The legend of Shennong’s “taste a hundred herbs” found tea –

传神农氏“尝百草”发现茶树0sP Tea Leaf Network

Shennong’s for the discovery of 0sP tea net

Legend has it that Shennong’s “taste all kinds of herbs”. One day, he went over the mountains, thirsty, suddenly there is a leaf floating down in front of the eyes, pick up a close look, green and lovely; a touch with the hand, the juice lubrication; to nose a sniff, the smell is fragrant; lick with the tongue, bitter very, so has a wealth of experience of Shennong’s will conclude that this is a thirst quenching, refreshing leaves. 0sP Tea Network

At that time, Shennong’s discovery of the tea tree, just identification, concluded that the tea has medicinal properties only, the real tea as a “national drink”, is uncountable thousands of years of anonymous constantly cultivated, renewed, reproduced by chewing the green leaves, and the invention of picking the leaves baked; by picking the leaves baked, and improved for frying and drinking sips, so the invention and invention, improved and improved, making this profoundly important national tea. This kind of invention and invention, improvement and improvement, make this deep national beverage, can be handed down for thousands of years and for the world to drink. 0sP Tea Net

Tea Utilization and Dissemination –


Tea, like any other crop, has a long process from discovery to utilization. It was probably first used as food or medicine, and gradually evolved into a beverage. To the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC – 475 years ago), tea production has developed, tea is also mixed with boiled soup drink as food. Yanzi Spring and Autumn Annals” in: Yan Ying in the Duke of Qi Jing (547 BC – 490 years ago), although as a prime minister, but eat in addition to brown rice and three or five kinds of meat, are to tea as food. To date, some ethnic minorities in China still follow the ancient method, there are “cold tea” and “oil tea” and other eating methods. btf tea net

“Shennong Ben Cao Jing” contains “tea flavor bitter, drink it to make people think, less lying, light body, eyesight”, the North and South Dynasties Ren Fang’s “Description of the different records” contained “Batong has a real aroma of tea, decoction, people do not sleep, can recite without forgetting”. From the Qin and Han Dynasties, people were more concerned about the medicinal function of tea. btf tea net

Tea is the ritual treasures, “Rituals – the ground official” has “palm tea” and “gather tea” for the funeral of the record. The Tang Dynasty Lu Yu’s “tea – seven things” also recorded: “Nanqi Shizuo Wu Huangdi legacy: ‘I am careful not to sacrifice animals on the seat of the spirit of sacrifice, but set up cakes and fruits, tea and rice, dry drinks, wine and preserved only.'”

Livestock for the sacrifice, but set up cakes and fruits, tea and rice, dry drinks, wine and dried only.'”

From the Qin to the two Han Dynasty, tea expanded from a drug to a beverage, and the utilization of tea entered a vast new period. btf

Western Han Dynasty Wang Bao’s “boy about”, which has two references to tea: “chopped fish bag turtle, cooking tea all set”; “Wuyang buy tea, Yang’s tansho”. As early as in the Western Han Dynasty, China’s Sichuan area drinking tea, tea has become increasingly common. Shuangjiang town by the water, as early as 2,000 years ago has been a famous tea market. btf tea net

The history and culture of black tea –

Black tea, is one of the six tea types of post-fermented tea, has a soft and elegant aroma, mellow flavor, soup color red characteristics.

Black tea has a long history, in the Ming Jiajing three years (1524) “Gansu Tongzhi” is recorded, “to commercial tea low pseudo, levy notes black tea. Real estate is limited, still the first for the top two products, printing branding gimlets, book business name and examined. Every ten pounds of steaming a gimlet, transported to the tea division, the official business on the points, the official tea easy horse, commercial tea to sell.


In the past, the black tea is mainly sold to the border areas for the use of ethnic minorities, so it is also known as “border tea”.

As the tea can relieve the discomfort caused by living in the high cold, lack of oxygen, low pressure, with very good health care and medicinal effects, so many Tibetans, Mongolians and Uyghurs people, daily life are inseparable from a variety of black tea pressed tea. dh9tea. com

Since the Tang and Song dynasties, the central government attaches great importance to the “border tea” management, the establishment of specialized tea sales agencies, levy “tea tax”. Until after the liberation, the old tea system was abolished, the black tea production process and sales also flourished.


