Introduction to the Buddhist Temple Tea

The rise of the monastic tea ceremony originally originated with the monks’ sitting meditation. The monks did not fast at night when they sat in meditation and needed to clear their minds and concentrate, so drinking tea was the best way for them to do so. The birthplace of Buddhism is India and the birthplace of the tea ceremony is China. When Buddhism was introduced to China, tea drinking was not yet practiced in the monasteries.

Drinking tea initially for medicinal purposes, is a product of folklore, and then by Lu Yu for many years of observation and research, summed up a set of scientific planting tea, tea picking, tea, tea, tea tasting methods, and give the tea ceremony a deep cultural connotation, only to form the original tea ceremony. Perhaps because Lu Yu had been a monk, and later interacted with many close friends who were also monks, such as Zen Master Jigong, who had adopted Lu Yu, and Lu Yu’s most intimate friend, the poet monk Kyaukran (who gave a lot of help to Lu Yu’s study of the Tea Ceremony), Lu Yu’s Tea Ceremony was gradually spread into the monasteries. In turn, Lu Yu’s Tea Ceremony was gradually accepted by many monks due to the special living habits of the monasteries. Feng Yan, a Tang Dynasty scholar, wrote “Feng’s Records of Seeing and Hearing”: “Tea is picked early in the morning, and late in the evening, it is called tea. The Materia Medica cloud: ‘quench thirst, people sleep less.’ South people drink tea, North people do not drink more. Kaiyuan, Taishan Lingyan Temple, a demon-subduing master, the great rise of Zen. Learning Zen, the business of sleeplessness, and not eating at night, are allowed to drink tea, people from Huaijiao, cooking and drinking everywhere. From then on, turn to follow suit, and then became a custom. Since Zou, Qi, Cang, Li, Zhejiang to the capital city, more stores, fried tea to sell, do not ask the common people, put money to drink. Its tea from the Jianghuai, boats and trucks, where the mountain accumulation, color amount is very much. Chu people Lu Hongjian for the tea theory. Said the efficacy of tea, and decoction tea, hot tea method. Twenty-four things to make tea, to all the cage storage, near and far admire, good people hide a piece of home. UxL tea network.

Chang Bo Xiong, and because of Lu Hongjian’s theory, wide color, so the tea ceremony. Princes and courtiers did not drink.” Visible, since the rise of the temple tea ceremony, the wind of tea drinking from the south to the north, along the street are teahouses. Whether the people, or the princes and nobles are good tea drinking.

Drinking tea for monks, can refresh, but also to realize the Buddha nature. Tea’s frugality, so that people are frugal, not greedy for pleasure; tea ceremony focus, so that people’s spirit and nature as one; tea’s fragrance, so that people are like drinking into the essence of nature, in exchange for a clear mind, giving birth to a wisp of the Buddha’s country of beauty. This is often referred to as “tea Zen one flavor”. UxL Tea Net

Monastery tea ceremony, also known as the monastery tea ceremony, there is a very strict set of procedures. Monastery set up “tea hall”, “tea” as a gift of tea ceremony guests, specially equipped with “tea head”, Shi tea monk position, to receive, honor guests. Monasteries used a lot of tea to feed the Three Jewels (Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha) and entertained guests with tea. Monastery in the change of duties, are to hold tea ceremony, and there are certain rules and procedures. Monastery tea ceremony has extremely auspicious provisions: there are arrangements for tea ceremony dedicated staff, tea ceremony fixed program, strict hierarchy, different scales applied to different occasions. Tea ceremony constitutes an important part of Buddhist culture. UxL Tea Net

Famous tea from famous temples, since ancient times. Famous temples are located in the famous mountain, the famous mountain in the deep cloud, that is, there is a wild tea tree, but also suitable for general tea planting, such as Wuyi Rock Tea is extremely prestigious. Many monasteries are self-seeded drinking, can also be used to entertain guests, to relieve their fatigue. Lushan Donglin Temple famous monk Huiyuan, had to self-seeded tea to entertain Tao Yuanming, poetry and tea, talk about the scriptures, all day long. uxl tea net

Legend of Cactus Tea –


Cactus tea, also known as “Yuquan Cactus”, has a flat palm-like appearance, bright green color, and green soup.

