Rushing to get the job done is not good enough –

Rushing to get the job done is not enough. PhR Tea

The Analects of Confucius says: Zi Xia was a father of Ju Zai, asked about politics. Zi said: “No desire for speed, no see small profits. If you want to be fast, you can’t get there, and if you see a small advantage, you won’t be able to achieve great things. ” PhR

The meaning is that Zi Xia was an official in a place called Ju Fu, and he came to Confucius to ask him about politics.

Confucius told him to have a far-sighted vision for politics, a hundred-year plan, do not be in a hurry, do not want to take the results soon to show, and do not spend too much effort for some small interests, to take into account the overall situation. PhR Tea Leaf Net

急于求成,欲速则不达PhR Tea

After listening to Confucius, Zixia stopped trying to be fast and slowed down to get things done.PhR Tea Net

In life, there are a lot of fast people, most of them do not do things carefully, lack of craftsmanship, a lot of things “a beat of the head” on the decision, and then the fire dry, and finally found that the wrong thing, but it is too late. phr tea net

Seek fast heart, everyone has, but to slow things down to do, but very few people do, may as well start today, give yourself plenty of time to think, do when slowed down, as the saying goes, “be careful to get ten thousand years boat. PhR Tea Net

急于求成,欲速则不达PhR Tea

To be priced to sell” from the “Analects of Confucius”, is the Confucius to Zigong said a sentence. It is a metaphor for waiting for a good deal or condition before agreeing to take up a post or do something. PhR Tea Leaf Net

Ancient people also said: “A gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for the time to move”. The gentleman has excellent talent, not to show off everywhere, but in the necessary moment, only to show their talents. phr tea net

The real wisdom of the people, not in a hurry to chase fame and fortune, but quietly hibernate, waiting for the time to come. phr tea net

Zhuge Liang has the talent of the world, even Guan Zhong, Le Yi can not compare. He lived in Nanyang Wolonggang, plowing the Longtian, but suffering from the difficulty of meeting Bole, they traveled around every day, making friends. PhR Tea Net

急于求成,欲速则不达PhR Tea

Liu Bei three visits to see Zhuge Liang, the two talked very well and became close friends, bright from then on out of the mountain, in order to feel the kindness of its acquaintance, a lifetime of “bowing to exhaustion and death”, assisted Liu Bei to establish the Shu Han dynasty. PhR Tea Net

As the saying goes, “you can’t eat hot tofu in a hurry”, we have to be good at waiting for the right time, waiting for the right time to move, looking for the direction of their own hopes. phr tea net

How to Develop a Good Lifestyle –

The Internet circulates such a paragraph: “hospitals only three words to make you lose money – you this disease is very serious; but still can be cured; but need a lot of money.” Health is in your own hands, so don’t wait for the time when it’s “precious” to cherish it.

Adopt these good lifestyles, so that you can work and live in a healthy state!



When you sing with all your heart and soul, you can forget your worries and relax your body and mind. en6tea .com

Nowadays, young people like to release their negative emotions and pressure by going to sing with their friends; middle-aged and old-aged friends also like to show their voices and take singing as a form of exercise.

Singing requires a lot of breath, the fresh air into the body, lung function are exercised. If you want to sing well, you must also straighten your waist, so that unintentionally straighten your waist, a multi-benefit.



Brisk walking can enhance the resistance of tendons, ligaments and joints to injury and reduce the chances of sports injuries. At the same time, the skin, muscle tissue can also become more solid.

Long-term adherence to exercise, the quality of will will be greatly improved, and fatigue recovery is also very fast, can quickly return to the level of calm.


3.Drink Tea

Tea is one of the top ten health foods announced by the World Health Organization, and it is well known that drinking tea can effectively promote gastrointestinal motility and enhance immunity. Women often drink tea can also play a beauty effect.

Daily to develop a good habit of drinking a moderate amount of tea, not only drink out of the healthy body and good skin color, can make the mind calm, refreshing and beneficial to the mind.


4.Sitting soon

Sitting for a long time, especially sitting posture is still incorrect, is one of the most common causes of back pain. Because the wrong posture overly pull and squeeze the lumbar spine and related muscles.

Sitting for a long time is also likely to lead to swollen legs and feet, thrombosis of the lower extremities, and accelerate the aging of the spine.

The American Diabetes Association’s 2016 guidelines clearly state that all people should reduce sedentary time, especially to avoid sitting for more than 90 minutes.


5.Eat more ginger, drink ginger candy

Ginger is sweet, pungent and warm, with the effect of dispersing cold and sweating, warming the stomach and stopping vomiting. If you often feel cold stomach, loss of appetite, you can often take fresh ginger tablets to promote digestion.

With ginger and brown sugar boiled into ginger sugar bubble water to drink, sweet with spicy, the most suitable for winter tonic warm body drink a cup.


6.Eat leafy greens

Green leafy vegetables can provide a large number of carotene and lutein, both nutrients are conducive to eye health, to protect vision.

At the same time, leafy greens dietary fiber content is high, in a meal to eat half a pound of less oil cooking leafy greens can effectively increase the feeling of satiety, delay the food in the stomach emptying speed, is conducive to control the amount of food.


7.Eat blueberries

Blueberries are rich in protein, dietary fiber, fat, vitamins and other nutrients, but also contains a wealth of calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and other trace minerals.

Anthocyanin is a very important plant water-soluble pigment, belongs to the natural anti-aging nutritional supplements, is currently human discovery of one of the effective antioxidant bioactive agents.

The anthocyanin content in blueberries is very high.


8.Eat Nuts

Nuts are rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, and are an excellent source of plant-based proteins and micronutrients that the body needs.

It’s also a good choice to supplement the lack of vegetable and fruit intake.

However, there is no “which nut is necessarily better” statement, for example: pine nuts and Batan wood dietary fiber is the most abundant; pistachios, Pistachios and macadamia nuts vitamin B1 content is excellent;

Batan wood in vitamin B2 content advantage is obvious, is several times other nuts; pistachios, pine nuts and batan wood vitamin E content is rich.

Therefore, the best practice is: a variety of nuts with or change to eat.


9.Ensure the quality of sleep

If you don’t sleep well for a long time, your brain won’t get enough rest, which may reduce your brain’s ability to think creatively and process things, and reduce your memory.

To solve sleep problems, it is important to create a comfortable sleeping environment.

The bedroom should be darker, remember to turn off all the lights in the room before you go to bed, draw the curtains and wear an eye mask is also a good idea. The temperature of the bedroom is generally comfortable at 20-23 degrees Celsius, and ventilation should be good.



We Chinese are not used to hugging. We come into contact with a lot of people every day, but there is a lack of real “contact” because we keep our bodies at a distance from each other.

In fact, physical contact will allow both parties to obtain the feeling of acceptance; hugging will allow people to regain the sense of security and warmth of childhood.

Hugs can convey a sense of support, can make each other a deeper level of understanding; acquaintances between the body of the physical contact can play a role in psychological appeasement;

People with poor interpersonal skills can break the barrier and distance with strangers by hugging.

After reading the article you will realize that in fact health is not far away from us.

Normal work and rest time, one or two hobbies, harmonious interpersonal relationships and timely supplementation of nutritional eating habits, can bring different effects to our lives.

Tell your friends around you, the above ten good habits, did, to continue to maintain; did not do, now start training is not too late oh.

Tea Leaves Unearthed at the Hanyang Tomb in Shaanxi –

Tea leaves unearthed from the Hanyang Mausoleum, after nearly eight years of identification, in 2015, the Chinese Academy of Sciences officially confirmed that the plant samples unearthed from the Hanyang Mausoleum for the ancient tea leaves, these tea leaves are more than 2,100 years old. iXp Tea Leaf Network

And recently, the tea unearthed from the Hanyang Mausoleum has been certified by the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest tea found to date. iXp

陕西汉阳陵出土的茶叶iXp tea net

These dark brown tea leaves in front of you are unearthed from the Hanyang mausoleum, archaeological researcher said, this is the oldest tea specimen found so far. iXp tea net

In fact, as early as 1998, archaeological researchers began archaeological research on the Hanyang mausoleum, when the mausoleum sealing soil around the discovery of 86 outside the hidden pits, in order to find out, archaeological team members have been sealing the soil on the east side of the 11 outside the hidden pits for trial excavation. And today see these tea is from the 15th pit found. iXp Tea Net

陕西汉阳陵出土的茶叶iXp tea net

Shaanxi Provincial Research Institute of Archaeology Research Institute Ma Yong Ying: “1998 to 2005, Shaanxi Provincial Research Institute of Archaeology of the Hanyangling Imperial Mausoleum sealing soil on the east side of the 11-21 external pits carried out archaeological excavations, we see today’s ‘tea’ on the excavation in the No. 15 External Storage Pit.

This pit may symbolize the institution of storage, the eastern half of the partition is the remains of grain, tea specimens are mainly mixed with grain, at that time when the excavation of tea specimens we collected out of the laminated, can not see what kind of plant at all.” iXp tea net

陕西汉阳陵出土的茶叶iXp tea net

Ma Yongweng introduced, these 11 external hidden pits are east-west, each external hidden pits by the pit body and passageway two parts. Pit body by the upper shed wood, columns, side square wood, baffle, sealing the door, paving floor, floor medical devices and other wooden structures constructed in a long box space, in this space to place a variety of burial goods. At that time, the excavated artifacts in this group of outer storage pits were of various types and in huge quantities, including clothed terracotta figurines, ceramic animals, wooden carriages and horses, pottery, copperware, ironware, and stoneware, etc. iXp Tea Net

A large number of animal bones were found in the outer storage pits No. 13 and No. 14, and the animal species include cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, pigs, deer, rabbits, chickens and large birds. All these animals were put into the pits after being executed, and the skeletons were well preserved. Tea was unearthed in the 15th pit of the external collection of wooden partitions as a boundary between the east and west, the west section of the main placement of wooden carriages and horses and clothing ceramic figurines, the east section of the grain, and a small amount of “half a taels” money, iron lamps and ceramic figurines of animals, and so on. Unearthed grain has been decayed carbonization, was layer-shaped, thickness of 2-8 cm. After identification, the types of grain are corn, rice and quinoa plant seeds, etc. iXp tea net

陕西汉阳陵出土的茶叶iXp tea net

Due to the age, these plant remains have been decayed and carbonized, it is difficult to distinguish what it is, so at the end of 2007, Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology staff will be part of the excavated plant remains sent to the Chinese Academy of Sciences for identification, after more than 8 years, the results of the test in 2015 finally came out. iXp Tea Net

Shaanxi Provincial Institute of Archaeology Research Institute Ma Yongying: “According to his identification, it is believed that these are bud tea, this discovery at least proves that the pre-Han Dynasty, tea has appeared in the diet of the court, this tea is so far archaeological discovery of the world’s earliest tea specimens.” iXp tea net

Seating order at dinner, what are the basic etiquette at the table –

Basic etiquette at the table, China is a traditional state of etiquette, since ancient times, respect for etiquette and rituals, we, as Chinese children and grandchildren, should inherit this fine tradition, the following is our interpretation of the basic etiquette at the table, as well as the seating order of the meal. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

I. Seating order

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

Generally speaking, the order of seating is “ShangZhouZhunDong”, “face to the door is honored”. If it is a round table, is facing the door of the main guest, the main guest of the left and right hand side of the position, the distance from the main guest, the closer to the main guest position, the more respect, the same distance from the left side of the right side of the honor. ndB Tea Net

If the Eight Immortals Table, if there is a seat facing the door, the right side of the door is facing the main guest. If it is not facing the door, the right seat on the side facing east is the chief. ndB Tea Leaf Net


If the feast, the arrangement of the table and the table between the chief in front of the center, the left in turn 2, 4, 6 seats, the right side of 3, 5, 7 seats, according to the identity of the host and guest, status, affinity and sit. ndB Tea Leaf Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

If you are the host, you should arrive in advance, and then wait in the position by the door, and guide the guests. If you are an invitee, then you should follow the host’s arrangement to be seated.

