Introduction to the historical origins of black tea –

The history of black tea can be traced back at least as far as the tea-horse exchange market of the late Tang Dynasty. Tang Dezong Zhenyuan years, about 785-804. According to the “Feng’s wenshi see book”, “in previous years, the migratory birds into the dynasty, the big drive famous horse market tea and return”. Hunan tea production has a long history. Historical records of “Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, the day met seventy-two poisons, tea and solution” of the Emperor Shennong’s, and finally buried in Changsha, the end of the tea, that is, today’s Hunan Province, Yanneng County, Deer Plain Pei, proving that in the era of the Emperor Shennong’s, Hunan, there is a growth of tea, and was discovered by the Emperor Shennong’s and the use of tea. So far, there are still wild tea trees growing in the mountains of Yanling County.

黑茶的历史渊源介绍WFJ Tea Network

Hunan black tea production began in Hunan Yiyang Anhua County. According to Tang-Yang Ye’s “Cuisinart Handbook”, during the Tang Dynasty, the thin slices of Qiujiang produced in Anhua were already exported to the areas of Jiangling and Xiangyang in Hubei. Mao Wenxi’s “Tea Records” of the Fifth Generation recorded: “Drainage River slices, a catty eighty”, and said “Tan Shao between the Drainage River, there is tea and many poisonous snakes and beasts …… its color is like iron, and the aroma is abnormal. ” This proves that in the Tang Dynasty, Hunan Anhua has been “Drainage River thin slice” production, some fame in the local, and the color of this tea for the black-brown, that is, the typical color of the top grade black tea, indicating that at that time there is a black tea production. 2009, Anhua was selected as the earliest production of black tea in China by the Chinese World Records Association. wfj

The origin of black tea is generally believed to have begun in the early sixteenth century, the reason being that this is the first time in Chinese history that the word “black tea” appeared. Ming Dynasty Jiajing three years, that is, in 1524 AD, the Ming imperial envoy Chen Lecture Suggestions: “commercial tea low pseudo, all levy black tea. Government and business on the points, the official tea easy horse, commercial tea to buy.” According to the “Ming Shi – food and goods,” recorded: “Shenzong Wanli thirteen years, that is, 1585 AD, – in the tea easy horse, but the Hanzhong Pauling, and Hunan tea, its straight cheap, businessmen rate of cross-border private trafficking.” Visible, at that time prohibited the cross-Sichuan territory private trafficking lake tea. Therefore, at the end of the 16th century, the rise of Hunan black tea. WFJ Tea Network

Hunan black tea originated in Anhua, the earliest production in the Zijiang side of the Pod Zhi Yuan, and then transferred to the Zijiang River along the Yaquiping, Huangshaping, Youzhou, Jiangnan, small drowning, etc., to Jiangnan for the concentration of the quality of Gaojiaxie and Majiaxie for the most famous. In the past, Hunan black tea production was concentrated in Anhua, but now the production area has expanded to Taojiang, Yuanjiang, Hanshou, Ningxiang, Yiyang and Linxiang, etc. WFJ Tea Net

It is said that during the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, the downstream of the Zijiang River saw the emergence of the major commercial towns of Dongping and Huangshaping, which, together with Qiaokou and Youzhou on the opposite bank of Huangshaping, became the important starting point in the south of the Silk Road’s Tea and Horse Route, with tea as the starting point. Qing Dynasty set of black tea production process and the great success of the introduction of the “thousand two tea”, known as “the world’s king of tea” by modern people. Now only one of the Palace of the “thousand two tea” has become a priceless treasure. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Anhua tea is famous all over the world, tea industry unprecedented. At present, there are still a hundred years of history of the tea company, tea pavilion, tea book, tea bell, tea horse ancient road station, tea, tea, tea songs, tea ballads, tea in folklore. In recent years, Yiyang Tea Factory produces Xiangyi Senior Poria Tea, which has the unique efficacy of lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, lowering blood lipids, regulating the stomach and intestines, anti-inflammatory, anti-radiation and so on, and in the border areas there is a trend of “drinking wine to drink Yilit, drinking tea to drink Yiyang Tea”. With the improvement of people’s living standards and the gradual recognition of the health functions of tea, black tea will become the preferred health drink. “Drink Anhua Qianliang tea, add the life of a hundred years on earth”, “Drink more Por brick tea, health millions of families”. WFJ Tea Network

