Longyou Fangshan tea culture and history-Tea.com

龙游方山茶文化及历史oTn tea net

Today I read the name of the Song Dynasty tea, Fuzhou, Fujian also has the same name, but I do not know, Longyou Fangshan tea is the famous tea in Zhejiang, set up in the Ming and Qing Dynasties as tribute tea. oTn Tea Net

Longyou six onion lake to the social Yang Township Fangshan this rolling hills, is a rare selenium-rich region, while producing famous tea – Fangshan tea. Longyou County has a long history of tea planting. Folk poetry: “Fangshan ancient temple white clouds towering, purple buds hair stone altar. Suddenly, a Taoist arrived from the sky, and the fragrance was moved into a small pot.” Cai Zongyan, the chief historian of Quzhou in the Northern Song Dynasty, wrote: “Longyou Fangshan Yangcao slope produces early morning tea with an excellent flavor.” Ming Dynasty Fangshan tea that is famous for Zhejiang tea, Wanli nonzi years (1612) compiled by the “Longyou County Records” Volume IV, there is “tea, Fangshan most Tailor, the amount of tribute to the four Tumbling” record, it can be seen that the Ming Dynasty Fangshan tea is tribute. oTn Tea Net

After the Qingming, the rain will be approaching. Longnan mountainous areas of the mountains of tea lush, colorfully dressed tea picking women dotted in the green bushes, they carry bamboo baskets, dancing with delicate fingers, will be a piece of buds plucked, into the basket, which is a beautiful picture. More than four hundred years ago, the great opera singer and the Shakespeare of the East, Tang Xianzu, praised this in a poem: “The rain will go in spring, and the smoke of tea will fill the eyes. Like a flower standing at the mouth of the stream, half of the tea picking back.” oTnTea.com

This poem was written in the twenty-sixth year of the Wanli reign (1598), titled “Title Xikou Store Sends Laosheng Xizhao”. At that time, Tang Xianzu was the magistrate in Suichang, whether it was from the office back to his hometown Linchuan, Jiangxi Province, or return to the office, the Xikou is a must-pass place. Law Xizhao, Xikou township squire, Tang Xianzu every Xikou hospitality, the two have a very deep friendship. Spring is the first of the four seasons of the year, but the rain is the end of spring, spring tea production is both the peak season is also the end of the tea farmers to seize this last farm time, hard work. Tea smoke, refers to the sunset tea farmers for roasting tea rising smoke. The young women and girls picking tea labored all day long under the tea mountain, rested by the stream, and dispersed their fatigue and tiredness with laughter. Like flowers standing at the mouth of the stream, it is the poet’s praise for laborers.” Suddenly climbed the stairs to go, Chang’an five degrees of spring, clouds of cool water store, there are still warm-hearted people.” The poet won a bachelor’s degree at the age of thirty-three in the eleventh year of the Wanli reign (1583). Because of his refusal to attach himself to the rich and powerful, he was only able to serve as Dr. Taishang in Nanjing. Later, he changed his official position to the chief bookkeeper of the Nanjing Zhanzhi House, and then moved to Nanjing to become the head of the Ancestral Hall Department of the Ministry of Ceremonies and Rites. The official world is treacherous, the career path is bumpy, so there is “suddenly climbed the stairs to go, Chang’an five degrees of spring” experience. By the picturesque mood associated with their own official position, the cool world, can not help but the poet is not emotional. However, the folk people are always kind, “clouds of cold water store, there are still warm-hearted people.” Cold water, the name of the place, more than ten miles from the mouth of the river, is the poet’s trip to rest. The shopkeeper is always so enthusiastic in entertaining the guests. cold water store, warm-hearted man, is a clever couplet in the poem, which is actually a praise to the simple folk customs and hospitable hosts in Longnan mountainous area. oTnTea.com