Nowadays, black tea has rich categories, such as Hunan black tea, Hubei green brick tea, Sichuan Ya’an Tibetan tea, Guangxi Liu Bao tea, Yunnan Pu’er tea and so on, not only by the border minority favorite, but also attracted a lot of ordinary tea lovers. dh9tea. net

Tea history introduction –

The history of tea has a long history in China, about three thousand years ago, our ancestors have begun to make tea and drink tea. The origin of tea is believed to be in Sichuan and Yunnan in the southwest of China. Jin Chang Qu wrote “Huayang Guo Zhi” recorded: “King Wu of Zhou invaded the Zhou Dynasty, actually got the division of Ba Shu, the soil planted five grains, livestock with six animals, mulberry, silkworms, hemp, fish, tea, honey …… are all Tribute to the.” Qing Dynasty scholar Gu Yanwu in the “Day Knowledge Records” in the test: “Since the Qin people to take Shu, began to have tea drinking thing.” Also proved that the earliest tea drinking originated in the southwest. According to the transportation conditions at that time, the place of tea drinking should be the place of tea production. exa tea net

On the “Shennong tasted a hundred herbs” legend, in the “Historical Records”, “Huainanzi”, “Diffractions of Materia Medica”, “Shennong Materia Medica” and other ancient books are recorded. According to the Qin and Han Dynasty people named Shennong made “Shennong Ben Cao Jing” recorded: “Shennong tasted a hundred herbs, encountered seventy-two poisons, and got the ‘Tantui’ and solved it.” This side of the tea in China’s long history. Tea in the history of the “hair of Shennong, heard in Lu Zhougong, rise in Tang and flourish in Song” said. exa tea net

Tea and Chinese literati relationship is inseparable. It can be said that without the records of the Chinese literati, there is no rapid spread of tea; without the records of the Chinese literati, tea will not become part of Chinese culture. Su Dongpo, a great writer in Song Dynasty, also wrote a poem saying: “Never tea is like a beautiful woman”, comparing tea to the beauty of the eyes, which is very original. Zheng Banqiao, one of the “Eight Monsters” of the Qing Dynasty, wrote a large number of couplets about tea in his life, of which “Drawing water from the river to cook new tea, buying all the green mountains as a painting paper” is the most famous. The beauty of the green mountains, tea and water into one, both majestic, but also not lose elegance, unique. exa tea net

Source: Baotou Evening News exa tea net

Kunming’s nine tea drinking tea with nine procedures –


Kunming’s Nine Courses of Tea

There are nine procedures when drinking tea, and it is popular in the Kunming area of Yunnan Province in China, so it is called Kunming Nine-course Tea. This way of drinking tea is complex and full of warmth, usually used to receive guests, so it is also known as welcome tea. The program of these nine courses of tea is:

The first course of tea selection. Nine Courses of Tea mostly use Pu’er tea. By the host family’s juniors will be all kinds of Pu’er tea samples, placed in a small tea tray, for guests to choose. If in a tea house, Dr. Tea will invite guests to observe the shape, color and smell of the tea, tell the characteristics of the tea, increase the guests’ knowledge of tea drinking.

The second way to warm the cup. Use boiling water to rinse and clean the tea set, and also raise the temperature of the tea set, so that the substances in the tea leaves can fully overflow.

The third way to put tea. The guests selected tea leaves into the teapot.

The fourth course of filling water. Use boiling water to pour into the pot, but do not pour the pot full, to leave three or four percent of the space. The most conscientious families often use mountain spring water to boil tea.

The fifth way to steep tea. Cover the lid of the pot, smothered for four or five minutes, so that the substances in the tea can be dissolved in water.

The sixth way even tea. Then the boiling water into the pot, slightly dilute the pot of tea, so that the tea flavor is strong and tasty.

Seventh pouring tea. The pot of tea, in order from left to right into the tea cups.

The eighth tea ceremony. By the host family of the junior hand holding a cup of tea, offering to the guests. In the teahouse, the tea is offered to the guests by the tea doctor in order of age.

