Different state of mind, the feeling of drinking tea is also different – Tea.com

Different state of mind, the feeling of drinking tea is also different, drinking tea is a kind of enjoyment, and tea has nothing to do with the noble and cheap. myu Tea Net

Drinking tea makes you feel comfortable, communication more fluent; drinking tea is very simple, and sometimes can make people think, in reverie back to self, also remember the past, innocence is the essence of man, in the tea that is both bitter and sweet taste, learn to read the life of the sinking and floating. myu tea net

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

1.Tea mood will not go to complain

Life, a lot of complaints, some people complain that life is not as good as expected, some people complain that the cause is not good. But the good and bad of life only know themselves, the true meaning of tea flavor only know themselves. myu tea net

Tea is not just a bowl of tea, but also full of humanism, full of all things in heaven and earth in harmony with each other, mutual fulfillment, communion, and the spirit of difference, dissolve hostility, promote the positive, the achievement of harmony. myu tea net

When you sit down to drink tea, with the elimination of distractions, empty self mood, it can make you feel relaxed, feel calm inside, forget the worries, that kind of ceremony actually make your life more complete, and no longer go to complain. myu tea net

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

2.Have the mood to drink tea will not go to disappointment

Tea as a carrier of culture, in fact, is more of a life attitude and persistence. myu tea network

Drinking tea not only brings people physical health, but also brings is the spiritual enjoyment and temperament enhancement. Tea is like an old friend full of positive energy, even if it does not speak, you can also feel its temperament. myu tea net

Smell the tea aroma, taste the tea flavor, as if the old friend in the side to tell those positive energy stories about him. Drinking tea with positive energy, you will not feel disappointed or angry when you encounter something so bad. myu tea net

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

3.If you are in a tea-drinking mood, you won’t be able to care.

You will find that tea drinkers are rarely angry, will not be for the small things, they use a calm mind to treat every cup of tea, but also use this mind to treat the people and things in life, will be calm and generous into a habit. myu tea net

A cup of tea, not as strong as wine, not as tasteless as water, it is full of sweet and fresh, fragrant lingering, indifferent and elegant, from the busy steal half a day of life, with a leisurely heart, a pot of tea, naturally, will not be suffering from loss, catty. myu tea net

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

4.Drinking tea in the mood will not go to anxiety

Drinking tea, give people the feeling of quiet, is a kind of interest, every time you drink tea, can be said to be a spiritual journey, can remove the inner anxiety, so that people are calm and relaxed, no longer in a hurry. myu tea net

Tea in the sinking and floating gradually returned to the plain, people in the rolling day by day serenity, bubble a pot of tea, choose a favorite music, taste the warmth that already have, feel the life of the spontaneity and happiness. myu tea net

Sniffing the sweetness of tea, looking at the cup of suspended tea leaves, sitting quietly, plain and simple, cultivate the body and also cultivate the heart!

心境不同,喝茶的感悟也不同myu tea net

5.The mood to drink tea will not go blind chase

There is a mood to drink tea people need a kind of light, simple. In the materialistic flow of the red dust, more need to a calm state of mind, thank the prosperity, return to the simple. myu tea net

Drinking tea can help people calm and peaceful, with such a mood to drink tea, natural open-minded, indifferent. The lightness is not no desire, but more clearly defined their own goals, not to blindly chase deliberately want to get. myu tea net

Insist on drinking tea, you can get the quality and sophistication of the content of life, but also make life, the pursuit of life goals clearer. myu tea net

Tea can be drank every day, but the mood to drink tea is not every day, hurried feet, restless heart, need a cup of tea to wash away the haze, remodeling feelings. myu tea net

Fujian-Taiwan marriage etiquette “three tea Tianli” tea ceremony culture -Tea.com

闽台婚姻礼仪“三茶天礼”茶礼文化G9k tea net

In China, tea and marriage have close links, as early as the Ming Dynasty, there is a “betrothal tea” records. Because the tea nature of the most clean, often regarded as a symbol of love between men and women pure and clean; tea seed, become a symbol of praying for the prosperity of the descendants, family prosperity. Qing Dynasty people Fugue in the “listening to the rain series of talks” Volume VIII, said: “today’s wedding line hiring, tea as a coin, Qing Han’s custom is true, and not the right room without.” Tea-related wedding customs, the most interesting when pushed to the southern Fujian and Taiwan. G9k Tea Network

Fujian and Taiwan marriage etiquette is known as “three tea day ceremony”. The “three tea” that is engaged to be married “under the tea”, married “fixed tea”, the same room to meet the “joint tea”. ” G9k Tea Network