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

Generally speaking, if your boss is present, you should lead your boss to the main seat and ask the highest level of the client to sit on the left side of the main seat. Unless the leadership level of the target of this reception is very high.

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

II. Ordering food

If time permits, you should wait until most of the guests have arrived, then circulate the menu to the guests and ask them to order. ndB Tea Net

Of course, as an official banquet, you will be worried about the budget, therefore, to control the budget, the most important thing for you is to do more homework before the meal, and it is more important to choose the right grade of the invitation to the venue, so that the guests can also greatly appreciate your budget. ndB Tea Leaf Net

Moreover, generally speaking, if you come to pay the bill, the guests are not too good to order, will let you make the decision. If your boss is also in the banquet, do not respect him, or that he has a lot of experience in socializing and eating a lot of food, and let him / her to order, unless he / she took the initiative to ask, otherwise, he will feel not decent enough. ndB Tea Leaf Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

If you are the one who goes to the banquet, you should know that you should not take too much initiative in ordering the food, but let the host do the ordering. If the other side of the hospitality requirements, you can point to a not too expensive, and is not everyone’s taboo dishes. ndB Tea Leaf Network

Remember to ask for the opinions of the people at the table, especially “Is there anything you don’t eat?” or “What do you like better?” Make everyone feel taken care of. After ordering, you can ask, “I’ve ordered, I don’t know if it’s to your liking,” “Do you want something else?” and so on. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

The three rules of ordering food

A. Look at the composition of the ndB Tea Network

Generally speaking, per capita a dish is a more general rule. If it is more men’s meal will be appropriate to increase the amount. ndB tea net

B. Look at the combination of dishes.

Generally speaking, a table dish is best to have meat and vegetarian, cold and hot, try to be comprehensive. If more men on the table, you can point out some meat, if more women, you can point out a few light vegetables. ndB Tea Net

C. Look at the degree of importance of the banquet ndB Tea Network

If it is an ordinary business banquet, the average dish is acceptable at about 50 yuan to 80 yuan. If the object of this banquet is more key people, then it is necessary to point on a few enough portion of the dish, such as lobster, swordfish, anchovies, and then to the specifications, is abalone, shark’s fin powder, etc. ndB tea net.

Another point to note is that the point of order should not ask the waiter the price of dishes, or bargaining, which will make your company in front of the customer seems a little petty, and the customer will also feel uncomfortable. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

[Chinese food ordering of the three excellent four taboo] ndB tea net

A standard Chinese meal, usually, the first cold dishes, followed by hot stir-fry, followed by the main dish, and then on the dim sum and soup, if you feel a little tired of eating, you can point to some after-dinner desserts, and finally on the fruit plate. Take into account the dishes of each program in ordering. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

Prioritized dishes

A. Chinese specialties

This one is even more important when you are entertaining foreign guests. Like fried spring rolls, boiled dumplings, steamed dumplings, lion’s head, Gongbao chicken, etc., are not delicacies and delicious, but because of the distinctive Chinese characteristics, they are respected by many foreigners. ndB Tea Leaf Net

B. Dishes with local characteristics ndB Tea Net

For example, Xi’an’s mutton steamed buns, Hunan’s Mao’s braised pork, Shanghai’s braised lion’s head, and Beijing’s shabu-shabu, I’m afraid these specialties will be more highly praised than the raw seafood that is so commonplace in the restaurant. ndB Tea Leaf Net

C. Specialties of the restaurant. ndB Tea Net

Many restaurants have their own specialties. To serve a special dish of the restaurant shows the host’s care and respect for the person being invited. ndB Tea Leaf Net


III. Tableware

01. Chopsticks

Chopsticks are the most important tableware in Chinese cuisine. When using chopsticks, you must usually use them in pairs. When using chopsticks to pick up food and eat, you should pay attention to the following “small” problems: ndB Tea Leaf Net

First, don’t lick the chopsticks, regardless of whether there is food left on them or not. With licked chopsticks to clip vegetables, is not a bit upsetting ? ndB Tea Net

When you are talking to someone, put down your chopsticks for a while and don’t talk while dancing with them like a baton.

Thirdly, don’t put your chopsticks vertically on top of the food. Because this insertion method, only in the time to pay homage to the dead only use. ndB tea network.

Fourthly, the function of chopsticks is strict. Chopsticks are only used to hold food. It is rude to use them to pick your teeth, scratch an itch, or use them to hold anything other than food.

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea


Its main function is to scoop dishes and food. Sometimes, when using chopsticks to take food, you can also use a spoon to assist. Try not to use the spoon alone to fetch dishes. When using a spoon to fetch food, do not overfill it so that it does not overflow and dirty the table or your clothes. After scooping up the food, you can “pause” it for a few moments, and then move it back to enjoy it when it doesn’t flow downward. ndB

When the spoon is not in use for a while, it should be placed on its own plate, not placed directly on the table or allowed to “stand” in the food. After taking food with a spoon, eat it immediately or put it on your own plate, don’t put it back again. ndB Tea Net

If the food is too hot, don’t use the spoon to scoop it up or blow on it with your mouth, but put it in your own bowl and wait for it to cool before eating it. Don’t stick the spoon in your mouth, or repeatedly suck or lick the food. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

03, plate ndB Tea Net

Slightly smaller plate is a plate, mainly used to hold food, in terms of use and bowl slightly the same. Plates on the table generally to remain in place, and do not stacked together. ndB Tea Network

What needs to be emphasized is a more special use of the plate known as the food dish. The main purpose of the plate is to hold dishes that are taken from the communal plate. When using a food dish, do not put too many dishes on it at once, as this will make it look messy and like a hungry ghost.

Do not put a variety of dishes piled together, or they will be mutual “tampering with the flavor”, does not look good, but also does not taste good. Do not eat the residue, bones, spines, do not spit on the ground, the table, but should be gently taken on the front of the food dish, not directly from the mouth spit on the food dish, to use chopsticks to put next to the dish. If the plate is full, you can ask the waiter to change it. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

04、Water Cup ndB Tea Net

Mainly used to hold water, soda, juice, cola and other soft drinks. Do not use it to hold wine, and do not invert the water cup. In addition, what you drink into your mouth can not be spit back into the water cup. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

05, wet towel ndB tea net

Chinese meals before the meal, more elaborate words, will be a wet towel for each diner. ndB Tea Net

It can only be used to wipe hands. After wiping hands, it should be put back on the plate, taken away by the waiter. Sometimes, another wet towel will be served before the end of the formal banquet. Unlike the former, it can only be used to wipe your mouth, but not your face or sweat.

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

06, toothpick ndB tea net

Try not to pick your teeth in public. Non picking can not, with the other hand to cover the mouth, pick out of things, do not public viewing or re-entry, and do not play with the hands, spit with the mouth. After picking teeth, don’t hold the toothpick for a long time, and don’t use it to take food. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

IV. Dietary taboos

(1) Religious dietary taboos should not be overlooked at all. ndB Tea Net

For example, Muslims usually do not eat pork and do not drink alcohol. Domestic Buddhists eat less meat and fishy food, which not only refers to meat, but also includes pungent-smelling food such as onions, garlic, leeks and mustard. Some Buddhists who believe in Guanyin in the diet especially forbidden to eat beef, this point to entertain Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese compatriots should pay particular attention. ndB Tea Network

(2) for health reasons, for certain foods, there are some contraindications. ndB Tea Network

For example, heart disease, cerebrovascular, pulse sclerosis, high blood pressure and the sequelae of stroke, is not suitable to eat dog meat, hepatitis patients avoid eating lamb and turtle, gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer soup and other digestive disorders is not suitable for people to eat turtle, high blood pressure, high cholesterol patients, less chicken soup, etc.. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

(3) Different regions, people’s dietary preferences are often different. ndB Tea Net

For this, when arranging the menu to take into account. For example, people in Hunan Province generally prefer spicy food and less sweets. People in British and American countries usually do not eat pets, rare animals, animal offal, animal head and claws. In addition, banquets for foreign guests, try to point less hard to gnaw dishes, foreigners in the meal will be less likely to bite the food in the mouth and then spit it out, which also needs to be taken into account. ndB Tea Network

(4) some professions, for some reason, in the dining often have their own different special taboos. ndB Tea Network

For example, the state civil servants are not allowed to eat in the performance of official duties, not allowed to eat and drink at official banquets, not allowed to exceed the national standard dining, not allowed to drink hard liquor. Another example is that drivers are not allowed to drink alcohol while working. If this is ignored, there is a possibility that the other party will make a mistake. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

V. Eat food

Chinese people are generally very concerned about eating, and at the same time, they are also very concerned about eating appearance. With the workplace etiquette is more and more emphasized, the business dinner table to eat and eating appearance is also more pay attention to. The following Chinese food as an example, to teach you how to be polite and polite at the table, get it right. ndB Tea Net

Chinese banquet into the beginning of the meal, the waiter sent the first wet towel is to wipe the hands, do not use it to wipe the face. On the lobster, chicken, fruit, will send a small water Meng, which floats twisted lemon or rose petals, it is not a drink, but to wash their hands with. When you wash your hands, you can take turns wetting your fingers with both hands, gently rinsing them, and then drying them with a small towel. ndB Tea Net

Pay attention to civilized manners when dining. Foreign guests should not be repeatedly persuade dishes, you can introduce to each other the characteristics of Chinese food, eat or not by him. Some people like to persuade others to eat, and even for each other to clip food. ndB Tea Net

Foreign guests do not have this habit, if you are polite again and again, it is not likely that people will resent: “said not eat, you have to force me to do what?” By analogy, to participate in the banquet held by foreign guests, do not expect the host will repeatedly give you dishes. If you wait for others to give yourself dishes, then you will have to go hungry. ndB Tea Leaf Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

After the guests are seated, do not immediately take food. And should be greeted by the host, the host raised his cup to signal the beginning of the guests can start; guests can not grab in front of the host. Clip to civilized, should wait for the dishes to their own front, and then move chopsticks, do not grab in front of the neighbor, a clip should not be too much. ndB Tea Net

To chew and swallow slowly, which is not only conducive to digestion, but also the requirements of table manners. Never stuff large chunks into your mouth and wolf down your food, which will give people the impression of greed. Don’t be picky about what you eat, don’t just focus on your favorite lei to eat, or rush to pile your favorite dishes on your plate. ndB Tea Net

The action of eating should be elegant, do not touch the neighbor when you clip the lei, do not rattle the dish on the table, do not splash the soup over. Don’t make unnecessary noise, such as drinking soup “gulp gulp”, eat vegetables mouth “bla bla” sound, which are vulgar performance. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

Don’t eat while chatting with others. Don’t spit out bones and fish splinters from your mouth on the table, use a napkin to cover your mouth, and use chopsticks to take them out and put them on a plate. Don’t eat the dishes you drop on the table. Don’t play with the chopsticks or use the chopsticks to point them straight at others during the meal. Don’t pick at your mouth with your hands. Cover your mouth with your hand or a napkin when picking your teeth with a toothpick. Don’t let the dishes make any noise.

