy, worries come, a smile. AdK Tea Leaf Net

Learn to let go of your worries, say to yourself let nature take its course, learn to face bad luck openly, and look at life positively. In this way, the sunshine will flow into the heart and drive away the darkness. You will find that happiness is so simple. adktea.com


Let go of complaints AdKTea.com

Many people have the habit of complaining without realizing that complaining will bring many disasters to themselves. A person, who always complains, is more likely to attract unfortunate things. AdK tea net

Xunzi said: Those who know themselves do not complain, and those who know their fate do not complain to heaven. The one who complains about heaven has no will, and the one who complains about others has a poor heart. adktea.com

The person who has self-knowledge does not complain about others, the person who controls his own destiny does not complain about the sky; the person who complains about others is poor and unambitious, the person who complains about the sky will not aspire to forge ahead. adktea.net

In ancient times, there was a master who had a disciple who was particularly fond of complaining about life. AdKTea.com

Once, he sent his disciple to fetch a handful of salt, put it into a cup of water, and asked him to drink it. adktea.com

The master asked, “How does it taste?” AdKTea.com

The disciple replied, “It’s so salty, and the cup of water is so awful!” AdKTea.com

The master laughed and shook his head, took him to a lake and poured in the same amount of salt. This time, he asked his disciple to take a cup of lake water and drink it, “How about this time? How does it taste?” AdK Tea

The disciple said, “There’s no flavor!” AdKTea.com

The master said in a serious tone: “The pain in life is like this salt, there is a certain amount, when you feel the pain, expand your mind, complaining does not serve any purpose. AdKTea.com

Complaining about the environment is not good, often their own mentality is not good; complaining that others are too narrow-minded, often their own lack of open-mindedness. AdK tea net


There are two people walk into the beautiful park at the same time.

One person came out and said angrily, “This park is dirty and smelly, I will never come again!” AdKTea.com

While the other person walks out and says pleasantly, “This place is so beautiful, I’m going to come here often from now on!” AdKTea.com

Why do people react differently to the same park? AdKTea.com

The reason is that one person only sees the dog shit in the park and thinks that the park is dirty; while another person only focuses on the fragrance of the flowers in the park, so he thinks that the park is beautiful. AdKTea.com

This park, is our life. These two people, respectively, represent our different states of mind. The one who is grateful, everywhere is beautiful; the one who complains in his heart, everywhere is not good. AdK tea net

Life, is a journey that can be chosen, we can not change the environment, but can change the mentality. Complaining about destiny is not as good as changing it, and complaining about life is not as good as improving it. AdK Tea Net

This world, not as good as nine out of ten things. The more you care, the more you suffer. The more open-minded you are, the happier you will be. The more you think about it, the more you’ll suffer.

If you can’t let go of your complaints, you will naturally become a burden. Complaining is a kind of poison. AdK Tea Net

As the old saying goes, “It is better to envy fish at the abyss than to retreat and knot the net.” All the good things, are not complaining, envy, but by their own efforts to get. adktea.net

AdKTea.com is a good way for a person to behave.


Let go of the past AdKTea.com

Su Dongpo once said: “People like the fall of the letter, things like a spring dream without traces.” AdK Tea Net

This life is like a dream bubble, all the past will become empty. The only way to embrace the future is to let go of the past. adktea.net

The disciple asked the Master, “How can I attain the afterlife?” AdKTea.com

The Master replied, “The afterlife is this life, and this life is the present moment.” AdKTea.com

“I am in the present moment, am I not?” AdKTea.com

“Nonetheless, nonetheless.” AdKTea.com

The disciple was puzzled, “Why?” AdKTea.com

“You have not let go of the past!” AdKTea.com

“The past is not all bad, so why let go of it!” AdKTea.com

“Let go not because it was bad, but because it is gone!” AdKTea.com

The disciple came to a realization. AdKTea.com

Whether the past is good or bad, we must learn to let go. Most of life’s suffering is due to an unwillingness to let go. A wise man does nothing; a fool binds himself. The first thing you need to do is to let go of the past, which is to remove the shackles of the mind .

Life has no ifs and buts, and it is impossible to start all over again. What we have to do is to embrace the sun today. AdKTea.net


There is such a story. AdKTea.com

A carter pulled a load of china in his cart, and because of the bumpy road, he accidentally broke one. AdKTea.com

He just looked at it and walked away, continuing to rush. Others asked him, why the porcelain fell broken, just look at it, and did not hurt. AdKTea.com

He replied: “Porcelain has been broken, even if you stop to look at it does not help. Why bother? It’s better to hurry up earlier.” AdKTea.com

Life is like this, no matter how valuable things, lost, and then regret is useless, not as good as to cherish what we have now. adktea.net

If you can’t let go of the past, you’ll be sad to see yourself, and the future will be bleak. The past has become the past, whether it is good or bad, we have to put an end to it. AdK Tea Net

The most important thing is to know how to let go, life will be better. adktea.com

The rest of your life is very expensive, do not make it difficult for yourself, put down the past, put down once, let go of yourself. The rest of life is not easy, may you and I can learn to heart wide, learn to put down ….. AdKTea.com