Ninth tea tasting. Guests received the cup of tea, to smell the tea, which is not only the appreciation of tea, taste, but also the use of tea aroma to clear the mind, through the hole. Then drink small mouth, in order to carefully taste, enjoy the fun of drinking tea. Tea should not be big mouth “donkey drink”, this not only can not taste the flavor of the famous tea, but also appears to be very uncultivated, and can not enjoy the warmth and comfort of tea.

Drinking tea is one of life’s great elegance “a tool to become famous only for the tea, pleasure to guests full of tea” – Tea Net


Drinking tea is a life a big elegant

Chinese people good tea, Chinese literati especially good tea, and even “would rather have three days without meat, not a day without tea”. “Zither, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine and tea”, tea for the ancient literati life one of the seven elegant things, the tea thing of the elegant can be seen.

“Cooking tea on the flowers, get the qin good friend”, “betting on the book consumption of tea incense”, tea so that the literati, the life of the readers more than a leisurely elegant interest, and the cultural history of China is everywhere between the literati, the readers and the tea of the elegant things, escapades. xv1 Tea

“A tool to become famous only for the tea, pleasure to guests full of tea”, the tea saint Lu Yu, although born and “I do not know who is also”, and “there are Zhong Xuan, Meng Yang’s appearance of ugly, Xiang Ru, Zi Yun’s stuttering,” only because of the The tea ceremony was held at the same time as the tea ceremony. xv1 tea net

“Cold night guests come tea as wine, bamboo stove soup boiling fire red. The moon in front of the window is the same as usual, but the plum blossoms are different.” Cold night guests visit, the Southern Song Dynasty poet Du Lei tea as wine, the two together tea poetry, poetry by tea, tea because of poetry and beauty, “cold night guests tea as wine” thus passed through the ages.

Qing Shen Fu in the “Six Memoirs of a Floating Life” recorded Mrs. Yuniang a small thing: “summer month when the lotus flower first bloomed, the evening contains the dawn release, Yun with a small gauze capsule handful of strips of leaves a little, placed in the heart of the flower, take out in the morning, cooking days of spring water soak, the aroma of the particularly excellent.” The use of summer lotus flowers late containing the habit of opening, so that the tea leaves smoked with the fragrance of the flower dew, cooked out of the tea is how stunning and moving heart? How can the idleness and pleasure of the tea not be envied?

“Qingyun celebrities visit each other, tea boiled waterfalls in the West Peak”, “a cup of spring dew temporarily stay guests, two armpits of wind a few want to immortal”, drinking tea is such a thing that makes people want to become an immortal thing of elegance. “Why not stop at rice and meet at tea”, as Mr. Feng Youlan gave Mr. Jin Yuelin’s couplet, a “tea” word, which contains more than just the blessing of longevity.

A pot of tea, a cup of tea, a thousand feelings, ten thousand warmth, so that life with a fun, but also let our life inadvertently increase the color of a few.

Excerpted from the “Chinese Tea Introductory Atlas”

Tea culture of black tea long history and culture – Tea Net

茶文化之红茶悠久历史文化qCy tea net

Tea culture of black tea long history and culture

China has a long history of drinking tea, tea culture has developed to the present day, tea drinking not only has a deep cultural heritage, but also an important carrier of health. qCy Tea Net

Although there is no uniform method of classification of Chinese tea, but the more scientific is based on the different degree of fermentation in the manufacture of tea leaves in different color classification. qCy Tea Net

Black tea: red soup and red leaves, color and lustre, after brewing, it has the fragrance of flowers or honey, and the taste is mellow and fresh. Black tea is red because it is processed without killing, maintaining the activity of the enzyme, so that the tea leaves are fully oxidized and turn red, for the fully fermented tea. qCy Tea Net

Author: Yu GuantingqCy tea net

Fan Zhongyan “fighting tea song” tea poetry masterpiece appreciation –


Fan Zhongyan (989-1052), the word Xiwen, Suzhou Wu County (now belongs to Jiangsu). In the eighth year of Dazhong Xiangfu (1015), he graduated with a bachelor’s degree. Fan Zhongyan was a senior official of the Longtugu Pavilion, and was also the deputy envoy of the Shaanxi provincial government. The Northern Song Dynasty politicians, military, literati. sar tea net