In the old society, the man with the matchmaker or parents to the woman’s home to propose marriage, matchmaking, the woman’s parents are accustomed to call the word in the daughter of tea to guests, tea cups filled, according to the order of seniority sent to the hands of the male pro-guests, and thus opened the “matchmaking” prelude. Male family members take the opportunity to examine the girl’s appearance, speech, behavior, mannerisms, the girl will also secretly measure the future husband, when the male to the female family “to send” (betrothal), by the woman to be married to the sweet tea (Fujian and Taiwan folk called “golden jujube tea”), the male guests to taste. After drinking the sweet tea, the male guest will return the gift with a double-digit coin wrapped in red paper, which is called “pressure tea bottle”. On the day of the marriage, before the male wedding party arrives at the woman’s home, the woman’s family will be invited to eat “egg tea” (sweet tea built into a shelled and boiled sugared egg). G9k Tea Net

After the male wedding banquet, the bride and groom in the company of the matchmaker or family members, holding on the candied fruit, sweet winter melon strips, such as “tea with” the tea tray, guests, this gift is called “eat the bride tea”. Guests eat the “bridal tea” to wrap the red envelope placed in the tea cup as a return gift. On the second day of marriage, the newlyweds hold a “golden jujube tea” (two honey jujubes for each small cup) and kneel to offer it to their elders, which is the famous “worship tea” of the folk in Minnan and Taiwan, and is also the culmination of the tea rituals in the wedding ceremony. If far away from the hometown of relatives elders can not go to the wedding, the groom’s family will use red paper tea, along with the golden dates and send. G9k tea net

In some places in eastern Fujian also passed down special customs. Fuan folk unmarried girls have “under the tea rules”, where unmarried girls to the pro-Wei friends home guests, general food can eat and drink, only tea can not drink lightly, drink tea means agree to do this daughter-in-law, this custom is still in use today. G9k tea net

In the She family newlyweds worship, there is a “bride tea” custom. The evening of the wedding day set up a banquet to invite six relatives and nine family members, wine over the “three patrols”, the bride on the seat of the tea ceremony relatives to gift “tea ceremony” (money), as the bride’s “meet gift”. After the wedding ceremony, the bride enters the back of the hall to take the spare sugar tea. The second time the bride leaves the hall, she is still accompanied by her maid of honor, who leads the ceremony and begins to offer the sugar tea to the ladies. The bride leaves the hall for the third time to collect the tea cup. After the women finish drinking the sugar tea, the bridesmaids are rewarded with red envelopes called “tea money”. g9k tea net

In southern Fujian and Taiwan, the tea tree is a symbol of the conclusion of the same heart, to the death. According to Lang Ying’s “seven repair class draft” and Chen Yuewen’s “Tianzhong record”: “Where the planting of the tea tree must be down, transplantation is not regenerated, so the old bride must be tea as a gift, the righteousness of the inherent take also.” G9k Tea

Quan Debi “and Xu Ge Lao after clearing Ci’en Temple Apricot Garden to see the flowers with the flower character slogan” tea poetry works appreciate – Tea Net


Quan Deyi (759-818) was a native of Loyang, Tianshui (northeast of present-day Qin’an, Gansu). He was a native of Loyang, Tianshui (northeast of present-day Qin’an, Gansu Province). He was promoted to the rank of Minister of Rites and was involved in the administration of the government.

Bong and Xu courtier after clearing Ci’en Temple Apricot Garden to see the flowers with the flower character slogans

Apricot Grove rain clearing, burning full of Yao Hua. bb2tea.com

The left side of the period first arrived, in the garden view is not oblique. bb2tea.com


Bb2tea . com

Bb2tea .net

This poem describes the rain is over, the poet with a few colleagues in the dynasty in the Ci’en Temple apricot garden, while leisurely and at ease tea, while enjoying the scene of flowers. ” Bb2Tea.net

Legend of Shennong – Tea.com


Shennong era (about 2700 BC), Shennong is a very peculiar person, he has a crystal clear stomach, eat what, in the stomach and intestines can be seen clearly. At that time, people did not know how to eat with fire, and they ate flowers, grass, wild fruits, insects, fish, animals and so on, which were swallowed alive, so people often got sick. Shennong in order to relieve people’s suffering, it is determined to use their own special stomach to see the plants are tasted once, to see these plants in the stomach changes, in order to let people know which plants are non-toxic, which plants are poisonous. Wtj Tea Net