Tea People Tea Language: Tea Circle Secret Language Book – Tea.com

In every circle, there are some code words that only “insiders” can understand. Their own people can understand in a second, outsiders hear but can not understand. Tea circle is no exception, these secret language, you have heard it? MU0Tea.com


1, eat and talk about tea MU0tea.com

Pre-liberation Sichuan and Chongqing regions, there is a way to deal with neighborhood disputes called “eat and talk about tea”, that is, the teahouse for the public hall, please local prestigious people in the middle of the host, the two sides to state the advantages and disadvantages of resolving disputes. MU0tea.net

2, set tea bowl array MU0 tea net

In the past, in order to distinguish between friends and outsiders, robes invented the tea bowl array, there are many ways to swing. For example, you want to understand each other’s details, set up a “wooden poplar array”, put two teacups on the table, one on the plate, one on the outside of the plate. If you know how to break the formation, you will take the one that is placed outside the plate, pick it up and put it back to the tea tray. And recite a poem: wood Yang city is the Qiankun, righteousness is all based on a little red. Today, the righteous brother came to ask questions, do not take Hong Ying as an outsider. MU0Tea.com

3、Lid of the teacup facing outward, leaning on the edge of the teacup MU0Tea.com

The tea cup lid is facing outward, leaning against the side of the tea cup. Generally can only add water twice, the third time you have to wait until the guests to add water, respectively, together with the add. MU0Tea.com


4、Put a small object on the tea cover, such as lighter, cigarette case, toothpick MU0Tea.com

The guest temporarily leave a moment, will be right back, the cup of water to drink, remind the host not to pour. MU0Tea.com

5, flute up MU0tea.com

It is to put the lid of the tea cup up, leaning against the side of the tea bowl. This means that when drinking tea in the teahouse, the guests did not bring money, in order to avoid embarrassment, prompted the teahouse mate, do not have to voice, the next time to pay together. MU0tea.net

6, put the tea cover upwards, in the tea bowl MU0Tea.com

This means that the guests finished drinking tea, the host or the second, you can clean up the tea set. MU0Tea.com


7, strong guest pressure master MU0tea.com

In the southern Fujian area, guests drink tea when the cup, can not casually put the cup corner in the tea plate along the friction, which indicates that the strong guest pressure, is in the initiative to provoke, or perhaps a fight. MU0Tea.net

8, under the banishment order MU0 tea network

If the tea has been brewed no flavor, the host still does not change the tea, even if it is almost white water, still poured to the guests to drink. This means that the host in the banishment order, the guest should know, they should go. MU0Tea.com


9, add people to change the tea MU0tea.com

If the process of drinking tea, came a new guest. The host will replace the tea, re-brew a pot of tea. Newly brewed tea, two rushed to the new guests to drink, said the welcome to the guests. Guests do not need to excuse, thank you and sip can, otherwise it will be “but not respect”. MU0tea.net

10, thank you tea MU0 tea network

In the acceptance of tea, generally make a “return gift” response. Elders pouring tea, with the index finger on the table flicked twice. Junior, junior poured tea, with the index finger, middle finger together on the table flicked two times, to express gratitude. MU0Tea.com

What is the meaning of tea fighting? What are the criteria for judging a tea fight?-Tea.com

Fighting tea, also known as tea battle, emerging at the end of the Tang Dynasty, prevalent in the Song Dynasty, is the highest expression of the ancient art of tea tasting, after moxibustion tea, grinding tea, Luo tea, waiting for the soup, flame marigolds, point tea 6 steps. mA1Tea.com

Tea fight is an ancient literati tea art, they each carry tea and water, through the fight, tasting, appreciation of the tea soup to determine the winner. mA1tea.net


Fighting tea standards are mainly two aspects:

(1) Soup color

Fighting tea on the color of tea has strict standards, the general standard is to pure white for the top, green and white, gray and white, yellow and white, followed by. mA1tea.com

Pure white color indicates that the tea is fresh and tender, and the fire is just right when steaming. mA1tea.com

If the color reddish, is frying and roasting fire over the head; color greenish, it shows that the steam fire is not enough; color yellowish, is not picked in time; color grayish, is steaming fire is too old. In this way, it seems that the person who fights for tea really knows the color of the soup very well. mA1Tea.com


(2) Soup flower

Soup flower refers to the foam on the surface of the soup. The same as tea broth, there are two criteria for soup flower: mA1tea.com

The first one is the color of the flower, the standard is the same as the standard of the soup color; mA1tea.com

The second is the soup flower after the flooding, to the water marks appear sooner or later to determine the winner, the early for the negative, the late for the winner. If the tea powder research and grinding delicate, point soup, hit the whisk just right, soup flower uniform fine, can bite the edge of the calendars, a long time to get together and not yet, the name is “bite calendars”. mA1Tea.com

On the contrary, the soup flowers, can not bite the calabash, will soon disperse. As soon as the soup flower is scattered, the place where the soup meets the calendars will reveal the tea-colored water line, i.e. the water mark. mA1Tea.com


The ultimate goal of the tea fight is to taste the tea, through the tea soup, see the color and lustre of these competitions, selected the best and worst tea, only those who color, aroma and taste are good tea is considered good tea, and those who can be counted on the tea fight victory.