The above is Tang Xianzu’s depiction of the tea affairs in Longnan mountainous area, flowing with sincere feelings for the people of the mountainous area. Then, what is his evaluation of Fangshan tea, which is abundant in Longnan Mountain District, after tasting it? Wanli 25 years (1597), the poet went home to visit relatives, in the Longnan mountainous area on the way to write such a poem, “flower bright long swing female, cup open cold water spring. A double climb to the place, the green hills like the old man.” (“Ding You March Pyeongchang rate er slogan”) Chang Dang, and cold water are the same place name, but today is no longer available. Cup open, open the cup, Lengshui spring, should be a brand in the square mountain tea, or produced in Lengshui. Open the lid, the fragrance of tea into the nose, refreshing the lungs. Tang Xianzu love tea, will taste tea, his study named Yuming Hall, his writings also named “Yuming Hall set”, and even in the play “Peony Pavilion” is also written into the folk tea-picking plot. His taste of Fangshan tea, its shape is slightly flat, similar to the bird’s tongue, the leaf bottom into a uniform, slightly orchid fragrance, color and lustre of tender green light and moist, tea clear and bright, taste mellow and lasting, distinctive flavor. In the mountains of tea bushes, accompanied by melodious mountain songs, tea picking women picking is happiness and hope. This is the ideal picture of the poet. The poet held the fragrant tea in his hand, and sincerely expressed the feeling of “green mountains are like old friends”. oTn Tea Net

What is the core idea of the spirit of the tea ceremony? What is the significance?-Tea.com

The core soul of the tea ceremony is “harmony”.

It originated from the “Zhou Yi” in the “protection and harmony”, its meaning is: everything in the world is composed of yin and yang, only the coordination of yin and yang, in order to protect the universal benefit of all things. TyK Tea Net

China’s Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, each has its own school of tea, from the surface, their respective values are different. TyK Tea Net

Buddhism attaches importance to the clear mind to see nature; Taoism seeks to do nothing to rule, avoiding the world of the supernatural, the spirit of emptiness; Confucianism advocates the middle way, actively into the world, to tea inspirational, that there is no over and also no and “and” in order to be just right.

From this point of view, the three schools on the surface of the pursuit of different, but the essence of the “and” for the noble.

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

Although the world is big, the distance between people is getting shorter and shorter, and conflicts are born as a result. TyK Tea Net

The solution to these contradictions, not as some people think, “either you die or I live”, but should be and deal with it. TyK Tea Net

The Chinese advocate order, interdependence, and more friendship and understanding .

In the relationship with nature, advocating the unity of man and heaven, the five elements of coordination, to nature for, but not endless, destroying the balance. Water and fire are supposed to be opposites, but under certain conditions they can be compatible.

This idea of “harmony” is also reflected in the tea ceremony. TyK Tea Network

When picking tea, rainy days can not be picked, cloudy days can not be picked, sunny days can be picked; tea production process, the roasting fire can not be too high, can not be too low, but must be just right. TyK Tea Net

When making tea, the amount of tea should be moderate, throw more tea is bitter, throw less tea is light; when distributing tea, use the fairway cup to distribute tea to each guest, so that the tea soup will be uniform, there can be no favoritism ……TyKTea.com

All these reflect the word “harmony”, which can be said to be the core soul of the Tea Ceremony.

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

In addition to the modern tea ceremony in the “and” embodiment, the ancient tea people also speak of a “and” word. TyK Tea Net

Tea saint Lu Yu from the form, artifacts are reflected in the “and” characteristics.

He made the tea stove, shaped like an ancient tripod, the whole with the “Zhouyi” thought as a guide. The “Zhouyi” is known as “the first of the five classics” by Confucianism. TyK Tea Net

In addition to the use of the principles of the I Ching hieroglyphics strictly set its size, shape, wind stove mainly used the “I Ching” in the three trigrams: Kan, Li, Xun, so as to illustrate the principle of natural harmony contained in the tea cooking. TyK Tea Net

Kan in the eight trigrams represents water; Xun [xùn] in the eight trigrams represents the wind; away from the eight trigrams signifies fire.

Thus, Lu Yu has explained, “the wind can rise fire, fire can boil water”. Water and fire seem to be opposites, but actually complement each other, and ultimately reach a state of harmony and unity. TyK Tea Net

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

The process of tea tasting also emphasizes the word “harmony”. TyKTea.com

Drinking tea can be more introspective, sober look at themselves, but also sober treatment of others, each introspective results, is to strengthen mutual understanding, reducing many unnecessary disputes.