In this way, Shennong began to taste all kinds of herbs. When he tasted a kind of white flowers on the young leaves of the tree, found that this green leaves really strange, once eaten into the stomach, from top to bottom, from bottom to top, everywhere flow washing, as if in the stomach to check what the stomach and intestines washed clean, he called this green leaves for the “check”. Later, people said “Cha” into “tea”. Shennong years and years of trekking, try to taste a hundred herbs, every day will be poisoned a few times, relying on tea to save. Wtj Tea Net

Shennong tasted a hundred herbs is just a legend, but which highlights the human labor production in primitive society in the process of practice, and gradually accumulate the wisdom of survival. The establishment of primitive agriculture and medicine, not a period of time, a person can be completed, but millions of people after a long period of practice, continue to explore the results of discovery. This is just like the legend of “building a nest to avoid harm” of the Aristotle’s, “drilling flint to get fire to melt the stench” of the Suiren’s and “knotting the rope for the net, to share to fish” of the Fuxi’s, and the story of Shen Nong tasting a hundred herbs. The story of Shennong tasting a hundred herbs is completely understandable. wtjtea.com

“Shennong Ben Cao Jing” recorded: “Tea flavor bitter cold, long service peace of mind beneficial gas, light body resistance.” Tea can heal swollen head, bladder disease, cold fever, chest inflammation, and can quench thirst and excitement, so that the mind is cool and comfortable. Wtj Tea Net

At least in the Warring States period, tea as a medicine, has been known to the people of the country. wtj tea.com

Initially utilized wild tea, after a long period of time, before the emergence of cultivated tea trees. Around 350 A.D., the Huayang Guo Zhi, written by Chang Qu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, talks about tea in many places. Among them, in “Huayang Guo Zhi – Ba Zhi” there are: “King Wu both K Yin, to its Zong Ji in Ba, Jennifer to the son, the ancient far country although big, Jennifer but son, so Wu Chu and Ba are said to be the son of …… on the planting of the five grains, the livestock of the six animals, mulberry, silkworms, hemp, Boehmeria, fish, salt, copper, iron, dan, lacquer, tea, honey …… are all na greedy.” This historical information to China’s tea written history advances to the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period before King Wu of Zhou. According to the “Records of the Grand Historian – Zhou Benji”, King Wu of Zhou led the southern eight countries to conquer Zhou in 1066 BC. That is, as early as 3,000 years ago, China’s Ba Shu area has been used to produce tea as tribute. The book is also contained: “the garden has fragrant jelly tea”, indicating that in the area of Ba Shu, Zhou Dynasty has been artificially cultivated tea gardens. And in the “Huayang Guo Zhi – Shu Zhi” also mentioned: “Nan’an (equivalent to today’s Sichuan Province, Leshan County), Wuyang (in today’s Sichuan Province, Pengshan County) are out of the famous tea.” This means that Sichuan Leshan, Pengshan, in the Zhou Dynasty has been China’s famous tea production. Wtj Tea Net

The beautiful encounter between cheongsam and tea – Tea.com

Love tea, love cheongsam woman, cheongsam and tea beautiful encounter BZ7Tea.com


Gazing at the delicate tea leaves tumbling and blooming in the waterBZ7Tea.com

Taste the tea gradually turning from bitter to sweet BZ7Tea.com

Like watching yourself perform on the stage of lifeBZ7Tea.com

Feeling life as calm and timeless as the fragrance of teaBZ7Tea.com


Post-80s womenBZ7Tea.com

BZ7Tea. com has its own unique personality.

Tea and cheongsam are their best friends in lifeBZ7Tea.com

Dialogue with teaBZ7Tea.com

Energetic life and leisurely dance with the fragrance of teaBZ7Tea.com

Like wearing a cheongsamBZ7Tea.com




Life has taught them to think positivelyBZ7Tea.com


Make a cup of teaBZ7Tea.com

Wearing a cheongsamBZ7Tea.com

Cheongsam and teaBZ7tea.com

Enriching their inner BZ7Tea.com

Carve their cultivationBZ7Tea.com

Or pick up a paintbrushBZ7Tea.com

BZ7Tea . com to express their inner world as they like

BZ7Tea. com enjoying a moment of peace and joy in the red world.