Only the heart is quiet, can be calm – Tea.com

Everyone’s mind, we need a clean slate, in the face of the outside world’s restlessness and clamor, our hearts will often be tired, will be tired. q9A Tea Net

At this moment, the most important thing to do is to create a quiet space for yourself, think what you want to think, do what you want to do, or simply do not want to do anything. q9A tea net

A quiet person, because of the outside world to get rid of the temptation of fame and fortune. q9A Tea Net

唯有心静,方能从容q9A tea net

Mader said, “A quiet life sheds all the earthly things, such as honor, favor, power, extravagance, prosperity, they are because of shedding, so indifferent, because indifferent, so quiet, they do not intend to resist the dullness and poverty of the earthly world, but just want to quietly enjoy the inner heart of the vigorous and rich.” q9A Tea

The real quiet, from the heart, indifferent and quiet, not compelled by all the earthly things, only the pursuit of their own simplicity and richness. q9A Tea Net

A quiet person, know how to be at peace with themselves. q9A Tea Net

If life is a cup of water, then pain is the dust that falls out of the cup. No one’s life is always full of happiness and joy, there is always some pain will torment our hearts. If always keep stirring, the pain will fill our life. q9A tea net

You need to learn to quiet your soul and slowly settle all your worries. Learn to accept your own vulnerability and unbearable, give yourself a little time, some deadline, you will unknowingly get the life of the most quiet strong. q9A Tea Net

唯有心静,方能从容q9A tea net

A quiet person, with the world, do not say right and wrong, and do not go to please anyone. q9A Tea Net

“Instead of compensating for a smile against one’s will, one person should be quiet; instead of caring about other people’s backsliding and unkindness, one should operate one’s own dignity and beauty.” q9A Tea

Only by doing well for yourself and being strong internally can you win the blessings of others. Spend effort on your own cultivation, there is no need to spend too much time on what others think of you. Life is to live to see yourself, you have much color, the world will give you much face. q9A tea net

唯有心静,方能从容q9A tea net

A quiet person, always in silence strong growth. q9A Tea Net

Bai Lu Mei said, in this noisy mortal world, we all need to have a suitable place for our own, used to rest the soul. Maybe it is a quiet house, maybe it is a book without words, maybe it is a lost path. As long as it is your own heart to, are the station, in order to start the future journey is not so confused. q9A tea net

Knowing that life in addition to the appearance of the noise and restlessness, there is a quiet and deliberate growth within, not because of the passage of time and disappearance, can always open up a quiet corner in the heart, do not stain the wind and rain, do not cause dust, peace of mind, calmly, not shocked. q9A Tea Net

As a flower, bloom lightly, self-care beautiful, keep independent and casual character, and then with a flower bloom time, watch over their own happiness. q9A tea net

唯有心静,方能从容q9A tea net

A quiet person must be a person who has a beautiful view in his heart. q9A tea net

With the eyes to see, that is the story of others, with the heart to perceive, that is the beauty of their own life. q9A Tea Net

They know how to hold on to the soul, not to be a slave to the body, know how to appreciate the scenery along the road, but also know how to enjoy the life of a flower and a leaf. q9A Tea Net

Keeping the soul quiet is the real big state of mind. q9A Tea Net

The real big state of mind, not give up after the frank, but put down after the unintentional. The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money from the company. q9A Te a Net

唯有心静,方能从容q9A Tea Net

There is no absolute right and wrong in life, don’t labor between right and wrong, happiness is the only answer to life; get do not steal joy, loss is not sad, gain and loss is just a state, to grasp their own hearts. q9A Tea Net

The most important thing to remember is that you have to be able to get the best out of your life, and you have to be able to get the best out of your life, and you can do it. Some things do not have to be forced, some people do not have to be forced to stay. The first thing that you need to do is to look at the light of the flashy, leave a little bit of blank to life, so that life is quiet and simple. q9A Tea Net

The historical origin of the gaiwan – Tea.com

The historical origins of gaiwan, tracing the roots of the party know that gaiwan tea originated in Sichuan, is an important element of the ancient culture of Sichuan. MQB Tea Net

Shu people drink tea in a more unique way by the tea cover, tea bowl and tea boat son of three parts, also known as the “three talents bowl”. The “three talents” refer to heaven, earth and people, with the cover for heaven, the tray for earth and the bowl for people, implying the meaning of heaven and earth and people. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

The history of Gai Bowl Tea is very long, rumored to have originated in the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty, “Zifu Record” Volume II, “Tea Tuozi” article: “Jianzhong Shu Cui Ning’s daughter to tea cups without lining, sick of ironing fingers, take the saucer to bear the caucasian and cups pouring, is the center of the saucer with a wax ring, and the cups are set …… for all people for the convenience, used in the world. It is after the passer more ring its bottom, the more new its system, to a hundred shapes.” MQB Tea

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing dynasty guangxu pastel lotus pattern cover bowl (above)

Jianzhong was the reign name of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, and Cui Ning was the then Minister of the Xichuan Province and Prefect of Chengdu. More than 1,200 years ago, the daughter of Chengdu’s highest administrator sipped tea, but her delicate fingers were burned by the cup, so she planned to think of a way to solve the problem once and for all. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Rouge Glazed Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