Therefore, when Confucianism introduced the idea of “harmony is precious” into the Chinese tea ceremony, they advocated communicating ideas, creating a harmonious atmosphere, and enhancing mutual friendship in tea drinking. TyK Tea Net

This is also the reason why more and more people like to have tea parties: TyK Tea Network

The New Year festivals, the units held a “tea party”, used to show unity; guests to tea can show the host’s friendship and respect. TyK Tea Net

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

We often see alcoholism and brawl, but rarely see the tea people drink tea after the fight, it seems that the tea ceremony in the “and” word has indeed been deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

It is said that the British parliamentarians meeting, afraid of each other noisy, specially prepared tea as a drink, in order to improve the atmosphere, which is probably also an extension of the spirit of the Chinese tea ceremony.

茶道精神的核心思想是什么?有什么意义?TyK Tea

At this time, the world is full of hustle and bustle, no matter for each of us, or for the whole world, it is better to be sober and calm.

Thus, tea becomes a good medicine to calm the atmosphere and stabilize the mood. TyKTea.com

The Chinese tea ceremony may arouse more human good nature, may make the world less confused, so we can see that the core soul of the tea ceremony is indeed not the word “and”. TyK Tea Net

Tea’s soup story history introduction – Tea.com

The Pioneer of Tea Soup

As the wars of the Northern and Southern Dynasties and the Ehito Rebellion continued, a time when the future was uncertain, the culture of tea degenerated into the gambling practice of “tea fighting”, and the culture of tea was truly degraded. This was only one of the activities that were popular among the new samurai class, but among the nobles of Kyoto, the so-called “T’ang-like tea” was popular, but the content of it was to compare the precious tea utensils that they owned. These were part of the Higashiyama culture centered on Ashikaga Yoshimasa, and according to the historical materials such as the “Juntai Kanno no Jikan” and the “Goujishu” written by the Shogun’s sidekick at that time, there was already a systematic specification for the arrangement of the tea room and tea utensils, etc. MpA Tea.net

Yoshimasa established a tea room in Higashiyamaden (present-day Ginkakuji Temple), Togokudanri, and there was Tongensai, which is known as the originator of the four-and-a-half-stacked tea room, and the soup of this kind of tea is usually called the Shoin-style tea ceremony in the later times. mpAtea.net

However, there was one person who guided the Yoshimasa tea ceremony from the beginning to the end, and who became the original pioneer in the history of the tea ceremony, and that was Murata Jumitsu. MpA Tea Net

A native of Nara who made tea his ambition, Jumitsu became a disciple of Zen Master Ichigo at Daitoku-ji Temple and incorporated the ideals of Zen Buddhism into the tea ceremony. Striving for frugality, he replaced the original high-class lacquer table with a bamboo table, replaced the original ivory tea ladle with bamboo, and replaced the pottery from the Tang Dynasty with a tea bowl made in Japan, so striving for simplicity in the soup of tea, which was later called Kusoan Tea. mpAtea.net

Because of the disaster of the Ehito Rebellion, most of Kyoto was turned into ashes, and people with cultural literacy fled to faraway places. At this time, Sakai-cho in the Wazumi Kingdom, which was next to Kyoto, had a prosperous and free economy because of its good geography and because it was the only overseas trading port at that time, as if it were a strong contrast with the surrounding war. Under such favorable conditions, it was natural to carry the burden of cultural inheritance, and in such an environment, there was a man called Mukeno Shououou, later known as Chirikyuu Jushi. MpA Tea Net

To the leader of the tea what to pay attention to, put how much tea is appropriate – Tea.com

To the leader of the tea what to pay attention to, in the workplace there is a saying called “more skills do not pressure the body”, make tea is a discipline, if you meet the leader, and you happen to be, the opportunity to come as expected. Ff8tea.com


Tea preparation

Teacups, teapots, trays and tea cans, boxes and other tea utensils must be kept clean, to be the leader and guests sitting down, and take the initiative to ask whether the tea to drink have special requirements. Ff8Tea.net

How much tea to the leader to put tea: can be in accordance with the standard ratio of 1:50 ratio brewing (tea review standards), the general 3g of tea needs 150ml of water, this ratio can also be better to play the taste and aroma of the tea. Ff8tea.net

