Tea and the Rituals of Life – Tea.com

National Day holiday, how many people choose to pick up the bag, travel in all directions; how many people choose to continue to work, to realize the ideal. A seven-day trip, for many people is a luxury, not enough money, no wanderlust, refused to crowded, refused to skyrocket ticket prices. In fact, the significance of traveling may not be far away. Buz Tea Network

I signed up for a tour group, followed by a group of strangers who got together, slept on the bus, got off the bus to pee, and took pictures of the attractions… You think this is tourism, in fact, not; you think spend money to buy tickets, squeeze a few hours of the queue is tourism, in fact, not; you think to buy a ticket, fly to a foreign country is tourism, in fact, not. Buz tea net

茶与生活的仪式感Buz tea net

When you are looking at the scenery, in fact, they themselves are a landscape.

When you really learn to recognize the world, the world is full of curiosity and freshness; when you begin to relax yourself, began to face their own hearts, no matter where, are traveling. Buz tea net

A cup of tea, from boiling water to opening the brew, and then savoring it, settles the tea leaves and your own heart. When you raise the cup of tea, the person reflected in the tea soup is you, and what you drink into your mouth is yourself. Buz tea net

The meaning of traveling is to go to a place where no one knows you, to know yourself. Buz tea net

茶与生活的仪式感Buz Tea

The nine-to-five schedule, familiar surroundings, people face repetitive things every day, it is easy to lose the freshness and curiosity. buztea.net

When you start to get tired of this kind of life, “traveling” appears. An unfamiliar environment, different streets, different cultures hit you, began to blend into the atmosphere. Buz Tea Net

When you find these strangeness slowly adapting, adjusting yourself to a relaxed state, to meet a new way of life, you have found the meaning of traveling. Buz Tea Net

茶与生活的仪式感Buz tea net

Not necessarily far away, sitting at home with a pot of good tea, the first cup to let yourself slow down, slowly to digest the daily pressure and worries; the second cup to let yourself relax, not to judge the past, but also do not set tomorrow, only to enjoy the aroma of this one minute this second; the third cup, you begin to look forward to, feel that you have adjusted their mindset, the repetition of yesterday to live into the unknown tomorrow !BuzTea.com


In this day of celebration, and long unseen friends and family party all night, catching up on family life is inevitable, especially when it comes to which partner’s wedding banquet happy event, a variety of fish and meat, drinking and hangover are rare program. Buz tea net

But excessive overeating has a lot of harm to the body. Many partners will take the opportunity of vacation capricious once, so every day to eat and drink, in fact, this is not small damage to our stomach. Buz Tea Net

Therefore, we should not be too capricious gluttony oh. After eating greasy food we can promptly line a cup of ripe Pu, a small green citrus. Buz Tea Net

茶与生活的仪式感Buz tea net

Different tea, there are different stories, they come from different growth environment, in fact, we have walked the road, drank tea, are an unknown travel. Buz tea net

Through drinking tea, we are also in the taste of life, experience life, may wish to be quiet, let the “tea” to take you to a different faraway place. buz tea net

Ancient how to recognize the end of the tea that send guests – Tea.com

Ancient how to identify the end of the tea to send guests, according to the end of the Qing Dynasty Zhu De Shang “thirty years to see and hear” records: a newly appointed magistrate in the hot summer when he went to pay a visit to the governor of the Lord, according to the etiquette can not bring a fan. F4E Tea Net

古代如何辨别端茶即送客F4E Tea Net

The magistrate, however, handheld a folding fan into the governor’s office and waved the fan. When the governor saw that he was so rude, he took the opportunity of asking him to take off his hat and broaden his clothes to put up his tea cup. When he saw this, he immediately shouted “see off the guest”. F4E Tea Network

When the magistrate heard this, he hurriedly took his hat in one hand, grasped his clothes in the other, and retreated in a sorry state. This story reflects the prevailing custom of the Qing Dynasty officialdom – “sending off guests with tea”. At that time, the subordinate to meet the boss, the boss let the waiter to make tea, but most do not drink. F4E Tea Network

When the boss lifted the tea cup to do want to drink, it is under the “expulsion order” of the indication, the waiter will immediately shout “send the guest”. Of course, the Qing Dynasty official on the guest on the tea, sit for a long time can also drink, but the supervisor must raise his hand and said “please tea” and the supervisor first drink, subordinates can end the tea to drink. F4E Tea Network

古代如何辨别端茶即送客F4E Tea Network

The author of “Words on Earth” Wang Guowei in the “Tea Soup Customs” had this description: “the world of officialdom, the guest to set up tea and not rice, to the master of the extended guest tea, then the servant called to send the guest carry on, this wind has been since Song, but with the soup does not use the tea ear.” F4E tea network

Visible, this custom since the Song Dynasty has been, specifically, should be from the Song Dynasty, “point soup evicted from the guest” evolved. F4E Tea Network

Point soup and how is it? It turns out that in the past, the ancients had a common hospitality ritual, that is, the guests came to drink tea first, after drinking tea and then drink soup, and then evolved step by step, the guests came to drink tea first, and then drink soup when they left, the soup is usually made with sweet and fragrant herbs. F4E Tea Network

From the above can be seen, “point soup” was originally “guest speech respect soup” of a ritual, to later be quoted as “civilized expulsion” means. Wei Tai’s “Ai Xuan Pen Lu” mentioned such a story: the Song Dynasty, there is an official called Hu Mei’s Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of Justice, was transferred to the Shaanxi Xingyuan to do the governor, because of the family’s poverty and the road is far away, the inability to go to the office, to put it bluntly is that he did not want to go, so how to do it? F4E Tea Network