She took out a saucer, put the teacups on it, and drank tea with the saucer on her end, so that she couldn’t burn her hands. However, the teacups were still easy to tip over. It was a good thing that Ms. Cui had been trapped in her boudoir for a long time, and had a lot of time on her hands. After a few trials, she finally discovered that wax could hold the teacups in place. mqb tea.com

In order to make the shape more beautiful, Ms. Cui asked the craftsman to make a lacquer ring instead of a wax ring to hold the teacup. When she was finished, she took her invention to her father and offered it to him. Through the mouth of Mr. Cui, Miss Cui’s invention was spread to the world and finally became popular in the world. MQB Te a Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

Today, Chengdu people use gaiwan tea, also added a tea cover. And in the guest to guest, crowded teahouse, porcelain saucer tea boat because of the heavier and fragile, it is often for the lightweight and strong copper and aluminum tea boat instead. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing dynasty qianlong gold and famille-rose floral gaiwan a pair (above)

The tea bowl tea does not talk about red tape, whether in the noisy tea store, or in the exquisite decoration of the elegant room, hold a tea bowl tea, tea cover gently dial tea, there is always a rich flavor of life comes. mqb tea net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

“Bao Ding tea idle smoke is still green, the window chess strike finger is still cool.” Sichuan this place, both the Baoding, also have a window, tea idle chess strike is abound, not rare! A cup of tea in a covered bowl, drink the appearance of the world’s peace and quiet of the years. mqb tea net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Mr. Lu Xun in the article “drinking tea” wrote: “Drinking good tea, is to use the cover bowl. So I used a covered bowl. Sure enough, after brewing, the color is clear and sweet, slightly fragrant and little bitter, it is indeed good tea.” Among the many bowls, calendars, pots and cups, why did Mr. Lu Xun appreciate the gaiwan alone? Among them, there are reasons. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing Guangxu Qinghua yellow color cloud dragon pattern cover bowl (above)

Anyone who understands the tea ceremony knows that tea is particularly concerned about “color, smell, taste, look at the shape”. Cups and pots are not conducive to detecting the color and shape of the tea, nor is it conducive to the regulation of the strength of the tea soup. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing dynasty with yellow glaze famille-rose bamboo pattern cover bowl (above)

And gaiwan tea set, there are bowls, there are cover, there are boats, unique shape, exquisite production. Tea bowl on the big down small, cover can be into the bowl, the tea boat to do the bottom of the support. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Bowl

When you drink tea, the cover is not easy to slip off, and the tea boat as a support and free from the pain of hot hands. And only need to end the tea boat can stabilize the center of gravity, tea and do not have to uncover the cover, only half-open half-close, the tea leaves are not imported, the tea broth can be slowly percolate out, very pleasant, to avoid the trouble of the pot blocking the cup spit. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu pink color alum red gold eight treasures dragon and phoenix pattern cover bowl (above)

Covered bowl tea, the benefits are all in a cover. Covered bowl tea tea cover in the bowl, if you want to tea thicker, available tea cover in the water gently scrape a scrape, so that the whole bowl of tea up and down, light scrape is light, heavy scrape is thick, is its wonderful. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

“Cabbage, green salt, and rice, and chrysanthemum tea in a pot of heavenly water”. The most prestigious gaiwan tea is in Beijing. In the eyes of Beijingers, gaiwan is the treasures of tea utensils, and flower tea, especially jasmine tea is a fine product of tea, the combination of the two, soaked out of the Beijing people a steaming heart. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu yellow background pastel color longevity pattern gaiwan (above)

Gai Bowl Tea, in the hands of Beijingers, reveals the essence of its mesmerizing. Gently lift the lid of the bowl, blow, and then use the lid of the bowl to brush away some of the tea leaves, take a sip, teeth and cheeks. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing Dynasty Rouge Ground Rolling Road Small Covered Bowl (above)

That Cao Xueqin is also a cover bowl tea fan: “Miao Yu personally held a begonias style carved lacquer filled with gold cloud dragon to offer life to a small tea plate, which put a into the kiln five color small cover bell, held with Jia mother …… crowd is a color of official kiln stripped and filled with white cover bowl.” MQB Tea

