The white ringing thunder tea a bitter, two sweet, three reminiscent of three tea drinking tea culture – Tea Net

白族响雷茶一苦二甜三回味三道茶饮茶文化5et Tea

Bai Ronglei Tea, Three Way

Rattlesnake tea is an interesting way of drinking tea for the Bai people in Yunnan. Whenever there are guests at home, the hospitable host will just pick the fresh tea into the sand pot baking, because the sand pot temperature is high, in a few moments, the fresh tea leaves in the sand pot will be baked to charcoal. At this time, immediately the boiling water into the sand pot, the pot immediately issued a sound like thunder. Boiling water into the sand canister, a moment to cook, and then poured into the tea cup, with both hands to guests to drink. This tea tastes bitter, but it is very interesting to drink. 5et tea net

Three ways of tea is our country white people hospitality relatives and friends of the etiquette. When the family to relatives and friends, to honor the three ways of tea. The first tea is made of green tea baked in clay pots and tastes bitter; the second tea is made of brown sugar and milk milk fan rushing water, tastes sweet; the third tea is made of honey soaking water, tastes mellow and sweet. Because the beginning of the drink is bitter tea, after drinking the second and third course of tea, the mouth has a mixture of sweet and bitter aroma of comfort, so there are three courses of tea a bitter, two sweet and three aftertaste of the saying. 5et tea net

The history and culture of Pu’er Tea

普洱茶的历史文化简介chai tea website

Pu’er Tea is named after its distribution center and place of origin, Pu’er County. Pu’er tea was developed in the Eastern Han Dynasty, commercialized in the Tang Dynasty, began to flourish in the Song Dynasty, stereotyped in the Ming Dynasty, and flourished in the Qing Dynasty. It was called Pu’er Tea during the Yuan Dynasty, and was named Pu’er Tea in the Wanli Year of the Ming Dynasty, with its peak period in the Qing Dynasty. According to “Pu’er Prefecture Records”, “Pu’er belongs to the six tea mountains …… eight hundred miles, into the mountains for tea more than 100,000 people”, can be seen at that time, chai tea network.

The name of Pu’er tea is either due to the name of the tribe or due to the name of the place. In the Tang Dynasty, Pu’er tea began to be planted and produced on a large scale, and was called “Pu’er tea”; the Song and Ming Dynasties were a period when the Central Plains gradually recognized Pu’er tea, and it began to play an important role in the country’s social economy and trade. Definition of Pu-erh Tea: Pu-erh Tea is a loose and tightly pressed tea formed by post-fermentation processing of Yunnan large-leafed sun green tea from a certain area of Yunnan Province, using a specific process.

Pu-erh tea must meet four requirements: there are strict requirements on the variety and origin of raw materials: Pu-erh region; the raw material for processing must be Yunnan large-leafed sun-green gross tea; the production process of Pu-erh tea is post-fermentation; and it conforms to the local standard of Yunnan Province for Pu-erh tea. hai

Ancient tea feasts in the Tang and Song history and culture – Tea Net

Tea banquets, also known as tea parties, emerged in the Tang Dynasty and flourished in the Song Dynasty, and their earliest appearance in history was around the period of the North and South Dynasties.

In 454 A.D., Shan Qianzhi wrote in the Records of Wuxing, “Every year, the governors of the two counties of Wuxing and Vairocana pick tea and hold banquets here.” This is probably the earliest occurrence of the word tea banquet in historical sources. Tea to the Tang Dynasty, increasingly popular, coupled with refreshing, digestive, bright eyes, dispel evil spirits and other health care effects, tea has become the most precious beverage, so, with tea banquets for friends and family has become a social fashion. Of course, this is only the upper power class. The Tang Dynasty Tianbao scholar Qian Qi’s “Tea Banquet with Zhao Ju” in the “Bamboo forgetting to speak to the purple tea, the full victory of the feather guest drunken Liu Xia”, the Tang Dynasty Royal Secretary Li Jiayou’s “Autumn Evening Recruitment of the hidden temple East Peak Tea Banquet to send the younger brother Yan Bojun returned to Jiangzhou” in the “Fortunately, there is a fragrant tea to stay in the child, but not the winds of the fall to send the king’s grandchildren! “Fortunately, there is fragrant tea to keep the children, and it is unbearable to send the king’s grandchildren in the autumn wind”, and the poem “Sitting for a long time in this unlimited interest, and even more pity for the fan to start the breeze” in “Tea Banquet at Dongting” by Bao Junhui, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, are all tea banquets, big or small, or sumptuous or simple, if you read them carefully. And the Tang Dynasty household department staff Lu Wen’s “March 3rd tea banquet preface”, to be considered on the tea banquet of a gorgeous spread. yUK Tea Network