At the end of the meal, you can use a napkin, napkin or waiter to send a small towel to wipe the mouth, but should not wipe the head and neck or chest; after the meal do not uncontrollably hiccups or belching in the host has not signaled the end of the guests can not be the first to leave the table. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

VI. Drinking

As the saying goes, the wine is the more you drink the thicker, but there is also a lot of learning on the table to pay attention to, the following summarizes some of the table you have to pay attention to the small details. ndB Tea Net

Detail one: leaders drink with each other before their turn to toast. Toast must stand up, hands raise the cup. ndB Tea Net

Details two: you can more than one person, never a person to more than one person, unless you are the leader. ndB Tea Network

Detail three: their own toast to others, if not clinking glasses, how much they drink can depend on the situation, such as the other side of the amount of alcohol, the other side of the drinking attitude, not than the other side of the drink less, we must know that their own toast to the people. ndB Tea Net

Detail 4: their own toast to others, if you touch the cup, a sentence, I finished, you feel free to show generosity. ndB Tea Network

Detail 5: Remember to give the leader or customer to add wine, do not blindly to the leadership on behalf of wine, is to be on behalf of, but also in the leadership or customers do want to find someone on behalf of, but also pretend that they are because they want to drink and not to give the leadership on behalf of wine and drink. For example, the leader of the A is not able to drink, can be prepared to toast the leader of the A through the side of the people stopped. ndB Tea Network

Detail six: pick up the wine glass (beer glass), right hand choke cup, left hand cushion bottom of the cup, remember their own cup is always lower than others. If you are a leader, know the point, do not put too low, or how to call the following do people ? ndB tea net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

Detail seven: If there is no special characters present, touch wine best clockwise order, do not thick this and that. ndB Tea Net

Detail eight: clink cups, toast, to have to say, otherwise, why should I drink your wine ? ndB tea net

Detail nine: the desktop does not talk about business, drink well, business is almost there, we have a clear mind, or people will not be open to drink with you. ndB Tea Network

Detail 10: If, purely if, encountered wine enough cases, bottles of wine on the table in the middle, let people add their own, do not stupid not trash to a one by one pour wine, or the back of the people do not have wine how to do ? ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

[About the toast]

1.The host toasts the guest of honor. ndB Tea Leaf Network

2.The guest of honor is the guest of honor.

3.The guest of honor to return the toast.

4.The guest of honor is the guest of honor. ndB Tea Leaf Network

Remember: the guest can never overpower the host to toast, that is very rude, but also very disrespectful to the host. ndB Tea Leaf Net


VII. Pouring tea

The tea pouring knowledge here applies to both customers to visit the company, also applies to the business table. ndB Tea Net

(1) First of all, the tea utensils should be clean. ndB Tea Net

Guests into the house, first let sit, after the tea. Before the tea, be sure to wash the tea set, especially the tea set is not used for a long time, inevitably stained with dust, dirt, more carefully wash with water once. In the tea, pouring tea before the best use of boiling water to scald the teapot, tea cups. In this way, both hygienic and courteous. If no matter how clean the tea set is not clean, haphazardly pouring tea to the guests, this is not a polite performance. ndB Tea Network

People see the teapot, tea cups on the stains on the stomach, how still willing to drink your tea? Now the general company are disposable cups, before pouring tea, pay attention to the disposable cups set on the cup holder, so as to avoid hot water scalding hands, so that the guests can not end the cup to drink tea. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

(2) Secondly, the tea should be appropriate. ndB tea net

First of all, the tea, generally appropriate. Tea should not be too much or too little. Too much tea, tea flavor is too strong; tea is too little, the punch out of the tea did not have much flavor. ndB Tea Network

If the guests take the initiative to introduce themselves to like to drink strong tea or light tea habits, then in accordance with the guest’s appetite to tea. ndB Tea Network

Pouring tea, both large and small cups, should not be poured too full, too full easily overflow, the table, stool, floor wet. Careless, but also scalding their own hands and feet or guests, so that the guests and hosts are very embarrassed. Of course, should not pour too little. If the tea only cover the bottom of the cup to the guests, it will make people feel that it is in the pretense, not sincere. ndB Tea Network


(3) again, the end of the tea to be appropriate. ndB Tea Net

According to the traditional habits of our people, as long as the two hands are not disabled, are using both hands to the guests of the tea. However, now some young people do not know the rules, with one hand to hand the tea to the guests. Tea with both hands should also pay attention to the ear of the cup, usually with one hand to grasp the ear of the cup, the other hand to hold the bottom of the cup, the tea to the guests. There is no cup ear of the tea cup after pouring full of tea around the hot, hands are not good close, some comrades regardless of three or seven, with five fingers pinch the edge of the cup in front of the guests to send. This tea method can prevent scalding accidents, but it is very unsightly, and not hygienic enough. Please imagine, let the guest’s mouth lick the master’s finger marks, good to bear ? ndB tea net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

(4) Adding tea.

If your boss and clients need to add tea to their cups, it is incumbent upon you to do so. You can signal the waiter to add tea, or let the waiter to leave the teapot on the table, by your own personal to add is better, this is do not know what to say when the best way to cover up. Of course, when you add tea, you should add tea to your boss and customers first, and then add it to yourself last. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

VIII. Leave the table

General cocktail party and tea party time is very long, about have in more than two hours. Maybe after a few rounds, recognize some people, you soon want to leave. At this time, the midway to leave the table some skills, you can not help but understand. ndB tea net

Commonly a banquet is carried out when the enthusiasm, because some people want to leave, and cause the results of the crowd dispersed, so that the organizers are anxious to really jump feet. To avoid the consequences of this kind of scenery, when you want to leave in the middle, do not talk to everyone in the circle to say goodbye one by one, as long as quietly and around two, three people say hello, and then leave can be. ndB Tea Network

Midway out of the reception site, be sure to invite you to the host to explain, apologize, not a smoke will be gone. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

And the host said hello, you should leave immediately, do not pull the host in the gate chat endlessly. Because the other side to do a lot of things, there are many guests waiting for him (her) to greet, you take up too much of the master’s time, will cause him (her) in front of other guests rude. ndB Tea Net

Some people to participate in the wine party, tea party, when halfway ready to leave, will one by one ask her to recognize each person want to go a piece. As a result of the original lively scene, by her so a drum, all of a sudden will be scattered early. This kind of trouble things, the most difficult to be banquet master understanding, a person with manners, can never make this clock error. ndB Tea Net

Basic etiquette at the table, China is a traditional state of etiquette, since ancient times, respect for etiquette and rituals, we, as Chinese children and grandchildren, should inherit this fine tradition, the following is our interpretation of the basic etiquette at the table, as well as the seating order of the meal. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

I. Seating order

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

Generally speaking, the order of seating is “ShangZhouZhunDong”, “face to the door is honored”. If it is a round table, is facing the door of the main guest, the main guest of the left and right hand side of the position, the distance from the main guest, the closer to the main guest position, the more respect, the same distance from the left side of the right side of the honor. ndB Tea Net

If the Eight Immortals Table, if there is a seat facing the door, the right side of the door is facing the main guest. If it is not facing the door, the right seat on the side facing east is the chief. ndB Tea Leaf Net


If the feast, the arrangement of the table and the table between the chief in front of the center, the left in turn 2, 4, 6 seats, the right side of 3, 5, 7 seats, according to the identity of the host and guest, status, affinity and sit. ndB Tea Leaf Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

If you are the host, you should arrive in advance, and then wait in the position by the door, and guide the guests. If you are an invitee, then you should follow the host’s arrangement to be seated.

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

Generally speaking, if your boss is present, you should lead your boss to the main seat and ask the highest level of the client to sit on the left side of the main seat. Unless the leadership level of the target of this reception is very high.

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

II. Ordering food

If time permits, you should wait until most of the guests have arrived, then circulate the menu to the guests and ask them to order. ndB Tea Net

Of course, as an official banquet, you will be worried about the budget, therefore, to control the budget, the most important thing for you is to do more homework before the meal, and it is more important to choose the right grade of the invitation to the venue, so that the guests can also greatly appreciate your budget. ndB Tea Leaf Net

Moreover, generally speaking, if you come to pay the bill, the guests are not too good to order, will let you make the decision. If your boss is also in the banquet, do not respect him, or that he has a lot of experience in socializing and eating a lot of food, and let him / her to order, unless he / she took the initiative to ask, otherwise, he will feel not decent enough. ndB Tea Leaf Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

If you are the one who goes to the banquet, you should know that you should not take too much initiative in ordering the food, but let the host do the ordering. If the other side of the hospitality requirements, you can point to a not too expensive, and is not everyone’s taboo dishes. ndB Tea Leaf Network

Remember to ask for the opinions of the people at the table, especially “Is there anything you don’t eat?” or “What do you like better?” Make everyone feel taken care of. After ordering, you can ask, “I’ve ordered, I don’t know if it’s to your liking,” “Do you want something else?” and so on. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

The three rules of ordering food

A. Look at the composition of the ndB Tea Network

Generally speaking, per capita a dish is a more general rule. If it is more men’s meal will be appropriate to increase the amount. ndB tea net

B. Look at the combination of dishes.

Generally speaking, a table dish is best to have meat and vegetarian, cold and hot, try to be comprehensive. If more men on the table, you can point out some meat, if more women, you can point out a few light vegetables. ndB Tea Net

C. Look at the degree of importance of the banquet ndB Tea Network

If it is an ordinary business banquet, the average dish is acceptable at about 50 yuan to 80 yuan. If the object of this banquet is more key people, then it is necessary to point on a few enough portion of the dish, such as lobster, swordfish, anchovies, and then to the specifications, is abalone, shark’s fin powder, etc. ndB tea net.