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Sitting in the garden, the sky is blue, the water is green, the flowers are red, the bridge is nine curved, the eaves are flying, the floor tiles are hexagonal, the windows are skeletonized, the tea is Biluochun, the water well water, the only thing that’s the same is a bowl with a lid. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing Qianlong Assorted Glaze Covered Bowls (Five) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Copper Painted and Enameled Lohan Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Jade Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qianlong Coral-red and gold-painted open landscape figures square lidded bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Black ground cloisonné Bogu Gai Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Carmine Red Chrysanthemum Breaking Lidded Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Early Qing Dynasty Jasper Lotus Patterned Covered Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang Pastel-colored Covered Bowls with Wushuang Spectrum (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang famille-rose enameled floral bowl on yellow ground (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang gold-colored bowl with orchids (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang famille-rose enameled bowls with auspicious birthday wishes (2 pieces) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang coral-red and gold-painted bowls (2 pcs.)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang blue flower pattern covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing Daoguang turquoise and green ground famille rose enameled covered bowl with longevity design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowls (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowl (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Blue Glaze Carved Longevity Character Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Famille rose enameled bird and flower covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Carmine Red Glaze Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Jiaqing famille-rose enameled gilt bowl with eight treasures (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Jiaqing blue and red dragon and phoenix design covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong porcelain bowl with overgrown bamboo and stone design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong bean green glaze tea cover bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong alum red and gold dragon design high footed bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong imitation carving lacquer brocade ground longevity lotus petal pattern cover bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty red glaze covered bowls (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong bright pink glass gold covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong green and white jade carving taotie pattern cover bowl (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong blue and white enameled bowls with “a group of harmony” pattern (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty famille-rose enameled blue and white covered bowls with “one hundred sons haunting the Lantern Festival” design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong famille-rose enameled bowl with carmine and purple ground (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Jade Carved Auspicious Ruyi Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty tongzhi famille-rose enameled gaiwan (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Tongzhi Green Glaze Covered Bowls with Gold Stroke (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty tongzhi blue and red alum red cloud and dragon design large covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Lidded Bowl with Flowers in Doucai Color (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng large bowl with bird and flower design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng doucai Jiuqiu landscape covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Mid Qing Dynasty White Jade Lidded Bowl with Four Seasons and Three Dolors (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Eighteenth Century Udon-glazed Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Yuan Green and White Jade Covered Bowls (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Mid Qing Dynasty Black Lacquer and Gold Peony Shou Zi Patterned Covered Bowls (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng yellow copper enameled bowl with entwined flowers (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Yongzheng famille-rose enameled bowls with figures (2 pieces) (above)

Celadon gaiwan, white porcelain gaiwan, black porcelain gaiwan, colored porcelain gaiwan, and even linglong porcelain gaiwan, heaven and earth gaiwan tea, drink out of the years, taste a hundred flavors of life !

The historical origins of gaiwan, tracing the roots of the party know that gaiwan tea originated in Sichuan, is an important element of the ancient culture of Sichuan. MQB Tea Net

Shu people drink tea in a more unique way by the tea cover, tea bowl and tea boat son of three parts, also known as the “three talents bowl”. The “three talents” refer to heaven, earth and people, with the cover for heaven, the tray for earth and the bowl for people, implying the meaning of heaven and earth and people. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

The history of Gai Bowl Tea is very long, rumored to have originated in the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty, “Zifu Record” Volume II, “Tea Tuozi” article: “Jianzhong Shu Cui Ning’s daughter to tea cups without lining, sick of ironing fingers, take the saucer to bear the caucasian and cups pouring, is the center of the saucer with a wax ring, and the cups are set …… for all people for the convenience, used in the world. It is after the passer more ring its bottom, the more new its system, to a hundred shapes.” MQB Tea

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing dynasty guangxu pastel lotus pattern cover bowl (above)

Jianzhong was the reign name of Emperor Dezong of the Tang Dynasty, and Cui Ning was the then Minister of the Xichuan Province and Prefect of Chengdu. More than 1,200 years ago, the daughter of Chengdu’s highest administrator sipped tea, but her delicate fingers were burned by the cup, so she planned to think of a way to solve the problem once and for all. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Rouge Glazed Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

She took out a saucer, put the teacups on it, and drank tea with the saucer on her end, so that she couldn’t burn her hands. However, the teacups were still easy to tip over. It was a good thing that Ms. Cui had been trapped in her boudoir for a long time, and had a lot of time on her hands. After a few trials, she finally discovered that wax could hold the teacups in place. mqb tea.com

In order to make the shape more beautiful, Ms. Cui asked the craftsman to make a lacquer ring instead of a wax ring to hold the teacup. When she was finished, she took her invention to her father and offered it to him. Through the mouth of Mr. Cui, Miss Cui’s invention was spread to the world and finally became popular in the world. MQB Te a Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

Today, Chengdu people use gaiwan tea, also added a tea cover. And in the guest to guest, crowded teahouse, porcelain saucer tea boat because of the heavier and fragile, it is often for the lightweight and strong copper and aluminum tea boat instead. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing dynasty qianlong gold and famille-rose floral gaiwan a pair (above)

The tea bowl tea does not talk about red tape, whether in the noisy tea store, or in the exquisite decoration of the elegant room, hold a tea bowl tea, tea cover gently dial tea, there is always a rich flavor of life comes. mqb tea net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

“Bao Ding tea idle smoke is still green, the window chess strike finger is still cool.” Sichuan this place, both the Baoding, also have a window, tea idle chess strike is abound, not rare! A cup of tea in a covered bowl, drink the appearance of the world’s peace and quiet of the years. mqb tea net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Mr. Lu Xun in the article “drinking tea” wrote: “Drinking good tea, is to use the cover bowl. So I used a covered bowl. Sure enough, after brewing, the color is clear and sweet, slightly fragrant and little bitter, it is indeed good tea.” Among the many bowls, calendars, pots and cups, why did Mr. Lu Xun appreciate the gaiwan alone? Among them, there are reasons. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing Guangxu Qinghua yellow color cloud dragon pattern cover bowl (above)

