What is Zen tea culture, the spirit of Zen tea culture – Tea.com

What is Zen tea culture, the spirit of Zen tea culture is “positive, clear, and elegant”, this kind of spirit determines the Zen tea culture has a different philosophy and ethics of socialization and education function. Zen tea culture can not be separated from the humanistic care, can not be separated from the daily life, can not be separated from the Zen care and enlightenment, can not be separated from the tea of the essence of the clear, clean, clean trouble, and cultivation efforts. sUW Tea Network

什么是禅茶文化,禅茶文化的精神sUW Tea

From this point of view, the function of Zen tea culture is positioned in the eight words “gratitude, tolerance, sharing, and bonding”, which is the most appropriate; both the council rounded, and elegant and vulgar with the same return, with the practical significance of the universal implementation and operation of the daily life. sUW Te a Net


The basic program of “Zen Tea”

Compared to an ordinary tea ceremony, Zen tea has a program that is related to its own religious temperament. During the process, the main brewer, in addition to doing the corresponding tea brewing actions, but also to give the tea drinker some corresponding guidance, in order to better appreciate the true “Zen tea spirit”. sUW Tea Net

1 adjusting interest sUW tea net

The main brewer should guide the guests to meditate first. sUWTea.com

2 Boil water sUWTea.com

Pay attention to the fire, from the burning flame to realize the shortness of life and the glory of life. sUWTea.com

3 Hou Soup sUWTea.com

From the boiling water and waiting for the soup to listen to the initial boiling water, the sound of boiling, people will have the “Dharma sea tide sound, random universal response” of the realization. sUW Tea Net

4 Cup Washing sUW Tea Net

When you wash the cup by turning the cup, you may see the cup turn and realize the way of enlightenment. sUWTea.com

5 Scalding the Teapot sUWTea.com

Scalding the teapot with boiling water is called “bathing Buddha in fragrant soup”, which indicates that Buddha is everywhere, and also indicates that “the mind is Buddha”. sUW Tea Leaf Net

6 Tea Appreciation sUW Tea

The tea leaves are shown to the guests. sUW Tea Net

什么是禅茶文化,禅茶文化的精神sUW Tea

7 Pouring Tea sUWTea.com

Throwing tea into a pot, like a Bodhisattva entering a prison, going through fire and water, the tea can revitalize the spirit of the people. sUWTea.com

8 Flushing sUWTea.com

Tea brewing and flushing make people like “enlightenment”, from confusion to enlightenment. The hot air rising from the pot is as dense as the clouds of mercy, making people bathe in the spring breeze, and the heart sprouts good thoughts. sUW Tea Net

9 tea washing sUW tea net

Tea this clean still need to wash, the pursuit of a spotless. sUW Te a Net

10 Tea brewing sUWTea.com

The teapot is like the human heart, to embrace everything, everything is the true body, in a small teapot also contains the profound Buddhist philosophy and Zen. sUW Tea Net

11 Split Tea sUWTea.com

Zen tea tea art: the pot is full of three thousand meritorious water, tea listening to the sound of the water in the stream. The sound of pouring tea is also like the sound of the water in the stream, which can enlighten people’s minds, alert their hearts, and help them realize the Way. sUW Tea Net

12 Tea Salute sUW Tea Network

Tea is intended to tea as a media, so that the guests from the bitter tea tastes of life. sUW Tea Net


13 Smell sUWTea.com

Do deep breathing, try to inhale the aroma of tea, and make the aroma of tea directly to the door of the skull, repeated several times, this is good for health. sUW tea net

14 watch color “Mianian discourse” in: “by listening to a drop of Caoxi water, scattered as the royal capital of the inner garden spring.” Viewing the color of the tea soup is called “Cao Xi Guan Shui”, which is a metaphor for looking at the color and emptiness from a deeper level. sUW Tea Net

15 Tea Tasting sUWTea.com

Yunmen Sect to attract students of a principle, that is, with the fates to receive things, to be free and easy to understand the tea in the flavor, the bitter and astringent do not hate, to the sweet and refreshing do not favor, only so that the tea can be leisurely, open-minded and free, to be able to understand from the tea in the Zen Buddhist rituals. sUW Tea Net

16 Aftertaste sUWTea.com

After tasting the tea, on the front of the sixteen procedures, and then carefully reminiscent of, will be: “sense that is through, a thousand cups of tea reflecting a thousand cups of the moon; rounded through the wonderful consciousness, ten thousand miles of clouds to ten thousand miles of heaven.” The Buddha’s teachings are in the most ordinary daily life, the Buddha nature is in people’s own heart. sUW Tea Net

17 Thanks for the tea sUW Tea

Tea should be drunk often, Zen should be attended often, sex should be cultivated often, and the body should be cultivated often. Mr. Zhao Puchu, the former president of the Buddhist Association of China, said it best: “Seven bowls receive the best taste, one pot gets the true interest, holding a hundred thousand verses in the air is better than eating tea!” sUW Tea

什么是禅茶文化,禅茶文化的精神sUW Tea

Tea is like Zen

The symbolism of tea is to put down, life as a traveler, running around, busy people, put down the hands of the work, take a break, enjoy the leisure, alluding to the Zen put down, so it is called tea Zen a taste. sUW Tea Net

“Eat tea to go” is a famous case of Zen. At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Zen master Zhaozhou Congming used the phrase “eat tea and go” as a convenient way of guiding his descendants. The Zen masters believed that the ordinary mind is the way, the way is in nature, and the way to carry firewood is wonderful. sUWTea.com


Eating tea is the smallest and most insignificant thing in ordinary life, but of course there is also a wonderful way. The purpose of Zen Master Zhaozhou’s “Eating Tea” is not to eat tea, but to let people realize their own nature in the smallest things. sUWTea.com

Tea has a lot to do with the practice of Zen, tea can eliminate the fatigue brought about by sitting meditation, and can refresh the mind, remove demons and evil spirits, and the desire to be indifferent, and the knee to respect each other’s functions. sUW Tea Net

Ancient people will be tea summarized as “ten virtues”, to tea scattered Yu gas, tea drive sleep gas, tea to raise anger, tea drive disease gas, tea tree gift benevolent, tea table respect, tea taste, tea to raise the body, tea can be Road to tea can be elegant Zhi, so there is a “Zen Tea a taste of the philosophical propositions. ” sUW tea net


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