Tea picking

You should use special utensils such as teaspoon, teaspoon, etc., and decide the amount of tea to be put in according to the variety of tea, and try not to use your hands to grab it, so as not to affect the quality of the tea by hand or confuse the odor, and it is also a respect to the leader. Ff8tea.com


Toast tea

Tea cups should be placed in front of the right hand of the guests, the leader to drink tea on the tray to the end of the tea cups, and served with both hands, the fingers can not touch the rim of the cup, such as the bottom of the cup with water, can be in the tea towel on the over a bit. Ff8tea.com

Refill Tea

Tea cups from the table, legs one in front of the other, the side of the tea poured into the guest cup, can reflect the demeanor of elegance. Ff8tea.net


When the leaders talk while drinking tea, to add hot water in a timely manner, reflecting the respect for each other. Tea, there are four details need special attention:

First, to tea seven points

Shallow tea full of wine, as the saying goes, wine full of tea half. Pouring tea to the tea cups of tea is not too full, to seven full three love as the outline, the water temperature should not be too hot, so as to avoid guests accidentally scalded. ff8tea.net


Second, the action of tea

Tea should be to the people in the seat to say “sorry”, and then the right hand tea, from the right side of the guests served, with a smile, eyes on the other side and said: “This is your tea, please use slowly! Ff8tea.com

Third, tea expression

Tea tea to tea expression should be gentle, smiling, friendly and dignified, in order to leave a good impression on the leadership. Ff8tea.com


Fourth, the order of tea

Tea should be in accordance with the position of the order of the apex, to the high position of the guests or guests in the elderly, and then in accordance with the position of the high and low end of their colleagues, if the same generation, should be the first Ms. Tea, the last is to give themselves full of tea. Ff8tea.com

Fifth, the temperature of tea

The temperature of the tea broth should be about 60 degrees, suitable for drinking. Ff8Tea.com

If the tea is not drinking, and then cool, and the leader has not yet left the table, you can immediately cool the tea, use the tea folder to pour out, renewed hot tea soup to drink. Ff8tea.net


Tea ceremony activities in the tea ceremony in addition to tea, but also contains bowing, stretching palm gift, moral etiquette, etc. Ff8tea.com

In the daily tea process, tea etiquette needs to be combined with the usual life, constantly practicing, if the leader of the tea has a deep understanding of the details of these tea not only reflects the tea people on the superior welcome and respect, but also reflects the tea people’s own taste and cultivation. ff8tea. com

Which ancient emperors like tea – Tea.com

Dynasties of emperors love tea, dynasty different favorite tea varieties are different, dynasties have special tribute tea system, dedicated to the best tea for the monarch to drink. iN1Tea.net

Emperors love tea is a common thing, but in many emperors stand out in the three, simply addicted to tea as life. iN1tea.net


1.Song Huizong

Speaking of Song Huizong, love tea love to personally wrote a “Daguan tea theory”. iN1Tea.com

Speaking of his favorite, when it comes to white tea. “White tea is a kind of self, different from regular tea. Its strips are elaborated, its leaf Ying thin. Such as jade in Pu, it is not with Lun also.” iN1Tea.com

Song Huizong Zhao Ji pointed out in the “Daguan tea theory”, but this tea had been lost in history for many years, so that later generations could not understand the Song Huizong mentioned white tea looks like. iN1Tea.com


Some people think that it is Anji white tea from Zhejiang Province, while others think that it is Wuyi Rock Tea’s White Cockle, but others think that it is Fujian Zhenghe White Tea. iN1Tea.com

Until now, there is no sufficient evidence to prove that belongs to which, the specific type is still a mystery, which makes the “white tea” added a layer of mystery. iN1Tea.net



As the longest reign in history, Kangxi was also very fond of tea, as the emperor was tasted all over the world famous tea. iN1Tea.com

Qing Dynasty Wang Yingkui’s “Liu Nan Suibi” has recorded so interesting, Kangxi in the southern patrol came to Wu County, Taihu Lake, Jiangsu Governor Song Eindo into the local famous tea “scared of death incense”, “scared of death incense” is due to the aroma of the rich and famous. iN1tea.net