The words said: “March 3 on already, the day of purification drink also, all in the discussion of tea drink instead of the other. It is set flowers, love the shade of the court, the breeze by the people, the sun color to stay Xing, lying on the green mist, sitting on the flower branches, heard the warbler near the seat feather did not fly, red stamen finger clothes and not scattered, was ordered to drink fragrant foam, floating vein cups, Yin condensed amber color, not people drunk, slightly feel the clear thinking, although the jade dew immortal pulp, no more than also added. Seat right talent, Nanyang Zou Zi, Gao Yang Xu Hou, and two or three sons of the hectares for the appreciation of the dust, and where not to say poetry carry on.” yUK Tea Network

Such an elegant environment, the wonderful aftertaste of tea tasting, and the mesmerizing demeanor are all part of the tea banquet. No wonder the great poet Bai Juyi once because of a slight physical illness did not participate in Zhejiang Changxing and Jiangsu Yixing boundary situation will Pavilion Tea Banquet and very regrettable, but also specifically wrote a poem out of his infinite despondency. In the poem “night heard Jia Changzhou, Cui Huzhou Chashan realm Pavilion feast”, he “sighing flowers under the north window, bushels of yellow wine to the sick sleeper.” I guess, at that time fell off the horse hurt waist sick in bed Bai Juyi, must be because of the absence of the tea banquet and make the disease prolonged for several days. yUK Tea Network

In contrast, the poet Huang Tingjian is much more fortunate. yUK Tea Net

His “Tea Banquet” – written on the ninth day of the first month of the fourth year of the reign of Yuan You (1089) – records his own glorious experience of attending a tea banquet. The text reads, “On the ninth day of the first month of the fourth year of the reign of Yuan You, I, Huang Tingjian, by imperial edict, respectfully inscribed in the Hall of Performance.” yUK tea net

A few numbers, the admiration of the tea banquet is exposed. yUK tea net

After all, this is in the magnificent Hall of performance of a tea banquet, and usually the nature of the tea banquet of the literati is different, so the specifications are different, although less leisurely and free, but more honorable, not to be underestimated. Roughly speaking, like today’s grass-roots officials were summoned by their superiors in general. Therefore, Huang Tingjian wrote heavy solemnity more than, elegant and elegant enough. This is also the situation – of course, this is only my own conjecture, not necessarily accurate. Perhaps, this has to do with I have seen more than contemporary calligraphers in the past few years attached to the trend, look up to the line brought about by the inertia of thinking. Moreover, the development of the tea party to the Song Dynasty, with the further expansion of the tea area and the tea art of the increasingly sophisticated, tea party wind more grand and the Song Dynasty’s upward and downward effect, regardless of the officialdom or folk, regardless of the literati or monks, the wind of the tea party took off. yUK Tea Network

Official in the Northern Song Dynasty Household Secretary Cai Jing, in his “Tai Qing Lou Special Banquet Records”, “Baohe Temple Qu Banquet Records”, “Yanfu Palace Qu Banquet Records” repeatedly referred to the royal tea banquets, especially in the “Yanfu Palace Qu Banquet Records”, wrote in detail: “Xuanhe two years (AD 1120) December Dec already, called the Prince of the Zaijiagei Qu Banquet in the Yanfu Palace. …… on the order of the chamberlain to take the tea set, hand injection of soup hit the finger. A short while, white milk floating marigold surface, such as sparse star pale moon, Gu ministers said, ‘this from the cloth tea’. After drinking, all bowed their heads to thank”. Such a style of tea feast elegant collection, Huang Tingjian how can not go, how can not be disciplined and humbly recorded. yUK Tea Network

It is said that Huang Tingjian’s “the first nine days of the first month of the fourth year of Yuanyou tea banquet and the imperial yuan rhyme” poetry book. yUK tea net

Yu Jing “and Bogong self-made new tea” tea plucking poem appreciation –


Yu Jing (1000-1064), the character An Dao, was a native of Qujiang, Shaoshan (now Guangdong) in the Song Dynasty. At the beginning of the Tian Sheng period (1023), he was awarded a bachelor’s degree, and was promoted to the position of Minister of Public Works.