Legend has it that every spring tea competition burst at the time, cactus tea creator in the pregnant Zen master (commonly known as Li, the poet Li Bai’s nephew) in the Yuquan Stream on the side of the Milk Grottoes picking tea tree young leaves, the use of tea technology to make a flat shape such as the palm of the hand, fragrant and slippery ripe, drink of the fragrance, the tongue with the afterglow of the famous tea. In 760 A.D., the middle pregnant Zen master traveled to the south of the Yangtze River, met Li Bai in Jinling (now Nanjing), and gave this tea to Li Bai as a gift. Li Bai tasted the tea, greatly appreciated, and according to the traits of the tea will be named “cactus tea”.

Shen Kuo “tasting tea” tea poetry appreciation detailed analysis –


Shen Kuo (1031-1095), word Cunzhong, Hangzhou Qiantang (present-day Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province). He was a scientist and statesman of the Northern Song Dynasty.

Tea Tasting 】2×0茶叶网

Who put the tender fragrance of the name of the bird tongue, fixed to the northern guests have not tasted.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money to pay for the services.

2x0tea .com

Shen Kuo in his book “Dream Stream Pen Talk” in the account: “tea buds, called the bird’s tongue, wheat, said it to tender. The beauty of the tea, the new buds a hair, will be more than an inch long, as fine as a needle, but the teeth long for the top grade, to its quality dry, soil force are more than that. North people do not know, mistaken for the title, such as the bird’s tongue, wheat, extremely lower material ear.”

Never wake someone who is pretending to be asleep –

Never wake up a sleepy person, “Zhuangzi – in the Yu”: the world of people, all like people with their own and evil people different from themselves. The same as their own and want to, different from their own and do not want to, between people, since there is fate to speak of, fate is not yet, is not the time. dYB Tea Net

永远不要去叫醒一个装睡的人dYB Tea Network

Everyone, have their own growth environment, experience encounter, natural eyesight is high and low, three views are different. Ancient people say, things are gathered, people are divided into groups. Modern people also have their own social circle, circle of friends, that is, they set up a barrier for themselves. dYB tea net

Trying to wake up a person pretending to be asleep is like trying to fit into a circle that is repulsive to your own magnetic field. It’s not his fault, it’s not your fault, just how you shout can’t make him wake up. dYB Tea Net

永远不要去叫醒一个装睡的人dYB Tea Network

Legend has it that Solomon, the king of the ancient Jews, once met a fool in the street who said, “I will give you wisdom, you either?” The fool was unmoved, gnawing on a bun while asking rhetorically, “What is the use of wisdom?” King Solomon said, “Wisdom will give you more buns than you can eat.” The fool said, “Then you might as well give me buns now.” dYB Tea

To forcefully admonish a person whose three views and perceptions are completely different will not only lead to nothing, but often will itself be harmed. The people who are willing to go with you, do not have to go to great lengths to get a ride; willing to treat you sincerely, will not ignore your payment. dYB tea net

People in this life is also more than 20,000 days, please do not waste time on a cow. Because you can never wake up a sleepy person, unless the person himself is willing to wake up. dYB Tea Net

Formation and development of tea culture in China during the Tang

Formation and Development of Chinese Tea Culture

Jin Dynasty, the North and South Dynasties, the germ of tea culture

With the rise of literati tea drinking, poetry and songs about tea are coming out day by day, tea has been separated from the general form of food and drink away from the cultural circle, playing a certain spiritual, social role. dFX Tea Net

Formation of tea culture in the Tang Dynasty

780 years Lu Yu wrote “tea scripture”, is a symbol of the formation of tea culture in the Tang Dynasty. It summarized the natural and humanistic dual content of tea, explored the art of tea drinking, Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and the integration of the three religions in tea drinking, the first Chinese tea ceremony spirit. Later, a large number of tea books, tea poems, tea, tea, tea, tea water, tea, tea, sixteen soups, etc. dFX Tea Net