古代如何辨别端茶即送客F4E Tea

So they went to see the Privy Council Secretary Chen Shengzhi, want to accommodate a little, but who knows Chen Shengzhi neither give accommodation, but also do not want to listen to his complaint, immediately point soup, said earlier, soup is the guests to drink only when they go, then Chen Shengzhi the meaning of this is clear, soup are up, you should go. F4E Tea Net

So, “Mei got soup, three in the ground and resigned”, meaning that Hu Mei received soup did not drink, but splashed it on the ground wrath away, it seems that this Hu Mei or a little bit of backbone. F4E Tea Net

Tea sent to the guest, and the guest to honor the virtues of tea is contrary, nowadays has been extinct. But from a side reflection, in China, drinking tea has long exceeded the simple diet, not only become a way of interpersonal communication in the hospitality, and contains a unique etiquette rules in which. F4E Tea Net

Never live in someone else’s world – Tea.com

Never live in someone else’s world, Zhuangzi – Autumn Water: How can a son who is not a fish know the joy of a fish? AGB Tea Net

The joy of a fish is to frolic freely in the water, and the joy of a human being is to grow naturally in the world. Life is like a play, we all have our own script. We all have our own scripts. AGB Tea Net

永远不要活在别人的世界里AGB Tea

Everyone has a different understanding of life, different pursuits, and naturally different standards for evaluating success and perceiving happiness. AGB Tea Net

Hearing that Huizi had become a prime minister in Liang, Zhuangzi wanted to pay a visit to this good friend. A good man said to Huizi: “Zhuangzi must have come to Liang with bad intentions, to take your place.” After hearing this, Huizi panicked and tried to stop Zhuangzi, sending people to search the capital for three days and three nights, but when they met, Zhuangzi’s words made him feel ashamed of himself. AGB Tea Net

永远不要活在别人的世界里AGB Tea

“There is a bird in the south whose name is the firebird. The firebird spread its wings and flew from the South China Sea to the North Sea, not perched on a sycamore tree, not eating practiced fruits, not drinking from a sweet spring. AGB Te a Net

But isn’t it ridiculous that an owl, which is relishing a rotting mouse, panics and protects the rotting mouse when the firebird flies by, fearing that it will come to snatch the food? Could it be that you, now, still think that I will come to rob you of your position as Minister of Liang?” AGB Tea

People do not perceive happiness in the same way. Other people’s lives may seem glamorous and bright, but they may not be for you. AGB Tea.com

永远不要活在别人的世界里AGB Tea

Why put the shackles of the world around your neck when you can’t start your life over? Remember: life is here, not elsewhere; in your heart, not in the eyes of others. AGB Tea Net

Don’t live in other people’s eyes, because there are a thousand ways to look at the world’s living beings, but none of them are as good as the way you stay true to yourself. AGB Tea Net

Life is a lonely trek, no matter how many disturbances along the way, eventually we have to pull out and count the years alone.

A way of life to cultivate oneself with tea: the tea ceremony – Tea.com

The tea ceremony is the way to appreciate the beauty of tea. tgJ Tea Net

Tea ceremony is also regarded as a kind of cooking tea drinking tea art of life, a kind of tea as a medium of life etiquette, a kind of tea to cultivate the way of life. tgJ Tea Net

It is a very useful and beautiful ceremony through making tea, enjoying tea, smelling tea, drinking tea, promoting friendship, cultivating virtue, learning etiquette, and appreciating traditional virtues. Drinking tea can calm the mind and spirit, which helps to cultivate sentiment and remove distractions. tgJtea.com


Tea ceremony is a behavioral art that expresses certain manners, character, mood, aesthetic point of view and spiritual thoughts through tea tasting activities. It is a combination of tea art and spirit, and expresses the spirit through tea art. It emerged in China during the Tang Dynasty, flourished during the Song and Ming Dynasties, and declined during the Qing Dynasty. tgJTea.com

The main content of the Chinese tea ceremony is to pay attention to the beauty of the five realms, namely, tea, tea, fire, tea utensils, the environment, and at the same time with the mood and other conditions, in order to “taste” and “heart” of the highest enjoyment. Known as the religion of aesthetics, the Japanese Tea Ceremony, with harmony, respect, clarity and silence as its basic spirit, is inherited from the Tang and Song Dynasty. tgJTea.com


Dig deeper into the connotation of Chinese culture, in-depth research and exploration of the revival of Chinese culture. Tea culture belongs to the category of Chinese culture, that is, for the ritual norms in the details of tea tasting, tea, tea, tea, fire, tea utensils, the environment, and the drinker’s cultivation, emotions, etc. jointly formed a mood of beauty. tgJ Tea Net

The connotation of tea culture is actually a specific expression of the connotation of Chinese culture, talk about tea culture must be combined with Chinese culture and the discussion. The spiritual connotation of tea culture is through the tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea, tea and other habits and Chinese cultural connotations of rituals combined with the formation of a distinctive Chinese cultural characteristics of a cultural phenomenon, which can also be said to be a phenomenon of etiquette. tgJTea.net


Chinese tea ceremony absorbed the essence of Confucianism and Taoism. The doctrine of Taoism, on the other hand, has injected the philosophical idea of “heaven, man and one” into the tea ceremony of the tea people, establishing the soul of the tea ceremony. At the same time, it also provides the aesthetic concepts of revering nature, revering simplicity, revering truth, and the ideas of rebirth, precious life, and nourishing life. tgJ Tea Net