The fifth contribution of tea to mankind –

茶对人类的第五个贡献GZH Tea

China is the origin of the tea tree, however, the contribution of the Chinese tea industry to mankind, mainly lies in the earliest discovery and utilization of tea this plant, and its development and formation into our country and the East and even the whole world of a splendid unique tea culture. GZH Tea Network

China’s tea industry, the initial rise in Ba Shu, and then to the east and south by spreading, so that all over the country. In the Tang Dynasty, it spread to Japan and Korea, and was introduced to the West in the 16th century. Chinese tea, tea, tea, tea drinking customs and tea-making technology, is with the Chinese and foreign cultural exchanges and commercial trade and spread to the world. The earliest tea was introduced to Japan and Korea, and then to Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka and other countries by the southern sea route, and then to European countries and then to the American continent in the 16th century, and then to Persia and Russia from the north. GZH Tea Net

Western countries language species “tea” word, mostly from the sea trade port of Xiamen, Fujian and Guangdong dialect “tea” pronunciation. It can be said that China gave the world the name of tea, tea knowledge, tea cultivation and processing technology, the world’s tea, directly or indirectly, with China’s tea inextricably linked. “The British expert on the history of Chinese science and technology, Joseph Lee once said:” Tea is China following gunpowder, paper, printing, compass four major inventions, the fifth contribution to mankind.” GZH Tea

Tea is popularized by people, and people are famous with tea. Now there are more than 50 countries on five continents planting tea, 120 countries importing tea from China, most of the world’s population of more than 5 billion people like to drink tea, tea and tea culture covers the globe. GZH Te a Net

The United States is known as the coffee kingdom, but about half of the people drink tea, surprising. In the American market, there are hundreds of Chinese oolong and green teas, but they are mostly cold tea in cans. This also highlights the fact that Americans drink tea, seek efficiency and convenience, do not want to waste time and action for brewing tea, pouring tea residue, they also seem to be reluctant to appear in the teacup any traces of tea. Favored to drink instant tea, summer to a cup of ice-cold cold tea, feel cool in the heart, very comfortable. GZH Tea Net

In the United States, tea consumption accounts for the second place, second only to coffee. Americans and Chinese people drink tea differently, most people like to drink iced tea, rather than hot tea. Drinking, the first cold tea in the ice, or beforehand, cold tea into the refrigerator ice good, smell the cold nose, sipping cool teeth and mouth, suddenly feel the chest cool, such as the spring breeze. Unfortunately, because of this tea to drink, to cool mainly, there is no Chinese tea steeped in that kind of taste, that kind of warmth, that kind of leisure, the mood of drinking tea is also greatly reduced. GZH Tea Network

Introduction to the origin and history of oolong tea –


Chinese tea culture is profound, has been thousands of years of history. Oolong tea is rooted in the profound Chinese tea culture, absorbing and integrating the processing technology of black tea and green tea, forming its own unique characteristics.

Regarding the origin of oolong tea, tea experts usually regard the dragon and phoenix group tea as the predecessor of oolong tea, which is not without reason. During the Song and Yuan Dynasties, the tribute tea had been Longfeng Duancha, but in the Ming Dynasty, because Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of Ming Dynasty, felt that the Longfeng Duancha process was complicated and wasteful of the people’s energy, he ordered to stop the tribute, and the Longfeng Duancha also disappeared. However, after this period, China’s tea industry is still developing. On the one hand, the transportation of Pu-erh tea on the ancient tea-horse road in Yunnan was unceasing; on the other hand, green tea such as Longjing and Biluochun began to rise; and in the Wuyi Mountain area, where Longfeng Duan tea was originally produced, there appeared a kind of semi-fermented tea that was different from both green tea and Pu-erh tea, which was the earliest Oolong tea. The production of oolong tea is different from that of Longfeng Group Tea and other teas, but oolong tea is not a rootless tea. In it before the development of nearly a thousand years of dragon and phoenix group tea, as well as other types of tea cultivation, production technology, brewing and drinking techniques, for the emergence of oolong tea has laid a deep foundation.

However, because ancient China has not been attached importance to the organization of technology, the specific time of the emergence of oolong tea and the creator, now there is no evidence to test, we can only from the folklore of some stories, legends to do some guessing.