Kangxi tasted this tea even after good, asked why the name of the tea. Kangxi listened to the name is too indecent, they re-created a name, because it is produced in the Biluo Peak, the external shape of the green snail, so the name Biluo Chun, since then it has been spread. iN1Tea. com



As the grandson of Kangxi, Qianlong is even more than blue in his love of tea. There are many stories about Qianlong and tea, the most widely rumored is the imperial gift of eighteen Longjing tea trees around the “imperial tea”. iN1Tea.net

Qianlong had been in front of the Lion Peak Hukong Temple drinking Longjing tea, Longjing tea color Jade aroma and lush flavor greatly appreciated, so sealed the temple before the eighteen tea trees for the “Imperial Tea”, and sent special caretakers, year after year to the palace, the Imperial Tea Garden site still exists, there are still many travelers to visit the tour, of course, this tea is now can not be mined again. iN1 Tea Network

Even in the late Qianlong abdication is still addicted to tea as life, but also in the North Sea mirror Qingzhai set up a special “baking tea dock”, specifically where to taste all the good tea. iN1tea.net


China’s history of tea-loving emperors quite a lot, but because of the emperor of the tea known as few and far between. iN1Tea.com

The three tea-loving emperors not only stayed in the taste of tea flavor of this taste on a shallow level, but also rose to the spiritual and cultural level, to a certain extent, affecting people’s tea drinking customs, but also led to the atmosphere of the whole country drinking tea. iN1tea.com

“Drinking with the nation” is almost this reason ~ iN1tea.com

Definition of Tea Culture – Tea.com

茶文化的定义1kA Tea

Culture is the sum of material and spiritual wealth created in the course of the historical practice of human society, and is a comprehensive whole including knowledge, beliefs, arts, virtues, laws, customs and habits. The task of cultural science is to use the synthesis and integration method to study the nature, form and function of culture as a whole, as well as the laws of cultural generation and development, predict the development trend, and conduct in-depth discussion on its organization, leadership and management, institution building, as well as policies, regulations and strategic strategies, etc. 1kA Tea Net

Tea culture is people in the process of discovery, production and utilization of tea, tea as a carrier, expressing a variety of ideas between man and man, man and nature, beliefs, emotions, love and hate and other ideological concepts of the various cultural forms of the general term. 1kA Tea Net

Tea culture contains as a carrier of tea and the use of tea for tea and various conceptual forms of two aspects. Tea and tea people involved in a series of material, spiritual, customary, psychological, behavioral manifestations should belong to the category of tea culture. 1kA tea net

Chengdu street Chinese dress pile up, why Chengdu wear Chinese dress so much – Tea.com

Chengdu street hanbok piles up, why Chengdu wear hanbok so much, living in Chengdu, really psychedelic. There is not only the panda that you love, but also the poetic Chinese dress. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Image source: Weibo @ 八重塔HJV茶叶网

When you walk on the street, it’s not unusual to brush past a group of men and women who seem to have traveled through the city. HJV Te a Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Picture source:China News Network photo HJV tea network

In the subway with Hanfu woman in the same seat, no one will look sideways. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

In a restaurant you will most likely have to eat with the ancients. HJV tea net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

It’s all a part of Chengdu’s life, as natural as Simone playing mahjong or a grandpa drinking tea. HJVTea. com

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

If you catch the “Chinese dress festival”, night tour of Jinli, such as Chinese dress activities, the illusion of ancient and modern travel is too strong. hjv tea net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Chengdu’s college student groups are especially fascinated by Chinese dress, touch long in school when the Chinese dress club ran a boom, the campus is full of students wearing a variety of Chinese dress, the campus and the ancient style is also a very good match ~ HJV Tea Leaf Network

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

In 2006, the country’s Hanbok business not more than 30, to the current development of more than 800, Chengdu itself accounted for 66, ranking first !

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea Network

Tmall “2018 Hanfu consumer crowd report” data show that the number of people buying Hanfu in 2018 increased by 92% year-on-year, and in the TOP 10 cities that buy the most Hanfu, Chengdu ranked first in the country !