Because the Taoist “unity of man and heaven” philosophy into the spirit of the tea ceremony, in the heart of the Chinese tea people are filled with an incomparable love of nature, the Chinese tea people have a strong desire to return to nature, close to nature, so the Chinese tea people are best able to appreciate the “love to bright full of heaven and earth The Chinese tea people have a strong desire to return to nature and get close to it, so they can best appreciate the passion of “the love is bright and full of heaven and earth” as well as the “more feeling of the crane heart of the darkness” and nature to achieve the wonderful feeling of “the thing I metaphysical meeting”. tgJTea.net


Chinese tea ceremony, the idea of respect for people in the form of expression is common in the naming of the tea utensils and the understanding of tea. Tea people are accustomed to the tray of the cup called “Sancai Cup”. Cup tray for the “ground”, the lid for the “sky”, the cup for the “people”. The meaning is that the sky is big, the earth is big, and people are even bigger. If even the cup, tray, lid together with the end up to taste tea, this cup holding technique is called “three talents in one”. tgJ Tea Net

The ideal of the Chinese tea ceremony is to nourish the body, to enjoy the emotions, to cultivate the nature, and to prove the way. Proof of Tao is the result of cultivation, is the ideal of the tea ceremony, is the ultimate pursuit of tea people, is the highest state of life. The purpose of the tea ceremony is to cultivate, the environment is also good, the etiquette is also good, the tea ceremony is also good, are for a purpose – cultivation and set up to serve the cultivation. Cultivation is for each participant to improve their own quality and realm, shaping a perfect personality. tgJtea.com


Tea Ceremony is the art of drinking tea with the purpose of practicing the Way, which contains four major elements: tea ceremony, etiquette, environment, and cultivation. Tea ceremony is the foundation of the tea ceremony, is a necessary condition of the tea ceremony, tea ceremony can exist independently of the tea ceremony. Tea ceremony is the carrier of the tea ceremony, dependent on the tea ceremony. tgJ Tea Net

Tea art focuses on the “art”, focusing on the art of tea, in order to obtain aesthetic enjoyment; tea ceremony focuses on the road, aims to cultivate the mind through the tea ceremony, enlightenment Avenue. The connotation of the tea ceremony is smaller than the tea ceremony, and the connotation of the tea ceremony embraces the tea ceremony. The extension of the tea ceremony is larger than the tea ceremony, and its extension is between the tea ceremony and tea culture. tgJ Tea Net


The connotation of the tea ceremony is greater than the tea ceremony, the extension of the tea ceremony is greater than the tea ceremony. What we say here ‘art’, refers to the tea production, cooking, tasting tea and other art of tea; what we say here ‘way’, refers to the spirit of the implementation of the art of tea process. There is a road without art, it is an empty theory; art without road, art is no essence, no God. tgJ Tea Network

Tea art, famous, tangible, is the external expression of tea culture; tea ceremony, is the spirit, reason, law, origin and essence, it is often invisible, can not touch, but you can completely through the mind to experience. The combination of tea ceremony and tea ceremony, art in the Tao, Tao in the art, is the result of a high degree of unity of matter and spirit. Tea art, tea ceremony connotation, extension are not the same, should be strictly differentiated between the two, do not make it confusing. tgJ Tea Network


Drinking tea, tasting tea, tea ceremony of the highest realm – tea ceremony tgJ tea net

Drinking tea: tea as a drink to quench your thirst. tgJtea.com

Tea tasting: focus on the color and flavor of the tea, pay attention to the water quality of the tea utensils, and drink the time to savor. tgJTea.com

Tea art: pay attention to the environment, atmosphere, music, brewing skills and interpersonal relationships. tgJtea.com

The highest level – tea ceremony: in the tea activities into the philosophical, ethical, moral, through the tea to cultivate the body, taste of life, to achieve spiritual enjoyment. tgJtea.com

Chengdu Wide Narrow Alley Keju Tea House [Introduction] – Tea.com

Founded in 2008, Keju Tea House is one of the most representative tea houses in Chengdu. Located in the Broad and Narrow Alley, but independent of the small courtyard, is a set of tea, smell, listen to the qin, flower arrangement in one of the teahouse, aiming to promote a traditional culture and the real life of the current real integration of the way of life. qpG Tea Net


01qpG Te a

The small courtyard of Keju is a typical representative of the folk houses in western Sichuan, when building the courtyard, in order to restore a more complete courtyard, from all over the world to collect the bricks of the Han Dynasty, the stone carvings of the Song Dynasty, the doors and windows of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, plaques, couplets, ancient furniture, accessories, they have a second life here, and the courtyard nourishes each other. qpG Tea Net



The main door of the house was delivered from Qingchuan two hours before the 5.12 Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, and in the Broad and Narrow Alley, everyone called her the “Lucky Door”. qpG Tea Net



The general door god is mostly a martial arts door god, praying for blessings door god, and the two doors of the house are less common literary door god. qpG tea net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea


In ancient times, only the family of the successful candidate is qualified to use, and these two Qing Dynasty Wenmen Shen so well preserved, has been rare. qpG tea net

05qpG Tea

Push open the wooden door of Ming and Qing Dynasty, that is the carved counter for customers to access the tea. qpG tea net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea


In the middle of the foyer, there is a three-layer hollowed out carved flower screen of the Qing Dynasty. Nearby is a carving of peonies with rich and noble blossoms, and a little farther away, the peony ornamentation is transformed into traditional Chinese characters such as Fu, Lu, and Zen. The carving is exquisite and well-preserved, fully reflecting the high artistic level of ancient craftsmen. qpG Tea Net