The formation of tea culture in the Tang Dynasty and the rise of Zen Buddhism, because the tea has a refreshing and beneficial to the mind, the Zhenjin thirst-quenching function, so the temple revered tea, tea planted around the temple, the development of tea rituals, set up a tea hall, selected tea head, specializing in the presentation of tea activities. Formed in the Tang Dynasty, the Chinese tea ceremony is divided into the court tea ceremony, temple tea ceremony, literati tea ceremony. dFX Tea Net

Xinyang Hong Folk Song Drink tea to drink Xinyang

信阳红民歌 喝茶要喝信阳红

The rhyme of the south country, the wind of the north country, the water of the South Bay Lake, the love of Dabie Mountain. Tea country girl voice bright, clouds in the eyes of the floating song. A mountain mountain tea garden green as the sea, a year of tea harvest; a smiling face beautiful as a picture, a tea song table mood.

The tea country customs to treat friends and relatives. The tea town custom is to treat friends and relatives. The guests from the south and the north are all guests, advising you to serve cups of fragrant tea. Mao Jian Green Tea is traditional, and the new boutique has spread its fame. Don’t ask where the guests come from, drink tea to drink Xinyang red. Xinyang Red Tasting

September 27, 2011 morning CPC Xinyang City Shihe District Committee, Xinyang City Shihe District Government People’s Government hosted the “Qi’s Cup” the third “Xinyang Maojian” hand-fired tea competition and Xinyang red tasting will be in the beautiful tea countryside! -Tanjiahe Township Tumen Village grand opening. From the tea-producing townships and tea enterprises of the 30 top tea masters will be decided with the scene, show and learn the craft. City and district leaders, and from the townships and enterprises in charge of nearly 500 people attended the opening ceremony and visited the competition process.

Xinyang Mao Jian is known for its unique style of “fine, round, light, straight, more white hair, high aroma, strong flavor, soup color green”.

The purpose of the competition aims to inherit and carry forward the Xinyang Maojian traditional frying process, consolidate and enhance the status of Xinyang Maojian national top ten tea, carry forward the Xinyang Maojian tea culture, improve the competitiveness of the Xinyang Maojian tea market, enhance the quality of tea farmers awareness, and promote the tea farmers to increase incomes. To comprehensively promote Shihe District tea industry and fast development.

The competition was held at the same time “Xinyang red” tea tasting. more than 10 black tea companies in the brewing of “Xinyang red” tea, so that the participants together to taste the new school of Xinyang black tea.

2019 China’s top ten regional public brand value of tea –

1, 2019 China’s top ten regional public brand value of tea

West Lake Longjing 6.740 billion yuan 6kD

Pu’er Tea 6.649 billion yuan6kD

Xinyang Mao Jian tea 6.531 billion

Fuding White Tea 4.496 billion RMB6kDTea. com

Dongting Mountain Biluochun tea 4.449 billion RMB6kD Te a

Dafo Longjing 4.304 billion

Anji White Tea 4.092 billion

Mengding Mountain Tea 3.365 billion RMB6kD Te a

Liu’an Gua Slices 3.325 billion RMB6kD Te a

Anhua Black Tea 3.299 billion

2019中国茶叶区域公用品牌价值十强6kD Tea

2, the most brand premium power of the three brands

Dongting Mountain Biluochun, Jinyun yellow tea, Xihu Longjing 6kD tea net

3, the three brands with the most brand power

Fuding white tea, Anji white tea, Dafo Longjing 6kD tea net

4、Three brands with the most brand resource power

Pu’er tea, Fuding tea, West Lake Longjing 6kD Te a Net

2019中国茶叶区域公用品牌价值十强6kD Tea

5、Three brands with the most brand management power

Pu’er tea, Fuding white tea, Duyun Mao Jian 6kD Tea Net

6、Three brands with the most brand communication power

Zhengshan Xiaojiao, Keemun black tea, Liu Bao tea 6kD Tea Network

7, the most brand development of the three brands

Wuyishan big red robe, Anhua black tea, Fenggang zinc and selenium tea 6kD tea network

Tea People Tea Language: Tea Circle Secret Language Book –

In every circle, there are some code words that only “insiders” can understand. Their own people can understand in a second, outsiders hear but can not understand. Tea circle is no exception, these secret language, you have heard it?