Another point to note is that the point of order should not ask the waiter the price of dishes, or bargaining, which will make your company in front of the customer seems a little petty, and the customer will also feel uncomfortable. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

[Chinese food ordering of the three excellent four taboo] ndB tea net

A standard Chinese meal, usually, the first cold dishes, followed by hot stir-fry, followed by the main dish, and then on the dim sum and soup, if you feel a little tired of eating, you can point to some after-dinner desserts, and finally on the fruit plate. Take into account the dishes of each program in ordering. ndB Tea Net

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Prioritized dishes

A. Chinese specialties

This one is even more important when you are entertaining foreign guests. Like fried spring rolls, boiled dumplings, steamed dumplings, lion’s head, Gongbao chicken, etc., are not delicacies and delicious, but because of the distinctive Chinese characteristics, they are respected by many foreigners. ndB Tea Leaf Net

B. Dishes with local characteristics ndB Tea Net

For example, Xi’an’s mutton steamed buns, Hunan’s Mao’s braised pork, Shanghai’s braised lion’s head, and Beijing’s shabu-shabu, I’m afraid these specialties will be more highly praised than the raw seafood that is so commonplace in the restaurant. ndB Tea Leaf Net

C. Specialties of the restaurant. ndB Tea Net

Many restaurants have their own specialties. To serve a special dish of the restaurant shows the host’s care and respect for the person being invited. ndB Tea Leaf Net


III. Tableware

01. Chopsticks

Chopsticks are the most important tableware in Chinese cuisine. When using chopsticks, you must usually use them in pairs. When using chopsticks to pick up food and eat, you should pay attention to the following “small” problems: ndB Tea Leaf Net

First, don’t lick the chopsticks, regardless of whether there is food left on them or not. With licked chopsticks to clip vegetables, is not a bit upsetting ? ndB Tea Net

When you are talking to someone, put down your chopsticks for a while and don’t talk while dancing with them like a baton.

Thirdly, don’t put your chopsticks vertically on top of the food. Because this insertion method, only in the time to pay homage to the dead only use. ndB tea network.

Fourthly, the function of chopsticks is strict. Chopsticks are only used to hold food. It is rude to use them to pick your teeth, scratch an itch, or use them to hold anything other than food.

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Its main function is to scoop dishes and food. Sometimes, when using chopsticks to take food, you can also use a spoon to assist. Try not to use the spoon alone to fetch dishes. When using a spoon to fetch food, do not overfill it so that it does not overflow and dirty the table or your clothes. After scooping up the food, you can “pause” it for a few moments, and then move it back to enjoy it when it doesn’t flow downward. ndB

When the spoon is not in use for a while, it should be placed on its own plate, not placed directly on the table or allowed to “stand” in the food. After taking food with a spoon, eat it immediately or put it on your own plate, don’t put it back again. ndB Tea Net

If the food is too hot, don’t use the spoon to scoop it up or blow on it with your mouth, but put it in your own bowl and wait for it to cool before eating it. Don’t stick the spoon in your mouth, or repeatedly suck or lick the food. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

03, plate ndB Tea Net

Slightly smaller plate is a plate, mainly used to hold food, in terms of use and bowl slightly the same. Plates on the table generally to remain in place, and do not stacked together. ndB Tea Network

What needs to be emphasized is a more special use of the plate known as the food dish. The main purpose of the plate is to hold dishes that are taken from the communal plate. When using a food dish, do not put too many dishes on it at once, as this will make it look messy and like a hungry ghost.

Do not put a variety of dishes piled together, or they will be mutual “tampering with the flavor”, does not look good, but also does not taste good. Do not eat the residue, bones, spines, do not spit on the ground, the table, but should be gently taken on the front of the food dish, not directly from the mouth spit on the food dish, to use chopsticks to put next to the dish. If the plate is full, you can ask the waiter to change it. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

04、Water Cup ndB Tea Net

Mainly used to hold water, soda, juice, cola and other soft drinks. Do not use it to hold wine, and do not invert the water cup. In addition, what you drink into your mouth can not be spit back into the water cup. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

05, wet towel ndB tea net

Chinese meals before the meal, more elaborate words, will be a wet towel for each diner. ndB Tea Net

It can only be used to wipe hands. After wiping hands, it should be put back on the plate, taken away by the waiter. Sometimes, another wet towel will be served before the end of the formal banquet. Unlike the former, it can only be used to wipe your mouth, but not your face or sweat.

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

06, toothpick ndB tea net

Try not to pick your teeth in public. Non picking can not, with the other hand to cover the mouth, pick out of things, do not public viewing or re-entry, and do not play with the hands, spit with the mouth. After picking teeth, don’t hold the toothpick for a long time, and don’t use it to take food. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

IV. Dietary taboos

(1) Religious dietary taboos should not be overlooked at all. ndB Tea Net

For example, Muslims usually do not eat pork and do not drink alcohol. Domestic Buddhists eat less meat and fishy food, which not only refers to meat, but also includes pungent-smelling food such as onions, garlic, leeks and mustard. Some Buddhists who believe in Guanyin in the diet especially forbidden to eat beef, this point to entertain Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese compatriots should pay particular attention. ndB Tea Network

(2) for health reasons, for certain foods, there are some contraindications. ndB Tea Network

For example, heart disease, cerebrovascular, pulse sclerosis, high blood pressure and the sequelae of stroke, is not suitable to eat dog meat, hepatitis patients avoid eating lamb and turtle, gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer soup and other digestive disorders is not suitable for people to eat turtle, high blood pressure, high cholesterol patients, less chicken soup, etc.. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

(3) Different regions, people’s dietary preferences are often different. ndB Tea Net

For this, when arranging the menu to take into account. For example, people in Hunan Province generally prefer spicy food and less sweets. People in British and American countries usually do not eat pets, rare animals, animal offal, animal head and claws. In addition, banquets for foreign guests, try to point less hard to gnaw dishes, foreigners in the meal will be less likely to bite the food in the mouth and then spit it out, which also needs to be taken into account. ndB Tea Network

(4) some professions, for some reason, in the dining often have their own different special taboos. ndB Tea Network

For example, the state civil servants are not allowed to eat in the performance of official duties, not allowed to eat and drink at official banquets, not allowed to exceed the national standard dining, not allowed to drink hard liquor. Another example is that drivers are not allowed to drink alcohol while working. If this is ignored, there is a possibility that the other party will make a mistake. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

V. Eat food

Chinese people are generally very concerned about eating, and at the same time, they are also very concerned about eating appearance. With the workplace etiquette is more and more emphasized, the business dinner table to eat and eating appearance is also more pay attention to. The following Chinese food as an example, to teach you how to be polite and polite at the table, get it right. ndB Tea Net

Chinese banquet into the beginning of the meal, the waiter sent the first wet towel is to wipe the hands, do not use it to wipe the face. On the lobster, chicken, fruit, will send a small water Meng, which floats twisted lemon or rose petals, it is not a drink, but to wash their hands with. When you wash your hands, you can take turns wetting your fingers with both hands, gently rinsing them, and then drying them with a small towel. ndB Tea Net

Pay attention to civilized manners when dining. Foreign guests should not be repeatedly persuade dishes, you can introduce to each other the characteristics of Chinese food, eat or not by him. Some people like to persuade others to eat, and even for each other to clip food. ndB Tea Net

Foreign guests do not have this habit, if you are polite again and again, it is not likely that people will resent: “said not eat, you have to force me to do what?” By analogy, to participate in the banquet held by foreign guests, do not expect the host will repeatedly give you dishes. If you wait for others to give yourself dishes, then you will have to go hungry. ndB Tea Leaf Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

After the guests are seated, do not immediately take food. And should be greeted by the host, the host raised his cup to signal the beginning of the guests can start; guests can not grab in front of the host. Clip to civilized, should wait for the dishes to their own front, and then move chopsticks, do not grab in front of the neighbor, a clip should not be too much. ndB Tea Net

To chew and swallow slowly, which is not only conducive to digestion, but also the requirements of table manners. Never stuff large chunks into your mouth and wolf down your food, which will give people the impression of greed. Don’t be picky about what you eat, don’t just focus on your favorite lei to eat, or rush to pile your favorite dishes on your plate. ndB Tea Net

The action of eating should be elegant, do not touch the neighbor when you clip the lei, do not rattle the dish on the table, do not splash the soup over. Don’t make unnecessary noise, such as drinking soup “gulp gulp”, eat vegetables mouth “bla bla” sound, which are vulgar performance. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

Don’t eat while chatting with others. Don’t spit out bones and fish splinters from your mouth on the table, use a napkin to cover your mouth, and use chopsticks to take them out and put them on a plate. Don’t eat the dishes you drop on the table. Don’t play with the chopsticks or use the chopsticks to point them straight at others during the meal. Don’t pick at your mouth with your hands. Cover your mouth with your hand or a napkin when picking your teeth with a toothpick. Don’t let the dishes make any noise.

At the end of the meal, you can use a napkin, napkin or waiter to send a small towel to wipe the mouth, but should not wipe the head and neck or chest; after the meal do not uncontrollably hiccups or belching in the host has not signaled the end of the guests can not be the first to leave the table. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

VI. Drinking

As the saying goes, the wine is the more you drink the thicker, but there is also a lot of learning on the table to pay attention to, the following summarizes some of the table you have to pay attention to the small details. ndB Tea Net

Detail one: leaders drink with each other before their turn to toast. Toast must stand up, hands raise the cup. ndB Tea Net

Details two: you can more than one person, never a person to more than one person, unless you are the leader. ndB Tea Network

Detail three: their own toast to others, if not clinking glasses, how much they drink can depend on the situation, such as the other side of the amount of alcohol, the other side of the drinking attitude, not than the other side of the drink less, we must know that their own toast to the people. ndB Tea Net

Detail 4: their own toast to others, if you touch the cup, a sentence, I finished, you feel free to show generosity. ndB Tea Network

Detail 5: Remember to give the leader or customer to add wine, do not blindly to the leadership on behalf of wine, is to be on behalf of, but also in the leadership or customers do want to find someone on behalf of, but also pretend that they are because they want to drink and not to give the leadership on behalf of wine and drink. For example, the leader of the A is not able to drink, can be prepared to toast the leader of the A through the side of the people stopped. ndB Tea Network

Detail six: pick up the wine glass (beer glass), right hand choke cup, left hand cushion bottom of the cup, remember their own cup is always lower than others. If you are a leader, know the point, do not put too low, or how to call the following do people ? ndB tea net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

Detail seven: If there is no special characters present, touch wine best clockwise order, do not thick this and that. ndB Tea Net

Detail eight: clink cups, toast, to have to say, otherwise, why should I drink your wine ? ndB tea net

Detail nine: the desktop does not talk about business, drink well, business is almost there, we have a clear mind, or people will not be open to drink with you. ndB Tea Network

Detail 10: If, purely if, encountered wine enough cases, bottles of wine on the table in the middle, let people add their own, do not stupid not trash to a one by one pour wine, or the back of the people do not have wine how to do ? ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

[About the toast]

1.The host toasts the guest of honor. ndB Tea Leaf Network

2.The guest of honor is the guest of honor.

3.The guest of honor to return the toast.