This screen, just blocked the front hall and the courtyard, both sound insulation and beautiful and practical, the line of sight through the hollow carvings, the small courtyard situation slightly see one or two, adding classical elegance. qpG tea net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea


Into the small courtyard, a quiet and peaceful, restless heart instantly quiet down. The courtyard is not big, but exquisite and elegant. The scenery of the four seasons is different, and the flowers of the four seasons are always in bloom: spring orchids are all over the poolside wall, summer violets are in full bloom, autumn osmanthus provides a side of shade for tea drinkers under the trees, and winter plums can still be seen in a few fruits. qpG Tea Net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea


Through the threshold of the door, inside another side of the patio. qpG Te a Net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG TeaLeaf

10qpG tea net

The patio is used for lighting and ventilation, and is an important part of the feng shui of the house. qpG Te a Net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG tea net

11qpG Te a

At the end of the patio is a Buddhist shrine dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy, the Medicine Buddha, and the God of Wealth. At the back of the niche is a Ming and Qing dynasty lacquer painting of Zhu Xi bidding farewell to a friend at the Xiaosi Temple. qpG Te a Net


12qpG tea net

In the space of more than four hundred square meters, there are only seven tea rooms in total, the rest is reserved for the public part: in the hall there is a guqin in the empty space. qpG tea network



In the courtyard, flowers bloomed season after season, and under the shade of the green, there were rattan tables and chairs, never more than a few cases. qpG Tea Net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea

14qpG Te a

Under the eaves of the house, the seat of Zen always let people stop. The sunlight hits the corner of the tea seat diagonally, a few dust particles in the air fluttering, time slowly flowing. qpG Tea Net


15qpG tea net

I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to get a good deal on a new tea, but I’m going to be able to get a good deal on a new tea, so I’m going to be able to get a good deal on a new tea. Maybe it’s good to stay like this for a day. qpG Tea Net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea

16qpG Te a

The tea room name of each tea room is either a wonderful handful of occasional, or elaborate, all reflecting their own unique. qpG Tea Net


17qpG Te a

The seven tea rooms all use the dry brewing method, clean and elegant, with just the right amount of green to add interest. qpG Te a Net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea


Tea room tea ware is no lack of masterpieces, Taiwan Chaiwu dry bubble plate, Japan sterling silver old cup holder, South Korea small silver pots, famous purple sand pots, everywhere shows the master’s atmosphere. qpG tea net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea

19qpG Te a

As a professional tea house, the owner of Keju always maintains a rigorous attitude in the selection of tea. Keju’s teas are available in two parts: the popular series and the private customization. qpG Tea Net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea

20qpG Tea

In the popular series, in order to take care of most people’s tastes, the choice is the most representative brand in each tea category: for example, white tea is the famous Fujian green snow buds, black tea is the Fujian Zhenshantang’s Jinjunmei and Sichuan’s old local brand Sichuan red, as for the Puerh Tea, it is the tea industry well-known eighty-eight green, true mellow elegance, the green tree, the King of Tea Lao Banzhang, Iceland and so on. qpG Tea Leaf Net

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea

21qpG tea net

The private tea, is often on its production area and producer has special requirements, such as rock tea to come from the Wuyi Mountain three pits and two streams, Chaozhou Phoenix monoclonal bush is by the local intangible cultural heritage heritage inheritor of the Ye Congjia made the special tea, a bubble of tea gas hegemony wild fir to drink down is always letting people want to finish. qpG Tea Network

成都宽窄巷子可居茶介【介绍】qpG Tea

22qpG Te a

In can live in the tea, a heart of the end of the world drifting fixed here. The distance between the residence and the non-residence is actually just a cup of tea. qpG tea.com


A Cup of Tea, Ten Years of Dreams-Tea.com

一杯清茗,十年尘梦WAR Tea

Lu Yu said: “Tea, the south of the Jia Mu also.” Tea is mostly grown in the south, the place where it grows is also quite delicate. “The upper born rotten stone, the middle born gravel and soil, the lower born yellow soil”, the top of the tea grows in the rock, the middle of the tea grows in the gravel, sandy soil, the lower tea grows in the soil. “The wild one on, the garden is second”, the wild one is the best, the garden planting is second best. “Shady mountain slopes and valleys, can not be picked up, sex stagnation, mass obstruction disease”, under the shade of the mountain under the growth of the tea is best not to drink, because it always do not see the sun, excessively cold, stagnation, drinking is not good for the body. WAR Tea Network

Drinking tea, drinking is the sun and moon bath, mountain springs nourishment, the flow of natural gas throughout the year. Drinking tea is to let us follow the nature of the grass and trees, and truly restore ourselves to nature.

Lu Yu has told us how important this connection between man and nature is in “The Book of Tea”. The so-called “tea for use, flavor to cold. For drinking, the most appropriate fine line thrifty virtue of the person”, that is to say, people should pay attention to their own moral conduct, people thrifty, virtue and purity, so that people drink tea, clear tea to moisturize the heart, there will be a natural tacit understanding. WAR Tea Network

We all know that “Shennong’s taste of all kinds of grass”, in the process of tasting all kinds of grass, some grass will make people poisoned. Legend has it that Shennong first discovered tea and used it to cure the poison of the herbs. Ancient people knew very early that tea is refreshing and cold, tea can be used to remove dryness, used to defeat the fire. WAR Tea Net