Sun Yiyuan “Drinking Longjing Poem” Tea Poem

孙一元《饮龙井诗》茶诗欣赏hSV Tea

Sun Yiyuan [Ming] (1484-152o) word Taichu, called himself Guanzhong (now Shaanxi). Good old book, resigned from his home into the Taibai Mountain, so he was called Taibai Mountain Man. hSV Tea Net

Drinking Longjing Poem

(Ming) Sun Yiyuan hSV Tea Net

The clouds under the eyes are in a mess, hSV Tea Leaf Net

The Dragon Well Poem (Ming Dynasty) hSV Tea Leaf Net

The life of a person in the thing Yuan no take, hSV tea net

The tea in the mountain is a cup of tea. hSV Tea Net

The origin and prevalence of tea –

China is the hometown of tea and the source of tea culture in the world. Through a thousand years of history, from the original Shennong tasted a hundred herbs to more and more people will drink tea as a home essential, hospitality preferred beverage, tea has gradually melted into our lives, become an indispensable part of life. So, to understand more about tea, let’s start from the origin of tea. npU Tea Net

From the ancient times of Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, and today, the modern demand for tea is more and more extensive, “tea to honor the guest” has become the most common hospitality etiquette in life. The custom of drinking tea has been inherited for a long time by various ethnic groups in China. npU Tea Net

Take tea as a beverage, the ancient legend began in the era of the Yellow Emperor. “Shennong Ben Cao Jing” said: “Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, the day encountered seventy-two poisons, and got Tantian (tea) and the solution.” npU Tea

Shennong is Yan Di, one of our ancestors. One day, he tasted a highly poisonous grass when he was boiling water and fainted before the water boiled. I don’t know how long it took, but Shennong woke up in a refreshing fragrance. He struggled to scoop up the water in the pot and drink it, only to find that the boiling water had turned yellowish-green, with a few green leaves floating in it, and that the fragrance was wafting from the pot. A few hours later, the poison in his body was actually relieved! Shennong looked carefully and found that there was a plant right above the pot, and after researching it, he found out more about its function, and finally named it “tea”. How credible this legend of tea is is not known. But one thing is clear, that is, the earliest tea is a medicinal plant, its medicinal function is detoxification. npU Tea Network

Two Han Dynasty to the Three Kingdoms period, tea has been spread from Ba Shu to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. By the period of the two Jin and North and South Dynasties, tea had been widely planted, and it gradually became prominent in people’s daily lives, and even the cultural custom of offering tea as a sacrifice appeared in some places. Tea has entered the upper class from the ordinary people, not only monks and Taoists to practice health, in the cultural people at that time, tea has also become their “new favorite”. npU Tea Net

“Tea is emerging in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty”. In the Tang Dynasty, there was a tea saint named Lu Yu. He summarized the experience of tea production and tea drinking through the ages, and wrote the book “Tea Classic”. Lu Yu in the book on the origin of tea, types, characteristics, production method, cooking and steaming, tea utensils, water quality, tea drinking customs, etc. made a comprehensive discussion. At that time, he was also called into the palace and was appreciated by the emperor. The Tang Dynasty was focused on foreign exchanges, economic openness, and thus from various levels on the prosperity of tea culture has contributed to the role. So the Tang Dynasty tea ceremony flourished, but also in the history of the development of tea culture in China opened up an epoch-making significance. npU Tea Net

And then to the Song Dynasty, China’s tea drinking custom reached a higher point, tea has become “home can not be one day without also” one of the daily drinks. The emperor, down to the scholars, there are monographs on tea drinking. At this time, the folk also appeared tea, tea, tea market, tea and other trading, production places. Among its customs, the most characteristic is the tea fight. Fighting tea, not only tea drinking, but also a spiritual and cultural enjoyment, the aesthetic value of tea drinking to a new height. At the same time, tea products are no longer just a single tea group, cake tea form, has appeared loose tea, tea. At this time, the tea culture has already presented a prosperous scene, and spread to countries around the world. npU Tea Net

Ming and Qing dynasties, tea processing and production and drinking customs have been greatly improved. Especially after entering the Qing Dynasty, tea export has become a formal trade route, and the number of sales among countries began to increase. At this time, the stir-frying method of tea production was widely promoted, so the “brewing method” replaced the previous “decoction method”, which is the method of tea drinking we use today. Ming Dynasty also emerged a large number of poems and paintings about tea, literary works and monographs, tea and drama, opera, riddles and other folk cultural activities integrated, tea culture also has a deeper level of development. npU Tea Network