Wo Bogong’s New Tea

A shot of test-roasted spring is especially early, and three cups of intestinal searching is even better.

The first time I saw this, I was so happy to see you. mB6tea. com


Kuang (kuàng), give.


Picking young tea leaves in early spring has strict requirements: picking a bud, called “lotus heart”; picking a bud and a leaf, buds like a gun, leaves like a flag, called “flag gun”; picking a bud and two leaves, shaped like a bird’s tongue, so the name is “bird tongue”; picking a bud and three leaves, buds like a gun, leaves like a flag, called “flag gun”; picking a bud and two leaves, shaped like a bird’s tongue, so the name “bird tongue “; pick a bud and three leaves, shaped like an eagle’s claw, so the name “eagle’s claw”. “Three bowls of tea to search the intestines”, using Tang Lu Tong “seven bowls of tea song” in the poem, “three bowls of tea to search the intestines, the only text five thousand volumes”. This poem highly evaluates the important role of tea on poetic thoughts and interests.

Ikebana pictures appreciation, simple and beautiful art of illustration –

Ikebana pictures appreciation, simple and beautiful art of illustration, a simple flower container, plus a bouquet of flowers bought after work, or pick up a dead branch under the tree placed in a corner of the home. AAk Tea Network

The occasional unintentional glance, the heart can also get a good peace and tenderness. AAk Tea Net

插花图片鉴赏,简单又漂亮的插画艺术AAk Tea

Wang Yucheng’s Twelve Rhymes for Tea Garden Tribute Tea Poem Appreciation –


[Twelve Rhymes of Tea Garden]

Author: Wang

The king of the diligent to repair the annual tribute, the evening drive through the countryside.

The Tea Garden is a place where the green onions share a common garden.

The new buds support the old leaves, the soil is soft and bursts deep roots.

The tea is picked close to the Tonghua Festival, and there is no trace of the valley rain.

The tea is made in the same way that the tea is made in the same way.

The first thing you need to do is to go through the gate of heaven. pb5tea. com

The first thing you need to do is to get rid of the brickwork of well.

The first thing you need to do is to get a good deal of money.

The first time I’ve been to the hospital, I ‘ve been to the hospital, I’ve been to the hospital, I’ve been to the hospital, and I’ve been to the hospital.

The first time I saw the movie, I was in the middle of the movie.

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products and services in the world.

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty. Poetry. Calling South. Gantang “: “Covering Fu Gantang, do not Jian do not cut.”

Móu (móu), equal. Tonghua Festival, refers to the Qingming Festival.

The Chinese idiom of “huá” (华胥梦) refers to dreaming.

阊(chānghé) gate, the gate of heaven. Charlotte (zhòu), well wall.

pb5tea . net

Wang Yucheng was the governor of tribute tea. This poem depicts the scene of the tea plantation and his work as a tribute collector to repair the annual tribute.

Never live in someone else’s world –

Never live in someone else’s world, Zhuangzi – Autumn Water: How can a son who is not a fish know the joy of a fish? AGB Tea Net

The joy of a fish is to frolic freely in the water, and the joy of a human being is to grow naturally in the world. Life is like a play, we all have our own script. We all have our own scripts. AGB Tea Net

永远不要活在别人的世界里AGB Tea

Everyone has a different understanding of life, different pursuits, and naturally different standards for evaluating success and perceiving happiness. AGB Tea Net

Hearing that Huizi had become a prime minister in Liang, Zhuangzi wanted to pay a visit to this good friend. A good man said to Huizi: “Zhuangzi must have come to Liang with bad intentions, to take your place.” After hearing this, Huizi panicked and tried to stop Zhuangzi, sending people to search the capital for three days and three nights, but when they met, Zhuangzi’s words made him feel ashamed of himself. AGB Tea Net

永远不要活在别人的世界里AGB Tea

“There is a bird in the south whose name is the firebird. The firebird spread its wings and flew from the South China Sea to the North Sea, not perched on a sycamore tree, not eating practiced fruits, not drinking from a sweet spring. AGB Te a Net