[Fighting Tea Song] sar tea net

Spring comes from the southeast every year, Jianxi first warm ice micro-opening. sar tea net

The tea of the creek is the best in the world, and Wuyi Immortals planted it from ancient times. sartea .net

Where did the new thunder go last night, and the families laughed and laughed through the clouds. sartea .net

The dewy buds are scattered with a lot of glory, and they are embellished with jade and pearls. sartea .com

The tea leaves were picked up at the end of the day for leisure, and the only thing I dare not do is to be greedy for the essence of the tea. sartea .com

The tea is made in an elegant system, which is square and round. sartea .net

Beiyuan will be offered to the son of heaven, the forest under the male first fight beauty. sar tea net

The tripod grinding clouds outside the first mountain copper, bottle with the river in the water. sartea .net

The golden mill is surrounded by green dust, the purple jade ou heart snow waves rise. sar tea net

The remaining flavor is light and purest, the remaining aroma is thin and orchid dahurica. sartea .com

The first of its kind, Hu can be deceived, ten eyes to see and ten fingers. sar tea net

The victory is like ascending to the immortal unclimbable, the loss is the same as surrendering to the general endless shame. sar tea net

The first time I saw the movie, I was so happy to see the movie. sar tea leaves net

I can clear the turbidity of the crowd, and I can wake up from the drunkenness of a thousand days. sartea .net

Qu Yuan tried to invoke the soul, but Liu Ling was able to hear the thunder.

Lu Tong dares not to sing, Lu Yu must make the scripture.

The Tea Leaf Network

The Tea of the World: The Tea of the World. sartea. net

The price of wine in Chang’an has been reduced by ten million dollars, and the medicine market in Chengdu has no glory.

The best way to enjoy a sip of wine in the fairy mountain is to ride the wind in a cool breeze. sartea .net

The first thing you need to do is to get your hands on some of the most popular products in the world. sartea. net

sartea. com

Fan like to drink tea, a friend Zhang Min sent a tea song, he was pleased to pen, and a poem entitled “and Zhang Min engaged in fighting tea song”, the world known as “fighting tea song”, that is, above this poem. The poem in vivid and graphic language, wrote the origin of Jianxi strange tea crown the world, revealing the cause of the fight tea and fight tea how everyone in the choice of water and tea flavor, tea flavor, tea aroma of the fight beautiful scenarios, also praised the wonderful effects of tea. sar tea net

This “fighting tea song” in history has a very high evaluation, such as “Poetry Lin Guangji” quoted “Arts and crafts” said: “Yu Chuan Zi has “Xie Meng Jianzhi Huicha song”, Fan Xiwen also has “fighting tea song”, these two are good works, can not be better or worse theory.”

Northern Song Dynasty great calligrapher Cai Xiang, love of tea, and wrote a “tea record”, tea research is quite deep. Cai and Fan were close friends. It is said that there are two lines in this poem, the beginning of the Fan is written like this: “gold mill green dust fly, purple jade ou heart green waves.” Cai read very seriously to Fan explained that the tea to white for the best, after brewing to the green and white for the most. And the poem “green” and “Jade” two words meaning duplication, whether the “green” word to “jade” word, the The word “green” was changed to “jade” and the word “cui” to “snow” (one said to change the word to “vegetation”). Fan adopted the views of Cai, this change is extremely consistent with the actual situation of the tea, a legend. sar tea net

Fighting tea, also known as “tea war”, is a term used by the ancients to assess the quality of tea, such as the current competition. Cai Xiang “Tea Records” talk about fighting tea, first fight color, and then fight soup. Song dynasty is a semi-fermented paste cake tea, drinking, need to be crushed into powder, with boiling water point injection, and use bamboo chopsticks to stir and seasoning, tea that floats on a layer of froth to white foam for the win. Huang Tingjian’s poem “Shuangjing Tea Sent to Zizhan” reads, “My house in Jiangnan is set to pick a cloud of fat, and this one is set to fall as snow.” Su Shi’s poem “Huang Luzhi’s Poem for Shuangjing Tea” says: “I don’t dare to pay the servant for this set, but I’ll watch the snow soup produce guillotines.” All of them are about this kind of tea soup white foam. sar tea net