Mr. Zhou Zuoren wrote a “tea” essay, “I called tea, but in the drinking tea …… tea when in the tile house under the paper window, green tea, with elegant ceramic utensils, with two or three people to drink, get half a day’s leisure, can be worth ten years of dust dream.” A good “ten years of dust and dreams”, the world’s hustle and bustle, life is chaotic, only when drinking tea can be quiet. wartea.net

Tea is very elegant, not something rich. The true flavor of tea is clear and leisure. I remember when I was in my twenties, I was not accustomed to drinking tea, and I preferred strong coffee. Coffee has the bitterness of the flavor, the sweetness of sugar, and the aroma of milk. After drinking a cup of coffee, feel the kind of hundred flavors mixed with the thick and mellow, suddenly feel the body steaming, intoxicated. WAR Tea Net

Drinking tea is indeed too light for teenagers. The strong feeling of coffee, the heart of tasting light tea. People only gradually grow up, in the years experienced all kinds of fickle things, troublesome things, busy and noisy things, and then back to a cup of tea, only to feel the light in a kind of timeless long. WAR Tea Network

Tea, today there are green tea, black tea, oolong tea, pu-erh tea, etc., a wide variety of categories. In the old days, people drank mostly green tea. WAR Tea Net

一杯清茗,十年尘梦WAR Tea

Bubble green tea, the ancients pay attention to “into the seat half ou light pan green, open muted several pieces of shallow yellow”, light several leaves in the water, slowly releasing the aroma of tea, light green as if steeped into a piece of sunshine. In such a light green, you can hear the mountain wind, can feel the mountain spring, a bubble of green tea in the past life are awakened in the spring. The beauty of this kind of writing is exactly where the Chinese are most enamored with tea. wartea.com

Drinking such a light drink obviously requires quietness. “Drink alone get tea God, two or three people get tea interest, seven or eight people is Shi tea ear”, a person with a tea quietly communicate, can get its charm; two or three people drink, quite interesting, can drink tea interest, can drink the love between friends; if seven or eight people crowd get together to drink, as with the Shi Shi tea, but to quench their thirst only. WAR Tea Net

Unfortunately, today people drink tea, often call friends, people noise, although lively, but less quiet, more and more away from the tea God, tea interesting. WAR Tea Net

Chinese culture is inherited, is a whole, can not be cut open. Maybe you just need a cup of tea, a pot of wine, you can feel all of it. Outside the country, we will find that the whole Asian culture is also deeply influenced by it, for example, the Japanese tea ceremony is concerned about four words – and respect and silence, and the Chinese tea ceremony in the same vein and the same lineage. WAR Tea Network

“WAR” is a kind of neutral beauty. When you drink tea, you can feel the inner harmony, the harmony between man and nature, and between friends.

To” originates from the Zen concept of “equality of mind and Buddha”, meaning that tea drinkers are all equal, there is no difference between high and low, and each other should have a respectful heart. We treat guests with tea, called “tea”, commonly used words are “please use the tea”, no one will put the cup of tea to the guests in front of a pier and said “drink tea”! This is the heart of respect. Confucius said that the first point of “benevolence” is called “respect is not insulted”, you are respectful to others, you will not attract insults. Toast tea, in fact, is to honor people, but also to honor their own hearts.

“Qing” refers to the elegance of tea. “Tea by the heaven and earth to the clear gas”, good tea tea soup must be bright, you can see the grass and trees heavy atmosphere, can see the soul of tea in the water to release. Tea growth is never overnight, it has experienced the wind and rain of the seasons, through the frost and hail dew, so we drink the tea, is the essence of nature’s breeding. WAR Tea Network

一杯清茗,十年尘梦WAR Tea

I like the saying in Tao Te Ching, which is called “light but not shining”. A person’s personality should have an inner luster, but not too dazzling. If your light is so blinding that you cannot be seen, then your life is too noisy. Today’s people, most of the external sharp, lack of inner clarity, and tea absorbs the heaven and earth to the clear air, since it can wash our inner dust dirt. Ancient people said: “I have nothing to take from things in my life, but I have a cup of water in the mountains.” What can you get in this life? A lot of things can not be taken away, but a cup of tea in the mountains is everyone can be consumed. A bowl of tea into the stomach, the grass and trees fresh air into their own lives, so that the body’s turbid gas in the tea gradually dissolved, catharsis, those who nourish out of the freshness of the light, will naturally allow us to become a “light but not shine.” WAR Tea Network

The last word is lonely “silent”. Nowadays, people are often afraid of loneliness, loneliness is equated with loneliness and inner emptiness. In fact, the real “silence” is a kind of endless emptiness. A person’s heart is not quiet, can not understand the changes of all things, can not see the true nature of the world; a person’s heart is not empty, can not accept all kinds of realm. WAR Tea Net

Chinese people are very concerned about the word “silence”, that loneliness often contains a great way. “Laozi” chapter 25 of what is the “Road” when there are such sentences: “There are things mixed, the first heaven and earth was born, silent and lonesome, independent and unchanged, circumference and not perilous, can be the world’s mother.” Inside the “Tao” itself contains “silent and lonesome”, only its loneliness, and “independent and unchanged”, adhere to their own integrity and character, “circumference and not dangerous”, that is to say, the world can be the mother. and not perilous”, that is, endless, in the cycle of movement, which is the root of all things. This kind of “silence” is not dead silence, but a little bit of vitality in the spirit of silence. WAR Tea Network

Xitang Hanfu Culture Week 2019 – Tea.com

Xitang Hanfu Culture Week 2019, the country of China, the beauty of the service chapter is called China, the etiquette of the big so-called summer. lLp Tea Net