BZ7tea. comBZ7tea.com


When they meet tea BZ7tea.com

The most beautiful music will be interpreted every day when they have time to put on a cheongsamBZ7Tea.com

In a small tea bed, exquisite tea setsBZ7Tea.com





旗袍与茶的美丽邂逅BZ7 Tea Leaves

For women BZ7tea.com

Drinking tea is one of the best ways to maintain a youthful appearanceBZ7Tea.com

Wearing a cheongsam is one of the best ways to enhance the elegance of the temperament of the drink of tea so that the woman has a healthy body, ageless faceBZ7Tea.com

Wearing a cheongsam gives a woman an elegant and unassuming temperamentBZ7Tea.com


Drinking tea to please people idle nine kinds of behavior, drinking tea can not do things – Tea.com

Drinking tea to please people idle nine kinds of behavior, drinking tea is built on the premise of drinking tea three consistent, if you meet some obnoxious behavior when drinking tea, and then good-tempered tea friends will scoff. oBb tea net

The following is a lot of tea friends have spit nine rude behavior, see if you can find resonance? oBb tea net

喝茶讨人闲的九种行为,喝茶时不能做的事oBb tea net

1 late trolling index: ★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

As the saying goes: “eating can not catch up with the hot”, drinking tea is also. Originally drinking tea is about the slow experience, but you run in hot and bothered, gasping for breath on the body, the heart is more difficult to calm down. At this time, drinking tea or water is to quench the thirst, want to savor the flavor of tea is afraid it is impossible. oBb tea net

Late, but also embarrassed to let others are waiting for you, right? We are chatting and drinking tea, the excitement will always be interrupted by your sudden intrusion. oBb tea net

2 tea utensils vulgar troll index: ★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

A lot of tea drinkers have their own exclusive tea set, some of the elegant blue and white embellishments as if the cups of the eye-catching, but some of the patterns do make people spicy eyes. oBb tea net

In addition to the pattern of vulgarity, I do not know when to start, tea favor also “changed flavor”. Some maliciously ugly ancient Chinese gods and animals in the shape of a grandiose set to the people’s tea table. oBb tea net

Tea drinkers, the most taboo these “bad taste” spoil the real tea culture. oBb Tea Network

喝茶讨人闲的九种行为,喝茶时不能做的事oBb tea net

3 each step to take pictures to spit index: ★★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆

Some people not only like to use the phone to food “light”, tea out of the water, the brewing process also want to take a few photos. oBb tea net

You tea is ready to out of the soup, he suddenly interrupted you: “Wait a minute! I shoot a small video to send a circle of friends!” Then quickly pulled out his cell phone to you. oBb tea net

Drinking tea needs the sense of ceremony, is the respect for tea, rather than each picture to be framed to remember. oBb tea net

4 use disposable cups spit index: ★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆☆

Tea drinkers all pay attention to the return to nature, like to use wooden tea tray, clay pots, ceramic cups, very consistent with the modern “environmentalism” of the preoccupation. oBb Tea Network

So if you serve a disposable paper cup to drink tea, you may really frown at you. If possible, they will also wash a white porcelain cup for you to change. oBb tea net

You think disposable tea set will be more hygienic, but in fact develop the habit of bringing your own tea cup to drink tea both hygienic, but also environmentally friendly. oBb tea net


5 tea leaves and tea utensils do not match trolling index: ★★★★★ ☆☆☆☆☆

You have seen the purple sand bubble green tea? You can directly smother you with the flavor of yellow tea; think of the glass pot bubble puerh, glass material permeability how to compare with the purple sand, thick water flavor directly smothered into the tea, puerh and then mellow can not carry ah. oBb tea net

Not to mention those who use insulation cup tea, insulation cup function is to maintain the temperature of the water, water and tea too long high temperature soak together, bitter and astringent flavor are out. So bubble tea utensils, or to be a little talk about it. oBb tea network

6 what things are paired together to drink spit index: ★★★★★★ ☆☆☆☆

Black tea spelling point milk tea, honey, the taste is not too strange; there are many people drink tea like to add some flower tea, lemon tune a flavor, as long as the proportion of good to keep, the taste of nature is also very comfortable. oBb tea network

But there is another kind of people, tea like messy add herbs, see some good efficacy of the Chinese medicine, a brain all added into the tea. See a pot of black stuff, thought it was in the soup. Suggest that tea like to add herbs friends, must understand the efficacy and dosage, follow the doctor’s instructions. Tea flavor string flavor is a small matter, drink bad body can not be good. oBb tea net

喝茶讨人闲的九种行为,喝茶时不能做的事oBb tea net

7 play does not match the atmosphere of the music spit index: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆

In fact, usually pay attention to you will find that many fast-food restaurants like to play fast-paced music, which can promote people’s eating speed; some small Western-style restaurants, will choose a soothing music, and hope that you then point a red wine to enjoy the dinner. oBb tea net

If someone with a cell phone turned on to the loudest, playing noisy pop songs, the entire pace of drinking tea was accelerated, not easy to enter a peaceful state of mind, and even feel noisy. oBb tea net

8 Comparison Price Spitting Index: ★★★★★★★★☆☆☆

Upon hearing this, surely many tea lovers nodded their heads in agreement. Sometimes you buy a very heart of a tea, bring everyone together to share the joy, when a person came forward, said you this tea was cheated, which which only a few dollars a packet. Drinking tea are in the mood to be destroyed, let alone talk about the joy. oBb Tea Network

In fact, the same tea, the price difference is very normal. Different craftsmanship, origin, grade, will affect the quality of tea; different packaging, year, and affect the price of tea. Don’t listen to the name are the same, you buy 10 yuan a bag and 100 yuan a box, the flavor and the degree of resistance to brewing is really a lot of difference. oBb Tea Net


9 “my best” troll index: ★★★★★★★★★☆

Must be a high and low: your cup is porcelain? The best thing about this is that it’s not as good as my purple sand one; your oolong is produced by the manufacturer? Then my master supervised production must be better; your tea tray is made of bamboo? Then my nanmu tea tray is definitely the best… … . oBb tea net

Isn’t this a very annoying behavior for everyone? Drinking tea is never about comparison, it’s about your own feelings. It’s really low to get the pleasure of drinking tea from someone else. oBb tea.com

As the saying goes: “Eat to see the cultivation, the table to see the character”, this sentence is used in the drinking of tea there is no problem. oBb Tea Network

This is a kind of mutual respect “sense of ceremony”, not only to respect the tea, but also to respect every tea lover here. oBb tea net

Drinking tea is the happiest thing, no better than the preparation of a rare good tea, about the three views of the same people, quietly sipping, talk to each other. oBb Tea Network

Where did black tea originate – Tea.com

Where did black tea originate, black tea has two types; one is originated around the eleventh century. Sichuan green tea marketing northwest, traffic inconvenience, transportation difficulties, must be compressed volume, steaming for the side sale lump tea, easy to long-term long-distance transportation. oTq Tea Net

Therefore, the quality of the border tea is more mellow, the border area people more favorite drinking border tea, so that the border tea has become the only important commodity in the northwest border area, equal to a day of indispensable food. oTqTea.com


Sichuan green tea to be processed into steam pressure agglomerated tea semi-finished products, it is necessary to go through more than 20 days of wet heap in order to turn black. Through such practice, there is a discoloration of the understanding of the new technical measures taken, invented for the black hair tea system. oTq tea net

Second, such as Hunan Anhua black tea after twisting Ovation pile more than 20 hours, so that the leaf color becomes brown-green with black, and then drying for the black tea, is originated in the sixteenth century later. oTqTea.com

Wo heap role and Sichuan green tea pile concave more days to do color process is similar to the color process is greatly shortened, the technology has been a great innovation. oTq Tea Net

This black hair tea after a variety of steam pressure technical measures, resulting in a variety of black brick tea. Such as Anhua’s black brick tea, coca brick tea, flower holding (now changed to flower brick tea); bulk black tea has day tip, Gong Jian (now changed to Xiangjian 1, 2). oTq tea net


Historical records of black tea, before the sixteenth century, refers to Sichuan from the green tea after the color process into the finished black tea, as far back as the Song God Zong Zhao Xu Xining (1068 to 1077 AD) years. After the sixteenth century, it refers to all kinds of black tea after the processing of Anhua’s black hair tea. oTq Tea Net

Green to black Sichuan said to do color, Hunan said grip heap, Hubei green brick tea said compost heap Yunnan said turn color, the name is different, in fact, it is one, are wet heap or semi-dry long pile of reasons. oTqTea.com

Why tea masters are all women – Tea.com

Why tea masters are female, mention tea masters, three words when the first image that comes to mind is often a female. Most of the tea masters are women, summarized probably for the following reasons: YcP Tea Net

为什么茶艺师都是女的YcP Tea Network

1, good tea like a good person

All the good tea like a good person, the masses of the ideal tea master, is beautiful. Most of the men make tea, no flexible beauty, action simple rough. ycp tea net

But if a man bubble tea is too soft, then it will appear effeminate, much less masculine temperament. YcP tea network

2. Scene

Some male tea masters have the habit of smoking, however, the most important thing is, smoking while making tea!