4.The guest of honor is the guest of honor. ndB Tea Leaf Network

Remember: the guest can never overpower the host to toast, that is very rude, but also very disrespectful to the host. ndB Tea Leaf Net


VII. Pouring tea

The tea pouring knowledge here applies to both customers to visit the company, also applies to the business table. ndB Tea Net

(1) First of all, the tea utensils should be clean. ndB Tea Net

Guests into the house, first let sit, after the tea. Before the tea, be sure to wash the tea set, especially the tea set is not used for a long time, inevitably stained with dust, dirt, more carefully wash with water once. In the tea, pouring tea before the best use of boiling water to scald the teapot, tea cups. In this way, both hygienic and courteous. If no matter how clean the tea set is not clean, haphazardly pouring tea to the guests, this is not a polite performance. ndB Tea Network

People see the teapot, tea cups on the stains on the stomach, how still willing to drink your tea? Now the general company are disposable cups, before pouring tea, pay attention to the disposable cups set on the cup holder, so as to avoid hot water scalding hands, so that the guests can not end the cup to drink tea. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

(2) Secondly, the tea should be appropriate. ndB tea net

First of all, the tea, generally appropriate. Tea should not be too much or too little. Too much tea, tea flavor is too strong; tea is too little, the punch out of the tea did not have much flavor. ndB Tea Network

If the guests take the initiative to introduce themselves to like to drink strong tea or light tea habits, then in accordance with the guest’s appetite to tea. ndB Tea Network

Pouring tea, both large and small cups, should not be poured too full, too full easily overflow, the table, stool, floor wet. Careless, but also scalding their own hands and feet or guests, so that the guests and hosts are very embarrassed. Of course, should not pour too little. If the tea only cover the bottom of the cup to the guests, it will make people feel that it is in the pretense, not sincere. ndB Tea Network


(3) again, the end of the tea to be appropriate. ndB Tea Net

According to the traditional habits of our people, as long as the two hands are not disabled, are using both hands to the guests of the tea. However, now some young people do not know the rules, with one hand to hand the tea to the guests. Tea with both hands should also pay attention to the ear of the cup, usually with one hand to grasp the ear of the cup, the other hand to hold the bottom of the cup, the tea to the guests. There is no cup ear of the tea cup after pouring full of tea around the hot, hands are not good close, some comrades regardless of three or seven, with five fingers pinch the edge of the cup in front of the guests to send. This tea method can prevent scalding accidents, but it is very unsightly, and not hygienic enough. Please imagine, let the guest’s mouth lick the master’s finger marks, good to bear ? ndB tea net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

(4) Adding tea.

If your boss and clients need to add tea to their cups, it is incumbent upon you to do so. You can signal the waiter to add tea, or let the waiter to leave the teapot on the table, by your own personal to add is better, this is do not know what to say when the best way to cover up. Of course, when you add tea, you should add tea to your boss and customers first, and then add it to yourself last. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB tea net

VIII. Leave the table

General cocktail party and tea party time is very long, about have in more than two hours. Maybe after a few rounds, recognize some people, you soon want to leave. At this time, the midway to leave the table some skills, you can not help but understand. ndB tea net

Commonly a banquet is carried out when the enthusiasm, because some people want to leave, and cause the results of the crowd dispersed, so that the organizers are anxious to really jump feet. To avoid the consequences of this kind of scenery, when you want to leave in the middle, do not talk to everyone in the circle to say goodbye one by one, as long as quietly and around two, three people say hello, and then leave can be. ndB Tea Network

Midway out of the reception site, be sure to invite you to the host to explain, apologize, not a smoke will be gone. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

And the host said hello, you should leave immediately, do not pull the host in the gate chat endlessly. Because the other side to do a lot of things, there are many guests waiting for him (her) to greet, you take up too much of the master’s time, will cause him (her) in front of other guests rude. ndB Tea Net

Some people to participate in the wine party, tea party, when halfway ready to leave, will one by one ask her to recognize each person want to go a piece. As a result of the original lively scene, by her so a drum, all of a sudden will be scattered early. This kind of trouble things, the most difficult to be banquet master understanding, a person with manners, can never make this clock error. ndB Tea Net

Basic etiquette at the table, China is a traditional state of etiquette, since ancient times, respect for etiquette and rituals, we, as Chinese children and grandchildren, should inherit this fine tradition, the following is our interpretation of the basic etiquette at the table, as well as the seating order of the meal. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

I. Seating order

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

Generally speaking, the order of seating is “ShangZhouZhunDong”, “face to the door is honored”. If it is a round table, is facing the door of the main guest, the main guest of the left and right hand side of the position, the distance from the main guest, the closer to the main guest position, the more respect, the same distance from the left side of the right side of the honor. ndB Tea Net

If the Eight Immortals Table, if there is a seat facing the door, the right side of the door is facing the main guest. If it is not facing the door, the right seat on the side facing east is the chief. ndB Tea Leaf Net


If the feast, the arrangement of the table and the table between the chief in front of the center, the left in turn 2, 4, 6 seats, the right side of 3, 5, 7 seats, according to the identity of the host and guest, status, affinity and sit. ndB Tea Leaf Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

If you are the host, you should arrive in advance, and then wait in the position by the door, and guide the guests. If you are an invitee, then you should follow the host’s arrangement to be seated.

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Generally speaking, if your boss is present, you should lead your boss to the main seat and ask the highest level of the client to sit on the left side of the main seat. Unless the leadership level of the target of this reception is very high.

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

II. Ordering food

If time permits, you should wait until most of the guests have arrived, then circulate the menu to the guests and ask them to order. ndB Tea Net

Of course, as an official banquet, you will be worried about the budget, therefore, to control the budget, the most important thing for you is to do more homework before the meal, and it is more important to choose the right grade of the invitation to the venue, so that the guests can also greatly appreciate your budget. ndB Tea Leaf Net

Moreover, generally speaking, if you come to pay the bill, the guests are not too good to order, will let you make the decision. If your boss is also in the banquet, do not respect him, or that he has a lot of experience in socializing and eating a lot of food, and let him / her to order, unless he / she took the initiative to ask, otherwise, he will feel not decent enough. ndB Tea Leaf Net

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If you are the one who goes to the banquet, you should know that you should not take too much initiative in ordering the food, but let the host do the ordering. If the other side of the hospitality requirements, you can point to a not too expensive, and is not everyone’s taboo dishes. ndB Tea Leaf Network

Remember to ask for the opinions of the people at the table, especially “Is there anything you don’t eat?” or “What do you like better?” Make everyone feel taken care of. After ordering, you can ask, “I’ve ordered, I don’t know if it’s to your liking,” “Do you want something else?” and so on. ndB Tea Net

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The three rules of ordering food

A. Look at the composition of the ndB Tea Network

Generally speaking, per capita a dish is a more general rule. If it is more men’s meal will be appropriate to increase the amount. ndB tea net

B. Look at the combination of dishes.

Generally speaking, a table dish is best to have meat and vegetarian, cold and hot, try to be comprehensive. If more men on the table, you can point out some meat, if more women, you can point out a few light vegetables. ndB Tea Net

C. Look at the degree of importance of the banquet ndB Tea Network

If it is an ordinary business banquet, the average dish is acceptable at about 50 yuan to 80 yuan. If the object of this banquet is more key people, then it is necessary to point on a few enough portion of the dish, such as lobster, swordfish, anchovies, and then to the specifications, is abalone, shark’s fin powder, etc. ndB tea net.

Another point to note is that the point of order should not ask the waiter the price of dishes, or bargaining, which will make your company in front of the customer seems a little petty, and the customer will also feel uncomfortable. ndB Tea Network

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[Chinese food ordering of the three excellent four taboo] ndB tea net

A standard Chinese meal, usually, the first cold dishes, followed by hot stir-fry, followed by the main dish, and then on the dim sum and soup, if you feel a little tired of eating, you can point to some after-dinner desserts, and finally on the fruit plate. Take into account the dishes of each program in ordering. ndB Tea Net

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Prioritized dishes

A. Chinese specialties

This one is even more important when you are entertaining foreign guests. Like fried spring rolls, boiled dumplings, steamed dumplings, lion’s head, Gongbao chicken, etc., are not delicacies and delicious, but because of the distinctive Chinese characteristics, they are respected by many foreigners. ndB Tea Leaf Net

B. Dishes with local characteristics ndB Tea Net

For example, Xi’an’s mutton steamed buns, Hunan’s Mao’s braised pork, Shanghai’s braised lion’s head, and Beijing’s shabu-shabu, I’m afraid these specialties will be more highly praised than the raw seafood that is so commonplace in the restaurant. ndB Tea Leaf Net

C. Specialties of the restaurant. ndB Tea Net

Many restaurants have their own specialties. To serve a special dish of the restaurant shows the host’s care and respect for the person being invited. ndB Tea Leaf Net


III. Tableware

01. Chopsticks

Chopsticks are the most important tableware in Chinese cuisine. When using chopsticks, you must usually use them in pairs. When using chopsticks to pick up food and eat, you should pay attention to the following “small” problems: ndB Tea Leaf Net

First, don’t lick the chopsticks, regardless of whether there is food left on them or not. With licked chopsticks to clip vegetables, is not a bit upsetting ? ndB Tea Net

When you are talking to someone, put down your chopsticks for a while and don’t talk while dancing with them like a baton.

Thirdly, don’t put your chopsticks vertically on top of the food. Because this insertion method, only in the time to pay homage to the dead only use. ndB tea network.

Fourthly, the function of chopsticks is strict. Chopsticks are only used to hold food. It is rude to use them to pick your teeth, scratch an itch, or use them to hold anything other than food.

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Its main function is to scoop dishes and food. Sometimes, when using chopsticks to take food, you can also use a spoon to assist. Try not to use the spoon alone to fetch dishes. When using a spoon to fetch food, do not overfill it so that it does not overflow and dirty the table or your clothes. After scooping up the food, you can “pause” it for a few moments, and then move it back to enjoy it when it doesn’t flow downward. ndB

When the spoon is not in use for a while, it should be placed on its own plate, not placed directly on the table or allowed to “stand” in the food. After taking food with a spoon, eat it immediately or put it on your own plate, don’t put it back again. ndB Tea Net

If the food is too hot, don’t use the spoon to scoop it up or blow on it with your mouth, but put it in your own bowl and wait for it to cool before eating it. Don’t stick the spoon in your mouth, or repeatedly suck or lick the food. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

03, plate ndB Tea Net

Slightly smaller plate is a plate, mainly used to hold food, in terms of use and bowl slightly the same. Plates on the table generally to remain in place, and do not stacked together. ndB Tea Network

What needs to be emphasized is a more special use of the plate known as the food dish. The main purpose of the plate is to hold dishes that are taken from the communal plate. When using a food dish, do not put too many dishes on it at once, as this will make it look messy and like a hungry ghost.

Do not put a variety of dishes piled together, or they will be mutual “tampering with the flavor”, does not look good, but also does not taste good. Do not eat the residue, bones, spines, do not spit on the ground, the table, but should be gently taken on the front of the food dish, not directly from the mouth spit on the food dish, to use chopsticks to put next to the dish. If the plate is full, you can ask the waiter to change it. ndB Tea Net

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04、Water Cup ndB Tea Net

Mainly used to hold water, soda, juice, cola and other soft drinks. Do not use it to hold wine, and do not invert the water cup. In addition, what you drink into your mouth can not be spit back into the water cup. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

05, wet towel ndB tea net

Chinese meals before the meal, more elaborate words, will be a wet towel for each diner. ndB Tea Net

It can only be used to wipe hands. After wiping hands, it should be put back on the plate, taken away by the waiter. Sometimes, another wet towel will be served before the end of the formal banquet. Unlike the former, it can only be used to wipe your mouth, but not your face or sweat.