西塘汉服文化周2019lLp tea net

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“Han Chinese clothing” although because of the “Han Dynasty” and named. But it is from the Yellow Emperor “hanging clothes and rule” began, at the latest in the Shang Dynasty has been determined, until before the Qing Dynasty, are our clothing mainstream. lLp tea net

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In the elegant and quiet Xitang, point flower inlays, depicting the Qingdai, a 襦裙霓裳, the train gently dance. lLp 茶叶网

走过秦汉的水、唐宋的镇、明清的建筑,一步步踏过青石板,梦回千年。 lLp茶叶网


The first thing you need to do is to go to Xitang in a Chinese dress, walk in the ancient Jiangnan water town, and wait for an unexpected encounter with him. lLp Tea Net

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巷道纵横的西塘,最配丁香般的姑娘。 The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on an oil-paper umbrella, and then wave your sleeves lightly, bringing up the breeze. lLp Tea Net


Xitang is a lot of streets and alleys of the old town, there are more than 120 alleys, many tourists rarely come to the alleys, can not hear the sound of people, can not see the cars and horses bustling, quiet like a place of refuge. lLp Tea Net

The quiet and distant green stone road, rubbing the Jiangnan clear and graceful misty rain. White walls and gray tiles rain like smoke, the ancient alley stone bridge moon half-curved, into the Xitang, in the mist of the halo, as stepped into a light-colored rice paper painting. lLp Tea Net


The most famous lane in Xitang is the Shippi Lane, a long and narrow lane that is so narrow that it can only accommodate one person. lLp Tea Net

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The footsteps on the green stone board, on both sides of the towering stone walls of the mansion, remembered that once upon a time, the other side of the wall is a few into a few out of the deep house, the heart will rise a few points of the “courtyard deep a few” remote. lLp Tea Leaf Net

The first step in the rainy corridor, flowing in the ancient waterfront homes, without realizing it, encountered a thousand years of historical fragrance. lLp Tea Net


The corridor shed old, deep alley, dressed in light and elegant Chinese dress, seems to be rolling into the long ago era. lLp tea net


穿过廊桥,在一棵苍劲的古树下临水而坐,一边吹着河风一边看流水潋滟,可以像神仙一样的惬意悠闲。 lLp茶叶网


Water is the pulse of Jiangnan and the soul of Xitang. lLp Tea Net

The boat ride, in the squeaky paddle slowly rocking, along the Xutang River meandering through, with the boat sailing into the distance, the charm of the Jiangnan water town a little bit into the eyes. lLp Tea Leaf Net



The river is a small rest, leaning on the end of the holding volume to listen to the wind. A look back, a frown, will be stunning the time of the millennium. lLp Tea Leaf Network


The breeze is picking up, sending gusts of danggui fragrance. The sky clouds drifted by, scooping up a handful of water, time is fixed at this moment. lLp Tea Net

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Xitang is not big, but also in the depths of the ancient town hides a delicate and elegant Jiangnan garden. You can watch the flowers blossom and fall in the courtyard, and look at the sky as the clouds roll in and out. lLp Tea Net

Drunken Garden was first built in the Ming Dynasty, although nearly three hundred years of history, but the courtyard houses are well-preserved, in a very small space, the charm of the Jiangnan courtyard architecture to show to the fullest. lLp Tea Leaf Net


The green plants planted in the garden are also appropriate, and the overall style of the garden complement each other, a brick, a tile, a window, a lattice, everywhere elegant and exquisite. lLp Tea Net

In the drunken garden, holding a peach blossom fan, in the tranquil background, in the landscape, the field, the courtyard in the quiet as if the child moves like a rabbit. lLp tea net

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The most beautiful thing is the night of Xitang. lLp Tea Net

The night is slightly cooler, the lights are slightly darker, the ambiguity is dispersed, and the song is turning. The red-clothed beauties and white-clothed friends are singing and drinking together. lLp Tea Net


The lights along both sides of the river were lit up one by one, and the neon of the small stores, gently swaying with a bit of starlight, such as the market in the sky fell into the mortal world. lLp tea net


Gray walls, water pavilions, boats, stone bridges …. The road that you have traveled in the daytime seems to have changed at night, and it looks hazy and strange under the light. lLp Tea Leaf net

Slowly, the entire Xitang red lanterns are lit up, hanging high in the eaves, door, porch along the edge, reflecting a young face clear and handsome. lLp tea net

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At night the moonlight is hazy, the willow is also hazy, the bird is also hazy. The first thing you need to do is to put a lotus lamp under the Huanxiu Bridge and make a wish. lLp Te a Leaf


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The night is getting deeper and deeper, and all kinds of windows and lanterns along the street are showing a faint yellow color. The increasingly cold autumn is also because of this soft light to warm up again. lLp Tea Leaf net


The more you grow up, the more you realize that the Chinese culture is really too beautiful. lLp Tea Leaves

I used to think that the ancient people’s skirts are too long, dragged to the ground really hurt, and then finally realized that because of this ancient women to walk to lotus flower, although the Han Chinese dress to wear a slightly complicated, but also represents the ancestors to treat life with a serious attitude. lLp Tea Leaf Net

I hope that this beautiful culture can be passed on to the next generation. lLp Tea Net

Image Source | Weibo, Internet, etc. If there is any infringement, please contact to delete. lLp tea net

What are the benefits of drinking tea – Tea.com

Some people come with a halo, easy to approach, some things but subtle, not easy to say, and tea from the beginning is not so attractive, it was discovered and then to the popularity of also after a long period of time, its attraction, only those who have drank it to understand. What are the benefits of drinking tea, from affecting you a little bit of a start. pyg tea net