While making tea while smoking, not only affects the image, but also very unhygienic, if the ash is also accidentally fall into the tea bowl, that’s how uncomfortable ah !

为什么茶艺师都是女的YcP Tea

3. Soft and beautiful

The hand draws the spring, you can brainstorm how beautiful this is the picture. However, if it is a thick and robust due to the kneading of tea leaves and calloused hands holding a small and exquisite tea cup, the picture will not be slightly off? Or women’s delicate hand can make the whole “style” more pleasing to the eye ~ YcP Tea Network

4, friendly feeling

Women are born with a sense of intimacy, easy to close the distance between the tea customers. In addition, women pay more attention to the sense of detail, the tea itself for a slow work, so women are more likely to stick and every step of the tea ceremony. ycp tea net

5. Socializing

In comparison, girls are better at chatting with people. Although some male tea masters can make the tea well, but they can’t do it while making tea and chatting with tea drinkers. While chatting while brewing, ladies are generally better at it, and in the process of chatting, a box of tea will be sold. YcP Tea Network

Of course, these are just most people’s summary, not a generalization of the remarks, as long as you do a good job, genuinely love the work of the tea master, boys will also be very popular!

Tea glyphs and pronunciation of the establishment of the source of calendar officials – Tea.com

茶字形和读音的确立来源历吏MYp Tea

The oldest “tea” character is when and under what circumstances arose? Historically, the word “tea” character shape, sound, meaning varied, there are many synonyms, aliases, elegant name, such as Tanta, Catalpa, Thea sinensis, Thea sinensis, Ming, Gaolu, Buyao Hou, etc. Until now, the tea and the tea can be used generically. MYp Tea Net

“Tuan”, is the most used in ancient times to indicate that the word tea, the ancient “Tuan” word is a polyphonic polysemous word, not only on behalf of the tea. The word “tian” was first used in the Book of Songs. It was first mentioned in the Book of Songs. Yefeng? The first time I saw this, I was in the middle of a long journey, and it was the first time I saw it in the middle of a long journey, and it was the first time I saw it in the middle of a long journey, and it was the first time I saw it in the middle of a long journey, and it was the first time I saw it in the middle of a long journey, and it was the first time I saw it in the middle of a long journey.

The earliest clear “tea” word contains the meaning of tea is “Er Ya”, Jin Guo Pu in the commentary “Er Ya? Release wood” in “Jia, bitter tea” when noted: “tree as small as gardenia, winter, leaves can be boiled for soup drink.” This note is the characteristics of the tea tree. Xu Shen in the Eastern Han Dynasty in the “Shuowen Jiezi” also said: “Tuan, bitter tea also.” The word “tian” means “tea” today. In Lu Yu’s “The Classic of Tea”, there are no less than a dozen references to tea, of which the most widely used is “tian” (荼). MYp 茶叶网

Thea sinensis (jiǎ) is the ancient word for tea from wood, referring to the tea tree.

Thea sinensis (chuǎn), from the grass, refers to the late-picked tea leaves.

Thea sinensis (shè), is the ancient western Sichuan tea colloquialisms. MYp tea net

Ming, is said to be a region of Yunnan “tea” of the earth sound, about the Eastern Han Dynasty began to be used to indicate that the tea, and now with the word “tea” generic, for the elegant name of the tea. MYp Tea Network

Due to the development of tea, refers to the tea of “tian” word is used more and more, there is a need to differentiate, so from a word with multiple meanings of the “tian” word, derived from the word “tea”. The word “tea”, first appeared in the Tang Dynasty “Materia Medica”. The word “tea” evolved from the word “tian”, which was designated as the single word “tea” by subtracting a stroke from the word “tian” in the book “Kaiyuan yinyi” during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Lu Yu in the writing of the “tea scripture”, has been uniformly used “tea”. From then on, in the ancient and modern tea books, the shape of the word tea, sound, meaning is also fixed. MYp Tea Net

Tea tree is a woody plant, the original tea “tea” word, minus a painting, change “Wo” for wood, so that it is more worthy of the name. This change, can be said to change just right. In addition to the modern unified use of the word tea, between the use of “Ming” word tea, but with the history of the so-called “late picking for tea” meaning completely different. In modern times, when the word “tea” is used, it has the meaning of elegance and chic. MYp Tea Net

The establishment of the pronunciation of the word “tea” is earlier than the establishment of the character form of the word “tea”. MYp Tea Network