HJV Tea Net

In fact, such achievements can be traced HJV Tea Net


成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV tea net

As from ancient times known as “the country of sericulture” treasure, Chengdu’s silk industry is famous for ages, Shu brocade is ranked as “China’s four famous brocade”. HJV Tea Network

“HJV tea net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

There has never been a city that gives people a sense of belonging like Chengdu. Such an environment is a fertile ground for the revival of Chinese dress. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

In Chengdu, you can pursue your favorite Chinese dress without fear of being judged. hjvtea.com

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

No matter what your hobby is, you can always find someone in Chengdu who is in the same boat. This environment also attracts Hanboks from all over the country to stay in Chengdu. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

From Jinli to Wenshu Yuan and Wangjiang Tower, the ancient style of the city is still vivid after thousands of years, which is the best backdrop for Hanbok trips. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Out of love for Chinese dress and traditional culture, almost every university has a Chinese dress club in full swing. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Photo credit: Huaxi Metropolis Daily Photo HJV Tea Net

In addition to Hanbok exhibitions and exchange activities, there are few opportunities for Hanbok enthusiasts to go on a bigger stage. HJV Te a Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

Like our neighbors in South Korea and Japan, when it comes to festivals or major family affairs such as weddings and funerals, kimonos and hanboks will be worn. It is also a common habit to wear them at home. hjv tea.com

In the opinion of most Chinese people, wearing Hanbok = fancy dress. Wearing suits and dresses on major occasions is a tradition that is in line with etiquette. HJV Tea

Until the last few years HJV Tea

National style back to the tide, Hanfu only appeared in front of the public line of sight HJV Tea Network

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

“and shy away, leaning on the door to look back, but the green plum sniff”. Only the Chinese dress, can the Song lyrics in the vulgar beautiful word interpretation out. HJV Tea Net

成都街头汉服扎堆,为什么成都穿汉服的这么多HJV Tea

The road to the revival of Hanbok is still very long, but we firmly believe that the continuation of thousands of years of cultural clothing can withstand the polishing of time. HJV Tea Net

Wearing the clothes of their own people is also a kind of admiration and continuation of the culture. hjv tea net

This article is reprinted from: Chengdu full contact HJV Tea Network

Ancient tea culture of the budding stage of Wei Jin picking leaves for cakes – Tea.com

古代茶文化的萌芽阶段魏晋采叶作饼9fg tea net

Three Kingdoms era, people drink tea has been boiled by raw food and sun-dried collection of soup drink vegetables and food gradually changed to cake tea. Three Kingdoms period of Wei Zhang Yi “Guangya” has this record: “Jingba between the tea for the cake, into the rice paste out of it.” People will pick the tea leaves first made into cakes, sun-dried or dried, drinking, crushed and brewed, plus the ingredients and drink as a soup. Zhang Yi, “Guangya” of this record, is now we can see the earliest record of tea processing tea. This period is also the budding stage of tea culture in ancient China. 9fg tea net

From the literature, before the Han and even the three countries of the tea history is very lack of information, we can not determine the production of this cake tea is after what kind of processing methods, picking the tea leaves may be by steaming or slightly boiled and softened pressed into a cake and then sun-dried or dried is also not known. 9fg tea net

However, after the two Jin Dynasty, with the tea culture and China’s social life and other cultures around the further convergence and integration and mutual influence, the literati more and more added to the ranks of the tea drinkers, the two Jin Dynasty, not only appeared in the “Chengdu House”, Sun Chu, “out of the song” and other poetry and tea, and also appeared in the Thea sinensis fugue a class of specialized descriptions of the tea literature, from which we can speculate that literati and the tea bonded From this, we can assume that the literati and tea have formed an inseparable relationship from the beginning of the cake tea. 9fgtea.com

Liang Shiqiu personally buy tea to get cover more – Tea.com


China’s famous modern writer Mr. Liang Shiqiu is often not good at tea, do not understand the tea ceremony, more do not understand the tea ceremony, but those who know him know, Mr. Liang for tea is actually very insightful and pay attention to.DOx Tea Net