Development to modern times, with more and more varieties, drinking more and more diverse, tea has become popular all over the world, one of the health drinks, a variety of tea as the theme of cultural exchanges are also widely carried out in the world, the importance of tea and tea culture is also increasingly significant. Tea has become one of the beautiful ways of leisure, adding more poetry and picturesque for people’s life, loved by people from all walks of life. npU Tea Net

Source: knowledge of tea bubble tea tasting tea illustrated npU tea net

Scholar’s family tea tea things destiny –

状元家茶的茶事情缘vsF Tea Network

Scholar’s family tea tea things destiny vsF tea net

At the beginning of the 20th century, the operator of Qianli Zhen Hao became a native of Shiping, Yunnan Province – the enterprise of the family of Scholar Yuan Jiangu and his in-laws, and Song Lian Hao had already merged with Qianli Zhen Hao. vsF Tea Net

At that time, the French had already occupied Vietnam and the ports had been opened, so the products of Qianlizhen and Songlv could be exported in name only. At the same time, because the production and sales route is very long, in such a long production and sales road need a lot of transit agencies, just rely on a few road Shiping Guild Hall storage, handling goods is not enough, they established a lot of production and transportation on the way to establish a lot of sub-numbers. For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, Qian Li Zhen’s head office was located in Mengzi, south Yunnan, they have sub-numbers in Simao, Yiwu, Shiping, Kunming, Yuanjiang, sub-numbers of the person in charge of most of the Yuan family’s relatives or in-laws. Why was this so? Because at that time, the managerial system, the employee system has not yet appeared, the financial credibility and transparency is still very low, the management of the enterprise is still based on apprenticeship, partnership, all members of the enterprise, have unlimited liability. Therefore, the most reliable partners of the branch or relatives and in-laws. vsF Tea Net

Pei Di “to Lu Xun drink Tianmu Mountain tea because send Yuan Jushi Sheng” tea poetry appreciation – Tea Net

裴迪《对陆迅饮天目山茶因寄元居士晟》茶诗品赏Rpj Tea

Pei Di Rpj Tea Leaf Net

Rpj tea net

Rpj Tea Net

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Rpj Tea Net is a great way to get the most out of your life, and it’s a great way to get the most out of your life.

Rpj Tea Net

Tianmu Mountain is the ancient Fuyu Mountain, the mountain range stretches across the border of northwest Zhejiang, southeast Anhui. There are two peaks: East Tianmu Mountain, more than 50 miles northwest of Lin’an County; West Tianmu Mountain, in the old submerged county (submerged in the town of Yang) more than 40 miles north. The two peaks are about 1500 meters above sea level, the top of the mountain has a natural pool, as if a pair of eyes towards the sky, so the name. The two mountains are producing tea, and has a long history. rpj tea net

Lu Yu “tea” referred to as “Hangzhou Lin’an, in the subcounty of the two counties born Tianmu Mountain”, that is, the tea. According to “in the subcounty” and “Lin’an County Records”: “the tea quality is excellent, clear and not dregs, bitter and not chelated.” This tea has been listed as a tribute tea in Wuyue in the Five Dynasties. Kyauk Ran praised Tianmu Mountain tea in this poem, “The fragrance of the fire is superior, and the flavor of the cold spring turns to be excellent. The excellent quality of Tianmu Mountain tea is “the fragrance of the fire is superior, and the taste of the cold spring is excellent.

Where is the most concentrated area of ancient tea trees –

The most concentrated area of the most ancient tea trees is Yunnan, further specific division, can be divided into the head of the mountain, through the known data and information filtering can be known, at present, the largest area of ancient tea plantations in the tea mountain, the top 3 were, the area of the largest reached 16,425 acres of ancient tea plantations in Jingsmai Mountain, followed by an area of 16,122 acres of Hekai Ancient Tea Plantation, the third is an area of 12,000 acres of Nannuoshan Ancient Tea Plantation. YUL Tea Net

古茶树最多最集中的地区是哪儿YUL Tea Network

Hekai Ancient Tea Garden

Hekai Ancient Tea Plantation has detailed statistics of the total number of ancient tea trees, according to the statistics of relevant organizations and government departments, the total number of ancient tea trees in Hekai Ancient Tea Plantation is 2330509. YUL Tea Net

Nannuo Mountain

Although there is no detailed statistics on the number of ancient tea trees in Nannuo Mountain, but there is data on the density of tea trees, the density of 169 plants/mu, after calculation, the total number of ancient tea trees in Nannuo Mountain is about 2028,000. YUL Tea Network