01 Drinking tea makes you humble and introverted

Tea as the world’s top three non-alcoholic beverages, it is not necessary to put sugar, although it is also bitter, but it is “bitter” after the sweet. The sweetness of the attraction than the bitter taste is much bigger, bitter taste is many people do not have the means to accept at the beginning, it makes you frown, let you surprised, it even firmly occupy your taste buds, long hard to disperse. Pyg Tea Net

And its bitter is not like coffee all the way to the bitter end, it is in your thinking about letting the bitter taste dissipate when the sweetness to let you in the depression for a while after the birth of joy. This is its introspection, after the bitter sweetness, its sweetness is not so strong, just like its bitter flavor, just right. Pyg Tea Net

Drinking it, you will also become like it, know how to be modest, know how to be introverted, and do not reveal yourself easily. Compared with the person who boasts, the one who keeps moderate introversion is more eye-catching and unexpected.PygTea .com


02 Drinking tea, you’ll realize it’s a long day without it

From arranging the tea table, cleaning tea utensils to boiling water, brewing, soup, this series of processes will not let you feel the speed of time, you are just attracted to this thing, once attracted to a certain thing, you are unaware of the time. Pyg Tea Net

The day without tea, do other pastimes, all feel that time passes so slowly, especially when one person.Pyg Tea Net


03Drinking tea, you will open the door to a new world

Tea is a discipline, you can learn it, you can come to play with it, you can also talk to it.PygTea .com

It is not as difficult to understand as other knowledge, it is easier to learn and have fun. After seeing different mountains and rivers with tea trees, different tea drinkers, and tea drinking places in different countries and regions …… you will want to know more and more about its past, more and more want to try different teas, and more and more want to know the formation of its flavor ……Pyg PygTea.com

喝茶有什么好处Pyg Tea.com

04 Drinking tea, you will start to become diligent

Before drinking tea to clean up the tea table, in drinking tea and want to remember it, after drinking tea to clean the tea utensils. Pyg tea net

A person who drinks tea for a long time, want to share with others, whether it is the epiphany of drinking tea, or the change after drinking tea, you will begin to feel that do not share the same as did not drink.Pyg tea net


05Drinking tea, you will become fond of literature

Tea and literature are inseparable, and so are tea and Zen, from time immemorial. People who love tea not only have a stomach for food, but also a literary heart. PygTea.com

Once you start drinking tea, you will be curious about the stories about tea. Tea has a long history, it has too many stories, stories of people and tea, especially celebrities and tea, tea myths, etc. PygTea.com

Tea has a lot of insights, once you start to see, the more you see, the more sense, although “heard a lot of sense, still not good life”, but still love to listen to love to see.Pyg Tea Net

These are the attraction of tea, and to feel the attraction of tea, you first have to drink it, don’t start to be scared by its bitter, bitter is just its mask, it also has a soft heart, waiting for you to find to feel. Pyg tea net

History of Chinese Tea – Tea.com

In 1938, the anti-Japanese war broke out, the southeast provinces fell one after another, tea production and marketing came to a standstill. In order to exchange foreign exchange to support the war, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of the National Government decided to open up a new tea area in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. DHM Tea Net

On December 16th of that year, Fudian New Bank and China Tea Company each contributed 100,000 yuan, the organization founded Yunnan China Tea Trading Co.

中茶的发展历史DHM Tea

▲Yunnan China Tea Trading Company Limited Appointment DHM Tea Network

In 1939, the company set up Shunning Experimental Tea Factory (predecessor of Fengqing Tea Factory), Fohai Experimental Tea Factory (predecessor of state-owned Menghai Tea Factory), Fuxing Tea Factory (predecessor of Kunming Tea Factory), and Kangzang Tea Factory (predecessor of Xiaguan Tea Factory) in 1941. DHM Tea Net

中茶的发展历史DHM Tea

▲Shuning Experimental Tea Factory staff photo DHM Tea Net

Under the environment of national disaster, Yunnan China Tea Trading Company Limited and the founding of various factories, so that Yunnan tea from the traditional small workshop production, gradually transformed into mechanized production, and for the birth of Dian Hong and Pu’er tea to the domestic and international markets to lay the foundation. DHM Tea Net

After the birth of new China on October 1, 1949, the tea industry in China was unified by the state. 1950 September, Yunnan China Tea Trading Company Limited, renamed “China Tea Company Yunnan Province”, belonging to the State Ministry of Trade system. DHM Tea Net

中茶的发展历史DHM Tea

▲China Tea Company Yunnan Province Company periodical advertisement DHM Tea Network

In order to facilitate the unified management, China Tea Company decided to register a new trademark. 25-27 March 1951, China Tea Company published three consecutive days of advertisements on the front page of the People’s Daily to collect trademark patterns, and eventually the trademark “eight tea” stood out as the first trademark of tea in the new China. DHM tea.com

In 1953, China Tea Company notified its five tea factories to unify the trademark of “China Tea”. From then on, Menghai Tea Factory, Kunming Tea Factory, Xianguan Tea Factory and other tea factories directly under the Chinese Tea Company started to use the trademark of “China Tea Brand”. DHM Te a Website

The effect of sweeping power on people, the fascinating aspects of cleaning – Tea.com

The effect of sweeping power on people, sweeping power is how to change people step by step. Our wise and industrious ancestors once said, “If you don’t sweep a house, you can’t sweep the whole world”, which is the hope and expectation of the whole world, and we can see the importance of cleaning. 7I6Tea.com