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

06, toothpick ndB tea net

Try not to pick your teeth in public. Non picking can not, with the other hand to cover the mouth, pick out of things, do not public viewing or re-entry, and do not play with the hands, spit with the mouth. After picking teeth, don’t hold the toothpick for a long time, and don’t use it to take food. ndB Tea Net

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IV. Dietary taboos

(1) Religious dietary taboos should not be overlooked at all. ndB Tea Net

For example, Muslims usually do not eat pork and do not drink alcohol. Domestic Buddhists eat less meat and fishy food, which not only refers to meat, but also includes pungent-smelling food such as onions, garlic, leeks and mustard. Some Buddhists who believe in Guanyin in the diet especially forbidden to eat beef, this point to entertain Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and overseas Chinese compatriots should pay particular attention. ndB Tea Network

(2) for health reasons, for certain foods, there are some contraindications. ndB Tea Network

For example, heart disease, cerebrovascular, pulse sclerosis, high blood pressure and the sequelae of stroke, is not suitable to eat dog meat, hepatitis patients avoid eating lamb and turtle, gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer soup and other digestive disorders is not suitable for people to eat turtle, high blood pressure, high cholesterol patients, less chicken soup, etc.. ndB Tea Net

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(3) Different regions, people’s dietary preferences are often different. ndB Tea Net

For this, when arranging the menu to take into account. For example, people in Hunan Province generally prefer spicy food and less sweets. People in British and American countries usually do not eat pets, rare animals, animal offal, animal head and claws. In addition, banquets for foreign guests, try to point less hard to gnaw dishes, foreigners in the meal will be less likely to bite the food in the mouth and then spit it out, which also needs to be taken into account. ndB Tea Network

(4) some professions, for some reason, in the dining often have their own different special taboos. ndB Tea Network

For example, the state civil servants are not allowed to eat in the performance of official duties, not allowed to eat and drink at official banquets, not allowed to exceed the national standard dining, not allowed to drink hard liquor. Another example is that drivers are not allowed to drink alcohol while working. If this is ignored, there is a possibility that the other party will make a mistake. ndB Tea Net

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V. Eat food

Chinese people are generally very concerned about eating, and at the same time, they are also very concerned about eating appearance. With the workplace etiquette is more and more emphasized, the business dinner table to eat and eating appearance is also more pay attention to. The following Chinese food as an example, to teach you how to be polite and polite at the table, get it right. ndB Tea Net

Chinese banquet into the beginning of the meal, the waiter sent the first wet towel is to wipe the hands, do not use it to wipe the face. On the lobster, chicken, fruit, will send a small water Meng, which floats twisted lemon or rose petals, it is not a drink, but to wash their hands with. When you wash your hands, you can take turns wetting your fingers with both hands, gently rinsing them, and then drying them with a small towel. ndB Tea Net

Pay attention to civilized manners when dining. Foreign guests should not be repeatedly persuade dishes, you can introduce to each other the characteristics of Chinese food, eat or not by him. Some people like to persuade others to eat, and even for each other to clip food. ndB Tea Net

Foreign guests do not have this habit, if you are polite again and again, it is not likely that people will resent: “said not eat, you have to force me to do what?” By analogy, to participate in the banquet held by foreign guests, do not expect the host will repeatedly give you dishes. If you wait for others to give yourself dishes, then you will have to go hungry. ndB Tea Leaf Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

After the guests are seated, do not immediately take food. And should be greeted by the host, the host raised his cup to signal the beginning of the guests can start; guests can not grab in front of the host. Clip to civilized, should wait for the dishes to their own front, and then move chopsticks, do not grab in front of the neighbor, a clip should not be too much. ndB Tea Net

To chew and swallow slowly, which is not only conducive to digestion, but also the requirements of table manners. Never stuff large chunks into your mouth and wolf down your food, which will give people the impression of greed. Don’t be picky about what you eat, don’t just focus on your favorite lei to eat, or rush to pile your favorite dishes on your plate. ndB Tea Net

The action of eating should be elegant, do not touch the neighbor when you clip the lei, do not rattle the dish on the table, do not splash the soup over. Don’t make unnecessary noise, such as drinking soup “gulp gulp”, eat vegetables mouth “bla bla” sound, which are vulgar performance. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

Don’t eat while chatting with others. Don’t spit out bones and fish splinters from your mouth on the table, use a napkin to cover your mouth, and use chopsticks to take them out and put them on a plate. Don’t eat the dishes you drop on the table. Don’t play with the chopsticks or use the chopsticks to point them straight at others during the meal. Don’t pick at your mouth with your hands. Cover your mouth with your hand or a napkin when picking your teeth with a toothpick. Don’t let the dishes make any noise.

At the end of the meal, you can use a napkin, napkin or waiter to send a small towel to wipe the mouth, but should not wipe the head and neck or chest; after the meal do not uncontrollably hiccups or belching in the host has not signaled the end of the guests can not be the first to leave the table. ndB Tea Network

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VI. Drinking

As the saying goes, the wine is the more you drink the thicker, but there is also a lot of learning on the table to pay attention to, the following summarizes some of the table you have to pay attention to the small details. ndB Tea Net

Detail one: leaders drink with each other before their turn to toast. Toast must stand up, hands raise the cup. ndB Tea Net

Details two: you can more than one person, never a person to more than one person, unless you are the leader. ndB Tea Network

Detail three: their own toast to others, if not clinking glasses, how much they drink can depend on the situation, such as the other side of the amount of alcohol, the other side of the drinking attitude, not than the other side of the drink less, we must know that their own toast to the people. ndB Tea Net

Detail 4: their own toast to others, if you touch the cup, a sentence, I finished, you feel free to show generosity. ndB Tea Network

Detail 5: Remember to give the leader or customer to add wine, do not blindly to the leadership on behalf of wine, is to be on behalf of, but also in the leadership or customers do want to find someone on behalf of, but also pretend that they are because they want to drink and not to give the leadership on behalf of wine and drink. For example, the leader of the A is not able to drink, can be prepared to toast the leader of the A through the side of the people stopped. ndB Tea Network

Detail six: pick up the wine glass (beer glass), right hand choke cup, left hand cushion bottom of the cup, remember their own cup is always lower than others. If you are a leader, know the point, do not put too low, or how to call the following do people ? ndB tea net

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Detail seven: If there is no special characters present, touch wine best clockwise order, do not thick this and that. ndB Tea Net

Detail eight: clink cups, toast, to have to say, otherwise, why should I drink your wine ? ndB tea net

Detail nine: the desktop does not talk about business, drink well, business is almost there, we have a clear mind, or people will not be open to drink with you. ndB Tea Network

Detail 10: If, purely if, encountered wine enough cases, bottles of wine on the table in the middle, let people add their own, do not stupid not trash to a one by one pour wine, or the back of the people do not have wine how to do ? ndB Tea Net

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[About the toast]

1.The host toasts the guest of honor. ndB Tea Leaf Network

2.The guest of honor is the guest of honor.

3.The guest of honor to return the toast.

4.The guest of honor is the guest of honor. ndB Tea Leaf Network

Remember: the guest can never overpower the host to toast, that is very rude, but also very disrespectful to the host. ndB Tea Leaf Net


VII. Pouring tea

The tea pouring knowledge here applies to both customers to visit the company, also applies to the business table. ndB Tea Net

(1) First of all, the tea utensils should be clean. ndB Tea Net

Guests into the house, first let sit, after the tea. Before the tea, be sure to wash the tea set, especially the tea set is not used for a long time, inevitably stained with dust, dirt, more carefully wash with water once. In the tea, pouring tea before the best use of boiling water to scald the teapot, tea cups. In this way, both hygienic and courteous. If no matter how clean the tea set is not clean, haphazardly pouring tea to the guests, this is not a polite performance. ndB Tea Network

People see the teapot, tea cups on the stains on the stomach, how still willing to drink your tea? Now the general company are disposable cups, before pouring tea, pay attention to the disposable cups set on the cup holder, so as to avoid hot water scalding hands, so that the guests can not end the cup to drink tea. ndB Tea Network

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea Network

(2) Secondly, the tea should be appropriate. ndB tea net

First of all, the tea, generally appropriate. Tea should not be too much or too little. Too much tea, tea flavor is too strong; tea is too little, the punch out of the tea did not have much flavor. ndB Tea Network

If the guests take the initiative to introduce themselves to like to drink strong tea or light tea habits, then in accordance with the guest’s appetite to tea. ndB Tea Network

Pouring tea, both large and small cups, should not be poured too full, too full easily overflow, the table, stool, floor wet. Careless, but also scalding their own hands and feet or guests, so that the guests and hosts are very embarrassed. Of course, should not pour too little. If the tea only cover the bottom of the cup to the guests, it will make people feel that it is in the pretense, not sincere. ndB Tea Network


(3) again, the end of the tea to be appropriate. ndB Tea Net

According to the traditional habits of our people, as long as the two hands are not disabled, are using both hands to the guests of the tea. However, now some young people do not know the rules, with one hand to hand the tea to the guests. Tea with both hands should also pay attention to the ear of the cup, usually with one hand to grasp the ear of the cup, the other hand to hold the bottom of the cup, the tea to the guests. There is no cup ear of the tea cup after pouring full of tea around the hot, hands are not good close, some comrades regardless of three or seven, with five fingers pinch the edge of the cup in front of the guests to send. This tea method can prevent scalding accidents, but it is very unsightly, and not hygienic enough. Please imagine, let the guest’s mouth lick the master’s finger marks, good to bear ? ndB tea net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

(4) Adding tea.

If your boss and clients need to add tea to their cups, it is incumbent upon you to do so. You can signal the waiter to add tea, or let the waiter to leave the teapot on the table, by your own personal to add is better, this is do not know what to say when the best way to cover up. Of course, when you add tea, you should add tea to your boss and customers first, and then add it to yourself last. ndB Tea Net

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VIII. Leave the table

General cocktail party and tea party time is very long, about have in more than two hours. Maybe after a few rounds, recognize some people, you soon want to leave. At this time, the midway to leave the table some skills, you can not help but understand. ndB tea net

Commonly a banquet is carried out when the enthusiasm, because some people want to leave, and cause the results of the crowd dispersed, so that the organizers are anxious to really jump feet. To avoid the consequences of this kind of scenery, when you want to leave in the middle, do not talk to everyone in the circle to say goodbye one by one, as long as quietly and around two, three people say hello, and then leave can be. ndB Tea Network

Midway out of the reception site, be sure to invite you to the host to explain, apologize, not a smoke will be gone. ndB Tea Net

饭局座位次序,餐桌上的基本礼仪有什么讲究ndB Tea

And the host said hello, you should leave immediately, do not pull the host in the gate chat endlessly. Because the other side to do a lot of things, there are many guests waiting for him (her) to greet, you take up too much of the master’s time, will cause him (her) in front of other guests rude. ndB Tea Net

Some people to participate in the wine party, tea party, when halfway ready to leave, will one by one ask her to recognize each person want to go a piece. As a result of the original lively scene, by her so a drum, all of a sudden will be scattered early. This kind of trouble things, the most difficult to be banquet master understanding, a person with manners, can never make this clock error. ndB Tea Net

The Meaning of Zen Tea –

“Zen tea a flavor”, I’m afraid that the most widely posted calligraphy about tea, almost every teahouse, teahouse can see its figure. BjD Tea Net

What is tea?