Anyone who understands the tea ceremony knows that tea is particularly concerned about “color, smell, taste, look at the shape”. Cups and pots are not conducive to detecting the color and shape of the tea, nor is it conducive to the regulation of the strength of the tea soup. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing dynasty with yellow glaze famille-rose bamboo pattern cover bowl (above)

And gaiwan tea set, there are bowls, there are cover, there are boats, unique shape, exquisite production. Tea bowl on the big down small, cover can be into the bowl, the tea boat to do the bottom of the support. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Bowl

When you drink tea, the cover is not easy to slip off, and the tea boat as a support and free from the pain of hot hands. And only need to end the tea boat can stabilize the center of gravity, tea and do not have to uncover the cover, only half-open half-close, the tea leaves are not imported, the tea broth can be slowly percolate out, very pleasant, to avoid the trouble of the pot blocking the cup spit. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu pink color alum red gold eight treasures dragon and phoenix pattern cover bowl (above)

Covered bowl tea, the benefits are all in a cover. Covered bowl tea tea cover in the bowl, if you want to tea thicker, available tea cover in the water gently scrape a scrape, so that the whole bowl of tea up and down, light scrape is light, heavy scrape is thick, is its wonderful. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Network

“Cabbage, green salt, and rice, and chrysanthemum tea in a pot of heavenly water”. The most prestigious gaiwan tea is in Beijing. In the eyes of Beijingers, gaiwan is the treasures of tea utensils, and flower tea, especially jasmine tea is a fine product of tea, the combination of the two, soaked out of the Beijing people a steaming heart. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu yellow background pastel color longevity pattern gaiwan (above)

Gai Bowl Tea, in the hands of Beijingers, reveals the essence of its mesmerizing. Gently lift the lid of the bowl, blow, and then use the lid of the bowl to brush away some of the tea leaves, take a sip, teeth and cheeks. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing Dynasty Rouge Ground Rolling Road Small Covered Bowl (above)

That Cao Xueqin is also a cover bowl tea fan: “Miao Yu personally held a begonias style carved lacquer filled with gold cloud dragon to offer life to a small tea plate, which put a into the kiln five color small cover bell, held with Jia mother …… crowd is a color of official kiln stripped and filled with white cover bowl.” MQB Tea

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Sitting in the garden, the sky is blue, the water is green, the flowers are red, the bridge is nine curved, the eaves are flying, the floor tiles are hexagonal, the windows are skeletonized, the tea is Biluochun, the water well water, the only thing that’s the same is a bowl with a lid. MQB Tea Net

盖碗的历史起源MQB tea net

Qing Qianlong Assorted Glaze Covered Bowls (Five) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Copper Painted and Enameled Lohan Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Jade Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qianlong Coral-red and gold-painted open landscape figures square lidded bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Black ground cloisonné Bogu Gai Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Carmine Red Chrysanthemum Breaking Lidded Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Early Qing Dynasty Jasper Lotus Patterned Covered Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang Pastel-colored Covered Bowls with Wushuang Spectrum (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang famille-rose enameled floral bowl on yellow ground (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang gold-colored bowl with orchids (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang famille-rose enameled bowls with auspicious birthday wishes (2 pieces) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang coral-red and gold-painted bowls (2 pcs.)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Daoguang blue flower pattern covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea Net

Qing Daoguang turquoise and green ground famille rose enameled covered bowl with longevity design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowls (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Pastel Lotus Flower Covered Bowl (Two Pieces) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Blue Glaze Carved Longevity Character Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Famille rose enameled bird and flower covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Guangxu Carmine Red Glaze Covered Bowl (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Jiaqing famille-rose enameled gilt bowl with eight treasures (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Jiaqing blue and red dragon and phoenix design covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong porcelain bowl with overgrown bamboo and stone design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong bean green glaze tea cover bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong alum red and gold dragon design high footed bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong imitation carving lacquer brocade ground longevity lotus petal pattern cover bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty red glaze covered bowls (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong bright pink glass gold covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong green and white jade carving taotie pattern cover bowl (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong blue and white enameled bowls with “a group of harmony” pattern (pair) (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty famille-rose enameled blue and white covered bowls with “one hundred sons haunting the Lantern Festival” design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty qianlong famille-rose enameled bowl with carmine and purple ground (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Jade Carved Auspicious Ruyi Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty tongzhi famille-rose enameled gaiwan (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Tongzhi Green Glaze Covered Bowls with Gold Stroke (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty tongzhi blue and red alum red cloud and dragon design large covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Dynasty Yongzheng Lidded Bowl with Flowers in Doucai Color (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng large bowl with bird and flower design (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng doucai Jiuqiu landscape covered bowl (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Mid Qing Dynasty White Jade Lidded Bowl with Four Seasons and Three Dolors (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Eighteenth Century Udon-glazed Covered Bowls (Pair) (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Yuan Green and White Jade Covered Bowls (Above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Mid Qing Dynasty Black Lacquer and Gold Peony Shou Zi Patterned Covered Bowls (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing dynasty Yongzheng yellow copper enameled bowl with entwined flowers (above)

盖碗的历史起源MQB Tea

Qing Yongzheng famille-rose enameled bowls with figures (2 pieces) (above)

Celadon gaiwan, white porcelain gaiwan, black porcelain gaiwan, colored porcelain gaiwan, and even linglong porcelain gaiwan, heaven and earth gaiwan tea, drink out of the years, taste a hundred flavors of life !

