Pickle tea a custom of making dishes with tea – Tea.com

腌茶一种用茶做菜的风俗习惯Ozk tea net

In Yunnan Province, the Dehong region inhabited by the Jingpo and De Pin ethnic groups and other ethnic groups, declared to the present still maintains a kind of tea as a dish of tea drinking customs and habits, which is the pickled tea. Ozk tea network.

Cured tea is usually carried out in the rainy season in these areas, and the tea leaves used are fresh leaves that have not undergone any processing. When making the tea, the girls wash the fresh leaves from the tea tree with water, drain off the water on the surface of the leaves and then dry them for use. Curing tea, the first use of some bamboo plaques will be used to spread these fresh leaves to dry, until the fresh leaves have lost a little moisture, and then slightly rubbed, mixed with the right amount of chili pepper and salt, and placed in a canister or bamboo tube, with a wooden stick layer pounded tightly, covered. ozktea.net

Waiting to place two or three months later, the color of the tea leaves has turned yellow, tea even if pickled. The cured tea will be taken out to dry, and then loaded ^ other tiles, as you use it. The tea can also be served with some sesame oil or garlic paste and other ingredients. ozktea.com

Tea People Tea Language: Tea Circle Secret Language Book – Tea.com

In every circle, there are some code words that only “insiders” can understand. Their own people can understand in a second, outsiders hear but can not understand. Tea circle is no exception, these secret language, you have heard it? MU0Tea.com


1, eat and talk about tea MU0tea.com

Pre-liberation Sichuan and Chongqing regions, there is a way to deal with neighborhood disputes called “eat and talk about tea”, that is, the teahouse for the public hall, please local prestigious people in the middle of the host, the two sides to state the advantages and disadvantages of resolving disputes. MU0tea.net

2, set tea bowl array MU0 tea net

In the past, in order to distinguish between friends and outsiders, robes invented the tea bowl array, there are many ways to swing. For example, you want to understand each other’s details, set up a “wooden poplar array”, put two teacups on the table, one on the plate, one on the outside of the plate. If you know how to break the formation, you will take the one that is placed outside the plate, pick it up and put it back to the tea tray. And recite a poem: wood Yang city is the Qiankun, righteousness is all based on a little red. Today, the righteous brother came to ask questions, do not take Hong Ying as an outsider. MU0Tea.com

3、Lid of the teacup facing outward, leaning on the edge of the teacup MU0Tea.com

The tea cup lid is facing outward, leaning against the side of the tea cup. Generally can only add water twice, the third time you have to wait until the guests to add water, respectively, together with the add. MU0Tea.com


4、Put a small object on the tea cover, such as lighter, cigarette case, toothpick MU0Tea.com

The guest temporarily leave a moment, will be right back, the cup of water to drink, remind the host not to pour. MU0Tea.com

5, flute up MU0tea.com

It is to put the lid of the tea cup up, leaning against the side of the tea bowl. This means that when drinking tea in the teahouse, the guests did not bring money, in order to avoid embarrassment, prompted the teahouse mate, do not have to voice, the next time to pay together. MU0tea.net

6, put the tea cover upwards, in the tea bowl MU0Tea.com

This means that the guests finished drinking tea, the host or the second, you can clean up the tea set. MU0Tea.com


7, strong guest pressure master MU0tea.com

In the southern Fujian area, guests drink tea when the cup, can not casually put the cup corner in the tea plate along the friction, which indicates that the strong guest pressure, is in the initiative to provoke, or perhaps a fight. MU0Tea.net

8, under the banishment order MU0 tea network

If the tea has been brewed no flavor, the host still does not change the tea, even if it is almost white water, still poured to the guests to drink. This means that the host in the banishment order, the guest should know, they should go. MU0Tea.com


9, add people to change the tea MU0tea.com

If the process of drinking tea, came a new guest. The host will replace the tea, re-brew a pot of tea. Newly brewed tea, two rushed to the new guests to drink, said the welcome to the guests. Guests do not need to excuse, thank you and sip can, otherwise it will be “but not respect”. MU0tea.net

10, thank you tea MU0 tea network

In the acceptance of tea, generally make a “return gift” response. Elders pouring tea, with the index finger on the table flicked twice. Junior, junior poured tea, with the index finger, middle finger together on the table flicked two times, to express gratitude. MU0Tea.com