Liang Shiqiu usually drink more tea or Longjing tea, this point in his own essay “drinking tea” has been mentioned. When he was still in Beiping, he often went to the tea store to buy tea himself, and he regarded buying tea as a kind of enjoyment like tasting tea. One stop in front of the counter, the apprentice hastened to move the stool to sit, so quietly sitting there to watch the guys weighing tea, and then weigh the tea into a number of small packets, each small packet is wrapped up to see the corners of the edge, the technology jing ripe, craftsmanship is superb. If the tea is cured with jasmine, the buyer will grab a handful of fresh jasmine and put it on the surface when he takes it away, which is called “double curing”. Sitting in the store, it is often the aroma of tea and flowers, double celling. The process of buying tea, in Liang Shiqiu’s writing, really adds a lot of fun and flavor. DOxTea.com

At the same time, Mr. Liang Shiqiu also introduced his own private secret – Yu Gui in his writings. According to his account, his father’s generation had a flag person friend named Yu Gui, who was quite proficient in drinking food. This person often will be half of the incense and Longjing tea mixed together with a mixture of steep, tea not only has a thick fragrance of the incense, and both the bitter and mellow Longjing tea. So the Liang family also began to follow the Yu Gui’s method of drinking tea, people who drink this tea are very happy. Later, the Liang family named this special blend of tea “Yu Gui” and included it in their secret tradition. doxtea.net

Liang Shiqiu had accompanied his father to the West Lake many times, and each time he must not forget to taste the local Longjing tea. A lake and mountains, while slowly sipping a pot of Longjing tea, while idly chanting the Pavilion couplet “through the lattice and come, summer breeze winter day; roll curtains to see, the front of the mountain after the moon mountain mountain,” in Liang Shiqiu view, the meaning of the extraordinarily elegant to. Similarly, Liang Shiqiu every Dongting Lake, must not forget to buy Junshan tea, view its appearance, taste its tea.DOx Tea Net

In addition, Tianjin’s big leaf tea, Liu’an melon. In addition, Tianjin’s big-leaf tea, Liu’an’s melon. slices, Sichuan’s Tuocha, Yunnan’s Pu’er tea, Wuyi Mountain’s rock tea, and many other good tea Liang Shiqiu had tasted. But to say really make Liang Shiqiu understanding of tea drinking sublimated to a new realm, will have to talk about his first to Taiwan in the process of buying tea experienced a thing. DOx Tea Net

Liang Shiqiu to Taiwan soon, one day, suddenly want to pour all the bag to buy some good Longjing tea. When he walked into a tea store, store Feng were out of eight yuan a catty, twelve yuan a catty of Longjing tea to greet him, Liang Shiqiu but always feel that the price he is too low and not satisfied. Tea store owner burst into color, said seriously: “buy east two, look at the goods, can not be set exclusively by the price of up and down. Just keep raising the price, self-deceiving ear! Mr. Why do not you notice?” DOxTea.com

The words of the shopkeeper are like a stick in the mouth, the purest of all, so that Liang Shiqiu benefited greatly. Since then, whenever he drank tea just focus on the taste of tea, never simply to the price of determining the advantages and disadvantages. The pursuit of the true beauty of tea, the importance of the essence of tea and the inner meaning, is not precisely the sublimation of the realm of drinking tea? DOx Tea Net

What is Boston Pour Tea – Tea.com

What kind of tea is Boston Dumped Tea, although many tea lovers say, “It may be Sri Lankan Indian tea”, but in fact, the Boston Dumped Tea incident happened on: December 16, 1773. 6vc tea.com

On this day, the demonstrators disguised as Indians look sneak into the merchant ships, the East India Company shipped a full boat of tea dumped into Boston Bay, as a rebellion against the British Parliament in 1773 enacted the “Tea Tax Act”. 6vc tea net

波士顿倾茶是什么茶6vc tea.com

East India Company as a transit point, food and industrial raw materials, a steady stream of shipments back to Britain, and the “tea thief” Robert. Fauchon first tea out of China, planted in India in 1851. After that, India and Sri Lanka began to plant and produce tea on a large scale, which indicates that there was really no tea in India at that time. 6vc tea net

There is only one possibility that this batch of tea is from the oldest black tea in China, Wuyi black tea. 6vc tea.com