Poetry: Tea is to cleanse the annoyance of the son, wine is to forget the worry of the gentleman. Drinking tea is just two actions: picking up and putting down. BjD Tea Net

People encounter unhappy, like to use wine to dispel sorrow, do not know that “use wine to dispel sorrow more sorrow.” And in a tea between the take up and put down, but can see more than a few people in the world of proportion. BjD Tea Net

It allows people to meditate and set their minds in a pure state of mind, which is tea. bjd tea net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

What is Zen?

Zen is a kind of behavior based on “stillness”, which is a kind of Buddhist practice, through meditation, eliminating all distractions and delusions, and obtaining a kind of wisdom. BjD Te a Net

When the mind becomes large, it can be calm and quiet, as if the empty tea cups, ethereal nothing. bjd tea net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

Drinking tea and “Zen” combination, will always make people feel a little mysterious, mysterious, seems to be in front of their own cup of tea seems to be more “high-end”. Zen tea flavor, in fact, is through the tea appreciation of life, the pursuit of a higher spiritual level of cultivation. bjd tea net

A said “bitter”

Buddhism seeks “the sea of bitterness, turn back to the shore”. Zen is to see through life and death, to achieve great enlightenment, to seek relief from the “bitter”. BjD Tea Net

Tea is also bitter. Li Shizhen in the “Compendium of Materia Medica” in: “Tea bitter and cold, yin in the yin, the most able to lower the fire, the fire for the disease, the fire is on the clear carry forward.” BjD Tea Network

From the tea after the bitter sweet, bitter in the sweet characteristics, the Buddhist can produce a variety of associations to help people practicing Buddhism in the tea, taste of life, to break the “meaning of bitterness, which is also the philosophy of life. BjD Tea Net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

Second, “quiet”

Tea ceremony pay attention to “and static Yizhen”, the “static” as a modern cultivation in the main cultivation, only “static” under the impetuous, restless heart, in order to really taste the flavor of tea, life! BjD Tea Net

Buddhism is also the main quiet, Buddhism Zen is from the “quiet” in the creation of the meditation meditation is the successive generations of Zen masters to understand the important courses of Buddhist doctrine. BjD Tea Net

In the meditation meditation, people inevitably fatigue sleepy, at this time, can refresh the mind to overcome the sleepiness of only tea, tea has become the best “friend” of the Zen people. BjD Tea Net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

The third said “where”

Japanese tea ceremony master Chiriku once said: “must know the tea of this, but is boiling water point tea”, the essence of the tea ceremony is from the tiny trivial daily life to realize the philosophy of life. bjd tea net

Zen also requires people to meditate, from the ordinary small things to realize the great Tao. BjD Tea Net

禅茶一味的含义BjD Tea

Fourth, “put down”

Buddhist practice emphasizes the “put down”, that is, the so-called “practice must put down everything to be able to enter the road, otherwise futile.”. BjD Tea Net

Tea tasting also emphasizes “put”, put down the work at hand, steal half a day of leisure, relax their taut nerves, relax their own imprisoned true nature. BjD Tea Net

What is Zen tea culture, the spirit of Zen tea culture –

What is Zen tea culture, the spirit of Zen tea culture is “positive, clear, and elegant”, this kind of spirit determines the Zen tea culture has a different philosophy and ethics of socialization and education function. Zen tea culture can not be separated from the humanistic care, can not be separated from the daily life, can not be separated from the Zen care and enlightenment, can not be separated from the tea of the essence of the clear, clean, clean trouble, and cultivation efforts. sUW Tea Network

什么是禅茶文化,禅茶文化的精神sUW Tea

From this point of view, the function of Zen tea culture is positioned in the eight words “gratitude, tolerance, sharing, and bonding”, which is the most appropriate; both the council rounded, and elegant and vulgar with the same return, with the practical significance of the universal implementation and operation of the daily life. sUW Te a Net


The basic program of “Zen Tea”

Compared to an ordinary tea ceremony, Zen tea has a program that is related to its own religious temperament. During the process, the main brewer, in addition to doing the corresponding tea brewing actions, but also to give the tea drinker some corresponding guidance, in order to better appreciate the true “Zen tea spirit”. sUW Tea Net

1 adjusting interest sUW tea net

The main brewer should guide the guests to meditate first.

2 Boil water

Pay attention to the fire, from the burning flame to realize the shortness of life and the glory of life.

3 Hou Soup

From the boiling water and waiting for the soup to listen to the initial boiling water, the sound of boiling, people will have the “Dharma sea tide sound, random universal response” of the realization. sUW Tea Net

4 Cup Washing sUW Tea Net

When you wash the cup by turning the cup, you may see the cup turn and realize the way of enlightenment.

5 Scalding the Teapot

Scalding the teapot with boiling water is called “bathing Buddha in fragrant soup”, which indicates that Buddha is everywhere, and also indicates that “the mind is Buddha”. sUW Tea Leaf Net

6 Tea Appreciation sUW Tea

The tea leaves are shown to the guests. sUW Tea Net

什么是禅茶文化,禅茶文化的精神sUW Tea

7 Pouring Tea

Throwing tea into a pot, like a Bodhisattva entering a prison, going through fire and water, the tea can revitalize the spirit of the people.

8 Flushing

Tea brewing and flushing make people like “enlightenment”, from confusion to enlightenment. The hot air rising from the pot is as dense as the clouds of mercy, making people bathe in the spring breeze, and the heart sprouts good thoughts. sUW Tea Net

9 tea washing sUW tea net

Tea this clean still need to wash, the pursuit of a spotless. sUW Te a Net

10 Tea brewing

The teapot is like the human heart, to embrace everything, everything is the true body, in a small teapot also contains the profound Buddhist philosophy and Zen. sUW Tea Net

11 Split Tea

Zen tea tea art: the pot is full of three thousand meritorious water, tea listening to the sound of the water in the stream. The sound of pouring tea is also like the sound of the water in the stream, which can enlighten people’s minds, alert their hearts, and help them realize the Way. sUW Tea Net

12 Tea Salute sUW Tea Network

Tea is intended to tea as a media, so that the guests from the bitter tea tastes of life. sUW Tea Net


13 Smell

Do deep breathing, try to inhale the aroma of tea, and make the aroma of tea directly to the door of the skull, repeated several times, this is good for health. sUW tea net

14 watch color “Mianian discourse” in: “by listening to a drop of Caoxi water, scattered as the royal capital of the inner garden spring.” Viewing the color of the tea soup is called “Cao Xi Guan Shui”, which is a metaphor for looking at the color and emptiness from a deeper level. sUW Tea Net

15 Tea Tasting

Yunmen Sect to attract students of a principle, that is, with the fates to receive things, to be free and easy to understand the tea in the flavor, the bitter and astringent do not hate, to the sweet and refreshing do not favor, only so that the tea can be leisurely, open-minded and free, to be able to understand from the tea in the Zen Buddhist rituals. sUW Tea Net

16 Aftertaste

After tasting the tea, on the front of the sixteen procedures, and then carefully reminiscent of, will be: “sense that is through, a thousand cups of tea reflecting a thousand cups of the moon; rounded through the wonderful consciousness, ten thousand miles of clouds to ten thousand miles of heaven.” The Buddha’s teachings are in the most ordinary daily life, the Buddha nature is in people’s own heart. sUW Tea Net

17 Thanks for the tea sUW Tea

Tea should be drunk often, Zen should be attended often, sex should be cultivated often, and the body should be cultivated often. Mr. Zhao Puchu, the former president of the Buddhist Association of China, said it best: “Seven bowls receive the best taste, one pot gets the true interest, holding a hundred thousand verses in the air is better than eating tea!” sUW Tea

什么是禅茶文化,禅茶文化的精神sUW Tea

Tea is like Zen

The symbolism of tea is to put down, life as a traveler, running around, busy people, put down the hands of the work, take a break, enjoy the leisure, alluding to the Zen put down, so it is called tea Zen a taste. sUW Tea Net

“Eat tea to go” is a famous case of Zen. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Zen master Zhaozhou Congming used the phrase “eat tea and go” as a convenient way of guiding his descendants. The Zen masters believed that the ordinary mind is the way, the way is in nature, and the way to carry firewood is wonderful.


Eating tea is the smallest and most insignificant thing in ordinary life, but of course there is also a wonderful way. The purpose of Zen Master Zhaozhou’s “Eating Tea” is not to eat tea, but to let people realize their own nature in the smallest things.

Tea has a lot to do with the practice of Zen, tea can eliminate the fatigue brought about by sitting meditation, and can refresh the mind, remove demons and evil spirits, and the desire to be indifferent, and the knee to respect each other’s functions. sUW Tea Net

Ancient people will be tea summarized as “ten virtues”, to tea scattered Yu gas, tea drive sleep gas, tea to raise anger, tea drive disease gas, tea tree gift benevolent, tea table respect, tea taste, tea to raise the body, tea can be Road to tea can be elegant Zhi, so there is a “Zen Tea a taste of the philosophical propositions. ” sUW tea net

What is the core idea of the spirit of the tea ceremony? What is the significance?

The core soul of the tea ceremony is “harmony”.

It originated from the “Zhou Yi” in the “protection and harmony”, its meaning is: everything in the world is composed of yin and yang, only the coordination of yin and yang, in order to protect the universal benefit of all things. TyK Tea Net

China’s Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, each has its own school of tea, from the surface, their respective values are different. TyK Tea Net

Buddhism attaches importance to the clear mind to see nature; Taoism seeks to do nothing to rule, avoiding the world of the supernatural, the spirit of emptiness; Confucianism advocates the middle way, actively into the world, to tea inspirational, that there is no over and also no and “and” in order to be just right.

From this point of view, the three schools on the surface of the pursuit of different, but the essence of the “and” for the noble.

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

Although the world is big, the distance between people is getting shorter and shorter, and conflicts are born as a result. TyK Tea Net

The solution to these contradictions, not as some people think, “either you die or I live”, but should be and deal with it. TyK Tea Net

The Chinese advocate order, interdependence, and more friendship and understanding .

In the relationship with nature, advocating the unity of man and heaven, the five elements of coordination, to nature for, but not endless, destroying the balance. Water and fire are supposed to be opposites, but under certain conditions they can be compatible.

This idea of “harmony” is also reflected in the tea ceremony. TyK Tea Network

When picking tea, rainy days can not be picked, cloudy days can not be picked, sunny days can be picked; tea production process, the roasting fire can not be too high, can not be too low, but must be just right. TyK Tea Net

When making tea, the amount of tea should be moderate, throw more tea is bitter, throw less tea is light; when distributing tea, use the fairway cup to distribute tea to each guest, so that the tea soup will be uniform, there can be no favoritism ……

All these reflect the word “harmony”, which can be said to be the core soul of the Tea Ceremony.

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

In addition to the modern tea ceremony in the “and” embodiment, the ancient tea people also speak of a “and” word. TyK Tea Net

Tea saint Lu Yu from the form, artifacts are reflected in the “and” characteristics.