The historical development of Xihu Longjing-Tea.com

West Lake Longjing has a long history of development, according to evidence, has a history of more than 1,500 years, the earliest can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty.Ltd Tea Net

西湖龙井的历史发展Ltd Tea Net

In the Tea Sage Lu Yu’s “Tea Classic”, it is recorded that “Qiantang Tianzhu Lingyin Temple produces tea”, of which Qiantang is the old name of Hangzhou, Tianzhu Temple and Lingyin Temple are located in the West Lake, which shows that Hangzhou’s West Lake has been a place of tea production since ancient times. ltd tea.com

During his tenure in Hangzhou, Su Shi, a famous writer of the Song Dynasty, praised the local tea in Hangzhou. According to him, the tea trees planted in Tianzhu Temple were brought to Hangzhou from Tiantai Mountain by Xie Lingyun, a poet of the Southern Dynasty, when he was translating the Buddhist scriptures.Ltd Tea Net

西湖龙井的历史发展Ltd Tea

By the Yuan Dynasty, the tea produced by Xihu Longjing was loved by more people. Yu Ji, a poet of Yuan Dynasty, wrote a poem “Touring Longjing”, in which there is a verse “Cooking and frying golden buds, not to take after the rainy season, with two or three sons, three swallowed and could not bear to gargle”, to express his love for Xihu Longjing Tea.Ltd Tea Network

In the Ming Dynasty, Xihu Longjing began to come out of the temple, more people have the opportunity to understand and drink, and became a precious tea. ltd tea net

Ming Jiajing years of “Zhejiang plaque” records: “Hangzhou County tea, always less than the production of Longjing, and the rain before the fine buds, take one of its flag a gun, especially the treasures, the production is not much, it is appropriate to its precious.” Ltd Tea

西湖龙井的历史发展Ltd Tea Net

Ming Wanli year “Hangzhou Prefecture” records: “old Longjing, its real estate tea, for the two mountains of the best” said. ltd tea net

Ming Wanli year “Qiantang County Records” records: “tea out of Longjing, for the bean flower fragrance, color and taste sweet, and other mountain different.” Ltd Tea Net

In the nineteenth year of the Wanli reign of the Ming Dynasty, the compilation of “things cyanosis pearl” listed more than 90 kinds of famous tea around China at that time, of which Longjing ranked 21st. ltd tea net

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, Peng Sunyi’s “Tea Picking Song” reads, “Longjing new tea is highly priced, and the cups are standing on all sides, so if you don’t meet the customers, don’t try it lightly, and work hard to get it down to the spring and the tiger’s run.” Ltd Tea

西湖龙井的历史发展Ltd Tea Net

To the Qing Dynasty, Qianlong six times to Jiangnan, four of which came to the production area of West Lake Longjing, personally watch the picking of tea to do tea, and tea poetry, in the village of Longjing titled “Longjing eight scenes”, but also will be Hu Gong Temple in front of the eighteen tea trees sealed for the “Imperial Tea”. ltd Tea Net

Therefore, the West Lake Longjing also became the royal tribute of the Qing Dynasty, since then, the ancient and modern Chinese and foreigners come to Longjing to ask about the tea of the people in an endless stream, to this day. ltd tea net

Want to compare the West Lake to Xizi, never good tea like a good woman-Tea Union-Tea.com

Want to put the West Lake than Xizi, never good tea like a good person, meaning: the beauty of the West Lake and Xizi’s beauty is comparable to the West Lake, the West Lake is like a beauty, a good tea is also like a good person, the scenery is beautiful, the people are beautiful, the tea is beautiful, and it is a joyful experience. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Song Dynasty writer Su Shi life love tea, even if the office or deputation exiled, in the smoke and dust, hunger and thirst on the long journey, but also do not forget the tea, leaving a lot of poetry about tea. 7HZ Tea Net

He went to Xuzhou as governor when he made “Raccoon brook yarn”, there is such a stanza: 7HZ tea net

“Rustling scarf falling jujube flower, the village south and north of the village ringing reel car. The old willow in the cow’s coat sells cucumbers. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The wine sleepy road is long but want to sleep, the sun is high, people are thirsty and thinking about tea, knocking on the door to ask the wild man home.” 7HZ Tea

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Scenario integration, image realistic depiction of his thirst for tea, thinking about tea, looking for tea scenarios and mentality, calling the heart with this feeling, empathy, marveled. 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi has been to many places in his life, every place, where there is a famous tea and good spring, he has left poems. 7HZ Tea Net

“White clouds under the peak of two new flags, greasy green long fresh valley rain spring.” It is written about Hangzhou Baiyun tea. 7HZ Tea Net

“Dragon roasting this year, the Valley Curtain since the ancient new spring. The snow buds of Shuangjing tea have been scattered by the immortals, and the seedlings are from Beiyuan. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The tea is white and snow-colored, and the flowers float in the tea cup. Who dares to be more colorful in the human world, but to be more colorful in the red window ?