1.The room is a true reflection of the attitude towards life

Harvard Business School, after years of research, found a phenomenon: “happy and successful people, often home environment is very clean and tidy. And unfortunate people, usually live in messy and dirty.” From the small home to the large, a successful business tends to have clean windows. On the contrary, an enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy, there must be dirty corners. 7I6Tea.com

So mapping out this conclusion: 7I6Tea.com

“The room you live in is exactly the refraction of yourself, your life is actually like your room.” This statement, the world outcry, there is no doubt that there are falling feet epiphany. 7I6Tea.com

But more and more people, from company presidents to housewives, have become fans of “sweeping power”. 7I6Tea.com


A daily tearful girl with a broken heart, while reading the “sweeping power”, while the closet stuff out of 14 bags of garbage to organize a breath to throw away. To her surprise, with the airtight closet back to clean, her depressed mood seems to be much brighter. 7I6Tea.com

Kyocera was once poorly run, employees have left. Mr. Inamori, the president of the company, was very confused and bored, so he did cleaning, brushing toilets and cutting weeds alone in the factory every day. 7I6Tea.com

After a period of time, he suddenly realized the significance of the existence of the enterprise, and changed the business philosophy, so that Kyocera flourished. 7I6Tea.com


2.Cluttered room, it is difficult to stimulate the child’s spirituality

Everything has a law, everything has rules and regulations, if our home environment is messy, dusty flotsam, children have a strong imitation power, they will unintentionally imitate their parents, if you often clean up the home very clean, then in this good environment, he will also quickly develop a good habit. 7I6Tea.com

Sweeping power is really so great magic? 7I6Tea.com

Sweeping looks like a simple physical labor, but actually contains deep wisdom of life. Through cleaning, we can let go of our pride, learn humility, and discover ourselves through selfless work. 7I6Tea.com

In China, the wisdom of cleaning has a long history. For example, the traditional Chinese character for “woman” means a woman holding a broom. 7I6Tea.com

Until today, in many places, the custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is still for children to sew purses, tie colorful threads, and put a small camphor broom, to cultivate children’s love of labor and the heart of the organized from childhood. 7I6Tea.com

The process of cleaning is the process of handling, choosing, and discarding, your interaction with the environment. A tidy environment clearly shows that you are logical and organized. 7I6Tea.com


3.The God of Wealth also likes to live in a clean and bright home

You go on a trip and 2 friends warmly invite you to stay at her home. One friend’s home is clean, bright and tidy. One friend’s house is dirty, messy and smelly. Whose house do you choose to stay? Definitely choose the clean, bright and tidy one. 7I6Tea.com

And God and you the same wisdom, God also like to live in such a clean and bright home, want the God of Fortune often patronize your home, take action to clean it! 7I6Tea.com

Whether it is a small home or business, a successful business, often clean and tidy, a few net, do things in order; on the contrary, an enterprise on the verge of bankruptcy, there must be a dirty corner. 7I6tea.net


4.Clean home is to grow wisdom

Whenever there are annoying things and emotions, you can use to organize the home to reconcile. 7I6Tea.com

Our external environment is a projection of our internal environment! Those dirty and smelly represent the inner negative energy and emotional buildup. Do it: clean up a little bit a week, clean up a lot a month. Let the environment become refreshing, people live in natural comfort, happiness naturally increased, increased happiness will bring success. 7I6Tea.com

Those who are unfortunate usually live in a messy and dirty environment. 7I6Tea.com

The home is dirty and messy, but also to bring the chaos of thought, clean up the home is the same as cleaning up the garbage in the brain, wisdom will naturally grow. 7I6Tea.com

扫除力对人的影响,打扫的魅力之处The first thing you need to do is to get rid of all the stuff you’ve got on your computer.

▲ garbage classification to do a good job, love small home more love everyone 7I6Tea.com

5.Cleaning up your home means throwing away germs

When we pass by a garbage dump, we are used to covering our noses and walking quickly. If you stay in a dirty home for a long time, such as a garbage dump, you will not be able to smell the fragrance of the orchid room, and you will not be able to feel the mess if you stay in a dirty house for a long time. 7I6Tea.com

In the garbage dump like home to live for a long time, the external dirty easily triggered by physical disease, clean up home is equivalent to clean up disease germs, the body naturally healthier. 7I6Tea.com


6.Cleaning is to enhance the positive energy

In the TV series ghost house is full of cobwebs, gray, while the heaven is bright, rich and beautiful, so the gray home to attract bad energy, energy is not good, bad luck naturally. 7I6tea.net

A bright home attracts good energy, positive energy, good energy, good fortune. A person walks very easily, but if you let you carry a lot of things, you will not be able to walk. 7I6tea.com

Home stuffed too full of things, it will lead to home outside of their own very bulky, can not function properly, much less likely to bring a good feeling. 7I6Tea.com

And what comes from clearing out that excess is a very relaxed and light positive energy. 7I6Tea.com


7.Cleaning up your home is cleaning up your mind

Our homes are usually full of unused items and clothes, which have a very negative energy. When you keep cleaning your home, your inner clogged place will become more and more clear, smooth and easy, and love and gratitude will flow in. 7I6TeaNetwork.com

Life is like a journey, there are mountains and rivers of hardship, there are also dark flowers of surprise. 7I6Tea.com

From the point of view of often life, the process of negative emotions is just a waste of life, the Chinese said “pleased to be calm, disappointed when frank”, which is not mediocre, but is a solid attitude to life. 7I6Tea.com

So, know how to empty the mind of negative emotions in time, in order to enjoy every part of the scenery of life. 7I6Tea.com