He made the tea stove, shaped like an ancient tripod, the whole with the “Zhouyi” thought as a guide. The “Zhouyi” is known as “the first of the five classics” by Confucianism. TyK Tea Net

In addition to the use of the principles of the I Ching hieroglyphics strictly set its size, shape, wind stove mainly used the “I Ching” in the three trigrams: Kan, Li, Xun, so as to illustrate the principle of natural harmony contained in the tea cooking. TyK Tea Net

Kan in the eight trigrams represents water; Xun [xùn] in the eight trigrams represents the wind; away from the eight trigrams signifies fire.

Thus, Lu Yu has explained, “the wind can rise fire, fire can boil water”. Water and fire seem to be opposites, but actually complement each other, and ultimately reach a state of harmony and unity. TyK Tea Net

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

The process of tea tasting also emphasizes the word “harmony”.

Drinking tea can be more introspective, sober look at themselves, but also sober treatment of others, each introspective results, is to strengthen mutual understanding, reducing many unnecessary disputes.

Therefore, when Confucianism introduced the idea of “harmony is precious” into the Chinese tea ceremony, they advocated communicating ideas, creating a harmonious atmosphere, and enhancing mutual friendship in tea drinking. TyK Tea Net

This is also the reason why more and more people like to have tea parties: TyK Tea Network

The New Year festivals, the units held a “tea party”, used to show unity; guests to tea can show the host’s friendship and respect. TyK Tea Net

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

We often see alcoholism and brawl, but rarely see the tea people drink tea after the fight, it seems that the tea ceremony in the “and” word has indeed been deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

It is said that the British parliamentarians meeting, afraid of each other noisy, specially prepared tea as a drink, in order to improve the atmosphere, which is probably also an extension of the spirit of the Chinese tea ceremony.

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

At this time, the world is full of hustle and bustle, no matter for each of us, or for the whole world, it is better to be sober and calm.

Thus, tea becomes a good medicine to calm the atmosphere and stabilize the mood.

The Chinese tea ceremony may arouse more human good nature, may make the world less confused, so we can see that the core soul of the tea ceremony is indeed not the word “and”. TyK Tea Net

To the leader of the tea what to pay attention to, put how much tea is appropriate –

To the leader of the tea what to pay attention to, in the workplace there is a saying called “more skills do not pressure the body”, make tea is a discipline, if you meet the leader, and you happen to be, the opportunity to come as expected.


Tea preparation

Teacups, teapots, trays and tea cans, boxes and other tea utensils must be kept clean, to be the leader and guests sitting down, and take the initiative to ask whether the tea to drink have special requirements.

How much tea to the leader to put tea: can be in accordance with the standard ratio of 1:50 ratio brewing (tea review standards), the general 3g of tea needs 150ml of water, this ratio can also be better to play the taste and aroma of the tea.

Tea picking

You should use special utensils such as teaspoon, teaspoon, etc., and decide the amount of tea to be put in according to the variety of tea, and try not to use your hands to grab it, so as not to affect the quality of the tea by hand or confuse the odor, and it is also a respect to the leader.


Toast tea

Tea cups should be placed in front of the right hand of the guests, the leader to drink tea on the tray to the end of the tea cups, and served with both hands, the fingers can not touch the rim of the cup, such as the bottom of the cup with water, can be in the tea towel on the over a bit.

Refill Tea

Tea cups from the table, legs one in front of the other, the side of the tea poured into the guest cup, can reflect the demeanor of elegance.


When the leaders talk while drinking tea, to add hot water in a timely manner, reflecting the respect for each other. Tea, there are four details need special attention:

First, to tea seven points

Shallow tea full of wine, as the saying goes, wine full of tea half. Pouring tea to the tea cups of tea is not too full, to seven full three love as the outline, the water temperature should not be too hot, so as to avoid guests accidentally scalded.

Second, the action of tea

Tea should be to the people in the seat to say “sorry”, and then the right hand tea, from the right side of the guests served, with a smile, eyes on the other side and said: “This is your tea, please use slowly!

Third, tea expression

Tea tea to tea expression should be gentle, smiling, friendly and dignified, in order to leave a good impression on the leadership.


Fourth, the order of tea

Tea should be in accordance with the position of the order of the apex, to the high position of the guests or guests in the elderly, and then in accordance with the position of the high and low end of their colleagues, if the same generation, should be the first Ms. Tea, the last is to give themselves full of tea.

Fifth, the temperature of tea

The temperature of the tea broth should be about 60 degrees, suitable for drinking.

If the tea is not drinking, and then cool, and the leader has not yet left the table, you can immediately cool the tea, use the tea folder to pour out, renewed hot tea soup to drink.


Tea ceremony activities in the tea ceremony in addition to tea, but also contains bowing, stretching palm gift, moral etiquette, etc.

In the daily tea process, tea etiquette needs to be combined with the usual life, constantly practicing, if the leader of the tea has a deep understanding of the details of these tea not only reflects the tea people on the superior welcome and respect, but also reflects the tea people’s own taste and cultivation. ff8tea. com

Which ancient emperors like tea –

Dynasties of emperors love tea, dynasty different favorite tea varieties are different, dynasties have special tribute tea system, dedicated to the best tea for the monarch to drink.

Emperors love tea is a common thing, but in many emperors stand out in the three, simply addicted to tea as life.


1.Song Huizong

Speaking of Song Huizong, love tea love to personally wrote a “Daguan tea theory”.

Speaking of his favorite, when it comes to white tea. “White tea is a kind of self, different from regular tea. Its strips are elaborated, its leaf Ying thin. Such as jade in Pu, it is not with Lun also.”

Song Huizong Zhao Ji pointed out in the “Daguan tea theory”, but this tea had been lost in history for many years, so that later generations could not understand the Song Huizong mentioned white tea looks like.


Some people think that it is Anji white tea from Zhejiang Province, while others think that it is Wuyi Rock Tea’s White Cockle, but others think that it is Fujian Zhenghe White Tea.

Until now, there is no sufficient evidence to prove that belongs to which, the specific type is still a mystery, which makes the “white tea” added a layer of mystery.



As the longest reign in history, Kangxi was also very fond of tea, as the emperor was tasted all over the world famous tea.

Qing Dynasty Wang Yingkui’s “Liu Nan Suibi” has recorded so interesting, Kangxi in the southern patrol came to Wu County, Taihu Lake, Jiangsu Governor Song Eindo into the local famous tea “scared of death incense”, “scared of death incense” is due to the aroma of the rich and famous.

Kangxi tasted this tea even after good, asked why the name of the tea. Kangxi listened to the name is too indecent, they re-created a name, because it is produced in the Biluo Peak, the external shape of the green snail, so the name Biluo Chun, since then it has been spread. iN1Tea. com



As the grandson of Kangxi, Qianlong is even more than blue in his love of tea. There are many stories about Qianlong and tea, the most widely rumored is the imperial gift of eighteen Longjing tea trees around the “imperial tea”.

Qianlong had been in front of the Lion Peak Hukong Temple drinking Longjing tea, Longjing tea color Jade aroma and lush flavor greatly appreciated, so sealed the temple before the eighteen tea trees for the “Imperial Tea”, and sent special caretakers, year after year to the palace, the Imperial Tea Garden site still exists, there are still many travelers to visit the tour, of course, this tea is now can not be mined again. iN1 Tea Network

Even in the late Qianlong abdication is still addicted to tea as life, but also in the North Sea mirror Qingzhai set up a special “baking tea dock”, specifically where to taste all the good tea.


China’s history of tea-loving emperors quite a lot, but because of the emperor of the tea known as few and far between.

The three tea-loving emperors not only stayed in the taste of tea flavor of this taste on a shallow level, but also rose to the spiritual and cultural level, to a certain extent, affecting people’s tea drinking customs, but also led to the atmosphere of the whole country drinking tea.

“Drinking with the nation” is almost this reason ~

Chengdu street Chinese dress pile up, why Chengdu wear Chinese dress so much –

Chengdu street hanbok piles up, why Chengdu wear hanbok so much, living in Chengdu, really psychedelic. There is not only the panda that you love, but also the poetic Chinese dress. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Image source: Weibo @ 八重塔HJV茶叶网

When you walk on the street, it’s not unusual to brush past a group of men and women who seem to have traveled through the city. HJV Te a Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Picture source:China News Network photo HJV tea network

In the subway with Hanfu woman in the same seat, no one will look sideways. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

In a restaurant you will most likely have to eat with the ancients. HJV tea net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

It’s all a part of Chengdu’s life, as natural as Simone playing mahjong or a grandpa drinking tea. HJVTea. com

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成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

If you catch the “Chinese dress festival”, night tour of Jinli, such as Chinese dress activities, the illusion of ancient and modern travel is too strong. hjv tea net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Chengdu’s college student groups are especially fascinated by Chinese dress, touch long in school when the Chinese dress club ran a boom, the campus is full of students wearing a variety of Chinese dress, the campus and the ancient style is also a very good match ~ HJV Tea Leaf Network

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成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

In 2006, the country’s Hanbok business not more than 30, to the current development of more than 800, Chengdu itself accounted for 66, ranking first !

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea Network

Tmall “2018 Hanfu consumer crowd report” data show that the number of people buying Hanfu in 2018 increased by 92% year-on-year, and in the TOP 10 cities that buy the most Hanfu, Chengdu ranked first in the country !

HJV Tea Net

In fact, such achievements can be traced HJV Tea Net


成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV tea net

As from ancient times known as “the country of sericulture” treasure, Chengdu’s silk industry is famous for ages, Shu brocade is ranked as “China’s four famous brocade”. HJV Tea Network

“HJV tea net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

There has never been a city that gives people a sense of belonging like Chengdu. Such an environment is a fertile ground for the revival of Chinese dress. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

In Chengdu, you can pursue your favorite Chinese dress without fear of being judged.

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

No matter what your hobby is, you can always find someone in Chengdu who is in the same boat. This environment also attracts Hanboks from all over the country to stay in Chengdu. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

From Jinli to Wenshu Yuan and Wangjiang Tower, the ancient style of the city is still vivid after thousands of years, which is the best backdrop for Hanbok trips. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Out of love for Chinese dress and traditional culture, almost every university has a Chinese dress club in full swing. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Photo credit: Huaxi Metropolis Daily Photo HJV Tea Net

In addition to Hanbok exhibitions and exchange activities, there are few opportunities for Hanbok enthusiasts to go on a bigger stage. HJV Te a Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Like our neighbors in South Korea and Japan, when it comes to festivals or major family affairs such as weddings and funerals, kimonos and hanboks will be worn. It is also a common habit to wear them at home. hjv

In the opinion of most Chinese people, wearing Hanbok = fancy dress. Wearing suits and dresses on major occasions is a tradition that is in line with etiquette. HJV Tea

Until the last few years HJV Tea

National style back to the tide, Hanfu only appeared in front of the public line of sight HJV Tea Network

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

“and shy away, leaning on the door to look back, but the green plum sniff”. Only the Chinese dress, can the Song lyrics in the vulgar beautiful word interpretation out. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

The road to the revival of Hanbok is still very long, but we firmly believe that the continuation of thousands of years of cultural clothing can withstand the polishing of time. HJV Tea Net

Wearing the clothes of their own people is also a kind of admiration and continuation of the culture. hjv tea net

This article is reprinted from: Chengdu full contact HJV Tea Network