China’s vast territory, a large number of nationalities, and therefore in the language and writing is also heterogeneous, the same thing has a variety of names, the same name and a variety of ways to write. To the middle of the Tang Dynasty, tea sound, shape, meaning has tended to unify, and later, and because of Lu Yu, “Tea Classic” widely circulated, “tea” glyphs further established until today. MYp Tea Net

Before the Han Dynasty, the word “tea” due to different uses, there should be two pronunciations: refers to the bitter vegetable “tea” read “Tu”; refers to the tea “tea ” MYp tea net

From the fourth to the fifth century A.D., Chinese tea spread to Goryeo. Tang Zhenguan 15 years, Tang Taizong for Princess Wencheng and the Tibetan king of the marriage of the dowry, brought a large number of tea. Because the tea was “also” word, so the Tibetan word tea pronunciation is still “also”. After the fifth century A.D., the Arabs bartered tea from the northwestern border of China one after another, so the Persian language called tea for chǎ, the Russian language for cha-i; Japanese tea is the same as the Chinese language, the pronunciation is also chá. in addition, the Indian language, Pakistani, Bengali, Sri Lankan are chá, even the Portuguese language is also pronounced as chá. MYp Tea Leaf Net

Why live why catty, put it down will have another world – Tea.com

Why live catty, put down another heaven and earth, life is short, always a mixture of joy and happiness, gains and losses coexist, gathering and dispersal of uncertainty. AdK Tea Net

A lot of things, like the sand in the hand, the more tightly grasped, the more quickly lost. All things look down some, think a little open, everything with fate, with the heart. adktea.net

People this life, destined to come and go are empty, no one can permanently have anything. I have to go to the end to understand, all the gains and losses are temporary, the most important thing is to look down. adktea.net


Let go of worries AdKTea.com

The most important thing is to let go of all the worries. Buddhists say, “There are 84,000 kinds of troubles in life.” AdK Tea

Big people have big people’s troubles, small people have small people’s affairs of the heart, these are common sense. The heart of the trouble, do not have to say to everyone, as well as learn to look down and let go. adktea.net

Trouble because you have too much to let go, honor, money, status, interests, feelings and so on. If you want to get rid of the trouble, you have to learn to put down. adktea.net

Once upon a time there was a rich man, doing business made a lot of money. He was afraid of others stealing his money, and afraid of others to borrow, all day long worried. So he carried his money on his back and searched for happiness all day long. AdKTea.com

However, he never found happiness and became more depressed. Once he was resting by the roadside, he passed a woodcutter carrying firewood, humming a song as he walked. AdK Tea Leaf Net

Feeling curious, he asked, “May I ask if you know where happiness is? Why can’t I find it?” AdKTea.com

The woodcutter smiled, pointed to the burden on his body, and said, “Put it down and you’ll be happy.” AdKTea.com

When the rich man heard this, he was instantly enlightened. It turned out that he was not happy because he had such a heavy burden on his back. How can you find happiness when you are scared all day long for this money? AdKTea.com


From then on, he took all the money he earned and did things that benefited the people. The people praised him and he was never troubled again. AdKTea.com

The woodcutter was happy because he let go of his burden, and the rich man was happy because he let go of his money. The human heart is like a cup, if it is filled with more worries, it will be less happy. AdKTea.com

Mr. Lin Qingxuan said: All beings use bodhi as worries, and bodhi uses worries as bodhi. All the worries are nothing but nothingness in the end. AdK Tea Net

Su Dongpo, a great writer of the Northern Song Dynasty, had a rough life, even though he experienced the “Wutai Poetry Case” and was uprooted for most of his life, but he was still open-minded and optimistic. adktea.net

“Don’t listen to the sound of leaves beating through the forest, why not chant and walk slowly?” This is how free. “A Demoiselle Demoiselle is a life of peace!” This is how frank. adktea.com

All the trials and tribulations, can not make him stop. A life of song and dance, deeply happy, worries come, a smile. AdK Tea Leaf Net

Learn to let go of your worries, say to yourself let nature take its course, learn to face bad luck openly, and look at life positively. In this way, the sunshine will flow into the heart and drive away the darkness. You will find that happiness is so simple. adktea.com


Let go of complaints AdKTea.com

Many people have the habit of complaining without realizing that complaining will bring many disasters to themselves. A person, who always complains, is more likely to attract unfortunate things. AdK tea net

Xunzi said: Those who know themselves do not complain, and those who know their fate do not complain to heaven. The one who complains about heaven has no will, and the one who complains about others has a poor heart. adktea.com