Jingmai Mountain

Jingmai Mountain Ancient Tea Plantation has neither corresponding tea tree density data nor direct statistical data, so it can only be used as the relative average density of ancient tea plantation ancient tea trees to calculate the total number of ancient tea trees, with the relative average density of ancient tea plantation 140 plants / mu as a parameter, the results of the calculation is 2,299,500 trees. YUL Tea Net

古茶树最多最集中的地区是哪儿YUL Tea Network

Comparison of data can be clearly known, the largest number of ancient tea trees is HeKai ancient tea garden 2330509, followed by JingMaiShan ancient tea garden 2299500, and finally NannuoShan 2028000. YUL Tea Net

(Note: Since the number of ancient tea gardens will increase or decrease in recent years, the data is only for reference.) YUL Tea

Russian people’s tea drinking habits and culture –


Russia was only exposed to Chinese tea in the 16th century, and by the late 17th century, tea drinking had gradually spread. To the Russian family guests, you will find in the living room table are placed on a beautiful large teapot, called “Shamavat”, is made of silver, copper, iron and other metal raw materials or ceramics handmade, the level of craftsmanship is quite high. There are conical, fan-shaped, round, cylindrical, vase-shaped, small wine glass-shaped, as well as some irregularly shaped samovar. The center part is a straight tube, used to put charcoal to boil water, in the straight tube outside is a ring-shaped bucket filled with water. There is a faucet-like switch at the lower end, and the water can be released by unscrewing the faucet when using water. There are two kinds of this kind of tea cooker, one is a teapot type, will boil water and tea utensils into one; another is a stove type, will be straight into several parts, boil tea and boil water in different parts. Nowadays, most of them use electric tea drinkers, which are only used to boil water and make tea in a teapot or a teacup.

The Russians drink tea differently from us, they do not drink tea to quench their thirst, or for hospitality or pleasure, but they drink tea with cakes, scones, sweet breads, ham, cookies, sugar cubes, jam, honey and other refreshments. This is actually drinking tea as a meal. yGw tea net

Russians love black tea and are interested in our jasmine tea. They call black tea black because they drink tea as strong as it is, and black tea is so strong that it is almost black, hence the name black tea. Russians usually add sugar or honey to their tea and drink sweetened tea. This is their most common tea drinking habit.

They drink tea with a very small cup, as our country’s wine cup. In the Russian countryside, people like to drink tea with a saucer. When drinking tea, the tea will be scooped in the saucer, the mouth with a mouthful of honey, hand over the saucer in the mouth, sucking the saucer in the tea, drink the sound of the louder the more you feel tasty. yGw Tea Net

Pu’er Province Simao tea culture of inculcation and comfort introduction –

普洱府思茅茶文化的熏陶和慰藉介绍ssO Tea Network

In the south of the colorful clouds of Yunnan, the source of the world tea, China tea city, Pu’er tea, are hot topics, talking about the origin of Pu’er tea, people still have to pay attention to the Pu’er House of Simao. ssO Tea Network

Situated in the western part of Yunnan Province, Simao, with beautiful natural scenery, whether in the streets and alleys, or in the mountains and forests, all overflowing with a strong and closely related to the history and culture of Pu’er tea. ssO Tea Net

In Simao City, many streets are named after famous Chinese teas. Here, tea rooms and teahouses are dotted with the lingering aroma of tea, where tea lovers are nurtured and comforted by the tea culture. ssO Te a Net

In Chinese history, there is a mysterious ancient road, its source in Simao, extending southward to Southeast Asia, northward straight to Kunming, into Kunming can be fast horse straight to Beijing, to the west winding straight up the Tibetan Plateau, with 1800 years of historical vicissitudes ……

Simao folk circulated a long history of folklore, from a side reveals the origin of Pu’er tea, that is, “Wuhou seed”. When people walk in Simao city, you can see Zhuge Liang Xing tea memorial sculpture, this statue is the local people of Zhuge Liang in Simao Xing tea historical legacy of a kind of remembrance and remembrance. ssO Tea Net

“Wuhou seed” the story, the same can also be handed down to date in the local history and history books to see the record. Recently found in Myanmar Shan State, the wooden ridge of the Brown ethnic minority settlement area of a Brown ethnic scripture called “Brown ethnic record”, leaving a lot of “Kongmingxing tea” written records, confirming the history of Zhuge Kongming’s southern army did reach the Simao area

Source: Tea Horse Ancient Road Pu’er Xiang ssO Tea Net