Poetry in the cloud, “the stream side of the strange tea champion of the world, Wuyi Immortal since ancient planted” Wuyi tea, is produced in the Wuyi Mountain (now Fujian Chong’an County, within the territory of the general term of the tea around the area. Plum Blossom Cao Tang Pen Tan”, “Wuyi peaks, are plucked not to take, more tea.” Because of the different tea-producing places, the tea produced also have differences, “catch bamboo shoots on the peak, rhubarb second, mantle pavilion and the second,” but all have a common characteristic, that is, Lu Yu “tea scripture” in the tea tree growth of the optimal environment -” Rotten rocks” between, so collectively known as Wuyi rock tea. Wuyi mountain rocky, can be said to be rocky tea, tea that grows in the cracks in the rock, the main varieties of “Wuyi Narcissus”, “Wuyi strange species”. Wuyi tea has a long history, but later than Beiyuan tea. According to “Min Xiaoji”, before the Song Dynasty, people mentioned the Jianzhou tribute tea, but know that there is Beiyuan tea, do not know that there is Wuyi tea. “To the Yuan Dynasty set up a tea farm in Wuyi, then and Beiyuan and called”. To the Ming Dynasty, the situation has fundamentally changed, “but know that there is Wuyi, do not know that there is Beiyuan carry on”. Since then, Wuyi tea as tribute tea for a long time, and “not shin and marketing in all directions”. This poem was written in Wuyi tea has not yet enjoyed fame before, it can be seen that Fan Zhongyan has a unique vision, is the master of tea. Wuyi tea is the main representative of China’s green tea category, unique harvesting, the requirements of the shape of the fat and uniform, tightly curled, glossy color, the back of the leaf frog-like. The color is green, sand green, dense yellow, the leaf edge of the leaf bottom vermilion or reddish point, the center is light green. The system is divided into sunshine green, drying green, do green, killing green, kneading, re-frying, re-frying, gross fire, fan bumps, spread cool, picking, re-baking, stewing and baking thirteen processes, extremely delicate, so the “return to the field of ZuoJi” has been clouded: “Wuyi baking tea method, the real A world.” Drinking Wuyi famous tea, aroma, flavor, mellow, fresh, smooth and sweet, with a special “rock rhyme”.

The Story of Mengding Yellow

Meng Ding tea since ancient times for the treasures of tea, Bai Juyi poem “qin know wen only strain of water, tea in the old is the Mengshan”, the ballad is also known as “Yangzi River in the water, the top of the tea on the Mengshan”, visible Meng Ding tea name of the sheng.

According to legend, in ancient times, there was a fairy fish in the Qingyi River, and after a thousand years of cultivation, it became a beautiful fairy.

Fairy dressed as a village girl, playing in the Mengshan Mountain, picked up a few tea seeds, where it happened to run into a young man picking flowers, named Wu Li Zhen, the two fell in love at first sight. Fish Fairy took out the tea seeds, presented to Wu Li Zhen, engaged for life, agreed to the next year when the tea seeds sprout, the fish fairy and Li Zhen came to get married. After the fish fairy left, Wu Lizhen planted the tea seeds on the top of Mengshan Mountain.


The next spring, the tea seeds sprouted, the fish fairy appeared, and after the two married, they loved each other and worked together to cultivate tea seedlings. The fish fairy took off the shoulder of the white veil thrown into the air, suddenly the white mist filled, covered the top of Mengshan, moisturizing the tea seedlings, tea trees grow more and more prosperous.

Fish fairy gave birth to a son and a daughter, every year picking tea tea, life is also beautiful. But the good times did not last long, the fish fairy stole away from the crystal palace, private and mortal marriage, was found by the river god. The river god ordered the fish fairy to return to the palace immediately. The river god ordered the fish fairy to go back to the palace immediately.

Before leaving, asked his children to help his father to cultivate a good mountain of tea trees, and the piece of white veil that can change the clouds into fog to stay, so that it will always cover the Mengshan, nourishing tea trees. Wu Lizhen planted tea all his life, lived to eighty, due to miss the fish fairy, and finally put into the ancient well and died.

Therefore, there is that year-round hazy rain and mist on Mengshan, a vast cloud, fertile soil, superior environment for the growth of Mengding Huangya created extremely suitable conditions.