The person who has self-knowledge does not complain about others, the person who controls his own destiny does not complain about the sky; the person who complains about others is poor and unambitious, the person who complains about the sky will not aspire to forge ahead. adktea.net

In ancient times, there was a master who had a disciple who was particularly fond of complaining about life. AdKTea.com

Once, he sent his disciple to fetch a handful of salt, put it into a cup of water, and asked him to drink it. adktea.com

The master asked, “How does it taste?” AdKTea.com

The disciple replied, “It’s so salty, and the cup of water is so awful!” AdKTea.com

The master laughed and shook his head, took him to a lake and poured in the same amount of salt. This time, he asked his disciple to take a cup of lake water and drink it, “How about this time? How does it taste?” AdK Tea

The disciple said, “There’s no flavor!” AdKTea.com

The master said in a serious tone: “The pain in life is like this salt, there is a certain amount, when you feel the pain, expand your mind, complaining does not serve any purpose. AdKTea.com

Complaining about the environment is not good, often their own mentality is not good; complaining that others are too narrow-minded, often their own lack of open-mindedness. AdK tea net


There are two people walk into the beautiful park at the same time.

One person came out and said angrily, “This park is dirty and smelly, I will never come again!” AdKTea.com

While the other person walks out and says pleasantly, “This place is so beautiful, I’m going to come here often from now on!” AdKTea.com

Why do people react differently to the same park? AdKTea.com

The reason is that one person only sees the dog shit in the park and thinks that the park is dirty; while another person only focuses on the fragrance of the flowers in the park, so he thinks that the park is beautiful. AdKTea.com

This park, is our life. These two people, respectively, represent our different states of mind. The one who is grateful, everywhere is beautiful; the one who complains in his heart, everywhere is not good. AdK tea net

Life, is a journey that can be chosen, we can not change the environment, but can change the mentality. Complaining about destiny is not as good as changing it, and complaining about life is not as good as improving it. AdK Tea Net

This world, not as good as nine out of ten things. The more you care, the more you suffer. The more open-minded you are, the happier you will be. The more you think about it, the more you’ll suffer.

If you can’t let go of your complaints, you will naturally become a burden. Complaining is a kind of poison. AdK Tea Net

As the old saying goes, “It is better to envy fish at the abyss than to retreat and knot the net.” All the good things, are not complaining, envy, but by their own efforts to get. adktea.net

AdKTea.com is a good way for a person to behave.


Let go of the past AdKTea.com

Su Dongpo once said: “People like the fall of the letter, things like a spring dream without traces.” AdK Tea Net

This life is like a dream bubble, all the past will become empty. The only way to embrace the future is to let go of the past. adktea.net

The disciple asked the Master, “How can I attain the afterlife?” AdKTea.com

The Master replied, “The afterlife is this life, and this life is the present moment.” AdKTea.com

“I am in the present moment, am I not?” AdKTea.com

“Nonetheless, nonetheless.” AdKTea.com

The disciple was puzzled, “Why?” AdKTea.com

“You have not let go of the past!” AdKTea.com

“The past is not all bad, so why let go of it!” AdKTea.com

“Let go not because it was bad, but because it is gone!” AdKTea.com

The disciple came to a realization. AdKTea.com

Whether the past is good or bad, we must learn to let go. Most of life’s suffering is due to an unwillingness to let go. A wise man does nothing; a fool binds himself. The first thing you need to do is to let go of the past, which is to remove the shackles of the mind .

Life has no ifs and buts, and it is impossible to start all over again. What we have to do is to embrace the sun today. AdKTea.net


There is such a story. AdKTea.com

A carter pulled a load of china in his cart, and because of the bumpy road, he accidentally broke one. AdKTea.com

He just looked at it and walked away, continuing to rush. Others asked him, why the porcelain fell broken, just look at it, and did not hurt. AdKTea.com

He replied: “Porcelain has been broken, even if you stop to look at it does not help. Why bother? It’s better to hurry up earlier.” AdKTea.com

Life is like this, no matter how valuable things, lost, and then regret is useless, not as good as to cherish what we have now. adktea.net

If you can’t let go of the past, you’ll be sad to see yourself, and the future will be bleak. The past has become the past, whether it is good or bad, we have to put an end to it. AdK Tea Net

The most important thing is to know how to let go, life will be better. adktea.com

The rest of your life is very expensive, do not make it difficult for yourself, put down the past, put down once, let go of yourself. The rest of life is not easy, may you and I can learn to heart wide, learn to put down ….. AdKTea.com