But isn’t it ridiculous that an owl, which is relishing a rotting mouse, panics and protects the rotting mouse when the firebird flies by, fearing that it will come to snatch the food? Could it be that you, now, still think that I will come to rob you of your position as Minister of Liang?” AGB Tea

People do not perceive happiness in the same way. Other people’s lives may seem glamorous and bright, but they may not be for you. AGB

永远不要活在别人的世界里AGB Tea

Why put the shackles of the world around your neck when you can’t start your life over? Remember: life is here, not elsewhere; in your heart, not in the eyes of others. AGB Tea Net

Don’t live in other people’s eyes, because there are a thousand ways to look at the world’s living beings, but none of them are as good as the way you stay true to yourself. AGB Tea Net

Life is a lonely trek, no matter how many disturbances along the way, eventually we have to pull out and count the years alone.

Tea Drinking Methods Around the

世界各国饮茶方法介绍TUN Tea.

Kalmyk tea.

The Kalmyk drinking method. This method actually cooks milk tea as well, but with not as many additives. Instead of brick tea, this tea is usually loose. The first to boil the water, and then cast the tea, about one or two tea per liter of water (50 grams), and then poured a lot of animal milk to boil together, stirred evenly over two times, boiled and filtered off the slag, you can drink. In fact, this method of cooking tea and today’s Mongolian milk tea is very similar. The difference is that the Mongolian milk tea is with tea bricks, while the Kalmyk people are with loose tea. tun tea net

Indian Masala Tea

Masala tea is the favorite of Indian people. It is simple to make, just add ginger and cardamom to black tea. Although the production is simple, but the way to drink tea is peculiar: after the tea soup is made, not pouring tea bowl or cup, but poured in the plate, and not with the mouth to drink, not with a straw to drink, is to stick out the tongue to lick and drink, known as “lick the tea”.

Sri Lanka Tea

Sri Lanka Sri Lanka residents especially like to drink strong tea. Bitter and astringent tea, but in their mouths feel delicious. The country’s black tea sells well all over the world, in the capital city of Colombo, there are tea distribution of large commercial firms, with a test tea department, by the experts with the tongue taste test, and then check the grade and price. TUN Tea Network

Thai Tea

Thai people love to drink iced tea, that is, in the brewed tea with ice, so that the tea cooled, or even frozen, called iced tea. In Thailand, local tea drinkers don’t drink hot tea, and those who want to drink hot tea are usually foreign guests. TUN tea net

People in the mountains of northern Thailand have the custom of eating pickled tea. This area has a warm climate, abundant rainfall and many wild tea trees. Due to the inconvenient transportation and backward tea making technology, they can only make and sell their own pickled tea. TUN Tea Net

Shuangjing Green Tea Leaf Legends and Tales – Tea Net

双井绿茶叶传说典故6ht tea net

“Valley hometown Shuangjing tea, a sip must be three days boast. Warm water and spring sunshine run border rain, new strips of the old river even buds.” This is the Northern Song Dynasty poet and calligrapher Huang Shangu (word Tingjian) on his hometown (Shuangjing Village, Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province) produced “Shuangjing Tea” praise of the poem. Huang Tingjian also often to refined “Shuangjing tea” distributed to the capital of the clan and friends Ouyang Xiu and Su Dongpo. Friends also often and poems of appreciation. Huang Tingjian said in his poem “Shuangjing Tea for Zizhan” (Zizhan is Su Dongpo’s character): “The wind and sun on earth are not everywhere, and the jade hall in heaven is full of precious books. I want to see Dongpo’s old master, waving his brush and waving a hundred dendrobiums of bright pearls. This set is not as good as the one set for this time. This set is set to be set in the snow, and it will evoke the dream of Huangzhou for you, and I will carry my boat to the five lakes alone.” 6ht