1, eat and talk about tea

Pre-liberation Sichuan and Chongqing regions, there is a way to deal with neighborhood disputes called “eat and talk about tea”, that is, the teahouse for the public hall, please local prestigious people in the middle of the host, the two sides to state the advantages and disadvantages of resolving disputes.

2, set tea bowl array MU0 tea net

In the past, in order to distinguish between friends and outsiders, robes invented the tea bowl array, there are many ways to swing. For example, you want to understand each other’s details, set up a “wooden poplar array”, put two teacups on the table, one on the plate, one on the outside of the plate. If you know how to break the formation, you will take the one that is placed outside the plate, pick it up and put it back to the tea tray. And recite a poem: wood Yang city is the Qiankun, righteousness is all based on a little red. Today, the righteous brother came to ask questions, do not take Hong Ying as an outsider.

3、Lid of the teacup facing outward, leaning on the edge of the teacup

The tea cup lid is facing outward, leaning against the side of the tea cup. Generally can only add water twice, the third time you have to wait until the guests to add water, respectively, together with the add.


4、Put a small object on the tea cover, such as lighter, cigarette case, toothpick

The guest temporarily leave a moment, will be right back, the cup of water to drink, remind the host not to pour.

5, flute up

It is to put the lid of the tea cup up, leaning against the side of the tea bowl. This means that when drinking tea in the teahouse, the guests did not bring money, in order to avoid embarrassment, prompted the teahouse mate, do not have to voice, the next time to pay together.

6, put the tea cover upwards, in the tea bowl

This means that the guests finished drinking tea, the host or the second, you can clean up the tea set.


7, strong guest pressure master

In the southern Fujian area, guests drink tea when the cup, can not casually put the cup corner in the tea plate along the friction, which indicates that the strong guest pressure, is in the initiative to provoke, or perhaps a fight.

8, under the banishment order MU0 tea network

If the tea has been brewed no flavor, the host still does not change the tea, even if it is almost white water, still poured to the guests to drink. This means that the host in the banishment order, the guest should know, they should go.


9, add people to change the tea

If the process of drinking tea, came a new guest. The host will replace the tea, re-brew a pot of tea. Newly brewed tea, two rushed to the new guests to drink, said the welcome to the guests. Guests do not need to excuse, thank you and sip can, otherwise it will be “but not respect”.

10, thank you tea MU0 tea network

In the acceptance of tea, generally make a “return gift” response. Elders pouring tea, with the index finger on the table flicked twice. Junior, junior poured tea, with the index finger, middle finger together on the table flicked two times, to express gratitude.

Introduction to the origin of the name of Pu’er

Yunnan tea, Tang Yi Zong Xiantong five years (864 years), Fan Chuo compiled “barbarians book” in the following: “Yunnan tube within the seventh, tea out of Yinsheng City boundary mountains. Scattered, no harvesting method. Mengshe barbarians to pepper, ginger, cinnamon and cooking and drinking.” W6f tea net

In 765 A.D., the state of Nanzhao in today’s Kunming to repair Tuo Dong City, open up the territory of east Yunnan, the Quzhou, Jingzhou (Zhaotong, Xuanwei area), the head of the step (Red River South) to control; and in the Jingdong area to set up a “Yin Shengfu”, appointed “Yin Sheng Festival Ministers”, the capital of Jingdong City, the jurisdiction of the present Jingdong The capital was in Jingdong City, and it governed the areas of Jingdong, Jinggu, Zhenyuan, Mojiang, Pu’er, Simao, Jiangcheng and Xishuangbanna nowadays. During the Ming Dynasty, Pu’er and Simao belonged to the Xuanxuanshuanshi (Jinghong) Department in the Chechen Province, and it was not until the seventh year of the Yongzheng period (1729) of the Qing Dynasty, when the local government implemented the “Reform of the Land and Return to the Streams” that it set up the “Pu’er Prefecture”, which governed the “three halls, one county and one department”, namely the Simao Hall, the Simao County and the Simao Department. ” W6f Tea Net

