Fujian-Taiwan marriage etiquette “three tea Tianli” tea ceremony culture -Tea.com

闽台婚姻礼仪“三茶天礼”茶礼文化G9k tea net

In China, tea and marriage have close links, as early as the Ming Dynasty, there is a “betrothal tea” records. Because the tea nature of the most clean, often regarded as a symbol of love between men and women pure and clean; tea seed, become a symbol of praying for the prosperity of the descendants, family prosperity. Qing Dynasty people Fugue in the “listening to the rain series of talks” Volume VIII, said: “today’s wedding line hiring, tea as a coin, Qing Han’s custom is true, and not the right room without.” Tea-related wedding customs, the most interesting when pushed to the southern Fujian and Taiwan. G9k Tea Network

Fujian and Taiwan marriage etiquette is known as “three tea day ceremony”. The “three tea” that is engaged to be married “under the tea”, married “fixed tea”, the same room to meet the “joint tea”. ” G9k Tea Network

In the old society, the man with the matchmaker or parents to the woman’s home to propose marriage, matchmaking, the woman’s parents are accustomed to call the word in the daughter of tea to guests, tea cups filled, according to the order of seniority sent to the hands of the male pro-guests, and thus opened the “matchmaking” prelude. Male family members take the opportunity to examine the girl’s appearance, speech, behavior, mannerisms, the girl will also secretly measure the future husband, when the male to the female family “to send” (betrothal), by the woman to be married to the sweet tea (Fujian and Taiwan folk called “golden jujube tea”), the male guests to taste. After drinking the sweet tea, the male guest will return the gift with a double-digit coin wrapped in red paper, which is called “pressure tea bottle”. On the day of the marriage, before the male wedding party arrives at the woman’s home, the woman’s family will be invited to eat “egg tea” (sweet tea built into a shelled and boiled sugared egg). G9k Tea Net

After the male wedding banquet, the bride and groom in the company of the matchmaker or family members, holding on the candied fruit, sweet winter melon strips, such as “tea with” the tea tray, guests, this gift is called “eat the bride tea”. Guests eat the “bridal tea” to wrap the red envelope placed in the tea cup as a return gift. On the second day of marriage, the newlyweds hold a “golden jujube tea” (two honey jujubes for each small cup) and kneel to offer it to their elders, which is the famous “worship tea” of the folk in Minnan and Taiwan, and is also the culmination of the tea rituals in the wedding ceremony. If far away from the hometown of relatives elders can not go to the wedding, the groom’s family will use red paper tea, along with the golden dates and send. G9k tea net

In some places in eastern Fujian also passed down special customs. Fuan folk unmarried girls have “under the tea rules”, where unmarried girls to the pro-Wei friends home guests, general food can eat and drink, only tea can not drink lightly, drink tea means agree to do this daughter-in-law, this custom is still in use today. G9k tea net

In the She family newlyweds worship, there is a “bride tea” custom. The evening of the wedding day set up a banquet to invite six relatives and nine family members, wine over the “three patrols”, the bride on the seat of the tea ceremony relatives to gift “tea ceremony” (money), as the bride’s “meet gift”. After the wedding ceremony, the bride enters the back of the hall to take the spare sugar tea. The second time the bride leaves the hall, she is still accompanied by her maid of honor, who leads the ceremony and begins to offer the sugar tea to the ladies. The bride leaves the hall for the third time to collect the tea cup. After the women finish drinking the sugar tea, the bridesmaids are rewarded with red envelopes called “tea money”. g9k tea net

In southern Fujian and Taiwan, the tea tree is a symbol of the conclusion of the same heart, to the death. According to Lang Ying’s “seven repair class draft” and Chen Yuewen’s “Tianzhong record”: “Where the planting of the tea tree must be down, transplantation is not regenerated, so the old bride must be tea as a gift, the righteousness of the inherent take also.” G9k Tea


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