Huang Tingjian gave his teacher Su Dongpo the precious Shuangjing tea, own some respect for the teacher’s heart. Poem on Su Dongpo is very revered and appreciated, said into: “heavenly jade hall Senbao book”, “waving a hundred dendrobium diarrhea pearl”. At the same time also told his teacher that the quality of Shuangjing tea is very excellent, “my home in the south of the river to pick the clouds rich, this set fall of snow is not as good”. Su Dongpo tasted the double well tea, also praised, that returned a “Lu straight (that is, Huang Tingjian alias) to poem feed double well tea, second its rhyme for thank you”, the poem said “Jiangxia no double species of strange tea, Ruyin six one boasts of a new book. Ground into dare not pay the boy servant, since the snow soup born guilloche. Lixian’s Confucian barren not fat, only sick and thirsty with the same as the same. Next year, I want to go southeast, the boat why not stay in Taihu Lake”. 6ht tea net

This poem on the Huang Tingjian gifted double well tea made some praise and expressed gratitude, said Huang Tingjian is “Jiangxia no double”, calligraphy is also very good; and praised the double well tea for “strange tea”, and from bubble to drink, are hands, do not call the boy servant to do. Su Dongpo’s love of this tea, can be seen. Ouyang Xiu has also written a poem in praise of double well tea, the poem said: “Jiangxi water clear river stone old, stone tea such as phoenix claw. Poor wax is not cold spring early, double well thatched first hundred grass. (Mao: grass, that is, tea. (Ancient shrub type tea tree called grass tea). White hair capsule to red Biza, ten pounds of tea to raise one or two buds. Chang’an rich and noble five marquis family, a sip still need three days to boast. Bao Yun day note is not unrefined, fight for the new and abandon the old world love. 6ht tea net

I don’t know that the gentleman has constant virtue, the most precious treasure does not change at any time. You don’t see Jianxi Longfeng group, not change the old time fragrance color.” Ouyang Xiu in this poem on the double wells tea made a high evaluation, he thinks the quality of double wells tea so better, first of all, this kind of tea sprouted early, “poor wax is not cold spring gas early” and thus picking very early and very tender, “ten pounds of tea to raise one or two buds”. Then said the tea buds on the white hair a lot of tea packaging is also very delicate, with red yarn tea bags, pleasing to the eye. Especially this tea flavor is good, make “Chang’an rich and noble five marquis family, a sip must be three days to boast”. 6ht tea network

Shuangjing green production in Jiangxi Province, Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province, Hangkou Township, “ten miles of water” of the village of Shuangjing. The village riverside has a stone cliff formed fishing platform, under the platform there are two wells, in a stone cliff, engraved with Huang Tingjian handwritten “Shuangjing” two words. Tea garden is located in the Diaoyutai shore. Here by the mountains and the water, the soil is fertile, warm and humid, sometimes there are clouds and mist, the tea tree buds and leaves are fat, tender and hairy. 6ht tea net

Southwest ethnic “eat tea” custom – Tea Net

西南民族“吃茶”的习俗3iI Tea Network

Grab a handful of tea leaves, boiling water after drinking juice and discard the residue, which is the most common way of drinking tea in modern times. However, China’s tea culture experts on the southwest region of the ethnic groups “eat tea” custom of history and the current situation of large-scale investigation found that in the tea origin and the surrounding mountainous areas of a number of provinces, Miao, Dong, Yao, Dai, Gelao, Tujia and other ethnic groups are still preserving the guest to please “eat tea! The custom of “eating tea”.

Southwest China is the world’s center of origin of tea, the history of the use of tea can be traced back to at least 3,000 years ago in the Western Zhou period. From raw sun medicinal, cooked food as a dish, cooking and drinking to today’s brewing straight, tea has become the world’s favorite health drink. Southwest Agricultural University Professor Liu Qinjin said: “In addition to ethnic minorities ‘eating tea’, remote mountainous areas of the Han people also have ‘eating tea’ custom. There are two main ways to ‘eat tea’, one is to add many condiments or spices to the tea and eat it together; the other is to add the tea with grain. Among the 23 ‘tea-eating’ ethnic groups, 16 of them swallow the tea powder along with the tea when they ‘eat tea’!” 3iI Tea Network

“Eat tea” custom of the distribution and the ancient tea area close relationship, its raw materials are mostly self-picked and self-made local tea, at the same time, the evolution of this custom and geographic conditions, transportation, the economy also has a close relationship with the impact of the tea culture by the Central Plains, the more convenient the transportation, “Eat Tea” national more and more gradual use of bubble tea. The more convenient transportation, “eat tea” national more gradually adopted the method of tea. 3iI Tea Network