Qing Guangxu “Pu’er Province” of the Volume I, Volume VII and Volume XIX and other chapters recorded: “Pu’er ancient belonging to the Yin Shengfu, then the Xifan with Pu tea, has been since the time of the Tang.” “United eight Meng to ring guard, shape wrong dog teeth (Simao belongs to the river within the five Meng), the question of the six mountains for the positive supply, the weekly capital sparrow tongue (a Yule Mountain, in the province south of seven hundred and five miles, after divided into the frame of the cloth mountain, kong mountain; a Mangzhi mountain, in the province south of four hundred and eighty-five miles; a Gedeng mountain, in the province south of four hundred and eighty miles; a barbaric brick mountain, in the province south of three hundred and sixty miles; a Yibang mountain, in the province south of three hundred and forty miles; the five mountains are managed by the Yibang Tusi. The five mountains are all under the control of the Yibang Tusi. (A Manza Mountain, i.e., Yiwu Mountain, five hundred and eighty miles south of the prefecture, for the Yiwu Tusi tube).” Explained the six tea mountains belonging to the ancient Yin Sheng House to the Qing Dynasty has been under the jurisdiction of the Simao Hall of the Pu’er House. Earlier than the “Pu’er Province” written by Tan Zui “Dian Hai Yu Heng Ji” Volume XI: “Pu Tea is famous in the world. This is the reason why Dian for the production and the capital Li Lai also. Out of Pu’er belongs to six tea mountain. One day Yule, two days Gedeng, three days Yibang, four days Mangzhi, five days brick, six days Manza. Week eight hundred miles, hundreds of thousands of people into the mountain tea. Tea buyers, transported in various places, each full of road, can be said to be big money grain carry on.” This paragraph Pu’er tea production and marketing of the main production area at that time more clearly. w6f tea net

Qing Daoguang five years (1825), Ruan Fu set Pu’er tea flourished when the text of the great success, wrote “Pu’er Tea Records”, not only a systematic introduction to the ins and outs of Pu’er tea, the environment of the origin, as well as the types of products, the quality of the characteristics of each year the imperial court used to Pu’er Tribute Tea procurement of the cost of how much, and even Pu’er Tea quality of the identification of all the narratives. W6f Tea Leaf Net

What is the meaning of tea fighting? What are the criteria for judging a tea fight?

Fighting tea, also known as tea battle, emerging at the end of the Tang Dynasty, prevalent in the Song Dynasty, is the highest expression of the ancient art of tea tasting, after moxibustion tea, grinding tea, Luo tea, waiting for the soup, flame marigolds, point tea 6 steps.

Tea fight is an ancient literati tea art, they each carry tea and water, through the fight, tasting, appreciation of the tea soup to determine the winner.


Fighting tea standards are mainly two aspects:

(1) Soup color

Fighting tea on the color of tea has strict standards, the general standard is to pure white for the top, green and white, gray and white, yellow and white, followed by.

Pure white color indicates that the tea is fresh and tender, and the fire is just right when steaming.

If the color reddish, is frying and roasting fire over the head; color greenish, it shows that the steam fire is not enough; color yellowish, is not picked in time; color grayish, is steaming fire is too old. In this way, it seems that the person who fights for tea really knows the color of the soup very well.


(2) Soup flower

Soup flower refers to the foam on the surface of the soup. The same as tea broth, there are two criteria for soup flower:

The first one is the color of the flower, the standard is the same as the standard of the soup color;

The second is the soup flower after the flooding, to the water marks appear sooner or later to determine the winner, the early for the negative, the late for the winner. If the tea powder research and grinding delicate, point soup, hit the whisk just right, soup flower uniform fine, can bite the edge of the calendars, a long time to get together and not yet, the name is “bite calendars”.

On the contrary, the soup flowers, can not bite the calabash, will soon disperse. As soon as the soup flower is scattered, the place where the soup meets the calendars will reveal the tea-colored water line, i.e. the water mark.


The ultimate goal of the tea fight is to taste the tea, through the tea soup, see the color and lustre of these competitions, selected the best and worst tea, only those who color, aroma and taste are good tea is considered good tea, and those who can be counted on the tea fight victory.