This song “West River Moon” is about the best Dragon Roasted Tea made from the real spring in Gu Li. 7HZ Tea Leaf Website

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea

“has passed several times spring rain, the night before a thunder, flag and gun battle, Jianxi spring color accounted for the first leader. The first time I saw this song, it was a song about a bird’s tongue on a branch, with dew and smoke mashed up and knotted on a pile of purple clouds. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

This song “Song of Water” vividly describes the picking of tea leaves in Jianxi. 7HZ Tea Net

What is even more amazing and has been passed down through the ages is a song that honors Fujian Gully Source Tea: 7HZTea.com

“Immortal mountain spirit grass warm traveling clouds, wash all the fragrant muscle powder is not even. The bright moon to cast Yu Chuan son, the wind blowing through the martial arts spring. To know the ice and snow heart good, not anointing oil first face new. Playing a small poem gentleman do not laugh, never good tea like a good person.” 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi compared the good tea to a good person, so people have a different face, wonder, become the tea of the ages. 7HZ Tea Net

Hangzhou Lotus root Xiangju Tea Room will be in this poem “never good tea like a good person” sentence, and Su Shi’s another masterpiece “drinking lake after the first sunny day” in the “want to put the West Lake than the West,” composed of a pair of tea couplets: “want to put the West Lake than the West. The tea is like a beautiful woman.” It’s marvelous and neat, and it’s amazing. 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi on the tea ceremony is very conscientious, for cooking tea drinking tea each program has a unique view, and poetry to chant. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

In the “test courtyard decoction of tea”, “crab eyes have been fish eyes raw, the wind for the pine wind singing. Meng velvet out of the grinding of fine beads fall, dizzy turn round ou flying snow light”, is to the boiling water bubble form and sound to judge the boiling degree of water observation, meticulous, vivid. 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi on the efficacy of tea is also a deep study, a day sick, he drank several bowls of tea, so that the sick body healed, was in the temple on the wall of the powder inscription seven absolute a: “show the disease Vimo Yuan is not sick, at home, Lingyun has forgotten home. Why need Wei Di a pill medicine, and all Lu Tong seven bowls of tea.” 7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi is very talented, every scene, some feelings, poems will come out, and interesting. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Xining four years, Su Shi served as Hangzhou pass judge, one day, he went to a temple to play, the abbot did not know who he was, thought it was an ordinary tourists only, only lightly said: “sit”, called the little monk “tea”. 7HZ Tea Net

So the little monk served a very general bowl of tea. 7HZ Tea Net

When the abbot and Su Shi a little bit of pleasantries that this person is extraordinary, not idle generation, they changed their mouths: “Please sit”, and re-called the little monk “tea”. 7HZ Te a Net

The little monk again bubble on a bowl of tea. 7HZ Tea Net

Even the last, the abbot finally knew that the person is the state’s official, the famous poet Su Shi, then scrambled to get up and respectfully invited: “Please take a seat”, turned around and shouted to the little monk “bubble good tea”. 7HZ Te a Leaf Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Leaf Network

Su Shi put all this in the eyes. 7HZ Tea Net

Farewell, the abbot held out the four treasures, to Su Shi begging for ink, Su Shi a little thought, hand-written a pair of couplets, the first line is: “sit please sit please sit”, the second line is: “tea bubble tea bubble good tea. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The abbot saw the words on the joint, can not help but show the color of shame and embarrassment, no place to hide. 7HZ Tea Network

Also a thing more see su shi tea and poetry of kung fu. 7HZ tea net

Ancient and even modern, teapots often have “can clear the mind also” a few words. 7HZ Tea Net

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ Tea Net

Su Shi that the order to look at although into the literature, but the loss of the shallow, not a good article, so he wrote two poems in the form of back to the text, the interesting thing is that these two poems are written in a dream, after waking up from a dream, the two eight-sentence poems, only to remember a sentence: “messy point of the remaining flowers spit blue shirt,” the rest of the seven lines had to be made up. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The poem is like this, the first one is “flushed face jade bowl hold slender, messy point of the remaining flowers spit blue shirt. 7HZ Tea Leaf Net

The first one is: “I’m not sure if it’s a good idea, but I’m sure it’s a good idea.” The second poem is: “The empty flowers fall out of the wine pouring tank, the sun on the mountain melting snow rising river. The red baking shallow ou new fire live, dragon ball small rolling bucket clear window.” 7HZ Tea

欲把西湖比西子,从来佳茗似佳人-茶联7HZ tea net

Surprisingly, these two poems not only can sing along, but also can be recited upside down, it became another two seven. The first one became: “Rock and snow fall pine dream, courtyard quiet condensation cloud water pharyngeal song. Shirt blue spit flowers remaining points messy, delicate bowl of jade flushed.” 7HZ tea net

The second is: “Window clear bucket grinding small group dragon, live fire new ou shallow roast red. The river rises to the snow red mountain day, the cylinder pouring wine to the end of the fallen flowers empty. ” 7HZ Tea Net